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Why Are Bronies Disliked?


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Im just saying that people are afrraid of the social aceptance that bronies are starting to get and in return thay might find themselves becoming one, eventhough they were against it, because of its changing social statment.

What do you mean?

If we would use homosexuals as example, no homophobe would be like "Oh, It's okay to be gay in today's society, therefore I'm gay now." 

  • Brohoof 1
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Buzz has a point, I liked the show WAY before I openly admitted it. I felt pressure to ignore it as another fad. The speed it's picked up exposed me to it in a much more positive light. 


Be warned though, bronies are their own worst enemies. We've seen what has happened in the furry fandom. While generally people are awesome the minority of jerks will ruin it all.


It's interesting how things like MLP are almost a counter culture to the hateful world we now see around us. We have fundamentalist decapitating people because they think differently, psychopathic patriots being put up on a pedestal as heroes for the same reason, an entire country (North Korea) ruled by a man who demands to be called god while starving his people. The response is a shift in culture. People are valuing ideas like friendship, caring, honesty, and acceptance. As a society we need to openly embrace these concepts. What's so wrong with being a compassionate person?

Edited by BigBossFoxtrot
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What do you mean?

If we would use homosexuals as example, no homophobe would be like "Oh, It's okay to be gay in today's society, therefore I'm gay now." 

Though it's possible, maybe probable, that no one would decide to be gay because of the greater acceptance in society nowadays.  But it is more than possible that more people will decide to come out as gay in a more accepting society. 


A similar thing happened with the election of Obama the first time around.  I personally know a few people who were to all apperances, shall we say, militant rednecks, who slipped into a voting booth and voted for a black man.  These same guys would sit around the local bar and appear to fall in line with their racist drinking buddies.  But when push came to shove they voted for the man they thought was best for the job - regardless of color.


As Big Boss Foxtrot sez - "People are valuing ideas like friendship, caring, honesty, and acceptance. As a society we need to openly embrace these concepts. What's so wrong with being a compassionate person?"


If that sort of thing is becoming more acceptable (We can only hope!) then we will likely see more people who are willing to say, "Hey, that is a pretty good show!,"  and lighten up on the Brony-bashing.  But then, it will also probably make the remaining hold-out die-hard haters even more loud and poisonous because they will be feeling more insecure as they watch their buddies dwindling...


Oh heck.  I forgot.  I wasn't going to post in this thread any more.   Oh well...

Edited by Foliha
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I find it silly when people think you can flip sexuality on and off like a switch. The shift in social pressure is allowing people to be themselves. When Foliha says they are more likely to "come out" that' exactly it. How many more people are going to live desperate lives of self hate and guilt before we just accept one another. We need to keep pushing for a better world, and while brony is just a fandom about colorful dancing singing ponies it's the kind of direction we desperately need to go in. Empathy can't be seen as weakness.


Brony also doesn't conform to gender roles which make people uncomfortable. To that I say, hell with your gender roles bigots! Boy's don't cry is a huge lie. I'm harsh and cold on the outside but it's a defense mechanism, I don't want people to take advantage of my generosity.  :proud:  I could go on and on about gender roles and how they harm people and how BOTH genders are responsible for them but I digress. 


I'm a fan of the enlightenment movement. The never ending quest to discover the truth. We need solidarity not this tribal ape minded "US AGAINST THEM" thinking. Hopefully we will see more things like MLP in the future. 


And another thing, be nice to your fellow brony. Set a positive example. 

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That's it!  It's precisely why I like watching MLP FIM so much.  It puts me in a better place.  When I go out in the world I take it with me.  And when I come in from the world, sometimes bruised and battered, it helps me get back to a happy place. 


My friends tease me a little about an old lady who loves ponies, but they also tell me that I seem like a happier and better person.


Unhappy people who can't unbend and share their happiness can sometimes be jealous of this "pony-high." 


They say "Misery loves company."  I think that's a big reason people take a negative stance on Bronies.  The thing to do is smile and blow it off.  If you reflect their negativity back to them it only grows worse. 


Kill 'em with kindness - at least they'll die happy (for once.)

Edited by Foliha
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Because they're flooding the internet with ponies! What? That was 2011/12? Nevermind then. Still shoving the bronyism down everybody's throat like some religions do.


That and social intolerance. Difference is bad for people, better get it sorted out before it gets babies.


Man, I'm swinging the sarcasm/satire bat so hard today... :blink:


Sig by: Kyoshi

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What do you mean?

If we would use homosexuals as example, no homophobe would be like "Oh, It's okay to be gay in today's society, therefore I'm gay now." 

No, but due to homosexuality becoming more aceptable in society more people are coming out as gay and others are more willing to experiment with their sexuality, go back 150 years and this was a diffrent matter as homosexuality was socialy wrong to the extent where it was even ilegal!


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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While I agree with both sides on some of their points I think the statement should be "There are legit reasons to hate on SOME bronies" (even though we shouldnt hate at all.) There are some bronies who annoy everyone and shove the fandom in people's faces and go to the extreme with ponies not every brony is like that. Most bronies (imo) just like the show and maybe post art and music for those who want to view it. They tend to only talk about ponies with other brony friends and not shove it in others faces.

Anyways the hate comes from a society issue of going with the flow. That when some people decide to challenge common society they are persecuted. The hate kinda reminds me of "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury as the characters suffer a similar situation.

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Technically, there's no reason to hate bronies. When I say that, though, i'm only referring to "us" collectively. Our group wasn't formed with some outright evil or malicious intention in mind (like, say, terrorists groups). It's also composed of thousands of different people with thousands of different interests. You can't really apply one thing to us, and expect it to stick to everybody; we're not "negative" anything.


Of course, the opposite's also true. We're not some ultra-class of human society; bronies can be and sometimes are awful human beings who do awful things. The thing is, though, you need to take it on a case by case basis, before you end up pointing the gun at everyone and hurting people that, quite frankly, did nothing that they've been accused of. This pretty much goes for any non-malicious organization.

  • Brohoof 7
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Technically, there's no reason to hate bronies. When I say that, though, i'm only referring to "us" collectively. Our group wasn't formed with some outright evil or malicious intention in mind (like, say, terrorists groups). It's also composed of thousands of different people with thousands of different interests. You can't really apply one thing to us, and expect it to stick to everybody; we're not "negative" anything.


Of course, the opposite's also true. We're not some ultra-class of human society; bronies can be and sometimes are awful human beings who do awful things. The thing is, though, you need to take it on a case by case basis, before you end up pointing the gun at everyone and hurting people that, quite frankly, did nothing that they've been accused of. This pretty much goes for any non-malicious organization.

This exactly this! What I want to say is you can't generalize all bronies to be over obsessed forcing neck beards with no tolerance. Most or many of us just enjoy the show in peace and talk about it with friends.
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  • 2 weeks later...

As a former anti-brony I think it's because the loudest (I'm talking about bronies who spam everywhere and talk about ponies regardless of whether it's on topic or not.) bronies are the worst bronies. You have to actually search hard to find the normal bronies but the loud annoying ones that most haters base their opinion on bronies on are almost all over the internet. It's annoying to look through comments of a youtube video and find multiple comments by people talking about MLP just because of one reference (I'm ok with this now but before it was annoying.)


There are also the haters with no reason who don't like bronies because they like something they don't like and trolls that just want a reaction.

  • Brohoof 3

OwO what's this?

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When a person hears "My Little Pony", they automatically assume it's for girls and girls ONLY. So when the Brony phenomenon became a sensation on the Internet, a lot of people thought "gay" or "pedophiles", which is far from the truth! Fans of a particular show are humans too, so why are they made fun of for liking someting that is "against the social norm"? Because some are too narrow minded; they don't understand that there is nothing wrong with liking a cartoon. It's simple as that.

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The main reason why i think that bronies are disliked is because some bronies take themselves way too seriously. 


What i mean is there are some people who think they are super cool and special because they like something that is " counter culture" to gender norms. In reality it's just a franchise. You can like it and enjoy it, but don't rub it in people faces, act high and mighty about it or be annoying.  :umad:


Then again, hater will hate on anyone of anything exploitable for hate. It's how you handle hate that matters at the end of the day. :mustache:  

  • Brohoof 3


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Well, most of my co-workers are against it because it is a show for little girls. They never seen the show but they assume since its a girl's show it must be watered down and boring. That only mentally challenged adults would like it.


Basically they pass judgement without watching the show.

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This is a fascinating thread. I never considered over half of the reasons here.


I used to be neutral on the whole brony thing. Didnt hate it, but didnt care for it. Before i became a brony, i would see pictures on the internet of full grown adults dressed like ponys and acting ridiculious and goofy for their age. I still find that rather strange, but not uncommon, since EVERY subculture has those types. But i didnt know that back then and thought all broneys where like that, so i avoided anything pony related. Until i foumd out a friend ive had for over 5 years turned out to be a brony. Since i knew her for so long and trusted her word, i decided to give the show a shot. She never told me about it, ragging me to watch it, or acted unusual with it. Thats the reason i became a brony, and was able to see the show and the watchers for what they were, instead of that small percentage that i seen and figured all were like.

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  • 3 weeks later...

People hate on anypony who likes MLP FiM for the simple fact that we are different from them. The same thing happened in the Civil War, and civil rights movement, although to a much lesser extent. What many people don't realize is the troubled people go through for their opinions. It is human nature to agree with what is most like you. Others believe that because we are different from them we are also less than them. I feel like we are actually one of the most accepting groups that can be found. In fact, I first learned about this fandom while reading a message written by a brony on his blog for other bronies/pegasisters written from the heart.


People also feel that because we like a show that is intended for a different target audience it can't also be enjoyed by many others. I believe that this just shows the quality of the show.


I can however see where other ponies come from when they dislike us. There are a few people who take the fandom to a level where others aren't good enough. This may be a minority of us, but they can still have a major influence on opinions about us. I still don't believe that a few people should have such an impact on the entire fandom. If an anti-brony met the average brony/pegasister they would see that we are actually good people and friends.

Edited by FlutterFly761
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People hate on anypony who likes MLP FiM for the simple fact that we are different from them. The same thing happened in the Civil War, and civil rights movement. It is human nature to agree with what is most like you. Others believe that because we are different from them we are also less than them. I feel like we are actually one of the most accepting groups that can be found. In fact, I first learned about this fandom while reading a message written by a brony on his blog for other bronies/pegasisters written from the heart.


People also feel that because we like a show that is intended for a different target audience it can't also be enjoyed by many others. I believe that this just shows the quality of the show.


I can however see where other ponies come from when they dislike us. There are a few people who take the fandom to a level where others aren't good enough. This may be a minority of us, but they can still have a major influence on opinions about us. I still don't believe that a few people should have such an impact on the entire fandom. If an anti-brony met the average brony/pegasister they would see that we are actually good people and friends.

This crap is why we are disliked in the first place! Comparing people not liking a TV show to people being beaten and lynched makes you look really dumb FYI.

  • Brohoof 3
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There's the normal 4chan asshats.


But a fair few number of people dislike bronies without disliking the show itself because they tend to be annoying, and a bit hypocritical. There are also some who don't like the fact that grown men are sexualising a kid's show, not because all of the fandom is like that, but because they view the minority who does that creepy.


Also, some of the hate is actually justified on tumblr because there are a number of idiotic bronies there who shove the show in everybody's faces /:

  • Brohoof 2

~ If you're feeling cold, I'll tax the heat. ~

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People hate on anypony who likes MLP FiM for the simple fact that we are different from them. The same thing happened in the Civil War, and civil rights movement. It is human nature to agree with what is most like you. Others believe that because we are different from them we are also less than them. I feel like we are actually one of the most accepting groups that can be found. In fact, I first learned about this fandom while reading a message written by a brony on his blog for other bronies/pegasisters written from the heart.


I find your analogy to be acceptable, if not perfect.  The degree of suffering visited upon African Americans was (and still is) of course, of a much more pernicious and pervasive degree.  I know of no-one who has been killed or had their entire existence made a misery for being a Brony.  But there have been Bronies who were bullied, battered, threatened at gunpoint or humiliated - not only by strangers, but by former friends, and even family members.   Cruelty and injustice often start small.  Teasing a Brony may eventually turn into more damaging actions, just as serial killers often begin by torturing helpless animals.  Prejudice and discrimination are always evil - no matter how insignificant they may seem in the grand scheme of things.

Also, some of the hate is actually justified on tumblr because there are a number of idiotic bronies there who shove the show in everybody's faces /:

Hate is never justified.  Anger - maybe.  But hate and anger are not the same thing.  I can see how people would be annoyed at someone else's clamorous enthusiasm, but hate would be an inappropriate and damaging response - both to the hater and the "hate-ee."  Plus, it solves nothing.

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I categorize haters into two categories. 


Normal haters: They hate bronies, but it doens't effect their everyday life.


Anti-bronies: They need to tell the entire world they hate MLP. They search for MLP related stuff solely to spew hate. They may buy the toys to burn them. They are obsessed with hating bronies. They are also the ones who will say hateful stuff to you because your avatar is a pony. (Even if your comment has nothing to do with MLP what so ever.)


The former one is alright. We have different opinions, and you can't please everyone. The latter is so freaking annoying though! I especially hate it when anti-bronies hate us because we shove it in everyone's throats. (Basically what they do.)


There are several bronies who are so annoying! I get that. I hate bronies spamming pony related stuff on things that has nothing to do with ponies.


The thing is, it's wrong to assume ALL bronies are like that. Some are, and some aren't.


The anti-bronies who hate us because we spam ponies everywhere better hate anime too. Believe me! Anime fans are just as bad as us. (No, not all anime fans are like that, but according to anti-brony logic, it might as well be all.)

  • Brohoof 1


Rarity Fan Club

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This crap is why we are disliked in the first place! Comparing people not liking a TV show to people being beaten and lynched makes you look really dumb FYI.

I am honestly sorry if what I said offends you. I can see that my word choice might not have been as good as it should have, and you will be glad to know that I used your advice and fixed it. I was just using this analogy to say that people are being treated wrong because they are different. I was not in any way trying to compare the magnitude of this mistreatment, but I can still see how this might offend you.


However, I do have the right to make this comparison without judgement. Although I am willing to accept criticism I believe that like John Peter Zenger I at least have the right to say this without being called, "...really dumb..."

Edited by FlutterFly761
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Because all people are inherently different and like / dislike a lot of things, subjectively. And they have every right to do so.

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Incoming rant.


It's pretty obvious why bronies are disliked. It's because people think it's weird that there are grown guys who watch what seems like a "little girls show" and one to sell toys. And they also think it's dumb for guys to like a happy, cute, relaxing show. I mean why can't any age enjoy an innocent show? Is it because they're too cool for that? Anyone who is an anti-brony probably doesn't like any cute characters or innocent shows in general, they just target My Little Pony because it's the one that's popular for anyone who is not a little girl.


When I first saw glimpses of bronies in 2011-2013 I was never curious as to why guys watch this show. I figured they watch it simply because it's a cute, innocent show with cute characters. I know I like cute characters myself but I always liked the japanese ones more so I didn't care for MLP at first. I used to see teens who wore Elmo and Cookie Monster shirts on, I figured it was to relive their childhood.


As for anti bronies having ponies shoved down their throat, and tired of seeing ponies everywhere. The funny thing is around this same period, 2011-2013, I was just as anti with another franchise. Around that time I was extremely anti Angry Birds (I still am by the way). I absolutely hated those games, hated those characters, and found it unpleasant, and I had Angry Birds shoved down my throat and was sick of seeing it everywhere. I could not tolerate that franchise but I was okay with MLP and bronies. Anti Bronies then troll on sites like YouTube, to get attention or to hope that the brony fandom would end but it never works that way and just leads to flame wars. 


While I was very indifferent towards MLP, I was okay about it and found it interesting that guys like a show that seems like it's for girls. Fandoms can be weird but that's what makes them so fun and interesting. One tip I have is to stay away from YouTube comments because they have some toxic comments regarding bronies and MLP. 


Let me end with this:




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