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Casual Stroll - An Introductionary RP mainly around Equestria OOC [Open Entry For All]

Blitz Boom

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Greetings! Hello! May I join the adventure? It could be fun! I don't have an official OC page but in few words: Male unicorn who used to be a nerdy no-life librarian named Missklang, but during the events of the Return of the harmony, was succed into Alice in wonderland type book due to Discord magic were he spent weeks before getting out. The whole adventure made him a bit mad and strange and as in his current state he appreciated Discord's chaotic stuff, he became his fan. Living in the library, he, just like Twilight, learned a lot of spells. And though he is not as powerful as her but rather average, due to his weirdness, the spells are practicaly always impredictable. He is funny, or at least tries to, kind but don't take things seriously. On this picture his latest spell turned his eyes red. (the same illusion spell from the fanfic Past Sins).


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A bit more paragraphing and it would be much easier to read actually. :) but heck, we'll see on that when the RP starts. ^^


(Edit): Okay, scratch that. A few things here about your post in the RP.


1. That Really need to be paragraphed. It's hard to read smashed into a block like that


2. For the love of Celestia, please chose 1 colour and stick with it. I am not normally one to nitpick, but that text is actually very hard to read, especially when it goes into lighter text


I'd ask that you please fix this in your post at some point so that it's more accessible to get to. I hate going at things like this, but readability means a good deal to a thread, so it have to be sorta kept in mind. :/

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Ow, my eyes...


@@Missklang, could ya stop with the colors please? It's giving me a headache, trying to figure out what you've written, and if it doesn't stop I'm just going to ignore you because it hurts too much for a mere RP post.

Agreed hat rainbow text was a pain o read. Not that I remember any of it.
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All done! Every single paragraph I made is chopped down and tained in TARDIS blue

I'll do my best to fix any single mistake I make

By the way @BlinkZ, nice fimfictions you got there, I like the "Discord's Hearts Warming Eve". Flood the castle with eggnog, what a great idea!

(how do you make @tags to become a hyperlink?)

((The ones in the RP are copy pasted so somehow they keep their magic))

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It's a command.


You mention others either by (if you're on a computer) to mark part of something they wrote, as if you were gonna copy it, then there should be a sign up that says mention and you go with that.


If on a tablet, phone or such, you need to write this in manually:


[ b ]@ [ member='ThatBlazingPony' ] [ /b ],


Just without any spaces between the writing. Just put in the name of the one you wish to mention where I put yours and you're cracking on.  :)


(Copyright Blitz Boom TM, all rights reserved)

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I thank you kindly for the change in text colours and the spacing. This is much easier to read. ^_^
I figured that I'd give BlinkZ some time to respond, as he is also in the thread. B)
Far as I can see, your character is still inside the bus unless he wandered out between posts. :fluttershy:
It took me waaaaay too long to realise you were quoting that. xD Nicely done. :lol:
We can all have delays. And while I remember it: I love your new profile pic. It's so adorable. :pinkie:
Are you doing alright mate? Been a while since we saw you around, and getting kinda worried that something might have happened to you, or you might have left without notice. Please let us know if you're around still, okay? :kindness:
@@Seamore Sandwich,
Any further plans you have with Charlie visiting them in their dreams, please let know around here first whilst I remember it. Might not be that everypony sleep at the same time in the RP, so this can help us gather it up when/if it is. :love:
While I'm at it: Just wanted to clear that I have not Vivid laugh in Priestess' face about the theoretical discussion of multiple plains and the naming thereof, just the comparison to what I assumed the shadow lands of my head would be like that found her amusing, and since she's tired she haves a harder time holding things like that internal.
I like your character a good deal, so I don't wanna make it seem as if I try to offend her, and figured *Hey, already making a big reply, why not add this and make sure?*. :D
Since we already talked over PM about things I don't really have anything to add to you, but it feels wrong to not include you, right? So here's a special spoiler for you. :yay:




Honestly I just wanted to see if this would work, but since I'm at it, here's a kitten trying to drink coffee.



Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@ everyone

"Yes," Seamore said having forgotten that this is what he was talking about before he had begun to sing. "As I was telling these other ponies before you arrived, I have a permit to cut down one Everwood tree. These trees are highly valued and receiving one of these permits is incredibly rare. However, a giant Diamond Spider, about three or four times as tall as me, has moved into the section of forest they grow in," he said, his estimation being in an unsure tone as Seamore was never good at estimating. "The spider has Dimonds growing out of its skin, venom imbued with chaos based magic, and webbing with regenerative properties. In fact, a certain pink pony I know had an accident, she was hit in the jaw while she had her tongue out. Needless to say she lost a good portion of her tongue. Anyway, a unicorn tried to help her grow back her tongue using Diamond Spider Silk. It worked, but because she wasn't well versed in chaos based magics there were side effects, her coat grew uncontrollably and she now looks like a giant ball of cotton candy. She's since tried cutting it but it just grows right back." Seamore then realized he had gone off on a tangent as he usually does, so he concluded, "My point is the Diamond spider is worth something too, if you can kill it. However, the webbing may be hard to sell because you would have to find a buyer with an interest in chaos magic."

As you can see here, Flufflepuff has already been explained in our Roleplay. This even explains why, when she was split in two by a pillow, each half became a full copy of her. I'm sorry, but you may have to rewrite your post a little.
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As you can see here, Flufflepuff has already been explained in our Roleplay. This even explains why, when she was split in two by a pillow, each half became a full copy of her. I'm sorry, but you may have to rewrite your post a little.

Huh, you are right. I probably can change pink to any other colour and it will do the trick


neverming. I changed it. Are there other side characters who were usedI should be aware of? Not to make the same mistake again and creating a clone of derpy/doctor Hooves/Cheerlie/"input name here" who is already supposed to be somewere specific.

Nevermind. I guess I'll try to read the whole posts since the beginning.

Edited by Missklang
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Huh, you are right. I probably can change pink to any other colour and it will do the trick


neverming. I changed it. Are there other side characters who were usedI should be aware of? Not to make the same mistake again and creating a clone of derpy/doctor Hooves/Cheerlie/"input name here" who is already supposed to be somewere specific.

Nevermind. I guess I'll try to read the whole posts since the beginning.

Good luck, this Roleplay has been going on for over a year.
  • Brohoof 1
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hey everypony sorry for the delay on my side, work keeps changing my schedual like twilight orginzes her library over and over, now for the rp.  


With the whole exploding tree the only idea was karma happing to cresent for tackeling vivid knocking him out. Not sure how he'll wake up but the explosion at most just stuned him if any ponys wondering.


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@@Seamore Sandwich,



Actually it is less than you might think. There have been some vague cameo's of Applejack, and a few mentions of the Apple family, but nothing that chains something down. Pretty much the same thing with everypony else, but I can mention the few that might be worth noticing.


Pinkie Pie: This is the most bound one, and is basically off limits. She is in this RP in a relationship with somepony called @, a player who have deep roots in this RP and might at some point return. As such, she is the only, currently chained one. and references to her should in general keep that in mind, or make it smaller, non-interference things, such as seeling cakes at the store. (I know she is not Technically a side character, but you know, this post would be short without this, and that'd look kinda boring y'know?)


Mayor Mare: This one have some mentions, mostly regarding Blitz Boom. She have been the one responsible for outright banning Blitz from taking part in more prank wars inside Ponyville, as well as testing anything more explosive than a sneeze. Blitz is allowed to deliver it or have other use the fireworks, though regular safety does apply.


Mrs. Cake: Not really a lot to say about her, but it have been referenced that she travels away from town now and again leaving Pinkie in charge of the shop and the twins. I am not sure if that is in the show, but it tends to be here far as I recall. Also, she is the one who have made Blitz swear she'd stop trying to bake things for varied reasons, and mostly as a precaution.


Zecora: There was a short visit at one point, but it was generally vague and a lot of rhyming was the general theme there as well. It was mostly a short period where Ziggy wanted to meet her, and they had a small talk before going onwards. It is worth mentioning though that Briar is helping her time and time again in the area with various things as a thank you for guiding him towards an area where he could eventually get sight back. Originally via Discord, but eh, I'm open for suggestions on the road there. :)


Vinyl Scratch: She was there for a short part of the first pages, and her part was mostly to play a speaker in the street to help locating something. Since the player she was briefly used by was not there for That long, mostly used his OC and his account have been deleted, you can consider her as generally not bound by any word or such, though some might *remember* her blasting a loud speaker in the street for about three seconds a few days ago.


Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara: Small one this: They're sorta scared of Blitz. Blitz didn't take too kindly to them going after her and calling her crazy, and one thing led to another... Let's just say they, per references, still calls her things, but they try to avoid letting it be to her face. They also got bombed with one of Blitz' *Edible paint*-filled water balloons with a special twist, which gave them a few minutes or so of looking sorta donkey'ish before they'd be able to get it washed off. It was the before-mentioned Storm Shine that was the dropper alongside another pony, with Blitz being no.where near.


Derpy, Hooves, Cherilee, etc. have not been mentioned as far as I recall. The CMC had some vague references now and again, but it was barely anything, so it can be disregarded, though I might have to add that Diamond


For the record: Yes, I know that a lot of them are connected to my characters, but to be fair, I've had a character near things to help things along for almost the entire duration of this thread. I'm bound to be here and there, and with the internal dialogue I have going (and Blitz Really needing regulation) I have also made about a third to a half of the references myself, which will put them in conjunction with my own characters.


I think this was it. And as it turned out, wasn't as short as I thought when writing at Pinkie. Go figure, eh? :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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OH GOD fluffly puff WHY!! ugh I really hate he furrball, it not cute and it not funny eiher. srory just stating an opinion.


And soryr just really not good at keeping up with thread rp's and all the varous paths and stuff all the time.


Ugh I can't keep things straigh in my head, this is way i perfer PM rp's or one on ones.

Edited by BlinkZ
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OH GOD fluffly puff WHY!! ugh I really hate he furrball, it not cute and it not funny eiher. srory just stating an opinion.


And soryr just really not good at keeping up with thread rp's and all the varous paths and stuff all the time.


Ugh I can't keep things straigh in my head, this is way i perfer PM rp's or one on ones.

Fluffypuff is equestria's equivalent in cuteness to our cats. I like her. 

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I can try. I got a vague idea of how she should be at least from the last one who had a stab at it, so it might work. :)







We all have a right to an opinion. Just like I can have the opinion that without Fluffle Puff, this thread would not exist, since she is the reason I got into the fandom, and I often read through the comic with much joy on Tumblr. ^^ It's sad that you don't like her, but eh, we all have our own tastes, and I respect yours. :)


As for the other thing... Dude, you Wrote yourself into the position you are in and you lost track? xD Sorry, but that's just funny.







If Equestria had Imgur, Fluffly would be 80% of the pictures. ^^

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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