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Does anyone ELSE hate the term Pegasister?


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I'm male, but I like the term pegasister.  Not necessarily as a label to attach to female fans of the show; I just like how it sounds / combines the words "pegasus" and "sister" lol.  I liked it enough to masculinize it and make it my user name. xD  I think "Brony" is the comparably less appealing of the two, if you think of them purely as made-up words (rather than forced name tags).  If you don't want to be called a pegasister, I won't call you one.  I might define the term for someone who's unfamiliar, but I'm not going to demand that anyone adopt the label - much less like it.


Still think it sounds cooler than Brony, though.  There's a pegasus in it!!1!

  • Brohoof 1
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This... I have to counter argue a little about word of the day thing... I call someone a "pony". Plain and simple. You see... from my experience and I have done this, it's the truth... I have litterally made it a part of my personality to say it with meaning. I mean, come on pony (for example) has a good soft touch regardless of gender because it's genderless. What are we really? I know this much... I haven't met a brony that was EVER offended by being referred to as pony in natural conversation. But non brony's... Do find it odd. Someone close to me one day burst back and shout at me "Stop calling me a pony! I'm not a pony! blah blah blah) so that's when I knew, he would NEVER be a true brony, even though he enjoys watching the show more then he would even admit.

   to any pony reading this reply. Try it with your brony friends. Slip the word pony in when emotoinally responding about something. For example let's say they said something stupid. You respond with "Pony.... seriously..."   and there you have it, you used pony in reference to them as an individual regardless of gender.

Let's something happened and you have to say. "I don't know pony, that haters going to get it one day."

So get out there and ponify yourself and your friends. Or use names. I prefer Twilight all the same. Don't see me changing my name like some of you guys changing yours more then the diapers your moms changed on you combined do you? No? Then settle down and pick a name pony. (see? used it again. Not hard huh?)

While I do not directly disagree with your apporach to creating a soild gender neutral term for pans of the show FiM, your ending lines were far to atagonistic (changing your names more than your mother cha ges your diapers, what are you even refering to?) to really work as a solid approach. What the OP seems to want is the ability to use the term brony as a gender neutral name, so that they can be female, but not have to directly identify with the feminimity of the word pegasister, which we can easily do, by simply making the word brony a gender neutral one.
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While I do not directly disagree with your apporach to creating a soild gender neutral term for fans of the show FiM, your ending lines were far to antagonistic (changing your names more than your mother cha ges your diapers, what are you even refering to?) to really work as a solid approach. What the OP seems to want is the ability to use the term brony as a gender neutral name, so that they can be female, but not have to directly identify with the feminimity of the word pegasister, which we can easily do, by simply making the word brony a gender neutral one.

I know what the OP was talking about and I said my peice about it. My behavior that your questioning is in reference to how many ponies keep changing they're usernames. Sure I can call you brony or pegasister based on gender. I pointed out how it's still kinda flawed and shared my experience in using the word pony.

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I'm neutral to the term. It is a shame that some fans made the term pegasister just to push aside the female fans, but I'm not fussed if people call me a brony or a pegasiter. ;)

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I know what the OP was talking about and I said my peice about it. My behavior that your questioning is in reference to how many ponies keep changing they're usernames. Sure I can call you brony or pegasister based on gender. I pointed out how it's still kinda flawed and shared my experience in using the word pony.

Changing ones username has nothing to do with the topic at hand. All it really did was seem to weaken your anectote about how you found a flawed experience in using brony as a genderless pronoun. And I understand your personal feelings on the matter, but I belive that if the op wishes to have brony be used as a genderless pronoun, then facilitating that change does not harm any group.

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Changing ones username has nothing to do with the topic at hand. All it really did was seem to weaken your anectote about how you found a flawed experience in using brony as a genderless pronoun. And I understand your personal feelings on the matter, but I belive that if the op wishes to have brony be used as a genderless pronoun, then facilitating that change does not harm any group.

First of all, I used the word "pony" in the anecdote. That's P. O. N. Y. I obviously have to spell it out for you cause you can't read properly. It also stands for the Power Of a New You. So the only thing your weakening is your ignorance so your welcome to the new you pony.

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First of all, I used the word "pony" in the anecdote. That's P. O. N. Y. I obviously have to spell it out for you cause you can't read properly. It also stands for the Power Of a New You. So the only thing your weakening is your ignorance so your welcome to the new you pony.

See again, you act antagonistic, assume we knew the meaning to your word, insult other members in how they change their usernames, and say that I cannot read properly. Your idea is never going to get off the ground with an attitude like that, and your argument for it was rather weak only being "the people in my local area haven't had problem with it, so it isn't hard guiz!". And if I am weakening my ignorance that means I am lessening it. So again, your idea is fine, albeit a bit over bearing, but insulting members is never going to get your idea off the ground, nor do you seem willing to actually argue the OP, which was about changing brony to a gender neutral term in order for females to use it if they wished.

Good day.

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See again, you act antagonistic, assume we knew the meaning to your word, insult other members in how they change their usernames, and say that I cannot read properly. Your idea is never going to get off the ground with an attitude like that, and your argument for it was rather weak only being "the people in my local area haven't had problem with it, so it isn't hard guiz!". And if I am weakening my ignorance that means I am lessening it. So again, your idea is fine, albeit a bit over bearing, but insulting members is never going to get your idea off the ground, nor do you seem willing to actually argue the OP, which was about changing brony to a gender neutral term in order for females to use it if they wished.

Good day.

Why would I want to argue with the OP? Brony was gender neutral when I entered the fandom. No pony even had to tell me that. I was able to figure it out on my own. So there's nothing to argue about when it comes to changing it cuase it never needed changing in the first place. I simply shared that "pony" makes for a better all round word. You can have fake brony... but are you even you going to tell me that you would have a problem with being called a pony in casual conversation? I Nor was I even disagreeing with your view in case you hadn't noticed. Yeah, I pushed your buttons a little. Truth hurts. This whole "brony" thing you're all afraid to be, ISNT that hard. The only ones that make a lot of this hard ARE you guys. I AM being myself out there "pony". I don't have a problem with someone coming online to find me and see what i have to say. Can you say the same?

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Why would I want to argue with the OP? Brony was gender neutral when I entered the fandom. No pony even had to tell me that. I was able to figure it out on my own. So there's nothing to argue about when it comes to changing it cuase it never needed changing in the first place. I simply shared that "pony" makes for a better all round word. You can have fake brony... but are you even you going to tell me that you would have a problem with being called a pony in casual conversation? I Nor was I even disagreeing with your view in case you hadn't noticed. Yeah, I pushed your buttons a little. Truth hurts. This whole "brony" thing you're all afraid to be, ISNT that hard. The only ones that make a lot of this hard ARE you guys. I AM being myself out there "pony". I don't have a problem with someone coming online to find me and see what i have to say. Can you say the same?

You did not push my buttons at all. You are simply spewing fallacy and hurt feelings at this point. And in case you didn't notice, the OP was female, so saying that "you guys" are the only ones making a big deal about this is offensive to her.


You sound mad bro, I think you just need to step back from the computer, realize that no one cares, and stop trying to argue this point further, because all you are doing right now is looking defensive

Edited by Miaq_The_Truthful
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Ideally it should be shortened to simply "Pegasis" if it's going to be used. It's not as long, and it only really seems different when it's in text. 


Look out! Tangent below!!



Honestly, with all the "feminist" movement stuff, I've always had to laugh that the girls in the fandom seem to be opposing them.


I taught 2nd grade PE classes this last semester and was told to not use terms like "Okay, guys" when talking to the entire class of boys and girls because, according to my teacher, it was apparently "gender exclusive" and apparently made these 7 year old girls feel ignored...I said it anyway and the kids didn't seem to mind!


I also worked with my junior college's women's volleyball team a couple seasons ago, and there were only two guys in the gym: me and the head coach. The girls always, and I mean always said stuff like "Hey, guys!!!" It's modern culture!!




If someone wants to refer to a group of people as "guys" or "girls" is up to them. Almost every latin-based language has a masculine and feminine form of many words and when referring to a mixed group, the masculine should be used or everyone has to defer to saying both versions and that's just obnoxious.


The same should be applicable to "brony" and "pegasis". As far as fandoms are concerned, "brony" is the umbrella term. I think "pegasister" was invented because everyone (like documentaries and news anchors and reporters etc) always say "brony refers to males between the ages of 13-21 who are fans of the show My Little Pony."

That definition always pisses me off because that's what creates the stereotypes. I didn't start watching till after I was already 25...and it carries the connotation that all bronies are males



ANYWAY, back OT: I don't think it would be bad to keep using "pegasis" like people use "girl", as long as they don't exclude them when referring to bronies as a whole or as a group. If I call a girl a "pegasis" and she is offended, that's not my fault; it's an applicable term. People choose to be offended. I think it's a creative term and "pegasister" is just a mouthful (like this post...). 


If we want the term "pegasis" or "pegasister" to stop being used, then we need to get the word out for future documentaries or interviews to STOP explaining the term "brony" as referring solely to the "male fans of MLP". THAT'S where I think this all stems from.


*cough cough* My throat's dry now...sorry

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Well the term "pegasister" was created because the word brony had been made by combining bro+pony. There was enough uproar over this to cause a secondary term to be created to appease those who did not like being "forced" to identify as a masculine word.


But I feel that the word of the day should just be brony,as since it is a colloquium, we can change the definition to be gender neutral, and thus prevent further splintering of the fandom.

Maiq knows much, and tells all.


Yeah, that's basically all there is to it.  Bro is a masculine word, so they made another term.  That's all.  No big deal.  I don't think anyone is trying to be sexist or separate the fandom by having two terms.  I don't think there's anything wrong with having masculine and feminine terms for things.  I don't see what's wrong with waiter and waitress.  Why does it have to be "server"?  And how is that any better, anyway?  Waiter: a person who waits.  Server: a person who serves.  Both are verbs with an "er" added to the end to make them nouns.  How is one masculine, and the other is neutral?  And we still say actor and actress, so what's wrong with waiter and waitress?  Host and hostess.  God and goddess.  Nothing wrong with two terms.  Makes the language more interesting.  It's not a discriminatory thing.


Anyway, @Sweets, while I completely respect your not liking the term, I do think you're making too big of a deal out of it.  Dislike, fine.  But hate with a burning passion?  Really?  Relax--no one means any offense if they call you a pegasister.  Really.  I certainly have never once thought of the fandom of being divided, or that pegasisters are some separate group.  It's just like actor and actress.  And, incidentally, I actually really like the sound of the word pegasister.  I just think it's a cool word.  I actually like the sound of it better than brony, myself.

  • Brohoof 3
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Yet Pegasister?


I can understand perhaps offering a more 'feminine' name for female fans but would not a name that was species neutral be better then a term that connects all female fans to pegasus? I have heard the arguement made, by females fans, that of the question of 'what if I don't identify as a pegasus?" Which I feel is a fair point.

  • Brohoof 1
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I like being called a pegasister myself. I think it's cute ^_^ and find no harm in it. I don't think it's sexist or anything like that. As Justin_Case pointed out, we use different words for other things and no one cares, so I don't see why it's wrong here. However, I respect your dislike of it.

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Hmm, I say you can call yourself whatever you want. I wouldn't have a problem with it, personally.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't mind it, or really care at all. Some people use it, some don't. I don't see a problem with it.


To say that "Pegasister" is sexist is absurd. Sister = girl. Bro = Brother = boy. "Brony" was originally used to describe male fans in the early days, now it's used interchangeably. You can use either word as far as I'm concerned

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Well, there are hardly any females in the fandom (like 25% are female), so we hear brony more, and tbh I used to call myself a pegasister, but recently I've stuck to 'female brony' because the pegasisters I have seen aren't as obsessed with the show as female bronies/bronies.

  • Brohoof 1
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I feel that the term Pegasister is not a big deal, It's like calling someone a waitress, It's just a term that separates the gender, even though the whole group is called the bronies. It's just the way people see it.

But I'm a guy, so if this comes off as offensive, I apologize.

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I think it's just a general rule of thumb that if someone says they identify with a certain label, telling them they aren't allowed to use that label is a sh*tty thing to do, plain and simple.


I also hate the term pegasister. It's not that I take issue with anyone using the term if they want to, but it enforces the incredibly wrong view that all bronies are male, which is hurtful to both male and female bronies as it erases the latter while encouraging offensive stereotyping of the former.


Just death to excessive forced gendering in all fields. Death to the binary I say!

  • Brohoof 1
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Personally, and please no one take this the wrong way, but like the term pegasister. I am a male but please hear me out. When I am on a forum such as this and I come across a thread such as 'is your bf/gf a bony/pegasister?' it is just easier to understand if people are on about guys or girls by the term that they use. I understand that some people find it irritating that it is pegasi, indicating 5hat the girls only like the Pegasus rather than the other equine. But I do believe that girls should have another name, not in a sexist way but just to make things easier on forums. For example if I wrote on a dating site that I am interested in looking for a brony then I am likely only to get replies from guys where as if I write I am interested in pegasisters then I am going to get girls replying. I do believe that the term could be less equine specific but most brownies know the term pegasister now. I am fine with girls calling themselves bony, I just think having a second term for girls just makes some things easier.

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You may refer to yourself as whatever, but if you always use the term "brony" online, some anti-brony jerk may think you're one of the male viewers and they won't stop being an annoying asshole about it. I have a friend who actually prefers "Pegasister". Besides, it doesn't feel...right to refer to females when using a word with "bro" in it. Forgive me if that sounds sexist, it's not supposed to.

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