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Everything posted by Naphthol

  1. i've heard good things about Sibelius for composing in the way that you're talking of. http://www.sibelius.com/home/index_flash.html what sorts of tools would you want a program to have? are looking for somthing on the sound production side of things, to get nice sounds for your compositions? or somthing to help you compose multilayered music more easily?
  2. The only real life horses I like are the huge work horses with the enormous hairy hooves. I've got no idea of the name of the breed or anything. neat animal no matter what the breed, just saying. ponies remind me too much of donkeys for some reason.
  3. i'd be interested in this as well, if it's possible. i've played around with inkscape for a few hours, and this was one thing that really leaped out at me.
  4. anything, and everything. though, if i'm hurting for ideas and need inspiration, a good long hike always works for me. i live in a huge city so i like to explore it. i could probably spend my whole life wandering this city and not see all of it.
  5. i've applied to numerous jobs that have required long psychological tests, typically in the form of polarising questions. They're anoying. the same basic 5 questions are asked, over and over. reworded to be contextually different each time. The only thing these tests are truly filtering for are people who are adept at lying, with an essentially sociopathic seperation of emotion from context. I doubt this is the intent, but the methodology absolutely favours this behaviour in all positive results. though, maybe that is what an ideal employee is? A lying psycopath?
  6. Here's a quick guide. What it boils down to is just building up a familiarity with how shadows cast themselves on basic objects. Extrapolating that on to more complex objects by seeing them composed of these building blocks. As time goes on and you practice more, your familiarity will grow. nice sense of movement in that recent picture by the way.
  7. what sort of sculpture are you talking about? clay, wood, stone? painted, unpainted? many different kinds of sculpture out there, some much more time consuming to make than others.
  8. Naphthol

    movies/tv 007 : Skyfall

    Chill dude Bond is like shakespeare (I don't mean to compare quality of writing here). The actors can be shifted around from film to film, like any theatre production, it's the overall archtypes that the actors are playing that matter. On the topic of M, I still see this guy when I picture M http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-FxfEt3CDxEk/UI1BgwTrSNI/AAAAAAAABhg/ldqj6mwnItI/s1600/bond-+m+lee+01.jpg
  9. voice acting would be a pretty big deal. if we could get that sort of a thing going, that would be really sweet. even without animation, a set of several character portraits with various expressions could definitely carry the visual side of things. edit: If you've seen the pony/phoenix wright crossover on you tube, I think it worked very well in that way
  10. i think we could definitely take some input on game mechanics and design. While we do have a decent number of people working with story, input in that area is certainly welcome. translation sounds like a really cool idea, though that would be some ways down the road. edit: I don't want to be butting heads with anyone outside my area, so feel free to knock me down a peg if i'm out of line
  11. Naphthol

    movies/tv 007 : Skyfall

    evilshy > Bond films have been notorious for wildly misrepresenting how technology works. Throughout the history of the series. Often comically ridiculous, through to downright absurd. It's charming somtimes, othertimes it's groan inducing. I haven't seen Skyfall yet, though I'm sure I will soon. Huge bond fan here. I watch the whole series of films once every year.
  12. I found a marked down version of the bamboo tablet on the corel site for 70$ just now, that might be within range for a tight budget. http://www.corel.com/corel/product/index.jsp?pid=prod4850073&cid=catalog50008&segid=7500012#tab2
  13. It just seems to me that drawing at a larger scale, downsampling, then spending a comparatively small amount of time tweaking outlying individual pixels to satisfaction. Would be a desirable technique - particularly in the case of larger illustrations, such as the sort you are doing here. I was hoping to suggest somthing that might save you some time and be of genuine benefit for the future.
  14. well, beyond a 15 second drawing being unsurprisingly sloppy, the principle is sound. if it's not your cup of tea though, that's cool. It could be worth looking at - getting back to why gimp might be a valuable tool to look into.
  15. you can create pixel art without having to draw with pixels by making use of the Nearest Neighbor scaling algorithmn. Example follows. if I had payed closer attention to me shading it would look better in the end, but the principle makes creating high quality pixel art very quick and easy - I imagine gimp would have this scaling mode, though i'm not sure. (your fluttershy drawing is awesome by the way)
  16. I hear you, though personally I would call that song relaxing. The elegance of how old style european art music approches harmony just inevitably creates a very 'hypnotic' atmosphere of tones. A good test for how 'relaxing' a kind of music is would be to play it at a loud volume - then listen to it from another floor of your house. All that remains is a sort of throbbing pulse of harmony with no real details to pick out. With classical - or baroque, or romantic era music for that matter, relaxing is probably a very fair judgement even for the more adventurous works. Even for Wagner or Holst. it's a generalisation more than a stereotype i'd say. though, maybe a fair one. The elegance of the execution, and the synergy of all the different elements of an orchestra can definitely make for a very smooth, polished feel to music. Short of going into all the details above, if a person shothands the description to simply 'relaxing', thats cool. I understand where that comes from. It may even just be because of the subtle sound of traditional instruments compared to modern sounds. Distortion, Compression and other naturally impossible sounds are everywhere in modern music.
  17. Varg Vikerness! enjoyed his music muchly, many years ago. bit of a nut. I try to avoid those sorts of situations as much as possible by simply breaking a discussion of music down to it's primitives. The kinds of harmonies, or melodies, or rythmns in the music. The atmosphere it creates. Decontextualising it from the brand-based system that most music falls into. edit: I'm thinking now after posting, that this sort of thing goes on even with the primitives. People (like myself) sometimes becomes fixated on unusual scales or abnormal rythmns - it can derail a talk about music into a pissing contest of musical knowledge. The only winner is the bladder.
  18. this information may be around somewhere, though I don't see it. what time is this synchtube happening? I see that it is tomorrow, but that's all it says?
  19. Photoshop for painting, and drawing. No contest on this one, it's the best. Plastic Animation Paper for animation - the classical kind.
  20. I was reading that same blog and wanted to respond with somthing very much like what you've just posted here, was saddly locked. My own thinking is very much in line with how you describe your thinking, derived from naturalism. A code of ethics is entirely it's own animal from a spiritual inclination. Having one does not mean the other is, or must be present. Think peanut butter/jam sandwich, a comon combination of two things that really have no connection to each other at all. 'cum hoc ergo propter hoc' I believe is the fallacy. This might be the most important point to take away. I think it's mainly from this misunderstanding that Hollowshields post was coming from.
  21. I love night time. I've worked night jobs in the past - they're awesome. I've probably spent more than half of the last 10 years sleeping in the day, being awake at night. A quiet walk around outside at 3am is a beautiful thing.
  22. well, I think you might know better than anyone else if you'd be useful. Have a look through our forum, cruise a few threads to get a feel for what is going on and how things work. If you like what you see and think you'd be able to contribute, drop a note.
  23. consider the opposite situation to understand. a man thinks to himself "I exist, isn't that interesting? I'm going to enjoy existing for a while, to see and experience many things for as long as this existence lasts" another man tells him "you were designed by an impercievable entity, to live in a certain way - here, i'll fill you in on the rules. Also, apparently you live forever if you follow them - pretty enticing isn't it?" first man, "how do you know that?" second man "I don't need to know, I feel that it is true" first man, "sort of like there being a spider on your shoulder?" second man glances at shoulder to see nothing there. second man, "you had me there for a moment" first man, "I swear it's right there, you missed it" second man "your nuts dude, there's no spider on my shoulder" first man, "I understand the feeling"
  24. you mentioned difficulty finding coloured pencils, as well as having a bad eraser. for coloured pencils, I'd recommend you look for col-erase brand pencils. They're erasable unlike most out there. They have a more 'waxy' feel to them when you draw, which can be good, and bad depending on how you look at it. They should be available at any art store. For an eraser, nothing is better than a big white eraser. avoid the pink kind like the plague. some people like the squishy shapless kind, though i find they're better suited to larger illustration with a pencil, or charcoal.
  25. The villans of the game represent 6 sub bosses, each one is thematically linked to the particular pony that they are holding captive. By way of a sort of negative incarnation of what that (main6) pony represents. These 6 sub-bosses are themselves under the influence of the final villan of the game, a bitter and evil Yeti King. We have a reasonably detailed motive for the Yeti to be doing what he is doing though some backstory involving wendigos and territory - much of this, and in greater detail can be found on our forums. Food for thought, here is some concept art that has been done so far. I hope this spurs interest in helping us out http://postimage.org/image/ff363nvhx/ http://postimage.org/image/rmnrjqwt1/ http://postimage.org/image/4y96f9txr/
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