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Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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Okay, here comes my list of characters I don't like. In ascending order!


4) Snips, he's annoying, but at least makes me laugh sometimes.

3) Snails, he's one of the ponies that backs up my point that most stallions/colts are dumb or plain boring.

2) Trixie, I hated her from the beginning of Boast Busters, I can't see why she has such a large fanbase.


1) Rainbow Dash! I seriously think she is my least favourite pony. She also seems to be the most over-exaggerated pony, with her pictures and quotes being used everywhere I look in the fandom.


Sorry if i offended anypony. img-1520847-1-wink.png

Edited by Brainy Brony
  • Brohoof 1
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Very Very surprised to see Rarity as the least voted for the Main characters, and SPIKE! How could you lol 

I voted for Twilight Sparkle as my least favourite, I don't hate her, it's just that I feel like she uses her friends. I dunno. but she can be awesome and funny in some episodes. 

For the Secondary characters, I'd have to go with Trixie cause SHE'S SO ANNOYING and arrogant in a very bad way. She's also stubborn. Don't see why people like her.

I obviously expected Twilight Sparkle to be voted the least lol.



Best pony is obviously Pinkie Pie followed by Fluttershy.

BTW ponies rock and so does the series.

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Least favorite Main character

Applejack, and it's not because I don't like her. She's a tremendous character with a lot of depth, resulting in being the most complete of the Mane Six. I just happen to like the others a bit more.


Least favorite Secondary Character

I chose "Other" for this matter. My least favorite is also the worst written villain the show: King Sombra. From top to bottom, he is unbelievably flat. He sounds like he's smart, but we don't know his full personality because there isn't any. He was written as a purely evil character with no other edge to make him a CHARACTER instead of a "character," the Door of Fear being the only part where we saw how cruel his heart and conscience truly are.


Least favorite Tertiary/Background Character

Diamond Tiara, but not because of her concept. (Snips and Snails are just terrible characters conceptually, but their characters were better in Magic Duel.) It's more what she has become. What was such great characterization in Ponyville Confidential was wasted away in One Bad Apple, reverting her back into the typical school bully rather than the scheming, dynamic, manipulative businessfilly in Ponyville Confidential. She seems to become a flat antagonist, and that's unfortunate.

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I don't HATE any of the main characters at all.  But if I REALLY have to pick one, I'd have to choose Rarity because I relate to her the least.


The only characters I really don't care for that much are Blueblood (jerk), and Diamond Tiara (mean).  Everypony else I love!

Applejack is best pony!


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Gilda <.< I really hate you.... 


angel, Rainbow Dash's personality of constantly wanting to show off and thinking she is above everyone else... She has really gone down on the list for me. I actually like her a lot when I first watched the show but Pinkie Pie replaced that spot quickly.


Diamond tiara -_- need I say more?

  • Brohoof 1



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I do love most ponies, but there must be some that i hate. an example?

Rarity is not my type at all. She over-reacts, but least favorite doesn't mean hated


Another one that i hate is prince Blueblood. He's just a jerk.


I then hate Diamond tiara and Silver spoon. They are jerks to Applebloom, Sweetie belle and Scootaloo. I also hate snips and snails, they have horrendous character design.

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I absolutely detest Rainbow Dash. She seems so 'full of herself', and comes off as a bitch to me. She just seems like a jerk, the kind of person who everyone thinks is "cool", yet they're simply an incoherent imbecile.


Also, off-topic: I believe I'm not only person in this thread who likes Diamond Tiara.

Edited by ★Reverie★
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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't dislike many of the characters but out of the mane 6 I like Fluttershy the least and for non mane 6 it's easily Twist because her voice annoys me

Twilight and Applejack are best ponies, <3 Sombra too.

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Probably Cheerilee. She's just some weird teacher who doesn't even teach anything, really. xD All you ever see is the kids goofing off in her class. xD



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Whats with the Spike hate? He seems like a bro.

Anyhow I chose Fluttershy cause she just bores me to death. Every episode centered on her I feel are the worst ones. As far as secondaries go I chose Blueblood cause he's a dbag and snips and snails cause they're just pathetic.

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Mane 6: I voted Rainbow Dash previously, but I don't think I really have a least favourite. :v

Secondary: Sweetie Belle (She's OK)

Background: Bon Bon (Dislike her)


I should have voted for Blueblood and Trixie, especially Trixie. I think Blueblood is just meh since he appeared in just one episode. If Shining Armour and Cadence existed when this thread was made, I would have voted for them without a doubt. 

Edited by Nagisa Misumi
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I don't like Rainbow Dash out of the mane 6. She's overrated and arrogant. I couldn't hang out with her because she thinks she's better at everything then her friends. No pony likes someone who brags all the time.

  • Brohoof 1


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I hate Fluttershy, she's completely overrated and has no qualities outside of "OMG shee is so cute!! She did nutin wrong." Plus I just never liked her character, she is the shining example of overshy, and boring.


Background character, obviously Blueblood, but I can't stand Cadence or shining armor, I just never really liked them and Blueblood is a prick.


Background characters, I like all the background characters.

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I don't dislike any of the main characters at all, but I guess I'll vote for Spike because I like him the tiniest bit less than the mane 6.


For the other two, I probably don't need even explain why I don't like Blueblood and Diamond Tiara. They're inconsiderate jerks.



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  • 2 weeks later...


No order 


Out of the main six


Rainbow Dash: To me, Rainbow Dash is one of those people (or ponies) who if I knew in real life (and I did know someone who was similar to her in a lot of ways) I wouldn't be able to stand, at all. Basically to sum everything in a couple of words, to me, Rainbow Dash is sort of a jerk and she mostly cares more about herself and looking awesome then her friends.


Other Ponies and non ponies

1. Snips and Snails 2. Spike 3. Gilda 4. That mule that always says "None taken" 5. Zecora (I really know why I don't like her, I guess it's just the whole rhyming thing) 

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Main character: Spike. It's not that I hate him. The show wouldn't be same without him. But his episodes seem to fall flat with me. If they have him better episodes I would like him more.


Secondary character: Trixie. I can't stand listening to her talk. She is so far up her own ass, it's almost painful. The only time she was bearable was when she began to distrust wheels.


Background character: other. I always thought hating background characters would be hard. They don't do much. But I was able to find some... The buffaloes. One of the reasons I like MLP is because they have a female lead cast, but don't make it into a huge deal. They treat it like it's normal. Over a Barrel seems pandering to me. They portray them as victims, just like most shows do.

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My least favorite characters are Rarity, Trixie, and Diamond Tiara.

With Rarity, it was hard to choose because I think they're all awesome, but I don't like her whining. Another reason I dislike Rarity is because she represents the element of generosity, but is SOMETIMES selfish. She's still awesome though.

With Trixie, I just can't stand Trixie. She is a bragger and is arrogant. Arrogant as in annoying, unlike Rainbow Dash's "cute" arrogance. Also, I don't like it when she calls herself "The Great and Powerful Trixie." I just don't like it when she talks in 3rd person.

With Diamond Tiara, well, she's just a bully. I dislike bullies, a lot.

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My favorite pony would be a tie between Rainbow Dash and Derpy Hooves.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, regarding the Mane Six, I love them all, and I don't dislike any of them in the slightest. I picked Rarity as my least favourite, but that doesn't mean I hate her. There are a lot of things that Rarity has done that I admired or found hilarious, and I like her a lot; I just love the rest of the main characters more than her. I mean seriously, how can you hate any of those adorable faces? They're all amazing in their own ways. <3

There are some secondary characters that I'm not keen on, like Granny Smith (she creeps me out a little haha), Cheerilee (she just gets on my nerves), and I also don't like Flim and Flam or Cadence very much, but they're not in the poll. I just find them overrated and annoying. But, as I said, I don't have any massive hate for a character, because they're all important, I'm just not as keen on some as I am with others. 

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My least favorite main 6 is definitely Rainbow Dash. I don't like that "I'm better than you" attitude she has.


Least favorite Secondary would be Princess Luna, I personally don't understand all her hype, I like Celestia more.


Least Favorite Background would be Snails; he seems to represent boys as being...idiots. 


Just my choices and opinions. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Pinkie Pie is annoyingly lolsorandomecksdee and Fluttershy is the definition of a boring and one dimensional character. Outside of the mane 6, the only ones i really dislike are the ones that have 5 seconds of time in the background and the fandom somehow gets obsessed with them (octavia, vinyl, doctor whooves, etc...)

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Upon further reflection, I just changed my vote.  it used to be Rainbow Dash, who's a better character than I gave her credit for.  I think i voted for her in part as a backlash to her massive fandom, and I'm able to see the value she brings as a fairly three dimensional character (one that I think is more similar to Rarity than people think).  I'm still not a big fan of her arrogance, though, which is why I'm only bumping her up to 5th. 


Now it's Fluttershy, who is kind and cute and amusing in how timid she can be, but doesn't offer a lot as a *character* to me.  You can read who she is pretty easily, and doesn't quite have the "hidden depths" that some of the other characters seem to have.

  • Brohoof 1


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Picking background/minor ponies was easy for me because the Mayor is flat and boring (really nothing interesting about her) and Diamond Tiara's just kind of evil at the moment. I ended up picking Pinkie as my Mane 6 option because she's very childish and often selfish but this is ignored in-universe and she never really gets any negative consequences for any of the more irresponsible choices that she makes, with the exception of Too Many Pinkie Pies.

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Spike is my least favourite main character. Not saying he's a bad character or anything; he's a pretty awesome guy! It's just that I prefer all of the Main 6 more, that's all.


Prince Blueblood is most definitely my least favourite secondary character. Snobby, selfish, and just really hasn't got a lot of good going for him. I'm glad he was tossed after the S1 finale.


And obviously Diamond Tiara is the most hated lesser character. Out of her and Silver Spoon, it's her any day of the week. She's nothing but a spoilt little brat who does nothing but pinpoint the other kids and degrade them. While she may be an important character in MLP:FiM (for the CMC plots), that doesn't mean that she as a character is someone to like.

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Twilight is my least fave out ofthe mane 6,


Secondary?I don't know...Probably Shining Armor.


Background? probably Snips & Snails.I've never really like them.....or Pipsqueak


least fave non-pony, Gilda.

  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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