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Tough Choice

Buck Testa

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So some reality shifting thing like Discord appears in front of you and gives you two options you have to pick right then and there, it will not let you leave until the choice is made

1. Be ported too Equestria and live out the rest of your days there while remaining a human. There is no going back to the human world and as a human you would be extremely weak in comparison to the ponies.

2. Be turned into a pony version of you and live out the rest of your days in our world. While you would be strong and have nifty powers you know how humans are with strange creatures that redefine everything they know about the world. You would probably be hunted and experimented on.


So which do you choose? Be a human in Equestria or be a Pony here?

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I would be a pony here.  I have a baby to take care of  :P   If he could come to pony world with me, then he would have no chance at love later in life  :(  if he couldn't come, he would have no family.

  • Brohoof 2
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Being a person in Equestria sounds much better than being anything here.

  • Brohoof 2


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Option 2. Unless I ended as an earth pony, i'd rule the earth and crush anyone in my way. If I'm a unicorn, so much the better; i'll build a portal to Equestria.

Edited by Shimmer5000
  • Brohoof 1
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Hell I wrote the choices and I have a hard time picking. On the one hand living in Equestria would be awesome but there is no garuntee I would even be able to comunicate with the ponies. Not to mention how powerful and crazy everything is there a human like me probably would not last long in that enviroment.


On the other hand You have no idea what pony you would even be. You could be an earth pony or an Alicorn for all you know. Not to mention getting used to hooves and magic if you have it. You wouldnt be able to work or be in public and you would scare the crap out of religious folks who woulf calll end of days. Best bet would be to hope for a cutie mark in demensional travel.


I guess brave option one and hope ponies are as nice as they appear.

Edited by Buck Testa
  • Brohoof 2
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ponies are not actually as big as real horses except Big Mac he is arguably the same size as a fully grown stallion and if you ever compare the size of a average background pony to a average human the human is 1/4th bigger then a pony but its your thread so no more arguing from me I would go with the first one no doubt about it I would leave everything I worked so hard on behind to live the rest of my days there


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Not a tough choice at all for me.  Human in Equestria, hands down, no contest.  Then I'd spend the rest of my days working with Twi to invent a James Cameron pony Avatar thing and then hope we could find a Tree of Souls so I could do the magic switcheroo and permanently put my consciousness in the Avatar.  But even if I couldn't do the Avatar thing, I'd still go for human in Equestria, absolutely.

  • Brohoof 2


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beg Discord to turn me into a pony and live in Equestria with my family




okay that is hard.....






well I would never leave my family soo I would have to be a pony in the human world (yes I know it's risky) but leaving my family? sorry but no 


likely ponies would react worse to a human in Equestria than humans reacting to a pony on Earth 


(and bronies will forever be happy :D)



I guess I would be a pony on Earth....





I'm honestly not sure. XD

Edited by Everleaf

The deepest of the Everfree!

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Easiest choice in the world: human in Equestria.  And yes, I would still make a move on Rainbow Dash.  Not to suggest that there was ever any doubt.  Human me, in Equestria, romantically pursuing Rainbow Dash is, in fact, my ultimate goal in life.  Discord getcher BUTT over here!!1!

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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