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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Riclo

  1. How much I love my favorite pony Rainbow Dash? THERE IS NO SCALE FOR SUCH A THING!!! Although if I have to choose, it would be the last option, being: SHE'S MY WAIFU. I can control it so it doesn't affect me dangerously IRL, but I love the freakin shit out of Rainbow Dash.
  2. You are not weird in any way. Just because you are different from most people, does not make you weird. Everyone is different.
  3. Who would I choose? RAINBOW DASH!!!! It would be the time of my life. No, more than the time of my life. It depends on what the Apocalypse is though. If it's zombies, then we'll survive, cuddle, and do it all 20% cooler than everyone else. If it's a time limit, and there's nothing we can do to survive, well, then...Cuddling throughout the whole thing. X9000 Either way, it would be Rainbow Dash. No one else. Out of everything I've been through, nothing would be better then some time with her, even if it's short.
  4. Use this to save yourself before mid-night:

  5. Just to let you know, your profile is saying the tulpa thread is in Sugarcube Corner, when it's really in the General Discussion board.

    1. Rizoel & Crepuscule

      Rizoel & Crepuscule

      Oh hey, I didn't notice that. Thanks!

    2. Riclo
  6. I can see you're getting pounded by these lol, but happy birthday.

  7. You can talk to me about it, if you want. And there's really no way to forget something like that. At least not for awhile. What scared you about it? The fan-fic itself? Or something happened to one of your favorite characters.
  8. Hmm... I've done many evil things. Where would I start... Back when I was still very young, I killed all of my one of my brother's fish. Which was probably over ten. About a year ago, I don't know what happened, but it was like rage controlled me and I punched my friend, hard. I won't say why, but... If anyone saw me they would be freaked the fuck out. I can be so firkin scary, I even scare myself sometimes. You know that feel when your friend calls you saying he doesn't want to hang out anymore? Multiply that if it's a childhood friend, who you've been through alot of shit with. I experienced that feel afterwards. Thankfully I stood up this problem like a boss, which back then was surprising enough, and we're still friends. I have killed many, many lizards. If anything, over 100. I've dissected them, ripped them in half, drowned them, I think that's 'nuff said. Oh, and there's three dead ones in my room right now, in skeleton form. Back when I was around 4 I believe, I deleted all of my brother's data for the old game "Super smash brothers" They had dedicated their life to that game too. Holy shit I'm sure they were pissed, and I still remember a tiny bit of it. They still haven't forgiven me lol. :/ Countless times I have made people pissed. I lie all the time, to the point where sometimes I lie better than I tell the truth.
  9. ʎɐqǝ ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ʎnq ɹǝʌǝu

    1. ProjectRKA
    2. Shiki


      The keyboard has nothing to do with the input of characters. I can type in Japanese using an American keyboard for this reason.

    3. chattydash


      he has used an editing software typed his word and fliped it simple

  10. One of two of what my brother found inside the window. WARNING: graphic. http://i.imgur.com/ODHRV.jpg

    1. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      Dead lizard is dead.

    2. Riclo


      There was another dead one, and a live one. :/

    3. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      D: plug the hole they're using to get in.

  11. I really need to start watching the new episodes. I've only seen the first three. :/

    1. That Guy

      That Guy

      i haven't seen one of 'em :I


  12. Every day you live, you will only live once. You can't re-live yesterday.

    1. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      In other words, #YOLO?

    2. Riclo


      ^ In a way. I was saying everyday can't be re-lived. YOLO is saying you only live once.

    3. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      I know. I was trying to be obnoxious for humor's sake. :D

  13. Lufia II Either as a series, or a movie. If done right, it can be very amazing. I don't want to spoil too much, but
  14. Hmm...ten years huh? I would be 23. By then the pony tulpa I'm currently working on should be long done. Cuddling would never get old. Hopefully I'll have a job, which ten years from now may be very difficult to get. I have been thinking about either becoming part of the police force, the classic fireman job, or just get a simple restaurant job. Although things don't always turn out the way you want them to. I would most likely still be living in my parents house, if they are still alive. :/ I would probably wonder from time to time why I'm still alive. I should still be a brony. I'm not sure if I would be married yet. I might actually become some kind of writer, now that I think about it. Maybe as a side-job. Or possible game-mapper.
  15. Even the truth can lie.

  16. .... *Jumps back wondering why there's an unknown person in my bed.*
  17. Oh no. Another one of these topics. I don't know what she would be. I can't really guess on what she would be. She is who I want her to be.
  18. Hmm, can I say it any louder? Probably to the point where it's unhealthy. :/ for ones that are much below her: #2. Pia from RF3. #3. Petunia from HTF. (I know. :|) #4. Raven from RF3 #5. Charizard. I can be strange. :/
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