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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (RP Reboot)(On Hiatus)


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Akatsu blushed and looked at Summer, feeling the cold of her slightly transferring to Akatsu. "M-madam..." she stuttered out. Akatsu was not used to physical attention or interaction, the only thing receiving much attention from Akatsu was her bed, as it was very comfortable. "Its just an elevator..." she mumbled out, hoping she would let go with such knowledge. 'Is this going to be the same as Corsica?' she wondered, as it seemed to be heading in that general direction.


The elevator soon enough reached the top floor, and Akatsu lead Summer out and towards her apartment. Only a small ways down the hall, as not many liked living on the 16th floor, she opened the door and ushered Summer inside. "I wasn't expecting to be making more than one cup of tea tonight, or even two for that matter"




As heard of before, the apartment consisted of a small but very nice and well equipped kitchen area with a minute table for two (in case she ever had a guest, which she hadn't since she got the apartment), a large loveseat big enough for three people, and a 32" flat screen in the living room, along with a desk and laptop off to the right side. The living room and kitchen are both part of an open floor plan with tile flooring in the kitchen and a thin carpet layer in the living room section. Her bedroom connects to the bathroom, and both the bathroom and her bedroom connect to the kitchen/living room by doors. She keeps the bedroom to bathroom connection door locked at all times. Akatsu's bedroom is the most decorative room in the entire apartment, consisting of mostly purples and deep blues.


Akatsu brought Summer into the kitchen where she started to prepare three cups of herbal tea. "I hope tea is okay with you, its pretty much all i have." Akatsu put the kettle on and waited, thinking she might as well get to know this girl a bit more.


"So... you haven't told me your name yet?" she mentioned. Akatsu looked over at Corsica, and watched her slightly study herself. It was... amusing to say the least. "Corsica, what did you do while i was gone?" she asked curiously over at the girl sitting on the loveseat, hoping to rouse her attention. Akatsu's eyes wandered back to Summer, waiting for her answer. 'They are both so pretty...' she thought to herself.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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@@Astral Legend, @@Windbreaker,


Before the girl could utter another word, Spike had spoken up, taking on a rather defensive stance. She mentally cooed at how cute the little dragon (er... rather, whatever he and Fluttershy herself had both been turned into) was when he acted so protective, but only briefly. She did indeed recognize that he was very much serious about defending her if need be, being such the loyal friend that he was.


Her brow furrowed when she heard Spike talking about how he'd been hounded since arriving here - and only more concern was stacked upon that when he fell to his knees, seemingly just short of collapsing from hunger. Poor thing, if only she had something on her that she could give him... That concern surely showed in her soft gaze when he looked up at her. She would have knelt to give him an assuring pat on the head or something along those lines, but she just couldn't trust her new legs enough to handle the motion without her losing balance again.


Either way, she felt that she had no reason not to trust this other that had shown up. He certainly seemed nice enough, and Fluttershy was willing to give him her trust, or at the least the benefit of the doubt. Even if she couldn't recognize what sort of creature he was, she could almost sense that he had no ill intentions. Of course, that may have been only her, always having been one to always look for good in others.


"Y-Yes, inside sounds nice," she murmured, casting another glance around at this alien world she had found herself in. She also would have spoken for Spike, since he did seem tired and this other guy was offering to help; but that was a decision for the boy to make, not her.






Rarity groaned softly as she stirred, waking from what had felt like a rather unpleasant slumber. As her mind drifted into consciousness, her memory went blank for a few moments as she tried to recall precisely what had taken her down and why she found herself staring at the sky when her eyes opened.


She pushed herself up into a sitting position, her eyes forced shut once more with a pang in her head. At once, her hoof went up to rub her forehead and nurse the headache that she apparently had - and noticed something amiss. The horn... where was her horn?! Not that it was vitally important for day to day life (though it certainly was useful in her line of work), but any pony would panic after discovering that something that should have been there wasn't there anymore. Remembering now the spell that had knocked her unconscious, she wondered - did that spell knock the horn right off her head?!


Forcing her eyes open again, she looked and saw a peculiar appendage in place of her hoof. With a startled yelp, she quickly surveyed the rest of herself as well as she could from her position on the ground. She didn't know what was happening or what she had become, but this was all wrong, so very, very wrong!


Even her surroundings were different! Everything seemed so much... duller. Where were the pleasant pastel colors that always decorated places like Ponyville? Why was everything so gray? Whoever designed these buildings had a dreadful sense of design! And speaking of the buildings, they were much taller than what she was used to seeing.


"Oh goodness, where have we ended up now...?" she muttered before scanning the area once more for any signs of her friends. "Applejack? Twilight? Where are you girls? Rainbow Dash! Fluttershy! ...Pinkie?" Her heart clenched with dread when no response came. Last she saw them, they hadn't been so far away that she couldn't hear or see them. Had they ended up elsewhere? Was she truly stuck here in this drab place indefinitely?


Upon trying to stand up, she found that somehow this new body felt awkward in the four-legged stance like she was used to. Not to mention that it meant an unflattering view (or very flattering, depending on one's viewpoint) given the violet skirt she was wearing; which she didn't know where it had come from in the first place, but thought it was very tasteful paired with the white blouse. She attempted to adjust herself so that she could comfortably fall into a quadruped gait, but her efforts were only met by another meeting with the ground.


Ugh. Here she was making a fool of herself, trying to figure out how to walk! Tripping and stumbling about like this... How unladylike! Surely, she'd die if somepony saw her like this!

Edited by Miss Reaper
  • Brohoof 1
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12:15 AM, Saturday - Manheim, Pennsylvania, Jaeger Household - United States Eastern Coast.


Riza gave a sort of half smile in response to the strange woman before her. The expression upon the older female's face was definitely one of confusion, most likely because of what the teenager had said. Brilliant. Just brilliant. Either she was dealing with an amnesiac, a really dedicated cosplayer, or something a whole lot more ridiculous and serious. Never could get that possibility out of her head.


The younger woman absently reached down to scratch Valkyrie between the ears as she walked back to the house, contemplating Cadance's question about someplace to stay. Riza wasn't one to be unkind, and despite every fiber of her being saying 'no', she felt inclined to say 'yes'. They did have a guest room that she could stay in for the night. The only problem would be her Dad. How would he react when he got home? Riza could always claim that Cadance was a friend of hers, but how would she explain not telling him beforehand? He was a general kind man, but her Father could be exceptionally protective of his daughter. Why else would he teach her how to defend herself?


It was in the midst of such thoughts that Riza's peripheral - coupled with Valkyrie moving her head away from the teen's hand - that drew the young woman's attention to Cadance, who must've tripped or just got really light headed. The older woman was already trying to get to her feet after apologizing. Riza's response was to trot over to her, leaning down and looping one of her arms around Cadance's waist, and one of Cadance's arms over her own shoulders, speaking as she did so, "Hey, no need for you to apologize! Come on, we have a spare room you can stay in.. As for one of us watching over you? Eh, we'll figure that out when we get there. Though to be honest, it'll probablt be Valkyrie. She's like that."


Riza stopped speaking after that, and would continue her silence until they were inside the house. Once indoors, she would reach over and turn off the lights to the outside, before directing Cadance to the couch she had occupied only a few minutes before, with the words, "You can just sit there for a minute, get your bearings if you like. Would you like a glass of water?" As she finished speaking, the strawberry blonde had already started making her way towards the kitchen.


Valkyrie had taken a position between the kitchen and living, still several feet from Cadance, but within line of sight. Riza had briefly considered putting the Remington back where she'd gotten it, but decided instead to do that after Cadance had gone to bed. No sense in showing where they were hidden.


12:23 AM, Saturday - Manheim, Pennsylvania, Jaeger Household - United States Eastern Coast.




@@Miss Reaper,@,


10:17 PM, Friday - Colorado Springs, Colorado, Connery Household - United States Western Coast.


Incredulous. If there was one word to describe Bowen's expression, it was incredulous. His words in response to the taller woman's question were likewise dripping with incredulity, "Ponyvi-- of for fu-hrrmph..." The officer clamped one hand over his mouth, cutting his swear off and letting his breath draw out before removing his hand and speaking again, mostly to himself, "Ponyville. That's why they looked so familiar." Here, he actually looks to the two women, "You guys're Twilight Sparkle and Applejack. Or, at least, you'repretending to be. Cosplayers, or LARPers or something." He runs one hand through his hair - the length of which was just pushing regulation for his job - before continuing, "So, what? AJ and Twi get sent to the real world or something like that? Is that what's going on?" He heard the shorter one, the woman pretending to be Applejack, whisper something that sounded a lot like a quote from Wizard of Oz to 'Twilight'. Bowen nodded firmly, giving an answer to a statement not meant for him, "You're right. You're not in 'Equus' anymore. You're on Earth. Y'know, reality?"


The man glances at the street across from them, then to either side, "Or is this some social experiment or something like that? There someone hiding around here with a camera or something?" He glanced over each woman, finding no visible evidence of any sort of mic, so unless they had it hidden somewhere he would not search, that theory was out of the question.


Bowen sighs one more time, glancing back at his home, "Look, I can't have this conversation out on the street. If you want to come inside and discuss this, follow me. I'll pour you two a drink, and we can discuss this like civilized people." He pivots on one heel and walks back to his door, opening it before glancing back to see if they would follow, or just leave. Whichever they chose, today had definitely gone from 'I want to kill something' to 'I'm invitinf two strangers who may very well be running high off of something into my house because why the hell not?'


10:20 PM, Friday - Colorado Springs, Colorado, Connery Household - United States Western Coast.




@@Pripyat Pony,


The dragon pony wouldn't have to wait long for her adversary. Only mere minutes later, Luna herself arrived, slamming down onto the rocky crags several yards from Avarice, the force of her impact cracking some of the stone beneath her armored hooves. Though it was just a trick of the light and her excess magic, it looked almost as if Luna bore upon herself blue flames. And there was certainly a fire in her eyes as she locked her gaze with Avarice's own, levitating her scythe in a combat ready position as she crouched, "At last we meet for the second time, Avarice," she said, her voice, though calm, giving no questions about her intentions, "We have had many long years to think about the last time. We see now that our fears were justified, and you broke our seal." Luna flared her wings, "We should have just killed you then and have been done with it! I will not make the same mistake this day! Face me, cur! It is this day that we shall remove your vile head from your shoulders!"


And without waiting for a response, Luna rocketed forth, swinging her scythe in a swift arc towards her opponent's throat.

  • Brohoof 1

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Summer continued to hold on tight to Akatsu, not really understanding what the girl meant. She stared at the doors and without taking her eyes off them, replied to Akatsu. "What is an...elemanator?" She asked, tensing up as the doors opened to reveal a different hall. "Téléport..." She mumbled, staring into the hall before quickly following behind Akatsu. She followed her down the hall a short ways and stayed behind her as she opened the door leading into her apartment. She stepped in as well and looked around, smiling ever so slightly and stepping forwards, only to trip on her own feet and fall down to the carpet below her as Akatsu stepped into the kitchen. "Merde!" She grumbled, pushing herself back up, using the wall for support only to see another girl in the room. Summer jumped back against the door and stared for a moment before frowning slightly...for some reason she felt like she could relate somewhat with this girl. She looked around as Akatsu spoke and blushed slightly. "Été Lune...but everypony calls me Summer." She said, letting her eyes remain on Akatsu until her eyes rested on the television, which she stared at for a moment. "What...exactly is that?" She asked, pointing towards the TV, still leaning against the wall. She then looked at Corisica and blushed slightly. "Pardon! I'm Summer..." She said, shyly.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@@Gloomfury, "I know it sounds weird, but when you see it, you'll understand," Clare replied. "There's millions of fans of the show, all over the world. Lots of them post on my blog whenever I add a photo or talk about ponies. True, there's also a lot of haters who think I'm crazy, but who cares about them?"


Soon, they were back at the house where Clare handed over the dogs to their owner, who thanked her and gave Clare the money. Clare then led Shamrock back to Mary's house. "I'll be moving on eventually," she said. "But I'm not gonna go til I've seen what you can do in the gym, and til I've worked out another place to stay."


@, Diego shrugged, enjoying Dennis' shock. "Oh, I can do lots more things than this," he replied. "I just picked this cuz it wasn't too messy. Anything to do with chaos, I can do. I can grow trees out of wood, make chocolate syrup rain down from the sky and make sticky taffy appear from nowhere. It doesn't make sense, but I can do it."


@@00Pony, At first, it seemed as tho the Princess's attack had worked. The scythe sliced into the dragon pony, but instead of reacting, the dragon pony merely dissolved into a flock of black bats who fluttered away in all directions, revealing the real Avarice standing behind. She laughed, cruelly.


"Always so impetuous, Princess," Avarice replied, mockingly. "My, my. You haven't changed a bit. And there's still that arrogance, thinking that you can defeat me so easily. Where's your older sister? You don't say that she's left you to do this all on your lonesome? And I thought you two were so close."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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the @SilverHeart,


9:05 PM, Friday - Los Angeles, California, Walker Household - United States Western Coast.


The person lying out in the yard moved a little, so they were alive at least. Aidan wasn't sure, but he thought that they might have responded to his question, but it could easily be a trick of the ear and imagination. The photographer scratched the light stubble on his jaw, mulling over his decisions. He eventually came to one, and opened the small gate to the staircase leading down from his home's porch. He was only a few yards from the person - a woman, he could now tell - when she gingerly felt her forehead, looked startled and looked at her hand. You'd think it was just cut off before her eyes, from the shriek she gave.


The sudden noise startled Aidan, but concern soon overrode that. He covered the last few yards in a couple long - almost leaping - strides, coming to a stop just a few feet away. Aidan knelt, holding a hand slightly out to the terrified woman, "Hey... Hey, calm down.. It's alright, you're not in any danger or anything... My name'a Aidan," he was speaking in a slow, calm voice. No need to startle the poor thing any more, "Who're you?"

By the end of her scream, Mirror's mind had shifted back to her missing horn. It was what mattered the most to her, as long as she could cast magic she would be fine.


The former mare looked all around her, briefly ignoring the creature in front of her. Her wasn't around her, not even a fragment was visible.


Mirror Image raised her left hand up to her forehead again. She cringed. It was smooth and furless. Almost like the burn scars, but not quite. Oh Celestia, what happened to my horn? There isn't even a stump! What can I even do without my magic?


She looked up. It took nearly all the willpower she had to keep herself from having a mental breakdown, though it certainly helped that she had a distraction in the form of the creature in front of her. Her mane blocked the right side of her face, and therefore her right eye, partially obscuring 'Aiden' from view. Whatever it was it hadn't attacked her so it probably wasn't hostile. She hadn't seen anything like it before. It stood like a Diamond Dog, though it looked less sinister.


Mirror Image looked up to its...paw? No that wasn't right. She raised her left hoof up and glanced at it. Her hoof looked similar to the creature's....hand! That's what it was, just like a Minotaur's. Pleased with her deductive skills, Mirror moved her hand into Aiden's, though she didn't grasp it with her fingers.


"My name's Mirror Image." She looked around, she was almost certain that whatever spell she had been caught in had flung her far from Equestria.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@Pripyat Pony,


Cat leaned in and whispered in her ear, "You don't have to.. You know, use peoples' emotions, do you? I mean, I know that's how Changelings feed, am I right? It wouldn't drain someone's energy too much, would it? If not, I'd rather you used me than some stranger."




"Thank ye." He took his seat and mumbled a few curses under his breath. Chloe walked behind the bar and up to him with a smile on her face. "Mornin' Mr. Cavanaugh. What can I get ye?"

"I'll just take a pint. How's your father doin?"

"He's still fine," Chloe responded, grabbing a glass and pouring the Guinness about halfway.

"I'm alright too, though I'm gon to have to leave early today."

"Why's that?"

"I've got to figure out what to do with this one," she said, nodding toward Rainbow.

"Just drop her off with the Gardaí. They'll know what to do with this one."

"I can't do that." She leaned in and said, "She's a bit of an odd one. I don't think you'd understand if I tried to explain it to you."

"Right, like I couldn't understand any of you youth." Chloe just nodded her head. "I'm 'hip'! I might need a new one though, but I am."

Chloe smiled and topped off his drink. "Okay sir."

She ran back to tell her sister she was going now, then came back and told Rainbow that they were getting out of here




(Say goodbye to your tv by the way. She may have cracked the display.)


Corsica looked up and moved her hands to her sides. "Ah, you're Prench, right? Bonjour Summer. And I was looking at this new body. What are these things? Claws," she asked, pointing to her fingers. "I know dragons and griffons have them. Oh, and these." She held the two lumps on her chest and continued. "What are they?"

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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@@@Pripyat Pony, Terra proceeded into the bathroom he was directed and checked his body. Well at least he had the muscular body type he did as an earth pony. He checked himself looking for sings of his Equestrian nature. He looked on him back with a mirror happy to find that at least his phoenix companion Fenix had still remained with him. Even as a tattoo Fenix was "lively", and he could feel a heated gaze when looking at it. He found a strange marking up his... "rear" or what composed of his rear. It was apparently his cutie mark. It felt strange though, strange that it was there, like if it didn't feel right in the body position. Did humans have tattoos there? Hmmmm...

In any case it was definitely helpful. He returned soon to the girls, he did make a wrong move and ended up in another door, but tapping his foot on the floor proved to be equally helpful as it was in Equestria. It granted him a vague sense of where people were, and directed him.

"Did i miss something?" he asked as he returned to the chat, hoping he could help in any way. "What is the next course of action?"

Edited by NioniosTheSilent
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(Sigh... what you give me to work with...)


Akatsu looked at the TV which Summer had pointed at. 'Something doesn't look right about it...' she pondered. Akatsu could let the tea bags soak as she walked over to the TV remote on the coffee table in front of the love seat. She picked up the long and thin black device and pressed the power button. Immediately, the large panel; now static and disfigured screen, lit up. Akatsu sighed in distraught, and pressed the power button once again, turning the TV off.


Akatsu sat down next to Corsica and looked at her. She blushed heavily remembering what she had asked and done moments before. "Ehm..." 'Good God, has she never been taught the birds and the bees yet?' "Well..." Akatsu found it hard to talk about such a subject, as hers were rather... lackluster. "They are... boobs..." she uttered, trying to avert her eyes. "They uh... give food to babies..." she mentioned awkwardly.


(I hate you guys... I'm a guy)

  • Brohoof 2

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Summer nodded at Corsica with another faint smile. "Oui! I was born in Prance and recently moved to Equestria. And...they look like talons." She paused for a moment before glancing up and mumbling. "Dragons, griffins And -ippogriffs." She said, before frowning slightly as Corsica gestured to her breasts. Still frowning, she looked down, her eyes growing wide as she poked one of her boobs and laughed. "They are like...oh...-ow do you say...jello?" She said, before giggling and walking towards the couch...only to trip again on the carpet, falling face first onto the couch...at least it was a soft landing. "Bucking -ooves." She grumbled, looking down at her feet. "Er...talons." 

Edited by Fire Sky
  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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     It was Celestia's favorite day of the year, the day of the Summer Sun Celebration. This was the day her sister had returned to her after being banished to the moon for what seemed to be an eternity. Everything had been meticulously planned down to the tiniest detail, just the way Celestia liked it and she knew without a doubt that everything would go without a hitch.


    Behind the stage in Trottingham square the alicorn raised an ornate tea glass to her lips; the warm liquid calmed her nerves. Despite being on stage so many times the whole city would be watching her, and being looked upon as the divine ruler of a whole country who was expected to be flawless put pressure on her. Celestia, the all-powerful goddess, was nervous. Her ears perked up as Luna began ranting on about Cadence being late; she looked up ‘Where is she?’ Celestia wondered, the performance was about to go on and she was nowhere to be seen.


     “Excuse me for a moment” she tapped a nearby royal guard on the back, he turned to her and saluted,


    “Yes your majesty?”


     “See if you can find Princess Cadence for me please.” She asked the pony before he trotted off, trying to look as uniform as possible in front of her. Celestia chuckled softly, ‘Those guards are always trying to-‘ Her train for thought was derailed as wild screams were heard from the other side of the stage. Without thinking Celestia mounted the stage to see what the calamity was about. Before she could form a rational thought about the sight before her a sharp pain pierced Celestia’s side causing her to tumble off the stage. Within seconds the princess was swarmed by Changelings, “What is this!” she yelled as the mob overtook her.


      A intense aura surrounded her horn as Celestia shot off a burst of magic, sending the horde sprawling. ‘This is a catastrophe, of all the things it had to be changelings’ the princess was consumed by anger, not something that happened often. Summoning her armor and colossal scythe from a pocket dimension, Celestia was ready to fight the enemy at all costs. Guards and changelings had turned the once peaceful town square into a warzone, bodies littered the streets. Hacking her way through the fray, the sun god cleaved through Changelings seemingly without mercy but every casualty drove a invisible stake deeper into her heart.


      ‘I have to get these things away from the city’ she muttered, slicing through another foe. Spreading her grand wings she took off above the square, circling several times to get a view of the situation. “CHANGELINGS! “she roared, bringing her voice to an impossible volume, “IF YOU WANT A TRUE FIGHT, COME AND FACE ME!” this attracted the attention of about every single bug in the square, accepting the alicorns challenge they flew up to meet her. Celestia couldn’t help but smirk, she had them right where she wanted them. With astounding speed the sun rose over the horizon to Celestia’s back, feeling the warmth hit her she channeled that power through her very being and up to her horn. The swarm was now almost upon her, “Im sorry.” She whispered, before unleashing the power of the sun from her body, the oncoming wave of changelings didn’t even have a second to react before they were nothing but ashes. Opening her eyes Celestia looked down upon Trottingham, the city was burning and screams still reached her from even that height.  Twilight and the elements of harmony were in the square, the rainbow power they possessed caused them to begin glowing. ‘I have to get down there to help’ Celestia began her decent as a hideous laugh caused her to stop mid-flight. She knew that laugh, one the princess thought she would never have to hear again, “Avarice!” venom seemed to drip from the mere mention of the name.


      Knowing the full gravity of the situation Celestia folded in her wings, heading straight down to earth. ‘I have to get those ponies out of there.’ Little did she know it was too late. As the ground sped toward her Celestia straightened herself and stuck her legs straight out. An impact that would have shattered bones of any other pony meant nothing to Celestia, the cobblestones under her hooves shattered into fragments. “Twilight, no!” she cried out, galloping to her fateful student but just as Twilight turned her head a black void appeared out from under her and several other element bearers, dragging them into darkness.


       Avarice laughed wickedly again as just about the only thing that could stop her disappeared, Celestia dove to the rapidly closing maw, now only small enough to stick a hoof in. Impulsively the princess drove her hoof into the blackness, it didn’t suck her in as the others did but unimaginable pain shot through her, something that the princess had never felt before. ‘No,no,no, I must get them back!” was the only coherent though that passed through her mind, desperately trying to get the ponies she was responsible to protect, the ones she loved. As the pain only increased Celestia couldn’t take it anymore and she drew out her hoof the void widening so that a pony could fit through, and it wasn’t closing.


      That wasn’t was distracted Celestia though, she stared at the thing that once was her foreleg, instead of a normal hoof it ended in five stubby claw-like appendages, her fur was now gone leaving nothing  but pink tissue. It was only that way for a moment before a wave of pain passed through the princess again, she stared as her hoof returned to normal. That’s when in her peripheral vision she caught sight of Luna, in full battle armor, flying quickly over the rooftops, ‘She is going after Avarice, she cannot do this alone’. About to follow herself, Celestia was stopped by ponies coming up to her in droves asking questions about the whereabouts of loved ones and where all the changelings came from. This all was overwhelming, she had to address this issue and get to her sister. “Please, everypony please I will answer all your questions” she told them, trying to keep herself calm, “I will make an address quickly but I must go, royal business needs to be taken care of”


    Parting the sea of equines Celestia mounted the remnants of the stage, clearing her throat before speaking, all eyes were on the princess now and the town was deathly silent.


     “Attention, citizens of Equestria!” Celestia began, uncertain how she was going to handle this turn of events. With so many ponies lost to this madness, including four of the Element Bearers, Princess Cadance and Luna gone to face Avarice alone, it was a wonder she hadn’t broken down herself. “Everything is under control. There is no need to panic. The Royal Guard is already on station to address the damages done by this recent catastrophe and prevent further casualties. We are already in the process of counting the deaths and disappearances, and recovery plans are already being made.”


     She paused for a moment, steeling her nerves and taking on a more determined and confident air. “Rest assured my little ponies. We will find our missing friends and family and we will bring them home. I ask only for your patience and co-operation in this matter. Thank you.”


       Without another word she stepped off the stage, where royal guards, Rarity and Pinkie Pie stood waiting.  “Shining Armor,” Celestia just wanted to turn tail and follow her sister however she needed to tie up several loose ends before leaving, “I must go face this fiend who threatens the security of my country, if I do not return within one day’s time Im putting you and Discord in charge”

The other ponies stared at her in disbelief, “Your majesty, Discord is not to be trusted. Have you already forgotten what he tried several months back?” Shining pointed out. Celestia sighed; she was so worn out and out of options. This was the only way to go, “Discord is not trustworthy I know but he is the only other being in Equestria who can raise the sun and moon if I happen to……not make it out of this. I trust you will have the full capability to keep him in line if this is the case”.


       ‘Im probably going to regret this,’ Celestia knew it was against her better judgment but with Avarice on the loose there was no telling what would happen. “Yes Princess” Shining Armor mumbled reluctantly and bowed before turning to his troops for instruction. “As for you two,” she turned to the two remaining elements of harmony,  “I am reluctant in making this decision but Twilight and her friends may be in danger. There is one remaining gateway to where they went in the square not far from here, I need you two to enter it and find the other ponies that may have gotten trapped in this other world.” The two ponies glanced at each other, a sinking feeling gripped the alicorn she was afraid they may not agree to her task. “Im sure this will be…..difficult, but if this is what we must do to get our friends back then we’ll do it” Rarity said courageously


       Celestia smiled at her, “I wish I had your bravery Rarity, for I now must undertake a task of my own that may not be so easy.” Her smile faded, “Im sorry I must leave so abruptly but I have waited long enough” finally giving into her impatience Celestia turned quickly and flew off in the direction her sister had taken shortly before-hoof, an uncertain future awaited her.

Edited by Princess-Sunbutt
  • Brohoof 1











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@@Pripyat Pony,


 Shamrock stayed near Clare as they head back into her friends place. "You must be the wondering type, eh? I have a few mates who are as well.  Also, I am kinda curious about this show about my world.  And if it has that many fans then it can't be that bad. Just really hope I don't see myself. That would be... kinda creepy, to say the least." She took her hat of and soother her hair back nervously and put it back. "OhAnd before I was sucked into this world I had a large bag of bits with me. I was on my way to get something to eat when everything went hell in a handbasket."


She checked her new found pockets in her new pants. "I wouldn't mind spotting you a bit. For helping me and everything. And with all my winnings and having nothing really extravagant to spend it on, I'm pretty well set for life." When she reached into her back pocket she could feel something. She then pulled out a tan colored bag and opened it to reveal a good amount of gold bit coins.

Edited by Gloomfury
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@, @, Cicada replied, "I could, if you're sure you don't mind. I can eat regular food, but without emotions I won't be able to access the Hive Mind. It doesn't hurt. You might feel a bit drained of energy afterwards, but I will make sure I only take what is sufficient. Positive emotions are best, like love. There is a story among changelings that the race was cursed in the time before time, and before the curse, we were quite different. Our wings were beautful and irridescent, like butterfly wings, and we had cutie marks."


When Terra returned, Cicada broke off. She didn't know how her erstwhile companion would feel about the plan.


@@Gloomfury, Ooc: I'm sure that's alright. After all, with fur changing to clothing, it makes sense that bits would change to money.


"Only if you're sure," Clare replied. "I always wanted to travel, ever since I was little. My parents put money into my account at times cuz they support me to the utmost. I always send them emails to update them. I don't really mind where I go next cuz everywhere's an adventure. When I move on, you can come too. Would be nice, I admit, to have a companion on the road."


Soon, they arrived back at the house. Clare took Shamrock upstairs to her room where she took out a laptop with a pink cover which had a sticker of Luna on the top right corner. She opened it up and was soon on the internet, searching up episodes of "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" on Dailymotion. Choosing an episode, "Green Is Not Your Colour" at random, she turned the laptop so that Shamrock could watch it, too.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Pripyat Pony,


Shamrock watched the show without saying anything. "So the show is centered around the Elements of Harmony? I guess it makes since. Why follow the day to day normal ponies when you can watch the crazy adventures of six mares who happen to save Equestria more then once. And I remember when this stuff happened, too. A friend of mine is really in to fashion and what not, and she was raving about some new model or something, I wasn't really paying attention. I had a bout that night as well. I won of course but I got four cracked ribs, a broken nose and an eye that was swollen to the size of a peach. But anyway, At least this show's not following me into my personal life." She lies down on Clare's bed with a sigh of relief. "Also, that Fluttershy lass if fecking adorable. She's cuter then a bunny, a puppy and a kitten all playing together. Don't get me wrong all the Elements are fitter then fine but she's just the cutest out of all of them. But it's like overdose of cuteness, so I wouldn't try to pick her up. Plus I like a lass with a bit more confidence."

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"Finally!" she replied, "This place is waaaaay too boring for me. As much fun as staring into space and being evicted from me seat is, I think it's time for a change of scenery." She got up from her seat. "So, where are we headed off to?" She asked as they went out the door. "You seen any of my other friends at all? They were all with me when it happened, so I assume they were transported here, too"


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@@Pripyat Pony,@, Terra blinked twice. Wait... was Cicada? No why would he suspect it right now? In any case there was something that he interrupted, and he wasn't sure if he should step in and stop it. He rubbed the back of his forehead unsure of what to say. There was tension in the atmosphere.


"Did i interrupt something? I didn't mean to be rude. Do you... want me to go?" he wasn't sure why he asked, or if he would follow his own instructions. This was a confusing situation after all. He wasn't sure they could even go home, he wasn't sure what to do in this alien word. It truly felt "alienating".

@@Pripyat Pony, "That's not exactly it dude. I told you... in this world magic doesn't exist. Though some according to texts can do "miracles" like turn water to wine. In any case please do me a favor and unless i tell you, or you are in grave danger DO NOT cast any magic in public. It'll be really weird. Okay? Now get up... i got some stuff for you to eat up in the kitchen. I have important things to tell you as well about our world's relation with yours. I do have a theory of how you got here."

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Stephen once again found himself resisting the urge to facepalm as the nurse turned to Chrysalis, an eyebrow raised. So much for the alias! "Eh heh... Uhmm..she's in character right now!" He said with a bit of a nervous chuckle. "It's a part of a dare. Right, Miriam??" he added as he turned to Chrysalis, nudging her in the ribs. "I think it's safe to say that you're in the lead!"


"Uhh huh..." The nurse said skeptically before turning around, apparently not wanting to press the issue further. "No, there shouldn't be a need to take your blood," The nurse then turned her head to glance back at the Queen. "Unless there's something you're not telling us..." Stephen gulped. "No, no! She just fell and broke her nose!" Stephen interjected, hands held up.


The nurse sighed before she turned back around, leading them to a small examination room, where a middle-aged man was already waiting. "Chryssie, I take it??" He asked, to which Stephen nodded.




"...Try not to do anything too extreme for at least the next two weeks," the doctor said as he opened the door. "And please don't make any more spills like that!" The doctor cautioned. "Oh she won't!" Stephen assured him. The doctor had since then dressed the queen's injury in a firm cast that masked a good portion of her face. Stephen couldn't help but smirk at the sight. "Looking good there, Queenie!" He said with a snicker.

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“What a sudden change of heart…” Atlas muttered. If humans aren’t trusting than why is she letting me into her home and giving a place to stay? Best not to ask. I’d rather not get kicked out again.

These human children are so weird looking... That must be her father. He noted looking at several pictures of what he assumed to be Colette.

Atlas looked around as they passed rooms. Why was a huge er… Phone? Yes, phone in that room? Not to mention some funky looking boxes. Ah, well.


“Thanks for letting me stay. A Pony and Changeling? A Changeling? Tell your friend to watch themselves then. Changelings are bad news especially when they start sucking the love right out of ya. Not fun at all” Atlas dropped into the guest room. Nice place… Not a royal suit but he’d had worse accommodations. A good bed, reasonable space, windows. Not bad at all.


“Oh” Atlas popped his head into Colette’s room. “Can you work a get-together up with this friend, Pony, and Changeling? If I’m not the only pony stuck in this boat I’d want to see what they were dealing with too? If you can’t it’s fine ‘n’ all”


Now to fly back to his room and ouch.


“Celestia damn it!” He shouted face first onto the floor. Okay… Remember, you don’t have wings anymore. “Has anyone told you your body sucks? Cause it sucks. And when was falling so painful?” Atlas complained some more while he got back up rubbing his jaw. 

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Don't make me regret it, alright??" Colette responded, as she heard him. She decided it would be best not to dwell on it, however. She had been irritated enough by this idiot for one night!


"Yeah, yeah, I'll let 'er know!" Colette said dismissively as she closed the bedroom door. She breathed a sigh of relief as she made her way back to her bedroom. Once there, she grabbed her guitar, plugged it into her amp, grabbed her headphones, and started strumming the chords to her latest project. She wasn't recording just yet; she was just playing to take her mind off of things...


She was starting to really into the groove when Atlas popped his head into her room.


“Oh.. Can you work a get-together up with this friend, Pony, and Changeling? If I’m not the only pony stuck in this boat I’d want to see what they were dealing with too? If you can’t it’s fine ‘n’ all!”


"She lives in France, so it's not gonna be that easy." She said as she leered at him. "And next time, knock!" She added as she rose to close her door.


“Celestia damn it! Has anyone told you your body sucks? Cause it sucks. And when was falling so painful?”


Ooooohh, this guy was pushing it! "Has anyone told you that you're a tactless moron? Just get in your room and don't speak to me for the rest of the night!" Colette barked out, before finding herself slamming and locking a door for the second time. Maybe, just maybe, he'll stop being such an insufferable idiot in the morning!




He did have a valid point, however! Colette booted up her laptop and wasted no time sending another email to Cat:


>>Hey, it's me again!


I told Atlas, the "Pony" I found about the duo you found, and now he's requesting a get-together. Easier said than done, but just relaying what he said.


Also, he said to be careful around the --what was it-- Changeling. Something about sucking love from you? Something like that?


On an unrelated note, I find Ponies to be total assholes! When I first found him, he accuses me of doing something to him, then calls me crazy when I say I don't believe him, and even had the gall to accuse me of kidnapping him when I took him in so he call his friends on my cell!


Bonehead managed to prove himself by manipulating some clouds, so I took him back in. Boy, do I regret it!


I'm sorry for unloading on you, but this guy is really good at making my blood boil! Any suggestions on what I should do?? And why do people like the show if there are characters like him in it??<<


Colette sent the email, sighed, then tuned her laptop off before turning in. "Tomorrow's another day, tomorrow's another day..." She said as she climbed into the sheets. Perhaps a bit of sleep will her better put up with Atlas...

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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@@Hypn0ticD,She face palmed herself like if she was asked a redundant question.  "Well Duh dude! I thought she just asked me about what i was roleplaying as! Of course that's not my real name what do you think i'd big a bug's name as my real name? Pffft! I'd change it with the first chance i got! No as Stephen says here my true name is Miriam, Miriam Delsol." when the nurse asked her about blood she made a shrug and rubbed her neck a bit smiling in an embarrassed way.

"Heh... sorry miss i am just afraid of needles. Common and ridiculous phobia really but it's truly. I may look like i'm handling it but sometimes if they get too close i get paralyzed, hell i practically dropped dead on the floor and fainted once." They moved on to the examination room. She saw tools, needles ((to which she acted to be scared)), and the doctor. The primates' methods of treating her were painful but necessary.

"Eeer again Chryssie or Chrysalis is the character i play as, my true name is Miriam, Miriam Delsol." Once her injury got taken care of, she winced at how much of her face it covered but it was a necessary evil.

Stephen snickered and was all irony. "Nobody likes sarcasm." she simply stated whispering to herself. "Asshole."

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"Goodnight to you too" Atlas shouted as she slammed the door. Well then... He needed to sleep. It had been an interesting night to say the least. With a yawn Atlas walked into the guest room. Did these humans sleep with clothes on? Maybe? Even if they didn't how do they get them off? Atlas stood in the room like an idiot trying to think of what to do. 

They probably do. She has been wearing clothes the whole time. I guess I'll be hot tonight then...


He stepped into the bed and struggled to get under the covers with a body he wasn't used to. After much difficulty trying to find a comfortable stance to sleep in Atlas attempted to get some sleep.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Miss Reaper,


Connor was walking at a quick pace, or maybe even speed walking, with a suitcase in hand and a nervous look in his eyes as he turned down an alley and walked to the other street, keeping his head down as he crossed the road heading for the park.


Once he got to the park he sat down on one of the benches and waited for five minutes, watching his surroundings before he walked away from the bench, leaving the suitcase behind it as he walked from the park, as he left the park from the opposite entrance before heading towards one of the less crowded streets, where his car was parked.


As he got to his car he spotted a women who looked like she was having trouble walking, or at least standing up, he decided to see what the problem was, maybe he could help her out, before helping himself to her cash, if her clothes were anything to go off of, then she should have a bit of money lying around.


Connor walked over, adjusting his tie and fixing his hair, he stood in front of her and held his hand out, offering to help her up.


"Might I ask what a beautiful young lady such as your self is doing on the floor"

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@@Gloomfury, "I know what you mean," Clare replied. "I prefer more confidence, myself, in whoever I choose. Do you want to watch any other episodes? There's also a spin off called 'Equestria Girls' which is kind of like a human version of the ponies. I liked both movies, in fact I went to watch 'Rainbow Rocks' at the cinema recently."


@, @@IridscentNionios, Cicada fixed Terra with a hard stare. "I know you might not approve," she said to him. "But Cat has said that she would prefer that I take emotions from her rather than some stranger, and I have already told her that it does not hurt. I need to take them so that I can contact my Queen. It is of utmost importance."




Diego rolled his eyes. "Dude, that sucks," he replied. "If magic doesn't exist here, just how the tartarus do you all survive? It's kind of an essential thing back home. Anyway, I'm starving so just lead me to whatever food there is."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Shawn smiled back at Aegis, before leading him to the double doors. He let out a deep sigh as they stepped outside, all too happy to breathe in air that wasn't sterile. He stretched his arms and looked around. He indicated the direction he wanted to go, and rewrapped an arm around her shoulders. "So... My brother's found one of the biggest threats to Equestria..." Shawn began. "Turning her loose in this world would prover disastrous, though..." He added with a sigh. "As much as I don't want to, I think we don't have much choice but to take her in, and keep a very close eye on her."


Shawn sighed and fell silent as they continued to walk, watching as the fog started to roll into the parking lot, draping the area. "We live in a small apartment not far from here. You can take my bedroom until we can get you back to Equestria. I'll talk to my brother. We gotta do our best to see that the queen doesn't do anythingtoo major! Not sure how we're gonna pull that off, though..."




Short post, but Aegis can show off an ability, if you so choose!


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Aegis Dare - Portland, Oregon


Aegis was glad to be out of the hospital. The fresh air helped to ease his paranoia a little, and he was further away from Chryssie. Both were good things and he'd stopped crying for now, though he cringed when Shawn mentioned that the best thing to do would be to take that weirdo in. He shuddered at the thought of living with her for an extended period of time, but he wasn't going to make things harder for Shawn or his brother. "Bit of a no-win situation there. Bugger."


As the pair walked, Aegis' thoughts on getting home were slowly replaced by his confusion over his current situation. 'Ok, recap. He mistakes me for a mare, I put up the girly act for protection. It's all based on entirely rational thoughts and survival instincts. So why in the name of Celestia am I enjoying this so much?' He thought to himself, absent-mindedly taking a handful of fog and molding it to vaguely resemble an apple, coming back to reality when Shawn mentioned that Aegis could have Shawn's room. "Huh? But if I have your room, where are you gonna sleep? I'd just be happy sleeping on the couch if you have one."


As if to break up Aegis' erratic and muddled thoughts on going home, how he was going to put up with Chryssie, and the very confusing matter of questioning his own gender, his stomach rumbled again. Which presented Aegis with a problem that was much easier to solve as he gave Shawn a sheepish grin. "Um, before we talk living arrangements, could we go get dinner? I haven't eaten since this morning, and those chips didn't help for long."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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