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Lightning Fluttershy

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Everything posted by Lightning Fluttershy

  1. No, but when a world renowned dress stylist and fashionista came to Ponyville looking for a model, did Rarity get chosen? Nope.
  2. I'm honestly fucking tired of people coming into this thread just to complain that it's pointless and I know Clarity is too. If you honestly don't care, why even bother posting on this thread? It's an OPINION based thread where people can discuss how THEY feel about the matter,
  3. The amount of tension between Fluttershy and Rarity is TOO DAMN HIGH! Seriously, the lead changed at least 3 times a day and most of the time it's tied. Open your eyes people, for Fluttershy. Look at this and feel the pain, shame, and regret of what you have done.
  4. @@Stary Dreams, Your avatar still gets me! Wherever did you find it? Well it's adorable. OT - I much prefer modern. Living in the renaissance sounds awful. I mean, no electricity or internet or video games? First world problems.
  5. Back for more FlutterDash. I have way too many to keep to myself.
  6. Going to put my effort in once more because Rarity HAD to go and become tied with Fluttershy again. Seriously guys, Fluttershy got chosen to model, not Rarity. <_< ANYWHO, who could say no to her? This is Fluttershy if she loses. Now here's Fluttershy if she wins. Now stop and rethink your vote. Do you really want to make her cry? Or do you want to give her the most adorable, gorgeous smile on the face of the planet?
  7. Sleeping? How mainstream. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      Can't I have fun with Pinkie while I'm awake? ;_;

    3. I used to be a stranger

      I used to be a stranger




    4. Lightning Fluttershy
  8. @, This thread isn't complaining about a lack of screen time for Applejack, just an unnecessary abundance for Rainbow Dash. Taking today's episode and Spike at your Service as an example. Rainbow not only got a HUGE amount of dialogue in both of those episodes, they weren't even hers. Applejack on the other hand, unlike Rainbow Dash, got near zip good dialogue in seasons 1 and 2. She got what, 3 episodes out of 52? Her character building in those seasons was awful and frankly the reason she's getting this amount in season 3 is a form of redemption for what she lacked in seasons 1 and 2.
  9. I have so many FlutterDash images it's not even funny... more creepy. I'm going to hold back and resort to 4 pics per post though.
  10. This is nearly exactly what I said in a thread earlier before the episode. Unlike other villains we've seen from season 1 2 and 3, who are all focused on destruction, revenge, or enslavement, Discord always seemed different. Rather than attempting to literally destroy the ponies or enslave them, he was simply amusing himself. This makes him the more logical choice to reform as what he was doing was never really evil, just natural to him.
  11. No words can describe how I felt about this episode. I loved it. Mostly because it was a Fluttershy episode. It's obviously my favorite episode of season 3 so far and likely will be all the way through. It competently portrayed Fluttershy's nature and her values. She remains her shy and tolerant self yet is determined and sticks to her goal, even if it means disagreeing with her friends. She continues to teach Discord how much Friendship can mean how much pain it brings to lose a friend. 10/10 Hasbro.
  12. Have you voted here yet? Fluttershy needs you. ;_; mlpforums.com/topic/44455-the-most-attractive-pony-tournament-2013-divisional-round/page-24#entry1099099

  13. Fluttershy x Discord pics on Deviant Art........ wat is dis i dont even...

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Bruno ©

      Bruno ©

      what kind of fun?

    3. Moog the Kvlt

      Moog the Kvlt

      The kind of fun that doesn't involve clop related material

    4. Bruno ©

      Bruno ©

      but i don't work, is it still ok?

  14. MapleStory. I've been playing MapleStory a lot lately. I've grown pretty fond of it actually. I love it's bright visuals and anime style characters.
  15. Oh my the list could go on forever... I'll list off simply a few that made me proverbially shit my pants. Amnesia: The Dark Decent made me jump and scream more than any horror movie could. I think the only thing that scared me worse than that game was when TLC introduced Honey Boo Boo. Dead Space 2 kept me up all night. As much as hated that game, I loved it too much to ever put down my controller.
  16. Erm...... if you're joking or being sarcastic, than lol. If you legit think that she deserves more screen time than other mane characters even during their episode than I also say lol but in more of a condescending tone. You proved to me exactly what I said in my first post on this thread. Popularity shouldn't affect screen time, especially not to the absurd extent that Rainbow Dash is receiving. Also, because she's fast? That's a terrible excuse. Physical ability shouldn't be a factor at all to how much time a character gets on a show.
  17. Poor Rarity. Always getting pushed so hard....

    1. duidamasterXD


      I think the top comment for the video best describes my reaction :)

    2. Lightning Fluttershy
  18. After watching this episode, I can honestly say that Rainbow Dash was beginning to piss me off. The amount of lines given to her in an episode not even based around her was unnecessarily high (as usual). Luckily it wasn't enough to overwhelm the episode like some say happened to Spike at your Service (for once). The reason Rainbow Dash is getting so much screen time is unapparent to me though. Is it her fans? I don't think so. This goes back to common stereotypes that make absolutely no sense such as Applejack fans being rabid or perverted. Ridiculous. Now as much as I hate generalizing, Rainbow Dash fans I've noticed can sometimes be a little... biased. Well a lot biased. A Dash fan criticizing RD is a rare occurrence. From what I've seen it's: "Rainbow Dash is the star of MLD? ZOMG SADDEST FANFIC EVAH. BEST ON TEH INTERNETZ". What I'm trying to say is that RD fans don't know how to criticize RD herself. Well most I've seen anyway. Disclaimer: This is an opinion. The fact that Rainbow Dash seems to have the largest fanbase of any pony makes it semi apparent why she gets so much screen time. However this is completely unfair. Saying that Rainbow Dash should be featured the most in episodes just because she's the most popular is ludicrous. That can be said for any pony who is loved. The Luna fanbase is HUGE yet she's barely ever seen in any episodes. If it is indeed the fact that Rainbow Dash is getting so much screen time simply because she's popular, that's completely unfair and ridiculous. If that's the case than Luna should be getting featured every episode. Rainbow Dash fans need to slow down and learn that Dash has flaws and needs to be criticized sometimes. I know not all Dash fans are like that and sorry of that somehow offended you. Lastly, Rainbow Dash doesn't deserve all this screen time as opposed to other characters. The amount she's gotten already is absurd and she's basically overshadowing the other characters. Like how grass underneath a tree won't grow because the tree is blocking their sunlight.
  19. Woo hoo! Fluttershy is in the lead once again by THREE. That's how it should be! Now to secure the lead with more images of the most gorgeous pony in the world, Fluttershy.
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