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People ALWAYS in the way


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Doesn't matter what age, 23 or 78, no matter where, school or the store, it seems like EVERYBODY decides to STOP IN FRONT OF ME!! It's always, "oh hey friend!", or "this is on sale!" in front of me coincedentally when I'm trying to do something.


This has grown to be a huge pet peeve of mine, does anyone encounter this problem? Or am I just impacient?

  • Brohoof 2


Digital Artist. Using GIMP.

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This is so me at school. Haha
Try walking behind a couple going 5 MPH down the hallway in front of you.


  • Brohoof 1

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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Well, the thing that annoys me most is when I am at the store and the person in front of me decides to have a nice chat with the cashier. But other than that, no, I sure am a very patient person. :)

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I'm agoraphobic and have an aversion to touch, so I'm especially high-strung if I have to deal with this sort of thing (when there's a people herd of any significant size lol).  It seems as though some people are genuinely inconsiderate or you're simply not important enough for them to notice.  Or they absolutely have to spend eleven minutes looking at the same five cans on a store aisle.  I try to get out of others' way (partly due to the aversion thing I mentioned), say "excuse me" and "I'm sorry," or even allow them to pass in front of me if I'm doing something that may take a while.  So *I* try to be considerate...  Even if I despise them on the inside. xD

Edited by PegaMister
  • Brohoof 3

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I get this all the time when trying to walk around in the city.

What's that? You wanted to cross this street? Well half way through crossing it I'm gunna send 6 cars speeding down the road while it is down pouring. Because.

  • Brohoof 2
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I get this all the time when trying to walk around in the city.

What's that? You wanted to cross this street? Well half way through crossing it I'm gunna send 6 cars speeding down the road while it is down pouring. Because.


This is why I no longer do the Philly thing. *shudders

  • Brohoof 1



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This is so me at school. Haha

Try walking behind a couple going 5 MPH down the hallway in front of you.


School is probably the worst place in this case for me. It is always ME who gets stuck behind somebody that decides to meet up with their friend smack dab in the middle of everything and spend their time in everybody's way. -_-

  • Brohoof 1


Digital Artist. Using GIMP.

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I hated it in High School when people would just stop in the middle of the hallway, and clog everything up. Then you two hordes of people both going different directions trying to push past these people. It was fairly annoying.

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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School is probably the worst place in this case for me. It is always ME who gets stuck behind somebody that decides to meet up with their friend smack dab in the middle of everything and spend their time in everybody's way. -_-

It's worse when you take the beef for it. XD

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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This tends to happen to me at its worst when I'm in a bad mood...


I'm already stressed out and in a bind. Here i am trying to get to work, or home, or to the store, or trying to get some things done, and this person intentionally or not, get right into my path...


It takes everything in my nerves not to yell out "GET THE &*^% OUT OF MY WAY" but of course this is when i'm already in a bad mood.

  • Brohoof 2

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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This is so me at school. Haha

Try walking behind a couple going 5 MPH down the hallway in front of you.


I know this feel so well. I've lost count of the number of times I'd feel myself on the brink of insanity trying to push my way through the people walking at a snails pace and/or making out in the middle of the hallway. 


I've managed to keep my frustrations about all of that to myself most of the time, but sometimes I let it out a bit. That never went well.


Ultimately, it's just not worth getting frustrated about. It is what it is, and allowing myself to be consumed by frustration only made it far worse than it needed to be. I'm going to try to keep a more positive attitude this upcoming school year.

  • Brohoof 1



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nopony talks to me In real life cause i dress like i'm going to rob you and even when I don't wear my hoodie and mask people still don't talk to me


as for people getting in my way no not really and when they do I just give them a death stare

I hated it in High School when people would just stop in the middle of the hallway, and clog everything up.

hehehe my friend and I did that to piss everyone off and somepony said to me "really are you just going to stop in the center of the hall" and my friend said in the funniest voice ever "Yeah!" hahaha good times

Edited by PonygamesFluttershy
  • Brohoof 1


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All the time. Especially at walmart or school. I am one of those people who like to get into the class room before some people. But I always get stuck behind 2 girls that are going really slow and I am just sitting behind them. And when I pass them going a little faster than them they rudely comment "what freshman got somewhere to be" And I just turn around and say stop walking like the offspring of a turtle and snail. I know it is mean to say but I just want them to walk faster.


At walmart I am just looking at something or helping my mother shop since she really cant anymore. And someone behind me has to get by so I let them go. Then ten seconds later someone else has to get through and so on and so on. Or sometimes when I dont notice they are behind me they actually nudge me with there cart for me to move. I also say they could have just said something. Eh sometimes people can be annoying :).

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm afraid I become more and more impatient with others as each day passes... I'm such a stressed out individual. =/


Like at work, people are always in my way... Like customers at work... It's almost as if they are programmed to be in my way. I mean... 3AM, and there's probably only one or two customers in the entire store, and where is one of them? Not only in my aisle, but right in the exact spot I need to be working.


It really tests my patience. >.>

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Well, I found out if you cough like you're sick people will move so I don't normally have that problem. And I have a small school of about 100 people or some number near there so it's not a problem there.

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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Doesn't matter what age, 23 or 78, no matter where, school or the store, it seems like EVERYBODY decides to STOP IN FRONT OF ME!! It's always, "oh hey friend!", or "this is on sale!" in front of me coincedentally when I'm trying to do something.


This has grown to be a huge pet peeve of mine, does anyone encounter this problem? Or am I just impacient?

I share that feeling.


People should be a bit more aware of their surroundings.

Some order would make the entire world flow better!


I have people ALWAYS in the way for the rest of my life. I just learn to either navigate around or pull off the New Fluttershy scare. 

Adapting to them is a good decision.


Be like water, flow across the free spaces and ignore the rocks standing in your way.

Water will slowly erode them if they are in the way.


I'm agoraphobic and have an aversion to touch, so I'm especially high-strung if I have to deal with this sort of thing (when there's a people herd of any significant size lol).  It seems as though some people are genuinely inconsiderate or you're simply not important enough for them to notice.  Or they absolutely have to spend eleven minutes looking at the same five cans on a store aisle.  I try to get out of others' way (partly due to the aversion thing I mentioned), say "excuse me" and "I'm sorry," or even allow them to pass in front of me if I'm doing something that may take a while.  So *I* try to be considerate...  Even if I despise them on the inside. xD


That must be horrible for you. I'm sad to hear that.

Edited by Iron Dawn

:) Have a nice day!

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Working at Wal-Mart, I can sadly empathize 100% with this.

Me thinking to myself: "No, no, please, people, just, just completely block the entire aisle, you know, it's, it's not like I'm, you know, trying to get to work or anything. Yes also move like a f*cking turtle, too, that helps."

It also doesn't help that it's constantly overrun with f*cking tourists. In Niagara Falls. Across the border from them stinking Canadians. Sorry to anyone who's Canadian. I know not all of the are like that. Just the ones in Niagara Falls.

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High school annoyed the ever living bad words out of me. Not only were there the people stopping in groups and clogging the hallway, there were also the groups who would spread as if trying to blockade the hall and walk as slowly as humanly snail-ly possible. If your going to walk in front of me at that pace, your gorram legs had better be broken or I swear by my PFB I will break them (or so I tell myself). I live near a large mall, and it's the same, people roaming about like sheep, not giving the slightest consideration to traffic flow. Then there's me rapidly weaving about...




Working at Wal-Mart, I can sadly empathize 100% with this. Me thinking to myself: "No, no, please, people, just, just completely block the entire aisle, you know, it's, it's not like I'm, you know, trying to get to work or anything. Yes also move like a f*cking turtle, too, that helps." It also doesn't help that it's constantly overrun with f*cking tourists. In Niagara Falls. Across the border from them stinking Canadians. Sorry to anyone who's Canadian. I know not all of the are like that. Just the ones in Niagara Falls.
Something about being a customer turns ordinary people into idiots.


Something about being a tourist turns ordinary people into ruttin' idiots. 


Something about being a Walmart customer turns ordinary people into bleedin' idiots.


If you can handle the "cream of the crop" without flipping tables or developing a twitch, you sir have incredible patience.

Keep flyin'


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