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Anti Bronies are stupid

Stone Cold Applejack

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I made this so I could tell y'all about how anti bronies at my school are stupid and to hear some of your opinions

Ok so there is this small group of anti bronies at my school who think they're hot shit and try to act black and stuff sayin the n word and acting and dressing thug like they are all white. Well they start making a clan an anti brony clan so they can take down all the bronies there all by themselves. They act like its a real gang making up signs and gang colors remember they're suburban white kids who listen to Drake oh wow so fucking gangster. So now me amd my freinds that are bronies and 1 non brony who's supportive a good friend made a group to protect yourselves. And if you think they're still not stupid 1 of them brought a loaded 9mm pistol to school so he could kill us bronies. Fuckin scary isn't it luckily they found it b4 he could use it. Then these stupid rascits wannabe thugs praise his ass. WTF!!!

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There will always be idiots in this world, and sadly these ones sound like they don't like bronies very much, which is unlucky for you.

Not all anti-bronies are stupid, usually they behave this way due to bad experiences with bronies in the past, one name that I can come up with is "Ghost" from "True Capitalist Radio" when he was trolled badly for years by bronies themselves.


There are always Gangter-kids in schools most of the time, but they aren't going to get very far in life behaving like that. You'll be the winner in the end, just putting up with that kind of thing is enough.


All I can really say is:



Edited by The Crimson Cross
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Are you sure the weapon was meant soley for attack on bronies? Often people that mental are doing it due to issues far larger than if a group of people enjoy a tv show.

And if you are being that activitly persicuted, I think it would be best to inform the authorites.

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I don't think you could reach a low quite as bad as attempting to organize crime (specifically murder) for the sake of showing people you don't like a TV show or its watchers. If all of what you said is real I think the major thing that their whole life's gonna lead up to is something mediocre to everyone else.

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If they're bringing firearms to a school to use against someone, then it's no longer about whether they're haters or not and it's now about people being in danger.  It doesn't matter who they plan to use the weapon on.  There's a certain obligation to report it to the authorities.


This is a serious matter if they're bringing guns, and you need to call the police before something happens.

Edited by SBaby
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Don't let you or your pony friends listen to all those aggressive Anti-Bronies. They don't have anything better to do in their spare time.

Edited by Photon Jet
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  • 1 month later...

Some anti bronies can be  :okiedokielokie:



why I say some, some tend to at LEAST have a reason and can at least except the fact we are part of the internet although personally they dislike us...


many bronies refer the smarter anti bronies as non bronies which yes is kind of true but since non brony means well...they are not a brony and anti brony means they dislike us and does not have to be in a cruel way...




but anyway yeah some haters can honestly be.....umm....I don't even :o ....but this is life I guess...some people...they just don't understand.... 


but bring GUNS!!!??? wow...umm...to be honest if this ever happens again someone needs to get the police involved if they got away with it...well...yeah...so personally I feel the police should get in next time they have guns....

Edited by Everleaf

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I'm pretty sure the whole 'killing Bronies with a gun' thing was just an empty threat. I think even they are smart enough to know that bringing in firearms and killing several people is got going to work out well for them. 

They also sound way too stereotypical to be real. I wouldn't let them get to you, but how is the person who brought in the pistol not suspended? 


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Being against a group of people that aren't espousing violence instead of just ignoring them might just be a trait of stupidity. And some stupid people can be really violent. It's kind of neither here nor there but maybe the thug child didn't fear consequences because he is "white" and doesn't fear being shot because of his skin color? You never know.

  • Brohoof 1

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So, let me get this straight. Anti-Bronies in your school basically formed a gang-like group and one of them brought a fully loaded 9mm to school so he could kill Bronies?


*Goes into underground laboratory.


How's that portal to Equestria coming? We need to hurry, the Anti-Bronies are becoming hostile and threatening murder against us.


But, in all seriousness, This is a very serious problem. It's one thing to be against a group of people because they like something that you don't, but there's a line in the fucking sand. A line that one does not cross, and bringing a weapon to school to use against Bronies is crossing that line. Did this guy get expelled / arrested for having a weapon on school grounds? I really hope he did.

Edited by Lance Shield
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RavenholmZombie - Brony since 2011

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Well just be aware that those guys are probably gonna grow up to be stupid drug addicts with no job(as with that attitude they probably couldn't hold down one)and will probably be poor or homeless, assuming they continue this attitude. And I doubt they'll shoot anyone they're probably just doing that to look swag as they would call it.

  • Brohoof 1

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I'm pretty sure the whole 'killing Bronies with a gun' thing was just an empty threat. I think even they are smart enough to know that bringing in firearms and killing several people is got going to work out well for them.

They also sound way too stereotypical to be real. I wouldn't let them get to you, but how is the person who brought in the pistol not suspended?

He wasn't suspended. He was expelled and sent to jail. He won't be coming back. The kid was a freak. He once got suspended for a month when he well punched a girl in the stomach. No one but the anti bronies like him.

Did this guy get expelled / arrested for having a weapon on school grounds? I really hope he did.

Both. Don't know how long he's gonna be in jail but at least he's not comin back anytime. The motherfucker hit a girl in the stomach before and always yells Jap at my friend Lou whose of Japanese descent. He thinks that his great grandad was killed by Lou's great grandad in Pearl Harbor. Which isn't true. First of all Lou's grandad was in the US Army during the Normandy Invasion and his great grandfather was never in WWII. Wait where the fuck that all come from? Anyway I think the kid has some mental problems. He talks to himself a lot and even hit a girl in the stomach and got suspended for 8 weeks and got A-School for that. He got out last year and you know.

I made this so I could tell y'all about how anti bronies at my school are stupid and to hear some of your opinions

Ok so there is this small group of anti bronies at my school who think they're hot shit and try to act black and stuff sayin the n word and acting and dressing thug like they are all white. Well they start making a clan an anti brony clan so they can take down all the bronies there all by themselves. They act like its a real gang making up signs and gang colors remember they're suburban white kids who listen to Drake oh wow so fucking gangster. So now me amd my freinds that are bronies and 1 non brony who's supportive a good friend made a group to protect yourselves. And if you think they're still not stupid 1 of them brought a loaded 9mm pistol to school so he could kill us bronies. Fuckin scary isn't it luckily they found it b4 he could use it. Then these stupid rascits wannabe thugs praise his ass. WTF!!!

Welp we won. The flag of the Bronyland flies high over top of the Reichstag. The anti bronies have moved away. 4 have moved the others have been given A School. Edited by Pvt. Applejack
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Keep this in mind.


Anti-Bronies are not just people who hate the show.

They also hate the Brony fandom and Bronies in general.

They will either verbally attack someone who is a Brony or make angry posts expressing their hate for the fandom and Bronies.

Some of their frustration is understandable, but most of them have bigoted opinions on Bronies.

I judge only Anti-Bronies by the majority of their group.

Do to the fact that Anti-Bronies in general aren't really a group of people with diverse opinions, what they're mostly all about is PRETTY clear.

They're a group of humans (particularly males) who sit behind a computer screen and spew their bigoted hate in the form of name calling and cyberbullying.

Now you can label yourself an Anti-Brony and scream at me all you want, but I'm just judging Anti-Bronies on what I see them as by observations of what I see as the majority of the group.

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Anti-bronyism aside (people should just ignore stuff like that) be careful if people are creating gangs with the intent of harm. No matter how gangster they may or may not be when people come together they can do stupid stuff. Watch your back while around these people. No matter what they think they could still do actual physical harm to you if they were so inclined.

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@,  Erm... Don't put your life in danger. These haters may be brainless but that doesn't make them any less dangerous if they really intend to cause potentially fatal harm. This fandom is not worth risking your life over. You and your friends should keep a low profile and I'd recommend moving out of the state if not the whole country once you've finished school. By the sound of things, you must be from the USA. I'd recommend looking at Utah, New Hampshire and Wisconsin as a place to settle.

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That is a very very serious problem that should be taken to the school district. If it starts to involve fire arms,  then it needs to be addressed to law enforcement.


This whole war between Bronies and Anti-Bronies is getting way out of control. From what I can tell, it's gotten to the point to where it involves murder.

I do agree with some of the people here that it couldn't be just against bronies, but to everyone. That person is a threat to everyone, not just bronies.


But I have to say it's really pathetic for ANYONE to form some sort of anti brony gangster group and actually act like gangsters. Them fuckers (Excuse me for language, it's just out of rage) are acting like gangsters. Typical white boys (I'm caucasion. Still white). I see this shit all the time, but mainly on Call of Duty. Which is mainly by abunch of 6-12 year olds. Anyway, there is NO reason for ANYONE to do such thing. It's a form of bullying and it needs to be addressed to like, NOW. Cause if that's the case, then it really needs to be taken care of. I will say that there will always be Anti Bronies. However, if it gets out of control like this. Then somethings need to be done because to me, those kids are a real threat to bronies and just casual people. It saddens me that people would go that far and threat to kill people. Telling ya bro, we live in a fucked up world. Why can't we just love and tolerate everyone? :(


In Texas, we don't tolerate that BS. We take care of anyone that behaves like that and we give them serious discipline. We don't F around here in Texas.

My school is a safe place. From what I'm aware of, everyone is friendly and cares for one another. There hasn't been any tragic events. My sister graduated out of LHS in 2010. I'll be graduating in 2015. I'm a senior.


We don't have to deal with BS like that. There isn't a brony group that I'm aware of. If not, I'd be proud to start one. There are a few anti bronies around, but I don't know who those people are. I can wear my pony merch and not get judged. Most of my friends at school are bronies.


In Texas, we believe in respect. We don't care what race you are, what color your skin is. We. Don't. Care. As long as you respect us and our people, we'll respect you. We don't tolerate nonsense. Any issue WILL be taken care of. That's what I love about Texas. To which I believe is why we don't get things like this. I'm grateful we don't.


I'm sorry that this is happening to you bud. I just wish I could do something for you. But like I said. It's pathetic that those kids act like wanna be gangsters and threat to murder. It seems that they'll only be criminals in life. I would just stay away from them and I'd report them to the school and district and let them handle it.

Edited by ~SadisticFluttershy~
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A classic case of the wannabe.


These guys won't kill you.

1)They would be too afraid of the consequences.

2)They wouldn't even have the courage to do it. Maybe the nutter that was sent to jail had.

3)They have been probably researching bronies, and some might even be closeted bronies by now.


If they continue with this behaviour they sure won't like it if there are police sniffing around. Tell the police about "gang related activity" That should shut them up.



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@, Erm... Don't put your life in danger. These haters may be brainless but that doesn't make them any less dangerous if they really intend to cause potentially fatal harm. This fandom is not worth risking your life over. You and your friends should keep a low profile and I'd recommend moving out of the state if not the whole country once you've finished school. By the sound of things, you must be from the USA. I'd recommend looking at Utah, New Hampshire and Wisconsin as a place to settle.

That won't be needed. For 2 reasons. First they have all moved or got A School. Second they don't have guns except that one kid but he got expelled and jailed. I'm not gonna drop the fandom because of them. Edited by Pvt. Applejack
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So you don't have.. security guards or something?

I'm pretty sure someone holding a gun at school would be reported immediately.


Anyways, this sounds obvious but tell an adult about it. Hearing about one of them bringing a gun got me scared. Tell a teacher or even the principal that someone is insulting you and threatening to kill you.



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So you don't have.. security guards or something?

I'm pretty sure someone holding a gun at school would be reported immediately.


Anyways, this sounds obvious but tell an adult about it. Hearing about one of them bringing a gun got me scared. Tell a teacher or even the principal that someone is insulting you and threatening to kill you.

The kid is expelled, jailed, mailed to another state when he gets out. I nmean what the hell.
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