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Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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Locking a thread because of a few negative comments towards a character would be an overreaction, I don't see why that would get the thread locked?

I think it'd be because people are being rude and insensitive about their opinions that clearly missed the mark by a mile and then just refusing to listen to reason rather than a few negative comments towards a character. 




But yeahh. I kind of want this thread to get locked at this point. It keeps teetering on a flame war, which is what no one wants.

  • Brohoof 2
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Rainbow Dash is to awesome to be bashed. ( Well not as awesome as Fluttershy, but close)

RainbowDash had her fair share of negative comments here. Look at the past few pages of this thread.

You'd be surprised as to how many people don't like her and do not, in fact, find her to be "awesome".


I'm sorry, but it really irks me when people say "Rainbow is just too cool to be hated!"

That couldn't be farther from the truth. What you may find to be awesome, someone else may find it irritating or aggravating.


I'm not trying to pick on you specifically, but I haven't had a chance to bring this up until now.

I realize that you may have been teasing, but I wanted to say this.

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I thought how Pinkie was screaming in Fluttershy's face in FV was so unlike her from S1...what happened to the Pinkie that objected to pranking Fluttershy, knowing her anxieties and insecurities? Instead Pinkie just screams loudly about all of the things Fluttershy most fears, making her cry. What the hay?


It's called "faults of the moment". You do it,i do it,we all do it. Quite frankly all of us have a moment where we are being less than our usual selves -- perhaps abit more overbearing than we should be,however that doesn't mean our true character is ruined for a moment of fault. :maud:  


As for your 'screeching/yelling,blah blah' issue,that's always been Pinkie..since her 1st scene basically.. :maud:

  • Brohoof 1
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I think it'd be because people are being rude and insensitive about their opinions that clearly missed the mark by a mile and then just refusing to listen to reason rather than a few negative comments towards a character. 




But yeahh. I kind of want this thread to get locked at this point. It keeps teetering on a flame war, which is what no one wants.

I don't think that this thread ever got as bad as you're making it out to be. People weren't violently insulting each other or harassing others. I think that people may have shared some of their opinions in an uncivilized matter, but by no means was this ever a war zone.

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I just think fans of RD are obnoxious and overrate her, which makes me hate her, even though she isn't that bad of a character

Out of everyone, I think she's the most obnoxious and overrated. So this dosent help me.
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@,Sir i have no idea what you are talking about or trying to imply. Perhaps you were saying you like Maud? I like Maud too.  :maud:



Edited because you edited: I knew you liked Maud,no need to edit your entire post to hide it.  :nom:

Edited by Pinkamena-Pills
  • Brohoof 2
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I don't think that this thread ever got as bad as you're making it out to be. People weren't violently insulting each other or harassing others. I think that people may have shared some of their opinions in an uncivilized matter, but by no means was this ever a war zone.

I never claimed it to be a war zone :confused: With all of these passive attacks and defensive fans, it's been pretty close to becoming a giant argument several times. 




Passive attacks are passive.  :maud:


Defense posts,defense posts everywhere.  :maud:


This sums it up nicely, and it's all downhill when it gets to that point. 

  • Brohoof 1
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And yet this thread isn't locked. I'm surprised early this point.

Because Jeric kept it reasonable for so long :\He had people being civil and everything, but without that voice of reason, nasty comments about characters will be made and people will get offended. 


Hence, why I've been opposed to all threads like this in the past - they've only created problems, and that's where this one seems to be heading. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I never claimed it to be a war zone :confused: With all of these passive attacks and defensive fans, it's been pretty close to becoming a giant argument several times. 





This sums it up nicely, and it's all downhill when it gets to that point. 

No, you never said that it IS a war zone, but you said it was close to becoming one. Which... I disagree. I'm sure that you've seen much more violent arguments then this. It has the potential to be one, but it really never did come close to being one. Yet.


Also, Jeric didn't keep everyone calm. People who only recently started posting on this probably haven't seen his previous posts and remained calm in their own.

I just think fans of  RD are obnoxious and overrate her, which makes me hate her, even though she isn't that bad of a character

I understand where you're coming from.

I do.

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I'd say Rarity, she just doesn't have much personality in her episodes in my opinion

I actually feel that, although Rarity isn't my favorite of the 6 because I relate less to her, I think she is the best -- as in most complex -- character. She is flawed and her episodes show her facing that and working through it. I honestly don't feel any of the other 5 can match the complexity of Rarity's character. She is so well-explored and I love how believable a character she is. I'm also surprised you feel that she doesn't have much personality in her episodes, because I feel like the critique might be more toward "she has too much" with all the flailing and drama she brings to an intense moment. imo Rarity is the simply the best written of the 6, even though I say that Fluttershy is my favorite because she is the most like me. I completely understand how someone could be annoyed by Fluttershy too, though.

Edited by Heliodor
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@,Sir i have no idea what you are talking about or trying to imply. Perhaps you were saying you like Maud? I like Maud too.  :maud:



Edited because you edited: I knew you liked Maud,no need to edit your entire post to hide it.  :nom:

Lol, no, a friend of mine is over, who is also a brony, and he was browsing and was implying you use the Maud emoticon too much


I like maud a lot, I just edited out because I thought it was mean-spirited  :lol:

  • Brohoof 1
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Lol, no, a friend of mine is over, who is also a brony, and he was browsing and was implying you use the Maud emoticon too much


I like maud a lot, I just edited out because I thought it was mean-spirited  :lol:

Tell your friend that "Maud is Maud.. Maud is Maud.. :maud: ".  :maud:


You showed good character for making the call to edit it out,Maud is proud of thee -- as you can clearly see.  :nom:

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I'd say Rarity, she just doesn't have much personality in her episodes in my opinion

Strange. :confused: When I started to watch the show I didn't like Rarity. But I've never thought that, I even thought the opposite: like @Obsidian Sky said, she had too much personality for me to handle.
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It's called "faults of the moment". You do it,i do it,we all do it. Quite frankly all of us have a moment where we are being less than our usual selves -- perhaps abit more overbearing than we should be,however that doesn't mean our true character is ruined for a moment of fault


You are a gentleman and a scholar. I think one reason I have a larger tolerance for what people consider 'out of character' moments is because I tend to not loose focus on larger picture aspects of the story such as theme, plot progression, organic cadence of dialog, etc. I don't want to get hung up on moments like Rarity yelling, 'Mine!', or Rainbow Dash dealing with animals. I may be a firm believer that minutiae can add to the tapestry of the characters ... but it can be a double edged sword.  


I will say that I cringe a little when people bring up the five 'Key' Episodes as out of character moments and reasons to dislike a character. They were intentionally crafted that way. Without them, then the theme behind Season 4 and the catalyst to Season 5 falls apart.

Strange. :confused: When I started to watch the show I didn't like Rarity. But I've never thought that, I even thought the opposite: like @Obsidian Sky said, she had too much personality for me to handle.


:confused: as well.  Rarity kind of wears her emotions on her sleeve. She comes across (to me at least) as someone who has emotional expression turned up a few notches. It's one of the reasons I find her so damn endearing.


"What to Ponies wallow in?"



  • Brohoof 4
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I just think fans of  RD are obnoxious and overrate her, which makes me hate her, even though she isn't that bad of a character

Fluttershy fans are overprotective to the point of being violent

Pinkie Pie fans are very loud and annoying

Rarity and Applejack fans can be very pretentious and snooty

Twilight fans can be very doom-mongering


Yet I don't hate any of them

Edited by Megas75
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Fluttershy fans are overprotective to the point of being violent

Pinkie Pie fans are very loud and annoying

Rarity and Applejack fans can be very pretentious and snooty

Twilight fans can be very doom-mongering


Yet I don't hate any of them

I have not seen any of that really, just the flood of Rainbow Dash fans on literally any site, if it's MLP or not. And actually, they are a combination of all those things. Overprotective, loud, annoying, snooty, and... Doom mongering? What does that have to do with Twilight fans? 

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