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general media Your favourite Star Wars character(s)?


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I'm a life-long Star Wars hyperfan with a ridiculously encyclopedic knowledge of the universe, and as such, I'm always eager to find other people who share my enthusiasm with the greatest fantasy franchise in history. (And yes, I do classify Star Wars as fantasy, NOT science fiction.)
I was having a conversation last night with a dear friend of mine about this very subject, and the topic of favourite characters came up.
Here is a list of my four personal favourites, in ascending order:

1. Meetra Surik, aka. The Jedi Exile.


Meetra was a Jedi Knight who served the Republic as a general in the Mandalorian Wars under the Jedi heroes Revan and Malak, around 4000 years before the events depicted in the film saga.
She was later exiled from the Jedi Order for knowingly disobeying the orders of the Jedi High Council, and participating in the Mandalorian conflict.
Later, Meetra would be single-handedly responsible for bringing the Old Sith Wars to the end by killing the Darths Nihilus, Sion, and Traya, but, unfortunately, never got the recognition she deserved.

2. Zayne Carrick.


Zayne Carrick was a Jedi Padawan during the aforementioned Mandalorian Wars who was falsely accused of murdering his fellow Jedi Initiates in-training, and then forced on the run on an epic journey to clear his name, and to bring the real culprits to justice.
He would later leave the Jedi Order behind and form a shady criminal organization with a small-time con artist, known as Marn Hierogryph.


3. Luke Skywalker.



Luke Skywalker was the son of the famed Jedi hero, Anakin Skywalker, and the older of the Skywalker twins.
He was arguably the most powerful Force user in the Galaxy's history, and served in many other conflicts following the Galactic Civil War, including, but not limited to the Second Imperium Crisis, the Yuuzhan Vong War, and the Second Galactic Civil War.
He would later rebuild the ruined Jedi Order from ground up, and ascend to the rank of the Jedi Grand Master, a prestigious title once held by Yoda himself.

4. Darth Caedus, aka. Jacen Solo.


Jacen Solo was the son of Leia Organa Solo and Han solo, as well as a brother to his twin sister, Jaina.
He was a talented and leading Jedi Knight who grew up in the tumultuous time following the war between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire.
He was trained at the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4, and, at his prime, could even hold on his own against his uncle, Luke Skywalker.
Jacen would later turn to the Dark Side of the Force and adopt the identity of Darth Caedus after becoming convinced that the Galaxy needed to be forced into an everlasting peace with an iron fist, eerily echoing the sentiments of his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker.
Caedus would meet his end at the hands of his sister, Jaina, during the final battle of the Second Galactic Civil War.



So that's my list. Who are some of your personal favourites?

Edited by Derp My Life
  • Brohoof 1



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Thank you for this topic, and doubly thank you for inclusion of EU characters since several are on my Top Ten list.


Han Solo!




Simply put ... he may be one of the most tragic figures in Star Wars not named Anakin Skywalker. The losses he experiences in the EU are even to completely break any man. Starting with Chewbacca's death in Vector Prime, to the death of his sons Anakin & Jacen, you start to feel for him at another level.


BTW -- Han Shoots First ... FOREVER

  • Brohoof 1



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I tend to like the villains, so my fave would have to be Darth Vader.  Thanks to Netflix, I got hooked on The Clone Wars, and especially Captain Rex and Anakin Skywalker. 

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Well, time for a patented Pathfinder list!


1. Grand Admiral Thrawn - This guy just OOZES awesome! I love how cool & collected he can be while at the same time being so intimidated and ruthless. His intelligence outmatches everyone else in the galaxy; even Emperor Palpatine had a lot of respect for him.


2. Drath Vader - Well...what can I say? From cold-hearted with to tragic hero; there is a reason why he is one of the best villains around.


3. Cad Bane - Easily my favorite bounty hunter. Just so bad-ass...

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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My top 5 favorite Star Wars Characters:

1) Qui Gon Jinn.

2) Yoda.

3) Mace Windu.

4) Obi Wan Kenobi.

5) Count Dooku. 


I watched the prequel trilogy first, so I would of course enjoy the characters from episodes I-III more than the ones from the original trilogy. 


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Han Solo: I have a thing for anti heroes and he delivers, going from a hot shot smuggler who flies by the seat of his pants to get his next big payday into someone who recognizes that there are some thing more important than money and lends his talents to the Rebel Alliance Han is quite the compelling and varied character.


Jango/Boba Fett: Kind of a shame that Boba got taken down so easily but Jango was able to put up a good fight against Obi Wan and both have quite impressive feats in the expanded universe.


Darth Bane: He created the rule of 2, 1 master to have the power and 1 apprentice to crave it. He wanted to put an end to all the infighting in the Sith Order and he did by exterminating the whole Sith order and starting over. He was smart enough to know that in order for the Sith to succeed it had to go beyond mere egos and that the order had to come first, with his rule of 2 he hoped that with each generation the Sith would become more powerful because each sith apprentice had to surpass his master to become the master.



Darth Revan: He fell to the dark side which is something that is common but there is speculation that he may have deliberately fallen to the dark side so that he can get close to the Sith emperor in order to actually find out what he is up to so he can stop him. When the Jedi found him they erased his memory in order to use his talents to their side to stop Darth Malak who was Revan's former friend and apprentice who left him for dead.


Revan later found out and regained his memories and stopped Darth Malak. Afterwords he went out into unknown space to confront the Sith Emperor but never returned.Before his fall he reformed the republic military into the strongest it has ever been to combat this threat from the Madalorians. He became respected as one of the greatest general the republic has ever seen and the Madolorians themselves grew to respect him for his strength.



  • Brohoof 2
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Thank you for this topic, and doubly thank you for inclusion of EU characters since several are on my Top Ten list.


Han Solo!




Simply put ... he may be one of the most tragic figures in Star Wars not named Anakin Skywalker. The losses he experiences in the EU are even to completely break any man. Starting with Chewbacca's death in Vector Prime, to the death of his sons Anakin & Jacen, you start to feel for him at another level.


BTW -- Han Shoots First ... FOREVER


Even when I was 3-4, I understood shooting a guy before he shot you wasn't going to make you a bad guy; that'd just be common sense self-defense. So yes, HAN ALWAYS SHOOTS FIRST, DANGIT!!!


Well, time for a patented Pathfinder list!


1. Grand Admiral Thrawn - This guy just OOZES awesome! I love how cool & collected he can be while at the same time being so intimidated and ruthless. His intelligence outmatches everyone else in the galaxy; even Emperor Palpatine had a lot of respect for him.


2. Drath Vader - Well...what can I say? From cold-hearted with to tragic hero; there is a reason why he is one of the best villains around.


3. Cad Bane - Easily my favorite bounty hunter. Just so bad-ass...


Thrawn had more natural intelligence than Palpatine (Palpatine's only advantage was his Force insight.).

Edited by A.V.
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Even when I was 3-4, I understood shooting a guy before he shot you wasn't going to make you a bad guy; that'd just be common sense self-defense. So yes, HAN ALWAYS SHOOTS FIRST, DANGIT!!!



Thrawn had more natural intelligence than Palpatine; Palpatine's only advantage was his Force insight.


Which brings up the age old question...what is Thrawn was in command of the forces at Endor? :D

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Which brings up the age old question...what is Thrawn was in command of the forces at Endor? :D


Then there wouldn't have even been a Death Star, because Thrawn always preferred practical fleets + special tactics vs. risky superweapons.

Edited by A.V.
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Not really privy to any of the characters outside of the movies, but outside of the main characters my favorite ones are Qui Gon and Count Dooku. Qui Gon because of his unorthodox beliefs compared to the rest of the jedi council and his steadfast loyalty to these beliefs and his allies. Dooku because I read a bit into the background of Dooku and just love his backstory of being a jedi before turning to the dark side but not having an overt faith in one or the other. 

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Not really privy to any of the characters outside of the movies, but outside of the main characters my favorite ones are Qui Gon and Count Dooku. Qui Gon because of his unorthodox beliefs compared to the rest of the jedi council and his steadfast loyalty to these beliefs and his allies. Dooku because I read a bit into the background of Dooku and just love his backstory of being a jedi before turning to the dark side but not having an overt faith in one or the other. 


Dooku went out too early in ROTS. I would've had him last until Utapau, then go out Lord-Beckett-style:


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Dooku went out too early in ROTS. I would've had him last until Utapau, then go out Lord-Beckett-style:


Completely agree that is just one of the many things that is screwed up in the prequels.

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I can't believe nobody's said T3-M4 yet. You all disappoint me.  :okiedokielokie:




T3 is totally Lando, guise.

Edited by ReGen
  • Brohoof 3


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Galen Marek has been my favorite for a while. He's mainly a very grey character in terms of personality and the force since he was both a sith and a jedi and that's why he was awesome. Pus I loved him in the Force Unleashed games. 

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1. Han Solo 

What can I say? A smuggler who becomes a hero, but still has his personality all intact. Troublemaker, thinks very high of himself and due to amount of luck he always gets out of trouble alive. He has sharp tongue, is bluntly honest and it is Harrison Ford. There's no way I could not love him xD 


2. Darth Revan

First - jedi knight, then - sith lord and after that he becomes jedi again. One of strongest Jedi knights known, but at the same time with a very twisted morality (his solution for war with the sith was annihilation of entire Sith race), perfect strategist, duelist and his story is one of most interesting I've read. Also his armor looked great.


3. Darth Nihilus - Sith Lord whose past is one giant secret, only thing known about him is that he became a sith after finding a sith artifact on Malachor V and it is only thing that kept him alive. He became very powerful and at one point managed to purge entire planet out of life with his power of will only (one Miraluka survived lol). Too bad duel with him was simple and he was worse than oridinary sith in KOTOR 2 game. 

  • Brohoof 1


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