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Is there such a thing as a happy death?



22 users have voted

  1. 1. --

    • Party.
    • Funeral.
    • Funeral, then party.
    • Party, then funeral.
    • None.

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Not even putting this in the debate forum. It's not that important.


When you die, would you want people to have a proper funeral, or to have a party in your honor and celebrate your life?


I never really understood the concept of "proper" rites and "dignity" for the dead. The dead no longer have a conscious ability to have their emotions swayed by the social effects of their death. But the effects of their death will be visible as to how it affects other.


I just watched an episode of a TV Show (whose name I won't reveal to avoid spoilers) where instead of having a funeral, they're actually having a party. It's a pretty nice party too. Tons of food, great friends, everyone chatting and honestly having a blast.


So why can't we do this too? Whenever I'm at a funeral, I tend to make people laugh a lot more than they cry. I completely turn peoples' emotions around whenever I attend one, and you better believe me when I say I've attended far more than I'd ever care to in all my years as an ordinary magical pony mortal human.


I just can't take death seriously. Life is too short to be sad. Respect and dignity keep people oppressed and yolked in the most unique social way. Laughter sets people free, I believe. Anyone who can't laugh and have fun no matter where they are is tied down, often of their own volition.


If I die, I don't want to see a single unhappy face. If I do, I would feel like I've made them unhappy simply by not being somewhere for an extended amount of time. That would make me feel bad. A party after I die would be like an extension of the feelings I'd want people to have when they're around me when I'm at least 50% more alive than I am at that particular moment.

  • Brohoof 8
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Well, it is a sad event for those who knew and liked the person who died. They will not see him again. But it is comforting to know that they go to a better place. Even if you are an Atheist, it is still comforting to know that it is more quiet after death then here, no matter what.  :)

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@@SkyDream, do you know that country, Mexico?
There, they celebrate every death with parties, because in their culture, it doesn't make sense to grieve for the dead, only party for them.

And I honestly believe that is the right thing to be done

I appreciate that you make people laugh at funerals, I do it myself, I can't get myself to be sad when someone dies (okay, I do, but I try to remember myself that things are better this way and try to laugh anyway)

The point is.

Some people see a party at someone's funeral as mockery, which is really sad for me.

  • Brohoof 2


In there, NOTHING can reach you
From there, there is NOTHING you can reach

Sister Sarah - Chapter 39, The Fall of the Masked Gala (my book is coming soon!!!)

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Death has never effected me as much as it should. I just don't see it as a really big deal. Whenever I die, I want people to remember me for who I was, not cry. I didn't want people to cry for me while I was live, why in the world would I want them to cry when I die?

  • Brohoof 1


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I wish to die unknown by anyone, simply so I may avoid harming those who I love. Or to die leaving hatred in the hearts of them, so they will rejoice at my death, rather than weep.

  • Brohoof 3
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Death only affects us in a way that we choose to. Whether you'd decide to mourn there death than celebrate their life and vice versa. it all depends.


I've experienced both scenarios several times, personally mourning is pointless, we all die at some point and no matter what we can't prevent it. I would have to agree with a party and that's all, having a wonderful time to a dreadful, depressed time isn't what the deceased person would have wanted.


I agree with you all the way, I/they would rather feel 50% more alive then them all seeing as I'm/there gone forever.


It's still a sad moment, yes. But what can you do?

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Well, people will deal with loss in the way that is most comforting to them. A traditional funeral is preferred for most, while some will have a small party celebrating his life. Heck; people might even do both.


Part of it is a coping mechanism; as a proper way to close the book on a person's life in the eyes and minds of their family & friends.


It is what it is. I really don't like funerals, but they have a place, so I can't complain.

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Well, technically if your brain is flodded with endorphins (the chemical that causes the feeling of happiness) then you could call that a happy death, as the person was experincing the feeling of happiness as they died.

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Well said my friend!

I personally believe that if someone is dead; why waste time obsessing over them when you could be making a lot of people's (including your own) day brighter and happier. All a funeral means is that you waste more of your life being sad and less time making your life worth it.

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I don't get the title and the poll :P


but people can't choose their emotions.  they're sad that someone they loved died, and they will never get to see them or be with them again.  It's even harder if it was a parent of a small child, because now their life is going to be harder.  or if it was a partner, then they no longer have someone to lay next or anything.  The closer they are, the more it affects their life.  


and everyone has their own way of grieving.  there's no right or wrong way.  

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Who knows. I haven't died yet, you haven't died yet, all of us haven't died yet. We cannot understand the feel of death upon us.


We can fear death, but only because death is the only force stronger than love in the Universe.


Happy death? I know people that there are those who seek death, but there are also those who fear it more than anything.


Is there? Good question.

Edited by Darker

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I'd rather having a party after my death than a funeral, if someone you care about dies, it is nice to thank life, god, the universe or whatever that that person was part of your life, but i don't think a funeral is the best way to "honor" that person. I don't want anyone to cry because of me, I'd rather to be a happy part of someone's life than a sad memory.



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I don't wish to see others feel bad for my passing, but i wouldn't want them to celebrate it either. I'd rather be forgotten and erased from history after i'm dead - my death should not be of any consequence to anybody.

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In Ireland we always traditionally have a wake. Everyone gets together, says their goodbyes, gets ridiculously drunk and then toasts everyone, saying things like "To your health" and "Long life". Quite ironic, really, considering the alcohol won't help achieve that...


Anyway, in Ireland, Death is a huge part of life.



  • Brohoof 1



I hope some people get the joke ^^

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I am considering taking out a life insurance policy on myself for around twenty or thirty thousand dollars and provide a list of names to the beneficiary of who to invite to the party that will be thrown with that money.


I also want a live band to play Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar On Me" in the funeral hall during the service.

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I always thought parties were a good idea. I don't mind funerals, but the fun afterwards is definitely a good way to remember someone. After all, I doubt whoever it is that passes away would want their remembrance to be dull.

The concept of a party to celebrate someone's death is kind of strange, but it's really quite a good way to move on I think.

Edited by The Crimson Cross


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If I die, I don't want to see a single unhappy face.

Well you won't see any faces of any kind, because you'll be dead lol.


I think a party should only be thrown in lieu of a typical funeral if everyone really hated the person that died.  Like, the best thing said person did was die.  Then celebration ensues. xD


But I kid.  If people cared about you whilst you still breathed, they're gonna be sad once you've stopped breathing; it's gonna happen.  That sucks, but if you aren't around it's only them that have to deal with it.  Also, my mother said this of funerals: "Funerals are for the living."  And they are.  The deceased has no idea what's happening at theirs.  So really...  Yeah, why not a party?  Ridiculous music played way too loud, some crazy aunt probably gets drunk, cousins that don't realize they're related kiss, cousins that knew they were related kiss...  Stuff like that.  It's better to respect and honor someone while they know you both respect and honor them.  I know things don't always work out that way, but just saying.  And if someone outright hated me during life, I hope they openly hate me at my funeral.  And I hope someone who loved me kicks their ass.

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Hmmm, after the deaths of both of my inlaws, and the sad affair of the funerals or lack there of. Honestly, I want a huge group of people there and I would like to make a difference in others lives before I am buried six feet under. 

So before I die I would like to know I have made a difference in at least one persons life. As it isn't important what day you died on but what you did between the day you were born and the day of your death.

A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour. ~Author Unknown

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I'd just rather my remains were cremated and then people can do whatever they want with them. The ashes, I mean.
I don't want to end up as wormfood, but other than that, I really don't care.

Edited by Derpaholic



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I'd rather not have people dancing around to celebrate my death. Seems...insulting. Death is a time for mourning. I couldn't fathom being in the mood to dance and celebrate when someone I love died.

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When people think of the word "celebrate", they automatically assume that it involves confetti, balloons, and happiness.

(Which makes sense, because that IS what it means).


But, people can use that term to describe a funeral.

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