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Everything posted by Zygen

  1. I discovered this song and I have grow to quite like it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFsW9MxndKc

  2. I can honestly see both sides, whether one wants to be called a Pegasister or not, I can see reasons logical enough in my mind. I can see why some may feel excluded, or why some may not really care, or just prefer the term or whatever the reason. Personally, I respect both sides, and try my best to call them as they prefer, really in the end it's all just labels, and I honestly hardly prefer to people specifically as bronies or pegasisters, except in rare cases, or maybe when addressing a group of the fandom, but that is even a rare occurrence. But I believe it's really just up to the personal opinion of the person, whatever they want to be called is fine by me, I just try my best to remember which way they prefer.
  3. Relationships with people are very confusing to me, not that I don't understand them, I mean I just get confused where exactly I would group certain people sometimes. I'll try my best to explain myself. But like, I tend to consider myself to be a pretty caring person, i atleast try and give myself that, despite lacking self confidence. And also as a side effect, I get pretty attached to people pretty easily, atleast once I pass a certain point. I still care for essentially everyone, from strangers, to my closer friends, but it's different I suppose, and I'm more attached to those I know, where as strangers I may care for, but may not be as attached to. Then there's the fact I may care differently, but not necessarily less for certain people. Like, for instance, band, I love marching band, and I love my bandmates, i really do, they are like a family to me in a way. But on the same token, while I deeply care for them all, and I feel we have a special bond, I don't necessarily speak to each and every band member on a personal level, infact, I don't really speak to much of any of my band mates on a personal level. Like none of them know I am a brony, I still care for them, but it's not that kind of relationship. Certainly not with every single member. I will still cry so hard once I finally leave for college and have to leave them, but that doesn't mean they know my deepest secrets. Does that make sense? And then I have friends whom I talk to on occasion, maybe about different interests or random things, but I don't necessarily talk about things personally, those would be considered friends I think. I think the "True Friend" territory is a combination of feelings from you and the other person. It's kind of when you grow to this understanding of each other, and trust of each other is built, to the point where you feel like you can trust them with really anything, and they won't judge you or anything. You don't have to worry about saying anything behind a mask per say. Again, i am a very affectionate person, and I do truly love and care for many people, I try not to make myself seem like I take the word love lightly or something, because I really do care, I just can get attached very quickly. Maybe almost too quickly in some cases. I have many friends though, and I love them, but in order to be a "true friend" there is a required amount of trust and comfort on a different level than a normal friend. Like I feel like I don't have anything I cannot say. Do I have any "True Friends" I'm not really sure. Again, like I said before, Friendships and stuff still confuse me a lot. I guess part of it is just the part of life I am in, where almost everything about myself is a confusing mess. Just know, that I still care for everyone on some level, even when I get angry with people, I still try to remain caring. And on some level, I like to think I do. Just as I like to think that I do truly care for practically everyone I know, and maybe even many who are strangers. I can say one thing I agree with though, I am oddly more comfortable speaking to others online, I think more so though because I simply kinda suck at speaking IRL, or atleast i'm not that good many times at it. I was homeschooled until 8th grade, so I am still lacking when it comes to social skills in some aspects, no doubt. Plus I guess not being face to face helps. But yeah, Friendships are confusing, but I do know I want friends like the mane 6, those are true friends. So it's not like how I use to be before I watched MLP, in which I hardly cared for Friendships. But I still struggle with the whole thing a lot. *ahem* sorry, getting rambly ;p. (Ends ramble)
  4. I feel like I really don't have much of any talent, or not enough talent maybe, as greedy as that sounds... Idk, I just get really jealous of like everyone sometimes, because I feel they are all superior to me.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Oblivion


      Just like weight lifting, after a while you hit a wall where your lifts never get any better for a LONG time, in order to break out of that wall you have to push yourself to the darn breaking point.

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      @Oblivion, I have no will to push any breaking points at this point. My confidence has been in shambles lately..My self esteem has always been horrible but it somehow has been even worse lately.

    4. Oblivion


      @Kyoshi(Turbo Button), Yea, we all have those issues at some point in our lives, some worse than others. Me for instance wanted to learn to play guitar, I started, thought I was doing alright until I discovered just how hard it really is to learn, after that I just lost my will to even try, and still have.

  5. Your very welcome! And the pic looks great, but regardless the Oc's also look well made and go well together . And yeah, group shots are pretty cool . O-o, Well then. I guess if you write fanfics it does make a bit more sense. And 300 overall? Darn, I see you are apart of many fandoms or something then ;p. I don't have any Oc's really in any other fandoms, just MLP for now ;p.
  6. Yeah, I guess that's true, and I'd have to agree, a blog entry would probably be better anyways. Thanks for the help y'all!
  7. I am unsure about how my MLP covers thread should be setup... ;p

  8. So, I was just thinking about maybe creating a topic to put all of the artwork I've got from requesting it from others. I have it all in a folder, but I have considered maybe making a thread to showcase it. I'm not entirely decided if it would even be a good idea, but I wanted to ask before I really even consider if it would be in line with the rules? I would obviously credit the name of the creators(Atleast including the name from whatever their site name was at the time.) But would It still be ok as far as the rules go? Considering none of it would be my creations(Unless I want to showcase some of my mediocre art ;p.) Would I be required to get direct permission from each creator? Because some of these people have left the site considering much of it is quite old. Again, i'm just curious if it would be ok as far as the rules go, I'm not really sure if it would be a good idea or not, so I may not make it regardless, but I'm just asking if it is in violation of the rules in any way. Thanks.
  9. That art of all your OC's together looks awesome . Dang.. 25 OC's O-o? How do you even.... Nice drawings! I especially like the one with the purple accents in the mane! Onto my Oc's. I only have two currently, my Ponysona, and his love interest Bella. Both are made in the Ponycreator, because I lack any creativity and art skill to make them otherwise, but regardless I spent a lot of time revising them both over and over especially on color scheme.(I'm really picky on color scheme, down to the exact shade.) I suppose both could have been better, but regardless, I feel like I've had them the way they are for so long, I don't know if I would feel right changing much of anything at this point. I have a fair amount of art of my ponysona, and even some of Bella, but I'm obviously not going to post it all. My Ponysona, a Unicorn, his name is Zygen obviously, because he is my Ponysona. (Art by Motionspark) Here's Bella, She's also a Unicorn, I couldn't find any other art in my folder for her besides this, so sorry, I'll have to go look for the few I have from requests(Art by MidnightGaze) Oh, and because they're meant to be a couple(I don't really have the backstories of how they meet and what not, and I don't know if I'll ever get around to writing it out, but eventually they become a couple.) here is some art of them together! (art by Royal Samurott) (Art by Blue moon) I really like getting requests drawn . I save them all in a folder, of course, I lost it all when my old computer broke, but I searched for and recovered what I believe is most of it. Except Bella's Art, I still need to search for hers. Not that she has a ton really. So yeah, that's my Oc's, I might make more Oc's possibly in the future, I thought about expanding upon their family, but we shall see. Regardless of the fact they are made in Pony creator, and could've been done better probably, I still quite like them both and how they turned out overall .
  10. I updated the links in my signatures, so the links are inside of the text, yay for learning neat tricks ;p

  11. I decided to go ahead and post the cover on the thread too, so check it out! http://mlpforums.com/topic/108680-zygens-mlp-covers-thread/

  12. Newest cover is up! This time it's "Bats". Check it out in the OP!
  13. I've never been in chorus really, I mean, unless you count when I was really little in church. I had my mom ask me if I wanted to join the choir they had for homeschool back when i took band, but I didn't partially because it was like all girls. So I felt uncomfortable I suppose. Plus to be fair, I probably wouldn't have done that well having no knowledge of singing really. Now i'm in band, and I don't really have time for chorus even if I wanted to do it at my school. Plus i'd feel kinda weird having never been in it before. And i'm not super confident in my singing, especially in front of others. But I do enjoy singing, alone and stuff. I've even done some random cover recordings I posted in one of my blogs on here, I've done them all while I'm home alone, because I don't feel comfortable singing when my parents are home, but regardless. All that I know about singing really though is from research online, and practice by myself.
  14. i'm tired, and thus off to bed I guess, goodnight!

    1. Oblivion


      Nighty night Zygen! ^_^


  15. Yeah, I agree, Rainbow dash's fear of failure has been established several times throughout the series.
  16. oh, ok, I guess that makes sense. Sorry if I offended.
  17. Yeah. And oh ;p. How come though? I mean I know guitar is difficult, but does it really take years to learn? Maybe to master, but idk about to learn. But i'm no expert really.
  18. Well, I don't have a ton of confidence in myself really, but I'll try my best. (I'm good at bagging on myself, and having crappy confidence) I have posted a few covers of me singing stuff on my blog on here, and people have told me I sing well, I still think I have a ways to go, and need lots of improvement, but I suppose I could be considered decent. My mother also thinks I'm good at singing, but to be fair she isn't really that great at singing or know much about it, and is my mother afterall ;p. I don't really sing in front of people though, not even my family generally. Because i'm to shy and lacking confidence I guess. I've also been told I'm good at Trumpet, but idk, the vast majority of the other Trumpets in our section are better than me in my opinion. I've also been told i'm "smart" when it comes to school, but eh. Otherwise.. Idk? I've been told i'm nice, if that counts, or if it's even true. Complimenting myself is certainly not something I'm good at though ;p.
  19. Yeah, I mean if I have a choice i'd pick, but in the case of the guitar I got, it was a one color deal ;p. Technically you can repaint a guitar, but it requires a whole ton of work ;p. And making sure you don't mess anything up. I wouldn't mind a surf green, or something of that nature. There are probably plenty colors i'd like, Purple would look cool too, idk. i'm not a huge fan of the black and white color scheme I have to be honest, but I don't hate it either, i'm kinda indifferent on it, and like I said, it's a low priority right now. If I did have a full choice i'd probably get a guitar in some kind of blue, or green, maybe even both, or one with something like black as an accent to it. 5 years to learn bass? Dang... That sounds like a long time, maybe I underestimated bass.... To be fair though I still have a while to go on guitar for sure.
  20. It's ok, i understand exactly what you mean, when i'm on my phone on the forums, many things are a pain ;p. And ah, ok, that makes sense. I figure starting cheap is better anyways, just in case I don't get dedicated enough to really learn. And there are some things that can be really frustrating, so i can see why many quit at learning guitar.(Things like, Barre chords... evil...) I think Black and white is a pretty common color for guitars in general maybe ;p. I might've liked a different color personally, but I figured i got a pretty decent deal on it since I got it from my cousin who never bought it but never learned. And yeah, i wanna learn Bass too after I learn guitar, I know it's different, but I feel like it's still similar enough that I could learn it easier for sure once I know how to play guitar. So i figure if I won't have to much trouble, why not go ahead and learn another instrument. We shall see how that goes though I suppose ;p.
  21. I guess it's debatable whether a singer would be classified as a musician, I think as far as definition goes it can be, but some may prefer the term "vocalist" or some such. I personally have no real opinion on the matter, I think both could be correct really. I just felt like throwing in I knew a teacher at my school named Balthazar once ;p. Out of pure curiousity, what type of guitar do you have now? I've only been trying to teach myself guitar around a month and a half or so now really, so I'm not really even super knowledgable when it comes to guitars, but i'm still curious. Right now I have a pretty basic Guitar, A Squire Strat by Fender. It's a black and white one, i've seen others who first learn guitar having ones very similar or just like them. (Had a friend selling one who bought it but never learned.) I don't even play it plugged in half the time though, because my amp is kinda crappy ;p, it's pretty cheap, but I got it and the guitar for a pretty decent deal. I figure i'll get better stuff once I start to learn much more.
  22. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1973/entry-13150-those-vampire-bats-will-require-multiple-audio-tracksmlp-bats-cover/ This is the cover I was working on when you asked about me posting it, if you are still curious.
    1. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      Yay! I'll check it out. :D

    2. Zygen
  23. I think that those words and the scene in general are far from a "character break" but more like a great moment of character depth for Rainbow dash, probably some of the most we got out of her up to this point in the series(she had moments before, but I think it was one of the bigger ones) I don't think a character has to stick to their main character trait, I think having them stray from things that are normal just shows more depth. I mean seriously, do you know anyone who is always Loyal, Kind, Shy, Honest, Generous, Or any trait? No, so why should Rainbow always be a tough one? I think her feeling all alone just shows insight into why she acts all tough and is so into succeeding and attention. Maybe the reason she fears failure is because she is very prone to loneliness, and similar reasons are why she loves attention. Sure, Mare do well isn't my favorite episode of the show, but it wasn't that bad honestly, it had it's good moments for sure, I honestly think it's kind of overhated. Regardless, I think the scene is fine, and totally in line with Rainbow's character, in fact it adds development even aside from not breaking. Also, I kind of like sad scenes, in an odd way ;p. I guess it makes characters more relatable generally to see they aren't always living peachy lives.
  24. Practice makes perfect. And no offense, but having experience on musicial instruments, while helpful, will not necessarily make you good at writing music, it will help sure, but it won't automatically make you good. I've played Trumpet like 5-6 years or so now, and I'm learning guitar right now for a little over a month or so,(I've also been teaching myself to sing for a while) but I doubt I could write any music really. I'd say studying music theory would help, any information you can obtain regarding that would be helpful. Then there is simply the experience portion, which requires you to do stuff, I can study all i want on many a thing, but without actually doing it, I may never truly learn how to do it. Honestly though, I don't think any of this is as bad as your making it sound. Just keep practicing, it goes for anything, you'll get better! When I first started singing I sounded like total garbage, but with some practice and studying on it and time, i've definitely got better. i've still a ways to go, but I've improved atleast! Same goes with most anything really, so just keep practicing, and studying and learning, and you will improve! Good luck!
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