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Everything posted by EpicEnergy

  1. yes To be more specific, all the games. Every space would have an arcade game, you can barely even walk through the place there would be so many. And if there's room even though every unique arcade game has already been added, I will add duplicates for each one. Yes, I would likely go broke, but it would be worth it. I would be happy for awhile, and happiness is good. Until I see the bill, I would be happy.
  2. Existing in another dimension, it's called Phantasy Star Online. I might travel to another one after that called Fortnite, I'm not sure if anyone here has been there but Peter Griffin visited it awhile ago, he kinda liked it to be honest. You might see him there every once in awhile.
  3. Tartarus, capital city of Hell. Oh wait I'm getting the afterlife confused with the current life. Also I would say the city I live near but I try not to give out information like that on a public forum as a safety precaution. I don't want my next visitor at my house to be a troll from the depths of Twitter itself lol.
  4. When my wifi dies, I be like *********************************************************************** until it comes back on! Ye, I swear alot when I'm angry but only when no one is around. So I don't swear in front of anyone, but I do swear when I'm alone lol.
  5. I never invest in anything because I don't have anything to use for it lol. Or in less confusing words, I'm always broke so I can't invest in stocks.
  6. I don't usually swear in front of others, but there's this thing that my relatives up north said sometimes. Instead of saying the phrase that contains this swear word itself, they said "shut the front door." Think about that some, what phrase has a swear word in it, starts with "shut", ends with "up", and has 4 words in total in it? You get a cookie if you solve the puzzle. Also disclaimer, I never say that swear word in front of anyone because I don't like to swear when talking to others. I also never say either versions of that phrase. And note that my relatives up north live in the city, so they swear alot more than I'm used to lol. EDIT: I didn't swear, but it's kinda close because that's the point of this thread? This thread isn't breaking the rules but it sure is bending them lol, staff may need to keep a close eye on it!
  7. Not sure when I started getting attracted, but let's just say that I never really wanted to get a girlfriend until after college, like 19 or 20 years old. Yeah after that age I wanted a girlfriend. Still would like one right now even, but I'm not actively searching because I have much bigger issues like depression and anxiety. So yeah, I'm not normal in that I have been single my whole life and never had a girlfriend. Sounds sad but I'm ok with being single for awhile, I need to make friends irl anyways before I start a relationship irl. So I guess when a guy starts getting attracted to girls depending on various things, and I'm not sure what the average age is when that starts to happen because I have little experience in that area.
  8. Hmm I'm curious about who this George is you speak of, I know not of such a person. I do know Sir Hugs though!
  9. Awesome! I don't mind if I win or not lol, I will let the wheel decide who is the chosen one! I cannot disagree with the wheel's decision of who is the chosen one, for it would be heresy and against the canon of rng. So what determines the value? Like basically don't ask for maximum shading, highly detailed background, OC with 5+ accessories, and png image with 8k resolution? Cause that sounds very expensive, I don't even know if it's possible to do that in some digital art programs, like it would just cause some of those programs to crash if attempted lol. I will hold you to it, the suspense is massive! If you post later than 5pm est I will ask @Planeswalker Silky to ban you for a day!
  10. Hi everyone, I am reviving my dead Discord server so if you want to join a dead server and help revive it, here is the link! :PIPPIPHURRAY:

    Please note that there will only be two channels you have access to there until I give you member permissions on that server, which will be given once I verify that you are indeed a pony and not a bot or troll!

    So here it is! :mlp_icwudt:


    Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any lost sanity on this chaotic server, join at your own risk. :mustache:

    EDIT: I renovated it, basically removing everything in it and all users because it was like active for a week or so then it died lol. So it's like a new server except it was created years ago and never had much activity to begin with!

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I dub thee the new Glados. The cookies were a lie. :wacko:

    2. EpicEnergy


      @Samurai Equine here's cookies.... happy New Year's! And the cookies aren't a lie, the cake could be but the cookies are never a lie! :ithastolookpretty:


    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      Title revoked! :pinkie: (Noms) Thank you, my friend. :D


  11. I have a wallet, and it's in pain! Cause it's empty and everytime I give it stuff, it consumes it like a black hole! Not really I'm just using figurative language lol, basically saying that I don't have money in my wallet cause I'm broke. So yeah, I can't afford a VR either, not that I want one but I couldn't get it if I wanted to. I would rather buy a PS5, then Baldur's Gate 3, then FFXIV subscription, etc. yeah lots of stuff I want more than VR.
  12. Yo where's da Country Bob's Sauce?! I need it! It awesome, I love barbeque sauce and Country Bob's Sauce is.... well it's one of my favorite sauce, but I'm not sure if it's barbeque sauce? It's for steaks and chicken and all sorts of stuff, so I guess so but I'm not sure.
  13. Video games! I love fantasy stuff, cause it's not reality! I hate reality. Reality = pain and pain sucks.
  14. So this hasn't been locked even though ponies have been responding to it the past week? I guess it's not too political but it has the potential still... Either way I will give my political association! I'm currently apolitical. I have enough stress from life as it is, I don't need more stress from political stuff.
  15. Chaos, I wear it every day with pride! Not really, I just put on whatever is comfortable, and looks and smells decent, but wouldn't it be chaotic to wear chaos!?!
  16. Chocolate fudge! It cool and tastes like chocolate fudge!
  17. Nature, several types of fantasy, some video games, to name a few.
  18. @Samurai Equine I have idea... This user didn't tag you and tell you to do something silly, so you must punish him by giving him chocolate milk!!! The ultimate punishment, even bigger than banning Epic! Wait... I can tag Samurai twice in this thread in a 24-hour period, right? Or does this count as Samurai token farming?
  19. @Samurai Equine hug Nyx while she is doing the Friday shuffle and be sure to ban me for a day on your way back home! Also yes I'm up at 4:00am and yes I was just checking the forums before I go to bed and saw this post. I had to click it!
  20. Electricity probably, it's cool! Darkness would be second!
  21. I was like when I realized what you talking about. I hardly ever touched right shift and I'm right-handed! Like it's probably of the most unused keys on my keyboard. Now that I think of it why are there two shift, control (ctrl), function (fn), and alternate (alt) keys on keyboards? I need a super tech pony to help solve this enigma....
  22. Choco syrup best choco!! And choco milk! All the chocolate! Chocolate is best chocolate...
  23. Wait you are implying it's not normal to love dry cereal?! Who doesn't love eating dry cereal!!! jk jk I'm not sure how many like it but dry cereal tastes good to me, I used to eat frosted wheats dry all the time lol
  24. Ok I am late with delivering cookies for New Year's, but have no fear! For I will make up for it by giving every user 2 cookies instead of one! I just need some time cause I keep getting distracted lol.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I return for cookies once more. :wacko:

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