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Everything posted by Planty

  1. Due to the streisand effect this is just going to make things worse and worse! Your never going to stop it, they just need to give up and forget about it or it will just get worse!
  2. I think giving all the ponies alicorn power would be really weird :x They would start to loose there uniqueness! But maybe they will use it to destroy an omicron like figure !
  3. Even the song he did was really really really good I'm not sure I'll ever get bored of him at this point! Even as more of a friend hes is still awesome!
  4. MLPlounge is very similar to here but a little bit more adult (I think the age of reddit is a bit older then here). But very friendly . There are over 40 mlp subreddits lol!
  5. Yeah! Ponyverse owns a server ! I have to admit, I have to be playing modpacks nowdays tho or i get bored!
  6. brohoof for mean girls But I do agree with what you said! People are very quick to dislike, people hate anything that rocks the boat as it where, it's sad to be honest!
  7. I feel that sometimes this season it is a bit odd, she seems to hold back some of her powers and rarely fly's (but I can understand why, its hard to remember you have wings when your not used to it). But in a way I like it! Today's episode was really well done, and let her be more powerful because she had Cadence as a yardstick and not some of her normal friends. So far they have handled it really well!
  8. Less importantly PC? For a toxic community yes, but PC will effectively drive the games development and the competitive scene is there ever is one! If u can get it on PC why get it on xbox? #pcmasterrace Anyways, yeah looking forward to it. If they make it right it should make bad people rage. If you can't deal with being killed in an dps then you shouldn't be playing it. Looking forward to placing it tho, will be making a team after a short time if it turns out to be good
  9. I think it's more that I like the fact it doesn't have any relasionship episodes or themes. We will see how it's done I guess!
  10. Thanks! Although I realise I may have ruined it for others now :s! It's things like this that make the episodes worth re watching over and over !
  11. I think it's fits very well with the character though. A lot of people are like this, on the surface nice and yet if your not part of them getting to the best place or "the winners circle" they just drop you. I know people when I was young I used to wanted to play with the best footballers and not the rubbish ones, I wanted to win. It suits her character, and I don't feel like it's even 180. It also let Rainbow teach her something. It also allowed the writers to address something important. Friendship before winning/perceived personal gain (something which in today's society I feel is lost). Althought it wasn't the best episode of the series so far, it's definatly a great episode and I feel more that it's from spitfire not fitting in with head cannon then anything else. It also reminds me of the whole, don't meet your heroes because they might not be as amazing and flawless as you first thought, thing!
  12. Make sure you get mario cart no matter what! Mario kart is one of the most fun games there is! Mario and the sonic at the olympic games is also great fun and easy to learn, they give you a lot of tutorials!
  13. I'm not sure if he's trolling or not; in any case Gender for me is defined as biological. Everything after that is what society has told you to like. The issue with sexism is that we are not the same and never can be. While I agree that there should be equal rights "ie equal pay" on some level there is always going to be "differences" or "discrimination" because we are not the same. I think one of the more interesting topics is female vs male drivers. Is it right that females get made to pay the same as men even when it's been proven that they have less accidents and deserve lower insurance premiums? On the same level, why should anyone insurance be different? Why should anyone's pay be different? Are we not all equal in this society but just have different roles?
  14. Can I just add, that this was the episode that I first noticed discord hiding in one of the ponyvile houses in the intro! I also didn't expect derpy, was a great surprise.
  15. Idd we had enough of that in season 3. I dont see the it happeneing in season 4, its had a much different tone to 3 . I find fluffle funny but not for the show tbh.
  16. Planty

    movies/tv Pacific Rim

    I did a review on it when it came out! Yeah it is awesome! It has a lot more substance to it then some of the other films like it, and I actually like and care about the characters a but more. I agree with people, it almost felt realistic, I can imagine having massive robots defending the earth in the future! Btw the producer is now making a Godzilla remake, which it's anywhere near as good as this I will be awesome!
  17. I REEEEEEALY want to buy the cards, but I live in the UK and they don't sell them anywhere! I have no idea how much it would cost to ship, but toy wizz reckoned $20-30 ontop of the $11 for the cards :/
  18. I loved emerald but I have to say, X (or y). Very refreshing with the way it's looks and is designed and also the new pokemon are cool. Gym design is ridiculous and the way that they give you the xp share early lets you play with loads of different pokemon and actually use a team! I feel like they tweaked and perfected a lot of things in x
  19. So I have come back to UNI and I have 5 exams in 7 days. I love my course and all the modules I'm doing, but simply am finding it so difficult to cram as much knowledge into my brain as much as I would like to! I have also been getting stressed really easily (and feel that my heart sometimes races for a few minuets) and have started to get panic attacks when I think about how much I need to do! But over the last few days, I've realised, no matter what happens in UNI over the next year, my life will not be over and I will always be able to make a way for myself somewhere. Sadly I stopped enjoying life (yes THE Happy Plant was unhappy ), and almost forgot how amazing it really is. Even when times are hard and the going is rough, I never want to come to the point where I forget how amazing life is, even the little things, and how wonderful the people are who are around me! It reminds me of the last scene in monster university. (I won't spoil it but it's my fav 30 seconds of cinema ever )! I'm finding little time to post on the forum, and sadly not been able to keep reviewing films I've seen! Hopefully I will be able to get back into that. I also want to do a S4 mini review, my thoughts so far, but I know there are so many of those I don't want to saturate the blog's section! I'll leave you with this amazing cadence : Remember guy's, live life to the full! Thanks for reading, Happy Plant
  20. very nice this is similar to mine, does your motherboard support automatic overclocking? and yeah this will run most games on high settings fine should last 3-4 years at least before it can run stuff well anymore
  21. Follow this advice and you won't really go wrong! Although I have not bogged in a while now, I found that the more I did the the more views I get! I also did things like film reviews and controversial topics and music I liked. Make it interesting and not a wall of text and think of a great title as well = epic winning!
  22. When i became a brony, way back 2years ago, people where jokeing and saying 6 seasons and a film, I never thought that we would get so close to this! I thought the show might be going stale with s3 but s4 has been some of the best!! Let the good times continue!
  23. S4 E6 best episode ever! <3 flutter bat

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