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Everything posted by EpicEnergy

  1. I'm a sneaky lurker with medium sneakiness... I hide in the shadows and when the perfect opportunity presents itself to strike... I SUDDENLY POST A TON! And then I go back to the shadows as if nothing happened, leaving every member on that forums contemplating the meaning of life itself. The mods are like "what in the forums was that?" and that's when they see my message - Also....
  2. I used to get like 10 or so, but now I get 6-8 hours. Like that's really good still compared to what some people get, but I would like to keep the amount of sleep I get at around 8 hours so I don't feel tired and don't oversleep. EDIT: also I wake up sometimes during the night so the amount of sleep I get varies, but usually 7 hours of sleep on average.
  3. Birthdays are awesome! Also I like positive things because this world and life can be very hard sometimes, like I know as I've gotten older my birthday doesn't mean much to me, but there are many depressing things out there, so celebrate while you can cause many storms in life are brutal.
  4. It depends, I haven't done much the past two weeks but I did some last month.
  5. I NEVER USE CAPS LOCK wait my bad caps lock was on let me turn that off (just joking I use it often)
  6. Something that will fill me up and tastes good. It's late at night though so I can't eat too much.
  7. Nah I just post and if it makes a new page with me at the top... I'm just like
  8. 3 hours I think lol, yeah I usually eat at least 1 hour after I get up but sometimes later.
  9. Nope and I don't plan to, cause I don't drink and I don't do...dirty stuff. Even if it was a decent club that had neither of those, I still wouldn't do it cause it doesn't sound like something I would like.
  10. Do you know what happens to your body when you are literally starving? I've heard some things about it and it sounds really terrible. Drowning is really terrible too but it doesn't happen over several days, it happens in minutes.
  11. Yeah I was weird! Well now that I think of it I still am lol.
  12. I follow just about every topic I post in cause it's automatic, and yeah my own topics I automatically follow as well lol.
  13. I find that not trying to force myself to sleep is a good way of getting to sleep, cause when you try to fall asleep it makes it harder. So I just don't think about, like I don't try to make myself be awake but I don't try to fall asleep either, I just lay in bed and think of stuff. I don't think about trying to sleep fast and I don't think about stressful stuff or stuff that might wake me up.
  14. I hope tomorrow is a good day! I'm sure it will be but some days are not good so I hope tomorrow isn't one of them.
  15. When you start ignoring reality. And I don't mean reality as in "all the bad stuff" like no, I'm talking about the good and bad. Being unable to tell if something is actually bad or ignoring it because you are being too positive can be dangerous. It's the same way with negativity, like you ignore the positive stuff so all you see is negative, that leads to problems. You just need a balance, which is hard to do but try to at least look at both the positive and negative. There will be times where you are more negative than positive and such, but only having one is what can lead to bad problems.
  16. I used to, but right now I don't even have one. I have family but as for friends, I have none. Unless you count online friends as real friends then sure, I have some.
  17. I used to be, and I still am kinda afraid sometimes like if it's very bad. Like they can be really destructive and dangerous sometimes.
  18. Well I now have over 250 pages of followed topics and there's like 25 or so per page, so do the math and that will be fairly close to how many topics I am currently following lol. Don't worry I don't have notifications enabled for most of them so I don't get a ton of random stuff popping up in my notifications tab, I'm just too lazy to turn off automatically following every topic I post in and honestly it's kinda cool that I can see how many and what topics I've posted in.
  19. I mean when you reach a certain age if you feel like you are too old for getting free candy then just give out free candy. It's that simple, like you don't have to stop celebrating it, you don't even have to stop dressing up in a costume. You can just switch roles. Also look at it this way - you once had to say trick or treat, but now you are the one who decides if it should be trick or treat... embrace the darkness!
  20. The same thing as today - shorts and t-shirt.
  21. I know the difference but sometimes I get it wrong cause I am in a rush or not thinking about it too much. But yeah "you're" is an abbreviation of "you are" so I just think when looking over it "would saying 'you are' fit into this sentence? And if not then I probably have used the wrong version of it.
  22. The dentist is alright, like I'd rather have pain getting my teeth cleaned than pain with a cavity.
  23. Donut flavored ice cream, and bonus if it has chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and sprinkles on it.
  24. Mountain Dew, and I love many flavors of that soda. Like the cherry flavor, that's very tasty as well. Wait it's coming back? I love it but don't have it much cause energy drinks aren't good for me, but I might buy it every once in awhile if it's coming back.
  25. Not really, I don't have the money for it lol
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