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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Count to 42 Before 42, Dovashy or (sometimes) Stormgiggle, or Sir Hugs posts

Message added by Ice Princess Silky,

Hello, everyone! If you are not Sir Hugs then you should feel free to count here while also knowing he is one huge derp. :pout:

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Someone read this v



Seems unfair for either of us to pick the game, so how about we let someone else decide for us. Perhaps someone on this thread. Yes I'm talking about you, person who is reading this post right now and thinking "Is he talking about me?"
 Sounds like a good idea pal let them decide our fates ¦D
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30 in base 7 is 42

42 in base 14 is 30

7   x  4 is 28

14 x  2 is 28

28 is the number posted and asked a question.


So to answer the question that math is demanding I answer, I'm doing pretty well. :P

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damn your going to get at least 3-4 points for that haha And I think 42 is not posting on purpose to see slow it is when he leaves it (abusing our generosity) so I think someone should do a quick speed post to take a couple thrones haha (not a master plan but something to say hi) 



"by thestoicmachine"

Edited by Trottermare Galamane
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I'm bored, so here's a random poem...

"Roses are Red. My Absol is Blue. We may actually get to reach the number 42.

The Sun is White. Yoda is Green. FortyTwo42 could just stop our count, now that would be mean.

Why do I keep typing this, I may never know...but all I can do now is sit back and enjoy the show."


*Begins watching random show*

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