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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Nouth

  1. Spike vs. Shining Armor (The Crystal empire )
  2. Ah. What a great feeling when you leave school after 10 classes in a row and find out that you'll have to wait another 15 minutes for your bus home, and happen to have a headhones and a phone full of The Beatles on you :D

  3. I don't even know you... the door's over there, or you may rest on the carpet. You may have a pillow if you want.
  4. Despite me liking medieval periods quite a lot, I would not exchange this period for anything. Even though there are numerous problems, both economical and political (or both in one. cough*eu*cough) we're also living in a great age The IT technologies are developing faster than ever before, we have the Internet, you can acces most of information extremely quickly, my country is no longer part of the socialistic block... And, of course, there are Bronies ;3
  5. You can have a hug, now would you please leave so I can return to my fantasies ?
  6. My Facebook just suggested that I might like Fluttershy. How the hell does it know ? I am very strict not to like / share anything pony releated on it o.O

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. That Guy

      That Guy

      the only solution is that facebook is GOD

    3. Count Paradox
    4. Nouth


      If GOD means Grossly overpowered device, then I aggree.

  7. I kept wondering which pony to choose to fit Czech Republic the most according to it's history... although it's not mane 6, I'd pick Pwincess Woona, many things happened in history involving us without us being actually present (Munich agreement). For the Mane six, I mostly agree with the op, but I'm unsure of Dashia.
  8. Yup, I really dislike that Had to split my nickname into two parts to bypass this stupidity. However, I was quite pleased when I set a stalker contest with a fellow pegasis a few weeks ago - we both tried to figure each other's name based on things we know about the other person (nickname, interests etc.). The good thing is that we both had to supply a really large ammount of additional info (e.g. to which school each of us goes) until we were able to reach the actual names.
  9. :3 Both the music and the art are wonderfully relaxing here to me. Also sometimes summed up to ,,Mostly Harmless". Even though I'm joking about it, it's a great description... Gives a deeper feel (the one you posted xD).
  10. Umh... Nope. I don't enjoy gory stuff in general, and ponies slaughtering each other is a bit too strong for me xD Maybe I'm just too soft, but I know it's not for me, so I avoid it like the plague (© Chaotic Dischord).
  11. There's one thing you just can't dislike about making larp leather orc accestories : When you drop a hot solder on it, jumble the thread, use a low quality leather or in any other way screw it up, it's better than if you made it properly xD

  12. Meh. From what I know, the Mayas believed that the time continues in certain cycles, each of them leading to certain improvement of the humankind. I've read somewhere that they predicted a great improvement in ways to store knowledge towards the end of the cycle that ends on 21st (internet anyone ?). Who knows. They may be right and something may change. I hope that the humankind will improve a bit, but they may be wrong of course Or, the stone carver just said to himself one day : All the gods I believe in damnit, why the jungle do I keep wasting my life with carving this calendar ? We already have enough calendar for hundreads of years. When we come to year 2000, somebody will find out there is not much calendar left and carve next few hundread years. I might as well end this nonsense now and go get a life!
  13. Once again, you show us all that MSpaint may not be used just for crimes against humanity when in hooves of a great artist like you The pic... It's just great. The expression, the way the sparkles in air make me see motion in her as if she was dancing in mid-air...
  14. Let's see... I'd be an extremely extroverted person, believing that everything can be solved with fire, sword and aggression. I'd be arguing with and fighting people over any tiny thingy I would consider wrong, and after the fight is over, I'd feel like the most awesome person in the world and walk away without thinking about how does the other person feel now. I would be intolernat as fuck, this fact multypling the ammount of fights and disabling bronyism. I'd be self confident, and would not get upset by anything wrong people say about me - after all, it would be ME, not them who is omniknowing and god-like in everything. I would love being the cool person in the middle of crowd admiring me. I would only believe in scientific proofs and would consider all religious people complete nuts worth being tortuned to death. I would be either totally straight or totally gay, and could not stand people of different orientation I would consider reading a total loss of time and the list goes on o.O Now, this is a bit creepy. Does anypony here know where could I get an anti-dischord amulet so I could protect myself from this horribility ? xD
  15. Last time I was really sick (that meaning, I had to stay in bed 'n stuff) I surfed youtube and discovered ponies Wow, now when I think about it, on 24th December it will be exactly six months from the day I found them xD Ahh, nostalgia... Back to your matter though : Pretty much this. If you have anything good to read / anything people keep telling you you should read, take the opportunity Or, watch ponies... There's a load of fan stuff out there. And if you need to kill a bit more time, you might want to check out Friendship is Witchcraft (little bit cruel in words here and there, but still really good )
  16. An IT lesson well spent. I found this little gem :

    Original instructables tutorial here : http://www.instructables.com/id/Pumpktris-The-Tetris-Pumpkin/
  17. Does anypony here recognise this guy ? http://kz.experiencepg.com/files/images/global-images/brand_logos/mr_proper.jpg
  18. ATTTENTION TF2 players :

  19. You recieve a puppy. I insert love.
  20. On necklace to rule them all, one necklace to find them...

  21. You recieve a headache delivered on the poin of an angry scotsman's sword. The scotsman then retrieves the bagpipe from inside the vending machine and leaves forever. I insert a vending machine.
  22. It looks pretty awesome man Neither I did realise that her wings are missing - I'm not sure about how would she look with her wings... I guess you'll have to figure it out yourself. Also, I was a little bit surprised to see Dash using safety belts xD
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