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Everything posted by ParsoOfEquestria

  1. only problem I see is the mouth is more pointy than round, other than that, good job, you got the eyes and the nose so perfectly
  2. so I got pulled over by a cop, i could see his undershirt and who else but pinkie pie was on it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marshmallow


      did he give you a ticket?

    3. Wubsie
    4. ParsoOfEquestria


      random breath test, I wasn't drinking so no ticket. I was thinking about brohoofing the cop, then i thought better not

  3. this is an idea for a fanfic i might write, if i get the support. Im basing it after SS3:BFE Sam 'Serious' Stone, the only one capable of using the Time Lock, tried to use it to find a way to stop Mental's invasion. upon entering the Time Lock, Sam finds himself not back in time, but in a world inhabited with ponies. little did he know, Mental could also use the Time Lock and started spawning all across Equestria. Sam, along with the Mane 6 with the elements of harmony, must fight Mental's forces to save Equestria tell me what you think, this is only an idea that occurred only last night
  4. I didn't say you currently rushed it, I said just try not to rush it. who knows, it might come out even better than you first thought
  5. oh, well, in that case i would have no trouble at all reading it, though piece of advice, don't rush it, its better to take your time and do right rather than rush it and ruin your story
  6. this looks like it could bring a tear to my eye, the image sure as hay did. I wouldn't say I don't like sad stories, I'm just not a big fan of them. last sad story I read, I was thinking about it all week and every time I thought about it made me shed tears. don't take my word for it though, a lot of people might enjoy it. I'm not saying I wont, I wouldn't mind reading it, I just have to brace myself for sadness
  7. I suppose you'd be looking for voice talent that can talk with an american accent, coz i only have one accent and thats Australian
  8. POSTAL 2 a game that has been BANNED in 8 American states, Australia, Germany the game contains a lot of violence and dark humour, i personally love this game it is the best. It can help reduce stress by taking your anger out on a full town.
  9. whats with all the jokes on mods recently? first i saw one about Arylett's ummm...backside and then i see one that was throwing jokes at the other mods, I don't really get it, someone care to fill me in?

  10. Just got Serious Sam 3: BFE. drooling mode activate

  11. hooray, IT exam, thats one I'll Crush (kill. destroy. swag)

  12. I'm lovn' the Octavia one as well as the pinkie police bugatti. how long does it take you to make these? they look like at least an hours work each
  13. HEY! a butt that big comes with elegance ya know XD (just something I pulled out of the blue) but in all seriousness this is a really clever poem
  14. I'm gonna start up a story, not a fanfic or anything, just for fun and see peoples ideas of how they would finish it off... I was in the middle of the road, in front of the church. on my knees and screaming into the sky, there on the ground lay a crucifix that was once on a chain around my neck. I felt nothing but heartbreak and betrayal. I acquired the gun that was laying on the asphalt beside me, placed it in my jacket, stood up and headed towards the town....... what happens next? you decide
  15. i heard that being lesbians and all, Bon Bon likes to stay quiet about their relationship whereas Lyra seems to practically advertise their relationship. Lyra also likes to refer Bon Bon as 'Candy Ass' maybe because of her cutie mark? not sure. thats all i got, hope it helped
  16. does advertising include posting your own youtube videos? i mean its essentially not advertising (unless its about advertising) its just showing off something you made, right?
  17. haha, not really i add a new post whenever I have a new video up, though I'm just not a frequent uploader. and some people claim they cant understand an aussie accent
  18. ha, while you improve on a high voice I'll improve on a low voice, need to sound like an Australian Adam Jensen lol, hope you get better at mastering 'the voice'
  19. not that i know of mate, i havent seen them so that gives me the impression that they don't exist in Australia, I've checked Target, Big W, Kmart, Myer, David Jones, everywhere and still cant find them. It wouldn't be a bad idea to check online
  20. it would be a toss up between Equestria or New Vegas. Equestria, i can hang out with my equine friends and help around the place when needed. New Vegas I can explore, shoot, reverse pick-pocket people, and as long as I live with my modded content
  21. go to school, do exam, get the hell outta there. day planned

  22. you're way better than me, lemmie tell you that. my car drawings are a box on wheels XD but I like how much detail you put into it, its like I'm looking at manufacturer plans
  23. well, I dunno 'bout youse, but I'm gonna hit the hay

  24. 58 users, wow, I've never seen it this low before :o

    1. Killian Jones

      Killian Jones

      I've seen it very low.

  25. on the Degroot Keep server on TF2, someone had a spray of AJ with written "I buckn' love apples" at first, I had no idea what the hell that was off, month later, bet with a mate that 10 bucks if i didnt like a show he watched, he sent me a youtube link, episodes of MLP, i lost 10 bucks
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