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You Might Be a Brony If...


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If you run a pony/brony facebook page.

If you go to the store and head towards the pony toy isle

If you have a My Little Pony song on your Music Player(I-Pod, I-phone, Mp3 etc.)

If your cartoon crush is on a pony

If you want to snuggle and cuddle with a pony

If the last reason made you smile.

If you watched lots of episodes of My Little Pony without a little girl or making fun of it.

If you've been or want to go to a brony con. without crashing it.

If eating apples in the country reminds you of the Apple family in Apple Acres.

If you wonder what your cutie mark would be

If you have a ponysoa

If you write fanfics or ever roleplay

If you spend all your time either thinking of ponies or doing something pony related.

If your favorite show is MLP:FIM and you're a guy.

If you use words like somepony or okie dokie lokie and 20% cooler

If you're on this website right now.

If your screensaver and account picture are of favorite ponies.

If whenever you hear words like "party, I wonder what that is flying up there, hey look there's an apple tree, hey do you want to sit by this tree and read, c'mon you've got to be gentle with this little animal, so what do you think of my beautiful outfit" reminds you of the mane 6 and pony related stuff.

If you believe friendship is magic

If when you're trying to be fun you think about Pinkie Pie.

If you ever name Pokemon after ponies or MLP characters.

If you don't like anti-bronies.

If you make pony refrences.

If most of your friends consist of bronies.

If you think this "If I ever have a horse I'll name it Dashie or Pinkie maybe even Twily would be cute. 

If this picture makes you smile, or gives you a happy reaction.

If you ever created a PMV or tried to.

If you like a background pony.

If when you race someone you feel like Rainbow Dash.

If whenever you get lots of money you spend most of it on My Little Pony related stuffs.

If when you play truth or dare with a non-brony and they pick dare you make them watch a full episode of Mlp:fim.

If you voted in the MLPF World Cup.

If you read this list and at least 75% of the things matched you then yes you are a brony.



If you cuddle with stuffed toys of the main six!
Boom I cuddle with a Sweetie Belle! 


Edited by PokeBolter
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Lists! Yay!


1. If you want to cuddle with Fluttershy

2. If you write fanfiction when bored

3. If said fanfictin is minimized right now

4. If your desktop background is something pony related

5. If that music you're listening to right now is in a PMV

7. If you make subtle references to MLP that only bronies would get

8. If you know what the abbreviation MLP means

9. If you bothered to read this far down

10. If I showed you a pictures of every single pony you could name most of them

11. If your music library has had a sudden expansion

12. If you are trying to finish reading Fallout: Equestria by the end of the week (That ain't happening)

13. If you knew a lot more about horses out of interest than you used to

14. If you want to "dash" anywhere

15. If cider is now your first choice for drink at your family reunion

16. If you feel a bit more tolerant of others

17. If small horse means joy

18. If your idle mind wonders what the world would be like if everyone was a pony

19. If you spent a bit too long thinking what kind of pony you would be by your bloodline and matching family with pony types

20. If you can do the Ponypolka

21. If that folder labeled "Random Stuff" contains a well organized selection of pony pictures

22. If yaying holds significance

23. If you see someone in a pony shirt in public and think "I wish I had the guts to do that"

24. If you have master plan to get your friend to watch an episode of MLP and every time you try to execute it you back out

25. If you got to this point in the list



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  • 3 weeks later...

If you say your favorite animal is fluttershy

if you see chicken and think of scootaloo

if you know of a lot of pony memes

if you heard more than 5 fan made pony songs 

if you stay up all night watch 3 second pony videos

Edited by Majikku
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