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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. The most creepiest bipedal horse head nebula in the galaxy
  2. I think they were just part of the background. What probably did happened Starlight took few vacation days just to spend more time with Trixie.
  3. Sorry, I wasn't planning to post anything forbidden in this forum.
  4. I remember they said Equestria Girls are going to continue going as it was, only ponies get a reboot. I don't know if someday they re going to graduate from high school or not
  5. Took me awhile to realize what video I am watching

    Twinkle Sprinkle: What the hey?

    1. Libra


      >guardians of the galaxy reference


    2. The_Gobo


      Too fun XD


    3. Libra


      Oh, no i was an idiot.

      Hitckhikers guide to the galaxy

  6. I use fork for almost everything that is unless I am eating soup, then I feel like I have to use the spoon
  7. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Let's all win together.
  8. I like the idea it's just still going to be continuation of G4. For it to be G5 they really need to pony up something different.
  9. A bit difficult question to answer, I think Rainbow and Fluttershy were childhood friends with each other, Applejack and Rarity were probably separate from the group. Pinkie Pie would probably be separate as well. Like in the Sombra timeline all of them would probably go their own separate ways without a single pony to connect them with each other.
  10. RDDash

    animation The last Anime you watched?

    Golden Kamuy, the anime is too good to just leave after 12 episodes
  11. Pinkie Pie: The world is ending, the world is ending! Twilight: Pinkie Pie don't be ridiculous, the world is not ending. Pinkie Pie: Yeah it is, and I even know when it's happen. The world is ending.
  12. Quite a while ago I tried to figure out what the friendship actually was.
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