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Blitz Boom

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cresent was running through his head how to get out of this without making more of a scean as he shook his head trying to get the tomato out. once his vision was clear and could see more of his predicament the earth pony said


"you have little time to tell me why I shouldn't beat your cuti mark off you" the earth ponys voice low


At the word "cuti mark" cresent ears perked up, generally not a sore subject he could use it someway "well you see, I sorry to say this but unless you can beat something that's already burnt off your efforts will be worthless which I just realized these tomato's are not fresh"


"not fresh?!" stammered the earth pony "well what do you expect diving right in them like that of course there ruined!"


"no I'm talking about the juice I'm surprised only the two of us are covered in tomato's while every pony else has none on them which mean two things" said cresent now firmly standing eye to eye with the earth pony  


"you calling me a fake?!" said the earth pony challengingly, cresent knew ponyville to be peaceful, never has he ran into something like this and the whole walk away quietly was now out the window once cresent noticed a crowd forming


"look with how fast I was slee-I mean gliding vs how fresh the tomato's are there should be more slime on the crowd. a good tomato that's nice and ripe with me flying into a bunch should cover me, you, and the next booth over which as I can see" cresent leaned over hopping his bluff would save his wings towards the stand next the tomato seller. Which was actually unharmed "eater has a good spell on it or mean these tomatoes are at least" cresent stooped to like some more paste of himself  (and yes trying to add effect)"4 days old" 


The earth pony's face changed color (think uncle vernin style to harry potter fans foamier with the books) going from rage, to embarrassment, to down right lathing, followed by a sudden thought he smiled and replied "If you know so much about my tomato's what makes me think you didn't make that all up?"


Cresent blinked doing his best not to flee breathed in and out trying to collect himself "because the trick to good salsa is having a good sauce, and a good salsa sauce needs good tomato's. at least me grandma always said. And I would use these to make salsa but good for painting if you want to eat it after words"  


As the earth pony was grabbing for something to say back cresnt looked around at the crowd that arrived. It was small but not big enough to hold up the whole shopping street but what made him do an double take was seeing another bat pony in night guard gear. The sight brought a flood of memory's towards cresent of, no. he then thought to himself 'either I'm seeing things or that was a harder crash then I thought'

Edited by cwhip9
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@[member='blazedtime' ],


"So...uh....Blaze, is it? What are you up to today?"  Said Melody nervously.


"Aside from buying lettuce....of course..." 


She looked around the market.


"I need to get more than lettuce, actually. I'm also looking for some purple tomatoes, though apparently, they only grow in the Everfree Forest. So they are quite hard to come by..."


Melody trotted around the market hoping to find some, but her efforts were fruitless (literally).


Blaze looked at the new mare who approached him. "Yeah, my name is Blazedtime, How did you know that though? I haven't met you before..." Said Blazed "Oh, and i'm not doing anything really, perhaps i could help you with the purple tomatoes, if you like" Offered Blaze

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"That would be great if you could!" Melody bellowed as she sprang up from her nervous slump.


"One thing that you should know..." She scratched her head, as if trying to think of what to say.


"If you ignore me, even for a second, I get stuck in time." She Explained.


"Also...I know you name like I know a lot of things. While I'm not sneaky, I have very good ears." Melody smirked cheekily.

Edited by NovaCosmic


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Melke looked up and he could barely made out the pony outline, he tried to get his mask back on but it broke into two. Melke started to tear up as he saw it break. 




"...yo~!" he called out to it.


Melke did not look up at the pony and just silently sobbed to himself. Melke's necklace started to glow as it felt a strong magical signature coming from the pony but Melke did not notice the dark glow of his gem.

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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Kevin walked into Ponyville. He was looking for more insects to discover and document, "Hm..so this is where those bugs were last spotted? I better start looking around to find them."


He started to walk near the Everfree Forest to look for insects to discover.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"A better way to say it would be hard to find. But considering how well-spoken you seem to be that is not much of a surprise really."


Briar smiled wide at Priestess whilst he contemplated whatever or not he could have actually made a better reply than she had done or if he had just been polite. A random thought that he couldn't say had oftn entered his mind, and yet here it was. The answer though wasn't as hard to find as it had been other times, as he quite frankly found it hard to find another way to put it than she had that would not seem cheapened somehow.


He would commemerate her further on this, but it would likely seem weird for him to speak of this situation, especially as it was a bit egocentric in nature, so for now perhaps it was better to let this float along and then see. Something told him that there would end being further things to put praise on after all anyway.







When he spoke Blitz had nearly dropped her jaw to the ground with the mean things that she heard about his family. She hadn't a lot of experience, granted, but she hadn't imagined anypony being like, Really mean before this and sorta figured most were just a little mean at times but otherwise fine. This on the other hoof, was just vile. Vile and wrong.


When Dax was done speaking she went over and wrapped herself around his right foreleg in a tight hug.


"I'm really sorry to hear that Dax. Nopony should do something like that, Ever, and they're a bunch of mean-spirited, no good stone-hearts for doing that. Especially when it hurt a good pony like you."


Blitz wasn't gonna leave her new friend because his family was meanies by a long shot, but she would feel sad that they had to ruin things for the good sheep in the flock just because he wasn't a cold, evil pony. Really, the only ponies that should have something happened to them like that was them, and they deserved it with what Dax was saying.


"But it's their loss now. They don't deserve anything nice near them anyway when they're like that. More like a.. a... Cave-in or something."









The authoritarian voice of the older pony cut through things with the two bickering ponies as he went from looking rather docile to having a stern look in his eyes and his posture taking in the familiar one of somepony that was used to these sort of situations. Which he was, just on a more violent basis than this crash and vegetable ruining..


"It matters not if the tomatoes are overdue or not, they are still ruined, and a replacement needs to be made of the crate and what it contained. A simple task that will be handled now young man."


His gaze was focused on the other bat pony.


"You will follow me and we will find suitable replacements for this. However."


He turned his dark, unblinking gaze towards the vendor and his wares.


"If there is a sizeable issue with the quality between these things, it will be taken into consideration for how much will be needed to replace it. Something that i will make sure to check from both sides so that we can resolve this nicer and easy. Do I make myself clear?"


The last part was aimed towards them both as he awaited a response. He didn't care about the bickering over something that might as well have started with an accident, and especially not on his watch.


"And here I thought this place didn't need an active guard."


The thought ran through his head as he internally sighed. So much for that image of a quiet town where everything was basically harmony.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@ blitz boom
what ever response the earth pony and cresent had next for each other vanished one the guard made himself known to them, cresent sighed knowing when he was beat having a hunch the day would go by longer then he thought.


"ok" he said climbing out of the cart shacky like he wasn't sure if that was from the crash, adrenaline, or the shock of the guard showing up. turning towards the vendor he asked "I apologize for making the mess, how much would this cost to replace you think?"


the earth pony smiled "200 bits for the cart, as for the tomato's" said the earth pony eyeing the mess. He brought 4 full carts with him before the bat crashed into this one now he was down to 2 carts worth that will still make a decent profit back plus he had excess crop this year to be out the following week. he made a mental note to adding a roof of sorts to it. Getting back to the tomato's.... 


"tell you what kid I might have over reacted on my behalf too. So lets call it 600 bits for everything and it should cover everything" said the earth pony smiling knowing full well it was too much but he wanted this bat to remember him for the next week or so to let it sink in. He trusted the guard would understand


Cresent bit his lip '600?! that's practically bleeding me dry!' he thought doing his best not to show it on his face. He looked around, he knew the Guard would easily take him down if he tried flying out of this seeing them in action first hand at tryouts. Plus not bringing his gauntlet threw...cresnt stopped that thought and finally said "i think I can do that for you"

 For once he was thankfull for having the night whaether vest on him as he used his teeth to pull out his latest pay check (the bit purse filled with exactly 500 bits) putting the purse on the ground he said


"500 bits now I have the other 100 at my house in the woods" said cresent which was the bare honest truth. he began to make a mental list on living cheap again and prying to Luna this whole mess didn't bloom like wildfire  


The earth pony was surprised on this part, expecting some sort of retort from the younger bat pony he grabbed the purse with his mouth feeling the weight of it as he lifted it up. if the kid had this much income he wondered how he could milk more out of him, he also knew if the guard didn't call him out on it, he would be abele to get away with it.    

Edited by cwhip9
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"A better way to say it would be hard to find. But considering how well-spoken you seem to be that is not much of a surprise really."


Oh I wish it wasn't a surprise.  Truth is, it's been quite a long while since I've been bequeathed such praise. I don't often enough find creatures who are willing to converse on such topics.  I wish discussions of this nature were more commonplace. Far more a being would benefit from such discourse than just you and I. 

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"But it's their loss now. They don't deserve anything nice near them anyway when they're like that. More like a.. a... Cave-in or something."


His eyes widened.  "No, no... nothing like that.  See, I mean..."  He thought about how to put it, because it was certainly hard to explain.


"... I DO care about them, and - in their own weird way - they care about me.  I mean, my Father's only trying to get me to do the things that work for HIM, because he wants me to succeed... like HE did.  Mother is WILD about her trinkets & jewelry, but she still feeds me - she cooks it herself.  And my older brother Harcourt?  He's a really good thief, but he never really hurt anypony.  Plus, he might not have liked me when I was little... but he eventually DID.  And Oglevy..."


Dax gave Blitz a slight grin... then resignedly sighed.


"... okay, Oglevy's just a brat.  I mean, he's a colt, sure... but he's still a brat.  But they DO love me... it's just not... well, y'know... 'huggy love' and stuff.  I kinda wish it was, but it's still better than getting completely ignored, right?"


Dax hugged her back, then stepped back.  He looked as though saying all these things was helping his mood; he wasn't looking like he was going to cry anymore.  He even gave her a weak smile.


"So, yeah... they hurt my feelings at times, but they do it to each other, too.  And they're STILL all in one place.  Well, not me... I've been sleeping in a tent near the edge of the Everfree, but they've never told me to get out.  I just... wanted to be... uhm, not there, I guess."


Dax shrugged.


"Now you know.  Wow, that feels kinda... better.  Thanks, Blitz."


His weak grin blossomed into a full smile.

Edited by Randimaxis

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"Very well then, let us up the antics."


Behind Cubus the wolves melted together and formed from their meagre selves into a strong manticore whilst the Gryphons that had missed the swordspony before circled around and grabbed hold of a few of the unformed ones each and started throwing them towards him. If they didn't hit him they would form, potentially melt together into a strong form, and continue their assault further.


Above them the dragon twitched and turned, switching from the clunky form into a winged serpent that looked down upon him with narrow eyes before a rain of *poison* (basically smoke bombs) rained down, following his movements to make sure he didn't stand still for too long. That is unless he could do something about its presence.

cubus took note of the situation, and decided to go for the griffons. he dashed at them, his sword flashing out for the first time. he evaded the unformed things being thrown at him, and slashed at the griffons. it barely took more then three seconds before the two were sliced to ribbons.


cubus flicked his sword, looking at the remainders. thats when he noticed the dragon had morphed.


once again he was weaving between the droplets of 'poison,' and was advancing on the Minotaur and serpent both.



Last was following alright, but she was also keeping her ears perked for anything that might start making sounds out of nowhere, or the sudden absence of it for that matter. To hear the ground rumble as something was about to rise or hearing the flaps of wings were telling, but so was it when the sensitive critters around them went silent. Either because they tried to hide themselves from the presence of a predator, or because said predator had already cleared enough out to make the rest leave the place be.


Not all things worth having a go at had that effect on things around them, but more often than not it was a good idea to listen to the critters, so she was going to, and then see if this would lead to something hunt-worthy. Good chance they'd see something first though, but eh, that was how things went at times too after all. Sometimes, you just had to adapt to what was going on.


caliber grinned, hearing the rumble in the ground. "well, now, that sounds like a fun thing to fight, eh? or hunt, in your case." he grinned a little wider. "shall we, or should we look for something else?"


Melke looked up and he could barely made out the pony outline, he tried to get his mask back on but it broke into two. Melke started to tear up as he saw it break. 


Melke did not look up at the pony and just silently sobbed to himself. Melke's necklace started to glow as it felt a strong magical signature coming from the pony but Melke did not notice the dark glow of his gem.

"hey, you okay?" rune sounded concerned. "what happened?"


he looked at the broken mask. "do you want me to fix that?" he asked gently.


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"I will accompany you then and make sure everything is in order, which includes that there will be no cheating in this deal from anypony. So vendor, to make sure that we do not return to messages of the purse not containing what it should, I want you to open it and confirm before we go anywhere. When that is done, we will complete this at the price that was agreed on, and it will then be the end of it. Understood?"


He doubted the boy would try to run from this considering he had already made a payment on this and though he was a little hot-headed, seemed to be a good kid who had just been very unlucky. The vendor on the other hoof, he didn't trust outright. He had dealt with many different ponies in his days that had taken simple things like this and then blown it out of proportions because of greed, and though he wasn't sure it would end the same way in this town, experience had made him wary.


Besides, saying that the purse did not contain what it should was an old method for cheating that he wasn't gonna fall for, and with witnesses that would see and hear about the purse, as well as the deal that had been made now, he would not be able to get away from that. And if he tried... Well, he wasn't sure if there was any place in this town where he could give the pony a little time to think over things alone, but he could get creative if he had to. A thought that was already there about what he would call overpricing for these, but he knew local prices on things could be high some places, so he would have to look into this at a later point and if he found that this was a gross extortion more than anything and had the proof for it... Well, they would be going back to the solitude that he had thought about before.







"True, but philosophy, grander truths and a wider view on opinions would likely end up boring a lot of ponies before it got too far. Not because I would call others simple, but there are a limit to most ponies patience if it comes to things that doesn't interest them whole-heartedly after all.


But one can always look on it in a positive way after all, and then remind themselves that when you do find those that are interested and will converse on the topics that most others might not, it will make it seem more special instead of common and regular. And looking for gleams of something special can be a good thing when you ponder what the future might have that could excite you after all."







"Okay, but I still think you're a better friend than they'd ever be."


Blitz grinned up at Dax with a giant smile which widened to the point of almost making her face hurt when he said he was feeling better. She hated seeing her friends cry, new, real new or old alike.


"Wanna race the rest of the way? Bet I'll reach the scorched parts before you."


She didn't wait for a response before she set into run towards the general location of where she lived. With some luck she managed to not get a bush suddenly in her way as she had a little bit of an issue stopping once she had some momentum going, so the trip went fast enough and she kept on running until she reached the little uhm.. *clearing* she had made by testing the minor fireworks and stuff in front of her home.


The random holes of varying sizes, colours on the ground and very spotty vegetation should tell its tale about some of the fun she had there, though as she tried to break and ended sliding into one of the holes that was about the height of her with a large *Plop* she might have lost the general overview that she had some idea of what she was doing and was a professional about it. Not sure if Dax saw it like that, but oh well, they'd see.







"Hehe, That's more like it. Impressive hoofwork and weapon control. I think we can up these games a little more..."


The purple flames in her eyes grew in intensity and she started to chant while the sliced and diced gryphons suddenly burst into about a dozen small bats each and started chasing towards Cubus in a random'ish flock formation that he might be able to get the idea about. if any of them would end up hitting him, they would cling to him and weght him down a little by little to restrict his movements, but she doubted that he would let it be that easy, which was also why she took the unformed ones and gave a more acceptable form to work with in the form of a pair of Tatzelwurms. Easy enough opponents, granted, but they were mainly there to restricts his field of movability anyway, so it would be fine enough for now.





"We shall. Let's get cracking and see if the bounty of the earth bites around here."


Last wasn't brandishing her sword yet, but she was preparing herself mentally for having to do so soon if what had suddenly shown turned out to be hostile. She hoped it was hostile anyway, since she wasn't gonna waste her time basically assaulting something docile that just had enough size to sound like a bother.






It took awhile before the movement in the bushes continued anyway, but after a bit, Brittle slowly moved forward and with her head near the ground walked, slightly shaking, into the view of the other pony, praying internally that he wasn't going to be mean as well just because she was one of those uhm... Changelings, right. She would have to try and remember that word if nothing else.


"A-Are you sure? Not ev... Not everypony m-means that..."







It wouldn't be long before he would see an insect. Or well, not an insect per se, as spiders where not technically insects but their own category of animal, but that was the sort of nitpicking not everypony really cared about when faced with a rather big, eight-legged, hairy little thing with yellow and green dots scuttling towards them.


"Come back here Trevor. I swear the birds aren't going to eat you."


A little after it came a teenage filly with glasses, a purple mane, pink coat and a long mane and tail in full pursuit. She had a net in a little strap down her left side, a satchel of something unknown down her right and her cutiemark was that of a butterfly net.


She managed to get a hold of the little critter before it got too far away, or close to climbing Kevin (Something Nopony really liked happened out of the blue) and put the arachnid into her mane where it started crawling up to the top of her head, eyeing towards the stranger pony from it's position whilst the filly looked at the pony with a slightly embarrassed expression on her face.


"Hehe, uhm... I'm sorry about that. Trevor gets a little jittery around birds."







"No, that wouldn't work either"


A stallion with a big bushy moustache, a dusty lab coat, wild looking mane and a short tail (mostly in mixtures of grey and orange) raised a hoof to his face and scratched a little as he was looking at some complicated signs that he had scratched into the earth a few meters from Ponyville. He usually went here to think, and other times to clear his head and get a new idea on how to approach things, but right now it wasn't helping really. Much as he thought about it, there was still something that wasn't adding up, and he just couldn't put a hoof on it...


He was about to talk more to himself to see if that would trigger something when he heard something move nearby and turned around. He wasn't used to anything or anypony going to this place, so to hear something move was really a surprise. Perhaps so big of a surprise that it would jog his brain again? one could only hope.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,

Kevin bumped into the filly, "Sorry. I'm looking for something...." he noticed the bug, and asked, "Where did you find this, 'Trevor'? I'd be interested in seeing if there are more."


He thought to himself, "What's a filly doing out her on her own like this? I wonder..."


"Where could I find more insects like these?" he asked.

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@Blitz Boom


Feeder took off his bags & placed them right next to him, sat down, then said, while smiling, 


"I never go back on my word. If I say I won't hurt you, I won't hurt you, besides it hurts me to see any living creature in pain. My name is Feeder, what's yours, and why do you say that?"

  • Brohoof 1
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"Okay, but I still think you're a better friend than they'd ever be."


He felt like he was going to explode.  Dax had finally found a friend, and she didn't care who he was or what had happened; she would lke him anyway.  He gave a quick laugh, happy to see he was no longer alone.


"Wanna race the rest of the way? Bet I'll reach the scorched parts before you."


She took off instantly.  Dax stared for only a moment, then gave a competitive smile as he took off after her.  He tore up the path, dirt flying out behind him.  There was once of twice he caught up with her for a bit, but he wasn't quite fast enough to overtake her.  It didn't matter; he could race her forever.


When she screeched into the hole, Dax giggled at her antics, then made his way over to help her out.  As he did, he gazed at the scenery... and made note of all the scorch marks scattered about.  When she got to the lip of the crater, he had a curious look in his eyes.


"Exactly what kind of explosives have you been testing here?"

  • Brohoof 1

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"True, but philosophy, grander truths and a wider view on opinions would likely end up boring a lot of ponies before it got too far. Not because I would call others simple, but there are a limit to most ponies patience if it comes to things that doesn't interest them whole-heartedly after all.  


But one can always look on it in a positive way after all, and then remind themselves that when you do find those that are interested and will converse on the topics that most others might not, it will make it seem more special instead of common and regular. And looking for gleams of something special can be a good thing when you ponder what the future might have that could excite you after all."  



Yeah, it is immensely hard to try and process and learn the intricacies of that which doesn't catch your fancy. And while I do enjoy finding those special moments and individuals in life, subjects and discussions on deeper thought, pondering what more there is to this universe, and that feeling, that euphoria you feel when you think you've found an answer, shouldn't be something relegated to just the privileged few, but experienced & practised by the many. 

  • Brohoof 1

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the vender put the purse on his table opening it up for all to see, he nudged it with his muzzle having the 500 bits slide naturally out, if it wasn't cresents bits his jaw would be on the floor, or ground in this case. As the bits were counted the earth pony tried not to get the bits on the splotch of tomato the earth pony arranged the bits in stacks as he counted the bits
first, second, and 3rd time he counted 500...the earth pony seeing the sight of it still was very temped to jump up and down like a lil filly, knowing that would be his down fall he breathed in and declared "500...and the other hundred was in where you said colt?"


cresent with all his will breathed out the colorful response that would be said after being called colt and have a good portion of his bits snatched away faster then he would say 'would you like oats with that?' at work. "as I said before I have the other hundred at my place in the evergreen forest"  


That caught the vendors attention, why in equestrian would this colt be living in the evergreen forest?!



  • Brohoof 1
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"hey, you okay?" rune sounded concerned. "what happened?"   he looked at the broken mask. "do you want me to fix that?" he asked gently.



Melke finally took notice of the pony and looked up, only to see the pony towering over him. His silent sobs suddenly turned into a big outpour of wails as he tried to shield his face and eventually ended up facing away from him, as if he does not want to show his face to anyone.


"... I... I'm sorry for spying... Please don't hurt me..."

Edited by Negativa_Melke
  • Brohoof 1

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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"Well, technically he's an Arachnid, which is a subgroup in itself rather just just being insects, but... Hehe, whoops."


The filly held her hoof up and pushed her glasses a bit closer to herself after biting her lip slightly to stop what she was saying.


"Sorry, I get a little... You know. Anyway, I found Trevor when he was a tiny little egg inside the forest. Haven't been around that part for a while so not sure if there's still some there, but... Well, I can show you if you want mister?"


She had been told time and time again not to wander too deep into the forest on her own because it could be dangerous, but this wasn't alone., this was with somepony else. And an adult too it looked like. She was sure it'd be juuust fine like this.


...Or well, she hoped it might at least.







"I-I'm uhm... Brittle Buzz."


Brittle took a few more steps towards him, though kept her head near the ground like she usually did when she met somepony new, or well, in general. When you believed that everypony was going to hit you or throw things it started to have an effect on not just your behaviour, but also posture. It was one of the extremes of it, but she had been through enough of those to warrant it.


"And I u-uhm... Because y-you might... Be dangerous."







Blitz poked her head out of the hole and giggled at the question.


"Small stuff. Rockets, traps, flimsy thingies, Oh, and this glitterbomb about 3 weeks ago. It was the first bomb I had the chance to play with. I sorta had to go to another place after that with the explosives because it was a Really big kaboom, and I sort of... Set fire to three trees."


She got up of the hole, shook herself and looked around whilst mumbling.


"...And four bushes, two rocks, a lot of grass and my good hammer."


She cleared her throat and looked up at Dax again, jumping a little in place and grinning happily again.


"But it's okay. i got to meet the towns-ponies for the first time, and they were really nice about it. Well, after they got the fire under control anyway, but that only took like, an hour, so yey!"


It rally had been a fun day all in all, even though there were a loooooot of boring talk after that. But oh well, it all worked out in the end so no problem.







"Very true, and I do agree that it should be something that had a broader audience and that everypony could, at some point, sit down, and talk about what they believe in and what else will come of the deeper subjects.


Though, at the same time I'm also a strong advocate of keeping a general sense of simplicity to things. If everything became too much philosophy and intricate thinking it would certainly be an interesting place, but I would miss that easygoing, down to earth vibe that I often find can be enlightening in its own way and a good deal more relaxed.


Yet, that is personal taste. I can't imagine a universal balance of things to be found as everypony is different after all."







"500 directly then. With this settled and confirmed, we can get going. If you would lead the way?"


He said this to the young batpony, though straight after he inches a little closer to the vendor and looked at him with slightly narrower eyes.


"Me and the young stallion will return soon enough. Until then, stay here."


Life amongst the night guard had taught him a lot of things during the years, but one of the most ingrained ones were that you showed ponies respect when they showed you some, and with the bat pony owning up to things and biting his tongue for insults or further outbursts, the least he should deserve was not to be referred to as a colt.


Done with him for now, Stargazer spread his wings and returned his full focus to the bat pony, signalling he was ready to take off.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"Very true, and I do agree that it should be something that had a broader audience and that everypony could, at some point, sit down, and talk about what they believe in and what else will come of the deeper subjects.   Though, at the same time I'm also a strong advocate of keeping a general sense of simplicity to things. If everything became too much philosophy and intricate thinking it would certainly be an interesting place, but I would miss that easygoing, down to earth vibe that I often find can be enlightening in its own way and a good deal more relaxed.   Yet, that is personal taste. I can't imagine a universal balance of things to be found as everypony is different after all."


"It would be nice of ponies noticed more depth to their existence.  But to your point, yes, it wouldn't be very fun to live in a place where everything is pondered and analyzed. To look deeper into things is to help bring out their beauty. Constantly looking that way, causes you to miss out on the end result.  i said life was a journey, but every journey has a destination. Get too involved in you journey, and you miss the destination, and in turn, the journey becomes wondering. Contrast is needed. You can't ponder without the spark of pure simplicity, you can't appreciate simplicity, without looking deeper. Finding the deeper meaning, and enjoying the day to day moments, compliment each other. 

  • Brohoof 1

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"Small stuff. Rockets, traps, flimsy thingies, Oh, and this glitterbomb about 3 weeks ago. It was the first bomb I had the chance to play with. I sorta had to go to another place after that with the explosives because it was a Really big kaboom, and I sort of... Set fire to three trees."


Well, that doesn't sound so bad, Dax thought to himself.  He'd seen a number of times where the explosives in the mines had been a bit more than expected.  And maaaaaaaybe one or two times where the sticks had been sweating, and... well, it was a good thing nopony was seriously injured.


"...And four bushes, two rocks, a lot of grass and my good hammer."


Oh.  Yeah, that can happen too, I guess.


"But it's okay. i got to meet the towns-ponies for the first time, and they were really nice about it. Well, after they got the fire under control anyway, but that only took like, an hour, so yey!"


"You got to meet the other towsponies?  Really?  So... if WE were to do something like that again... I could meet them too?  Or... is that not such a good idea?  I'm kinda wondering what we could do for something like..."  


Dax's eyes suddenly lit up.  "Hey!  Maybe I got an idea; if you can make fireworks, maybe you can put on a display for the town, right?  You could really work at it, and I could help!  It could be fun - LOTS of fun!  You really seem like you like working with explosives, so it would be fun for YOU... and I'd get to help out my new friend, so it'd be fun for ME!"


He grinned widely at Blitz, hoping she'd be up for the challenge.


"I might... might... be able to help in more ways than one, as well."  He gave her a knowing wink.

  • Brohoof 1

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@Blitz Boom


Reader reached into one of his bags, and pulled out a notebook. He written something down, and said, as he was still holding his notebook and writing utensil,


"Pleasure to meet you Brittle Buzz, the only thing that makes me dangerous is sneezing when I'm stitching living creatures up. I'm never good with jokes. I'm into medical, but let's talk about you now.  "

  • Brohoof 1
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Cresent turned towards the guard nodding at him spreading his wings, he then noticed how much tomato was on him, "watch for the tomato I still don't know how much would fly off me going full speed" he said smiling nervously trying to lighten the mood


He then began to flap his wings bringing him up trying not to get the tomato left on him near the guard soon once convertible at the height he took off towards his tree house with the guard following him in toe, (or hoof?) he was still uneasy with the guard flying next to him, not many pony's outside of hollow shades live in the forest do to rumors of beats and other things that go bump in the night. which was perfect for Cresent so he wouldn't get that many Hassel's then again he still didn't know the forest as well as his neighbor zeccora. once he spotted his tree house he banked low and settled easily. looking up at the guard "feel free to enter the trees fine" said cresent leaving to door open for the guard.

  • Brohoof 1
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Melke finally took notice of the pony and looked up, only to see the pony towering over him. His silent sobs suddenly turned into a big outpour of wails as he tried to shield his face and eventually ended up facing away from him, as if he does not want to show his face to anyone.


"... I... I'm sorry for spying... Please don't hurt me..."

rune jumped back, a little startled by the sudden wailing. "hey, hey, now, your good!" he said, trying to calm him, "who told you i was gonna hurt you?"


he didnt approach him, but merely sat down, and gestured for the cat to come to him. "i can fix that mask of yours if you want me to." he went for a friendly smile. 


"Hehe, That's more like it. Impressive hoofwork and weapon control. I think we can up these games a little more..."


The purple flames in her eyes grew in intensity and she started to chant while the sliced and diced gryphons suddenly burst into about a dozen small bats each and started chasing towards Cubus in a random'ish flock formation that he might be able to get the idea about. if any of them would end up hitting him, they would cling to him and weght him down a little by little to restrict his movements, but she doubted that he would let it be that easy, which was also why she took the unformed ones and gave a more acceptable form to work with in the form of a pair of Tatzelwurms. Easy enough opponents, granted, but they were mainly there to restricts his field of movability anyway, so it would be fine enough for now.

cubus merely took note of the situation once more, and went to work on the bats, his sword flashing at unnatural angles, striking the bats with intense accuracy. not a single one latched on. he dashed at the worm...cat...things, still swatting the bats out of the air.


he leaped, and cut on in half. the other one started to strike at his exposed back, but he turned and glared at it with such intimidation that it hesitated. he cut down that one, too. by now, the bats had caught up again, and it didnt take long at all before they were dealt with.


he flicked his sword casually. "mere animals have no skill. and thus, have no chance."


"We shall. Let's get cracking and see if the bounty of the earth bites around here."


Last wasn't brandishing her sword yet, but she was preparing herself mentally for having to do so soon if what had suddenly shown turned out to be hostile. She hoped it was hostile anyway, since she wasn't gonna waste her time basically assaulting something docile that just had enough size to sound like a bother.

"i sure hope so. haven't had a good fight in a while." caliber bounded towards the sound much like a filly who was bouncing towards the candy store. "it wouldn't be any fun if it just turned out to be a big peaceful lump."

  • Brohoof 1


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Suddenly, there was a loud CRACK! Followed by a white pony with dark brown splotches and a light brown mane yelling, "TIMMMBERRR!" The tree fell precisely where he wanted it to making a loud BOOM that scared birds throughout the forest and could be heard all the way from Ponyville. This was the last log he needed, the largest and by far the loudest. All he had left to do was bring this tree to his large wagon and haul the shipment of Everfree Red Pine to its destination, although, he was a few days early completing the work. There wasn't much of a point in transporting the wood early, as the pony he was selling it to wouldn't be around for those few days, so he had plenty of time to relax. But then he heard other ponies through the trees. 'Maybe they're out here camping. Maybe I can join them around a campfire tonight. Maybe they're upset about all the noise,' he thought. Then they emerged through the trees.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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"There is a balance in everything. The fun part is to find it."


Briar smiled slightly wider for a second or two before the sudden vibrations at something large hitting the ground was felt and he paused, turning his head towards where it had felt like it had come from and awaiting there to be an aftershock or something alike.


"...I suppose that could have been a tree or a boulder that hit the ground.. Something large anyway."







"They sorta asked me not to set fire to the forest again, so can't do it like that. But the fireworks display sounds like a looooot of fun. Never tried That before. Or well... I don't think so anyway. Not in the last month."


Blitz's words were a bit confusing after the mentioning of the fireworks display, unless you knew about how she hadn't rally much of a memory of the time she'd lost, but it didn't seem to faze her as she rose up from her hole and started to wander over towards the hut and shack, though mostly the hut. That was were all the explosively fun stuff were after all.


"You know about big kabooms in the sky too? "







Brittle took a few small steps backwards again when she saw Feeder reach into one of his bags, sure that now came the throwing of stuff. She still wasn't convinced it wasn't for throwing when the notebook had gotten out and she had braced herself... Yet nothing turned out to happen. He just wrote something and then started talking again.


"I d-dont, uhm... W-What to talk about... I-I'm not really..."


She stammered along but didn't really seem like she knew what to speak of when faced with a broad request like that. In all likelihood, Feeder had to be a bit more specific if he wanted something out of her.







Stargazer slowly wandered in with Crescent, but keeping his silence as he had a quick look from the entrance on how things looked, but found no other words coming to mind than *isolated*. But that was the pony's own choice (hopefully) so he wouldn't churn around in that.


What he did want to, and actually did, was easing up his stance and the stern look that had been in his eyes which had helped along with giving him a more overall stature of somepony you did not want to mess with. It wasn't something he liked to do all the time, but it were as a reflex when it came to things like back in town where he needed them to focus on something else than eachother bickering.


"I'm sorry that it have to be like this by the way. If tit was up to me, there'd be more time to go over all aspects of this and make sure everything was as fair as possible for everypony, but it looked as if it was starting to escalate, and it was better to act fast than risk him perhaps sending you to jail.


I can assure you though that I will look more into this, and in case you have been taken advantage off here more than I think, I will make sure that's corrected. It might take a few days though."


He doubted it would be enough to make him appear better in the eyes of the young stallion, but whatever he could do to resolve things without jailtime he generally went with, as jail was a marring thing that could stain a pony's reputation and life for a long, long time, even for the most insignificant things. And he would not have that haunting over a young life like this. Not if it could be prevented.







"I could give you something more challenging than shades of mere beasts, but they would not enjoying hearing that I went overboard and actually hurt somepony, and honestly I have little interest in doing so either."


The flame in her eyes toned down and the different forms (sliced, smashed or intact) melted and rushed towards her, gathering in a dense ball the size of her head that floated in front of her as she eyed Cubus.


"in another time it was different. back when somepony fighting on the side you do would make me get ordered to do something more drastic."


Before Cubus could react, the shadowy ball exploded towards him, expanding like a giant carpet made of thick impenetrable purple shades, unfolding and grasping around the area he was in until, after about three seconds, there was only a small opening, like the exit to a tunnel, that was still rapidly closing. It would not have helped is he had moved either, as the cocoon or what you would call it he was currently being placed in. Right before it did close down on the last glimmer of hope and all he was left with was a turf battle with the odds against him, it stopped though, and with a small shake broke apart into dust that vanished more or less as it fell on the ground.


Vivid looked at him with a slightly tired look going over her eyes now. The beasts had taken some magic, but combined with this last surge it had all together been a bit taxing, and she would frankly prefer a minor break from that now rather than keep playing games with smoke and more or less harmless pets.


"But it is a new age, and my masters from then are gone. The powers they bestowed me with to use for darkness is my own now, and as the couple that got me out made sure I understood, this is a more peaceful time where it isn't an acceptable thing to destroy. Why else do you think I simply played with smoke after all?"


A smile was still present on her face as she said this, awaiting his response and how he would react to things. Poorly likely, as some paranoia and mistrust were still present around these days, but they would see after all. Sometimes, you could end up surprised.






"It felt like it was nearby, so I guess we'll see soon."


It was a bit odd that hey hadn't felt any further footsteps though to be honest. It was odd for something massive enough to make the earth shake to just take one step, then not be bothered for a while longer.


Unless... No, it better not be. She had fallen for the *Tree crashing* Too many times now in this dang forest. She swore, those things sounded more hollow intimidating than they had the right to be.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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