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Rainbow Skywalker

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Everything posted by Rainbow Skywalker

  1. time to learn how to do flash... any GOOD tutorials out there? Ive seen some but the guys are like hardly understandable and they never use the bone tool.

  2. OC Reference: See Signature Below OC Gender: Stallion OC Placement: Wherever he fits. OC Personality: Quite and dark. Likes to hang in the shadows and just be quite. OC Talents: Can use the force and is a skilled lightsaber combatant. Oh, and He's blind. Your project sounds awesome by the way. I like how you represent everybody's OC who wants it too. Not just being biased or anything.
  3. Is it wrong to be more excited about getting an extra hour of sleep than Halloween? I mean come on, Daylight savings time only comes once a year!

    1. Arrow


      We switched some weeks ago actually :o


      But yes, sleep <3

  4. @Nosferatu Yeah like you said Illustrator is a lot slower than Inkscape. My skype call took up an hour and 15 minutes anyway so I would have guessed that somebody did it before me.
  5. @Nosferatu wait which program did you use Inkscape? I was using illustrator and tracing using the pen tool. for every single line and shape.
  6. well. Darn. Oh well, I was almost done, but I was doing an interview at the same time so it took me longer than expected. Oh well. good job.
  7. Ok, also do you want the exact image or should I fix things like how the D-Pad on the controller is all broken up. I would assume you did that on purpose but just to be safe.
  8. Which file type would you like it in? I think I can just trace this over in Adobe Illustrator and it will be good enough. For vectors I usually export as a .png
  9. Este es bueno o no? yo siempre uso la forma de MOV para mis vídeos, pero yo tengo la forma de .SWF y .AEP también. Oh, that was spanish. oops. But yeah, I hope you like it. It isn't the best animation I have ever done, but I believe it would be suitable for something thats only going to be seen for 7 seconds on each video. And now its telling me that the upload failed... hmmm... do you have an email that you want me to send it to or should I send you a message on youtube or something? Or I could make a private video of just the introduction and post the link. I think that would be the best way if this file thing refuses to work again. Ok, tell me if you can see this. Gameebeaver.mov
  10. This is pretty neat. I mean look at that, Big M is a girl, and SHE's freaking glowing! But yeah, I like the glow effects and the hollow font on the type. Good Job overall!
  11. And now for pictures from all over the place. From Pinkie Pie obviously. Oh, and my OC SkyDash. What do you think of him?
  12. Im gonna take a hot shower. It's like a normal shower, but with me in it.

  13. If I could unhinge my jaw, then I could possibly physically exemplify how amazing this is. Didn't make it to EQD? P'shaw! If this does not make it my friend then there is nothing that will get on EQD. The pixels are perfectly formed around the face and her dress and basically everywhere! definitely a +1
  14. I hate when ugly people say they need their beauty sleep. You need to freaking hibernate.

  15. I would have to say Im a fanboy of RD. Only because I am conflicted between her and Fluttershy and I don't know which to choose!
  16. My dad is an english professor, so I will try to run this by him, and myself. I will correct as much as possible and send you a .txt file of the story when Im done. Its a really cool story by the way.
  17. Anything you can do, there is a 10 year old asian girl who can do it better.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Starshine


      I can burp for five seconds straight

    3. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      No one has a better beard than me.

    4. Clarity


      Well, I'm technically a 13-year-old Asian girl. So why not.

  18. Without me, you're just AWESO

  19. My memories are actually quite pathetic when I think about it. My Best memory was: My dog, Jessie, who had been with me since I was born, was walking around the house during winter because she was cold. So I put my blankie up on top of her and she just sat down right there and fell asleep. My worst: Actually I have many worst memories. When my dog died was one. Or the time that I had stolen a toy from my best friend and the second I had left his house I felt like a jerk for the rest of my life. Even today. Or how about when my best friend had brought a friend of his who was a girl over to his house to play when we were all like 7. That time, I pushed the girl, because she kept talking about how if we were playing super heroes she wouldn't save me in real life, and we got into an argument and I lied to her parents and everybody who asked about it. I've regretted that to this day as well, and whenever I go to sleep that still haunts me. Or do you want to know about the time where a girl in my class told me a secret, that she liked teletubbies, and I went to lunch and told everyone. Yeah, that still haunts me too. Sheesh, I used to be such a jerk...
  20. Well, to tell you the truth I find this quite amusing that somebody can bash on metal and then go on to listen to Wrong Direction over there. I have personally learned that I don't hate any type of music, I just become more particular to what I like in certain genres. And metal being random screaming? lol
  21. I need a 6 month holiday, twice a year.

  22. Dear Karma, I have a list of people you missed.

  23. Welcome to the social ladder. Here is a collection of pics that poke at society's biggest stars in 'Murica.
  24. I love it personally. Just like most of your artwork. It's a nice background and the smudges and the text really fit together well with the overall essence of spitfire: lots of fire and fury. I do feel as though the left side is a bit empty though, maybe a barely visible Spitfire head could be put in the background of that left side. I'd give about 25% transparency or so. Other than that its a perfect background. Again, another perfect work of art by Lost.
  25. Retiring for the night, But first I would like to thank my one man faithful audience of Riclo. Every single status he's given me a lulz or two :D

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