Mine has "evolved" like so many. This begins about 2006, when I was just 8.
2006-present: Giggly5 (My Neopets username. It was meant to be Jiggly5, but this was the result, and this was my first username.)
2008-present: racefan10 (IGN, back when EA was still making NASCAR games, I would annoy people that came there, which was only like two or three users)
2010-mid 2011: 11hamlin11 (Eutechnyx, who now makes NASCAR games.)
mid 2011-early 2012: 27capps27 (Changed at Eutechnyx)
early 2012-present: MrXweetok (I was starting to feel unsafe because people can track you and all they needed was my age and I was found. Xweetok is a Neopet which I have always liked.)
early 2011-present: redsox111820 (OS, also my PSN ID and Gamertag)