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Everything posted by Planty

  1. She might be a background character, but in terms of turningnup as an actuall character and having a main role i don't think so. Im not to sure how she would fit into a story, and they have so many other awesome characters that need an episode i just dont see it happening
  2. While this is true, there is still a very real sense on innocence ans alrhough they maybe use a big of girl charm, they never over do If thy start to ship it tajes away the realism and the innocense of the show for me
  3. A lion and a Dolphin, A lion because then we can hunt and eat anything and it can protect me, and a Dolphin because then it can swim and go underwater!
  4. This would be the worst possible thing that could happen and If it did could easily break the fandom in 2 as a lot of people don't like shipping at all (me included) and if it was made a thing in the show I would be very very disappointed.
  5. So this will be short But for me this place is kind of my online home. I have spent years on other forums and never found one as nice as this ! I have tried over and over to blog, but its only ever worked for me on this site! I guess its the whole MLP thing, its just awesome! You guys are like my online family in a sense
  6. @@QuirkyUsername, I think there is less derpy now then ever, but like you say if she appears just once more then she will go right back to the top. I miss rewatching the episodes over and over to try and see her It was really good fun! I think that they are also adding some new background characters so characters like Lyra (although present) will be eclipsed a bit as people come up with things for the new characters! + S4 wait drought, and beating a dead horse with a stick.
  7. @,Wish I had read this earlier, I got 6 hearts ><! Took me hours lol, what a waste of time in the end . I guess its ok though, got a cool looking pokemon
  8. @@Zygen,haha nice I finished the game days ago, but I went back yesterday and caught 6 eevee's . going to make a team eevee to battle with (trying to get sylveon, how long did it take you? its taking forever and she seems to hate all the cakes :c)
  9. @@Zygen, Seems to be the place to get them! I have not seen one yet. Thought to be honest, I saw loads and caught a pickachu where as a lot of people never saw one despite being in the same area. @@KandeeFlaus, The funny thing is, I have done no EV training and not really selected pokemon for any reason what so ever and seem to be able to beat friends who have done a fair amount of EV training :x Now I've completed the game I think ill make a decent team, though I have no idea what pokemon to take as when I play, I jsut take the coolest looking pokemon haha
  10. So after deciding not to pick up Pokemon X/Y on firday, I ended up buying it first thing satarday morning. I have just finished my first play through of pokemon X (took me 16h33m) and have decided to do a quick review with minimal spoilers for those of you who don't know if to buy it or not . The Looks: Firstly, let me just say the game looks great most of the time. The new 3d esc view rather then the top down view of the world really works, and also lets them pull some flashy tricks at times. Initially I really hated the Idea of changing the way the world was viewed, but after playing through, I wouldn't change it at all. It maybe needs refining in one or 2 areas, and the camera can be a little bit disorientating at times, but overall its a 100% improvement on previous games. (for the record I played the whole game in 2d). Battle animations have also been redone and look very cool for the most part, though I turned them off after about an hour and only say them in on-line battles). Game play: So here we are, overall its the same however they added a few things: XP share is gotten very early on, and honestly I don't really have a complaint for it. I have never had such a well rounded group of pokemon level wise in a game before and I love the fact they give it you, as I used all my pokemon over and over because they where all around the same level allowing me to type match better and have more fun in battles rather then spamming the same attack over and over. The problem is, SPOILER they give you full 6 pokemon set for free. So yeah, you never need to catch a pokemon, and the game almost punishes you if you do, as you have to choose between them later down the line. Mega evolutions where the big thing in this game. SPOILER: You get them fairly early on around the time when your pokem0n are level 30. The way they are designed are nice, only one pokemon can use it in one battle and you need that pokemon to be holding a stone, which are hard to find (endgame much). However, the pokemon you initially get is OP, and then I used charazard the entire way, without him getting beat by anything until past gym 7 and 1 shotting most things completely. Don't let this take anything away, there awesome and I will have a lot of fun trying to find them all ! SPOILER: I also want to say, i got pokemon X and the legendary fair type feels soooo OP. The Story: Without giving, it's amazing!!! Best I have seen in a pokemon game and at one point it was all about then feels. Mega evolution fits in great as well. Not telling any more, if you like me and play a games for the story then BUY IT AND PLAY IT!!!!!!! Overall: Very fun game, most fun I have had in ages and first time in years I have played a game for more then 10 hours straight, if you like pokemon at all (even when you where younger) pick it up. While its not to challenging, the story is great and the overall game is really enjoyable! 9/10!!! - A DS game I recommend (only game I have completed on DS ) PS. Gym design ROCKS, loving Gym 7 SOOOOOOO much !
  11. woop woop pokemon!!!!!!!

  12. It must be clear from people who say me post often a month ago, that I have so much less time at the moment then what I used to have to browse the forums. At one point I was posting many times a day effortlessly and spending many hours enjoying reading all of your topics, but nowadays I seem to have barely any time at all! Lets face it; I'm struggling with both time management and just a massive lack of time for everything. Currently I am trying to juggle: 1. My course 2. My church/reading my bible 3. Societies 4. Catching up with friends 5. Playing games like Pokemon and Dota 6. House Work/cooking and I just don't currently have the time management skills to be able to do it. But there is a pony I know that does, Twilight Sparkle. So how would she do it? Make Lists! The thing that Twilight does more, and quite possibly better then everyone, is make lists! It's defiantly something that I have started to try out more and more, in fact I even have 3 notebooks purely for different types of lists! Without lists I have a feeling Twilight would struggle . Time Table! Second to her list making is here ability to make time tables. Multiple times we see her with her diary, time tabling in everything about her life! I mean, she never ever doesn't have time to do anything and manages to fit everything in. We see this especially in lesson Zero where she even seems to be able to make other people around her conform to her time table. Having a detailed diary is defiantly a good way to achieve this and I will defiantly be taking a leaf out of Twilight book and buying a diary and finning it in! She maybe over does time tabling to an extent, but can you blame her? Go to the Library! (so I wrote it out and them my pc crashed and deleted this paragraph, writing it again sucks) Twilight sparkle lives in a library. So surely there must be a reason for this? So 2 days ago, I actually decided to takes a leaf out of Twilight Sparkles book, and went to a library. Now I have not been to a library ever in my life, and I really had to force myself to go. Once I was in there though, I was amazed at how the atmosphere allowed me to work for almost 3 hours straight (sadly my laptop died as I forgot the cable), and I got so much done I couldn't believe it! The fact that I was surrounded by books also made me feel funny... like I wanted to read them..... Read Books! This seem's to be the one thing that Twilight loves doing the most, and I can see why. She know's so much about everything that she knows what's going to happen in a situation before she has even experienced it. I have to admit, if I read more then many aspects of my course would be a lot easier (maybe if I read a book on time management I would even be able to manage my time better to read more ! If Twilight found a book on making schedules then I'm sure there is one for this). I always want to do more reading, I mean even Rainbow Dash does reading! So Thank you for reading, I hope you have learned a little bit, or at least thought about time management. But overall, if all you took out of it was Twilight Sparkle is awesome, then that's OK to !
  13. I have never cried, but the time I felt most emotional was the time I first beat StarFox 64 and found/ was rescued by fox's dad. That whole part was so emotional, 1 because I had played so much to beat that level and 2 FOX's DAD!"!!!!!
  14. yep A lot of ponies seem to have missed this fact altogether and criticise the writers for it, but I'm fairly certain that if she broke the state that the portal would not work (just like smashing the mirror).
  15. Latest Ipad <3 love it to bits ! The nexus tablets I hear of quite good (I think thats the right thing). Maybe go with one running windows and not android as its easier to sue and you can do more
  16. When I first started watching the show for about the first 5 episodes I was. But then after a while It just made me more secure in who I was, and I learned that whatever others think it doesn't actually matter it is all about what one person thinks of me . I also think that parts in the first 5 episodes are so horrible and ridiculously girly cringy that I feel like they can be a hard place to start if you are not going into the show with a very open mind .
  17. Yeah ! I'm kind of a weird one because I love my PC and computer games but at the same time I am totally football mad and also love to watch most sports and play sport whenever I can ! I currently play squash, and hopefully will get on my Christian unions football team which is having a training/try out session today!
  18. Some of the changes they have made recently to subscribers page and trying to find there most recent videos is very annoying and makes it much more clunky to find what you want (in general) despite being more aesthetically pleasing. However I have never had a problem with watching videos and youtube rarely throws wobblies now that I have good internet. They will always be trying to make stuff better , and changes will happen that people don't like but overall I don't think its really getting any worse.
  19. Hahaha so funny And well timed as pokemon is coming out so soon ! yeah they take the mick out of everything , I feel like some people need to not get so hurt over something like this! You should be able to look at yourself and have a good laugh otherwise your just going to get hurt in the long run
  20. They are the best student food around :x! I also recently discovered that you can buy them in boxes of 30 for £13 off of amazon which also makes then cheap ! A side from using them as a snacky food, you can also use them as a base for a lot of dishes as well and add loads to them which allows me to be a bit more adventurous in my cooking :x
  21. PAAAARTAAAAY!!!! Hot sauce all round ! I can;t beleive it's already 2 years old ! In fact I am shocked that it's been 1.5 years since I found this amazing and awesome place ! Awesome Feld0 and everyone involved and every member for making this the most awesomist place on the internet!
  22. I can't say wednesday at all I literally say it wed nes day. I have no idea why, maybe because I can't spell it as well which doesn't help ><!
  23. @@CrioArathamis, It's why I came here Welcome to the forums, Jelly Raindust! NOW WHERE IS THIS JELLY THAT THE TOPIC TITLE PROMISED!
  24. I'm thinking the most reliable mane 6 would be Twilight, However I would definitely pick the cakes too look after my kids They already know what thee doing and seem to have it down already ! It's also an excuse to to buy some cake while im there I love cake!
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