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Blitz Boom

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@Galaxical Phoenix

Others around Eventide, did not seem to spare her much more of a thought than they usually did, though there seemed to be more avoiding her than usual. Seeing how the last week or two, had more attacks on the town than normal, it had caused some of the more paranoid to amp up that, and Eventide were sadly an outsider. Even if she had lived in town for some time now, she were not one of them, per se. Bat ponies were already something they were paranoid about, and kirin? Few around here even knew what that were, and while they were usually curious, the knowledge that they could go into more or less a flaming rage mode, did not help Eventide's case in paranoid times, such as this.

One who did not care about that though, were one who had been hoping to run into her for the last week or so, and now finally did so, as hr exited the bakery, with a small bag in his muzzle.


Cover Up had changed some in the week since he last ran into Eventide. An event that were still clear in his mind. Both because of how nice it were to speak to another, that also seemed to want to speak to him, and because of how much he had shoved his own hoof down his muzzle then. It were probably on them both, that it ended awkwardly, with them suddenly wandering different ways, but he blamed himself for it. Like so many other things.

As for the changes, he had been given the option for some clothes, after he had finished painting the walls of the mare's shop, and as that were free things on top of his pay, that didn't seem so bad to him. She were just trying to show some appreciation for his work after all. Or to get rid of things in the discount bin, but he liked to think the former, and had managed to find something he liked. A set of socks, and an open back sweater. Generally he did not wear clothes, but this matched his coat color, so he were happy to receive those. Even if some others had given him a funny look at times since then, and new faces had thought he were a mare. Something he just chalked up to him needing to maybe cut his mane, which were why he had paid for a hair cut.

It had not taken much though. The hair dresser suggested cutting his hair short, to seem more masculine, but he liked his long hair. So in the end, she had just cut the ends, and later he had recolored the tips on his mane and tail. The band on his tail were also gone now, making it a lot more puffy, and his mane were tied up further up. It didn't seem to bad, so he had elected to give it a chance.

He also changed his tattoos, to better match him not having to cover as much skin anymore, to hide his scars under ink. Mostly simplistic stuff, but he had flaunted his skills with his left front leg, to try and show what he could do. And it had gotten him a couple of interested beings asking questions, so there were that.

He still carried the large paint brush on his back though, and the large ink well on his right, with the saddlebag on the left evening out the weight. He didn't feel comfortable leaving these things somewhere he couldn't see them.

Things to talk with Eventide about perhaps, if she were okay talking. She seemed to be in a bit of a bad mood, when he wandered close enough to see her face properly. Didn't walk like life were a breeze either, and then... She were singing? Sounded like things about anger. Maybe he shouldn't disturb her... Of course he shouldn't, right? It were Him who chased her off the last time, because he were an idiot. Couldn't keep his stupid hoof out of his gaping muzzle...

He'd berate himself in a more angry fashion than normally, and had to stop up. His gaze would be looking towards the ground, and shift from depression, to misery, anger and pain, as he started to berate himself for various things. Most of which had no rational reason to pop up right now. He didn't notice much else around him as that happened. Including the increased number of ponies snorting at one another, and pushing past them. Things were looking a little hostile.




The closer she got to town, the more it seemed to reek of dark magic. The same sort she had thus far been following, and at times, had gathered up.

Zeehva did not much care for dark magic like this. It were a corruptive force, mostly wielded by the sort who did evil, with the rare few exceptions being few and far between. Yet with what little she had been told of her target, she were likely going to need to use whatever she could get hold of, and she did find that most she were up against, did not expect to have their own magic used against themselves. Even if it were a minor amount.

It had often given her an upper hoof, and she were concocting something as it were already. A minor potion, in which she did just need a little more of her targets own magic. Something which she now managed to get, a few meters from where Magnolia were currently laying ready for an ambush.

She'd gather it up, and have it gather into the beaker. An action that would make the glowing liquid inside, turn dark purple. Something which were not entirely what she wanted it to be, so she floated a smaller vial up, filled with a strange, bright pink liquid with sparkles in it, and added a few droplets. A swirl and a shake later, it would turn the liquid into a harrowing, slimy green. It were ready then, though she of course still needed to find her target before she could use this, and then hope that it worked. Her concoctions weren't flawless, and she knew very little about this *Magnolia* mare, so there might be complications, and a need to adjust on the fly.

She'd stop up, and gaze into the green liquid, with a sigh escaping her muzzle.

"What would you have done, if you were here?"

Her thoughts wandered briefly to her late husband. A hero of some renown, in the area of Zebrica that he came from. Maybe not the greatest one they ever had, but she felt sure, that if he had been given this task, Magnolia were caught, and delivered with a nice bow around her, at least two days earlier than this. He were always a better hero than she could pretend to be, and frankly, she didn't see herself as one. Even if others were starting to call her that at times, she didn't feel as if she deserved it. She were not doing this out of the selflessness of her heart after all, as a real hero should. She did this to find answers, and in her mind, you could not be a hero, and have selfish reasons at the same time.

She'd never live up to his standards... *sigh* But she had a job to do, and should be on her way. It would not make her less sad to stand here and weep.

So she moved forward, yet stopped before getting within the last fifteen centimeters of where Magnolia were hidden, and looked around nervously. Something felt wrong.



@Catpone Cerberus

"It should be around this area. I just need to look for the marker first... Hold on."

Leviathan would spread her wings, and soar far above the tree tops. As she reached there, she'd begin to slowly flap her wings to keep herself airborne, and otherwise gaze around for a while, whilst looking for something specific. This weren't where she had last experienced they were, so she needed to readjust some.

It would take about half a minute, but eventually, she'd finally bite notice in what she were looking for: A shining, yellow glimmer, wafting vaguely through the air to the north west.

With her goal in sight, she'd flap down to the ground again, and fold her wings back in.

"North west, there's the first marker, a few kilometers away. It's not exactly where the area is, but it marks the distance where they warn others to turn down a different path. If we go there, we should be able to find another marker, and get an idea of what direction to go.

Are you ready to fly? We can walk too, but it'll take longer."

In either case, the marker she were referring to, would be a crystal-like, yellow flag. Nothing majorly impressive, but it stood out, and during night time, would reflect any light hitting it. It were a fine indicator to work with for fliers, though the actual roads had warning signs. Didn't mean they didn't need to think about the griffons, pegasi, and dragons in all of this.



@Catpone Cerberus

Berry were about to say something, when somepony knocked on the door. Clearly not the shark pony from earlier, as this weren't her soft thud, but more a methodical, hard knock. Even from this sound alone, it sounded very official.

Which meant that Berry got paranoid and instinctually covered a little down, to be out of sight - even though nopony could gaze in through the windows - and Ziggy were left with answering the door.

She'd creak the door open, and pop her head out to see who were there. Seemingly somepony who did not have time, nor want for any of her usual commotion, as she were interrupted before saying a word fully, and would retract her head to show that somepony had shoved a parchment into her muzzle. And judging from her closing the door, had left again.

The zegasus would wander over and spit out the parchment on the table, which would roll over towards Nada, and show an official, Princess Luna seal, once it stopped in its tract.

"That was kinda rude. Some bat pony in a uniform, came delivering this, and then just wooshed right away after that."

"Didn't show any ID? Might be a parchment bomb then."

"Looks more like a letter from the princess. *gasp* Maybe you already have an answer, Nada! Open it up, and see what it says!"

While Ziggy bounced in place, eager to know, Berry would go fully under the table. She still weren't ruling out an explosive of some sort, but also knew that Nada would likely not listen to her, if she said not to open it. And well... Nada were bigger. If she didn't want to listen, what could Berry realistically do about it?



@Catpone Cerberus

"I understand your concerns. It may sound normal to me, but I listen to many tongues, and often are they less well put together than what you utter. I suppose I may have begun to loose track of what counts as an odd way to speak, because of it. I'm sorry for not taking that into consideration, Scarecrow.

Though in regards to a last name..."

Lyriel would ponder this as they moved on. She were one of a singular name too. As were all whom she had grown up with. The need for a last name, or to have it split up, were not something she were overly familiar with. Mostly it were through the ponies that she even knew it were a thing, and their names were odd at times, because of it. Yet there still seemed to be some kind of synergy in it, yes? If so, Scarecrow would need that too. Though it were a hard one for her to find an answer to, as Scarecrow already sounded complete as a name.

Eventually, after several minutes of wandering, she'd tentatively raise her voice again, and give if not solutions, then at least her suggestions, based on what she knew of ponies.

"...Perhaps Field, or Cornfield? I hear ponies ponder synergy in their names, when it is split up. And what little I know of scarecrows, have them placed in fields, to protect their corn. Would there perhaps be something to work with in that regard? It is not something I have thought much about, so I understand if the names are not suitable enough for you."



@Catpone Cerberus

In a desert, free of most, non-animals life, wandered a lonely queen through the dunes.


It were still odd for Onache to have this. Not just the form - though she were still trying to get used to the colorful display and chest fluff she now had - but also this desert. She may have been used to living in one, but she were nomadic, for the sake of safety, and the desert she had lived in for so long, had been far grander in size than this.

Now though, she had a slice of desert all to herself, and a temple within, housing an oasis. She had what were needed to survive, and as she no longer had to hunt for food, no immediate reason to move around. Things were about as stable and good as they could be.

Yet, she were still alone here. Her singular drone were currently out and dealing withs something she had sent him off to do, and there would likely be some time before his return. And even then, it were not yet time for her to begin laying the  eggs for the next generation of her hive. She still needed to prepare space, and then begin talks with the nearby town, to ensure they wouldn't try and attack in the midst of hatching season. One which she had to deal with herself the first time, instead of being able to rely on nursery hatchlings. Though that were nothing new. She tended to take care of this herself, as well as the previous culling of her eggs, to ensure that none would hatch, only to end up starving, and facing mindlessness. It were kinder if they never drew their first breath, even if that mercy hurt her to dole out.

Thankfully, this were something which she did not have to do again now. That she were thankful for, though there were still much to do, and it all started here at the temple. The building granted by the travelling sphinx, after her trickery had bound Onache in deals and restrictions, before she were even aware of it. One that had lead her to having no choice, but to change into what she were now.

The reasoning of the sphinx still eluded her, and she supposed it would for the rest of her life. Their kind were trickery beings, with plans reaching far ahead. In the end, trying to figure out which pawn on their board you were, would lead only to a headache. Best to simply accept it, and attempt to move with the flow.

As she finally reached her temple, she'd let out a sigh, and wander over to take a few gulps of water before entering the building itself. A large, rather empty construct thus far, which may well be able to hold quite a few dozen changelings within. And with plenty of space to spare even, as the only thing really taking up space here, were the water-filled, elongated bowls of water, running down the right and left side of the interior, the throne she would sit upon, and the bowl of water near it.

The throne were nothing special though. Not the regular kind of changeling throne, that would hinder magic. Just a regular one of stone. She'd need a pillow or something for it at a later time, though her focus were more on her actual goal: The hatch behind the throne, which would open up for the rocky ground beneath. A place she had thus far, managed to dig some into, which were seen on the rubble to the side. Something she'd deal with eventually, but for now, she just cared to begin the tunnels beneath, so allow for more secure homes for her eventual nymphs. They were curious little creatures after all, and if raised above ground, were likely to wander off, in search for adventure. Something which rarely ended well for them, as a changeling nymph were rather defenseless. They'd need time to properly grow up first, before... before...

Wait, why were there more rubble, poking out from the hatch? And why were this stone different from that which she had already removed? She knew her rocks well enough to spot the difference between this mess, and the solid stone beneath her hooves. The color alone were a tip off, but the important part were not what kind of rock this were. Rather, it were what it were doing in her throne room.

"What is this mess? Have something stirred beneath?"

She were mainly speaking to herself. Who'd give her an answer after all, right? She were alone here, and about to light up her horn, to begin blasting away some of these rocks. Somewhat slowly though. She did not want to have a piece blast off, and scuff her throne.




"Ooooh, this is so exciting!"

"I know, right? A student for our theater! And a changeling even!"

"Half a changeling at least."

"Half or whole, she's still kin. We gotta make her feel welcome."

The four changelings were speaking between one another, excitingly going on and on about some new arrival they had been told would be on her way, until a sharp whistle got their attention, and they turned to face their queen.


"She'd on her way alright. And that's why we have to make sure the reception is impeccable! Come on now everypony, back to preparations."

They'd all nod, and scamper in each their own direction, as Cheshire let out a little giggle. As most times she presented herself in her pony form, as it were what made the most outsiders comfortable, and she did whatever she could to integrate. Why, she even spoke like them more and more, which had had a positive effect in her opinion. Even if it were a minor one, every little helped when you were in their position.

Sure they had been in this theater for a few months now, but there still came inspectors unannounced, and they had regular equines, and other beings come in for various shows. Their reputation were doing well really, yet all it took were one indicator that they were trying to hide something important, or weren't open with others, and the whole thing could collapse. Not the building itself of course. They had ensured to reinforce it as they had worked tirelessly to fix it up, changeling style. Which yes, meant there were hardened bile holding things in place here and there, but what really were the issue, right? It were stronger than cement, and completely natural. Nothing toxic or anything about it. Though eventually, they really should looking into having it painted over. One thing at a time though.

Onache would wander forward, humming to herself and make a little twirl, as she'd use her horn to unlock the front door to the old theater. She wanted to have a look if their esteemed guest would be here soon. It hadn't been long since they were told of her, but they had been exceedingly happy to welcome her here, and were getting very excited to meet her. And according to what she had read, she should be here today. It mentioned she might even have a pet with her, which were adorable, even if it didn't specify. It just mentioned a puppy of some sort, so they got some kibbles and a chew toy. Hopefully it would be a good one, and not the sort to chew on everything.


(more or less how the theater looks inside. Just with a bigger stage, and two rows of seats less)



@Windy Breeze @Kujamih

On 12/29/2020 at 2:08 AM, Windy Breeze said:

Nearby, there was what it seems to be a tear in the air. Luna and Blue are too shocked to notice a stallion, who's most likely or less likely responsible for the tear.

Molotov would notice the two ladies as well, and give them a big smile, whilst taking a step further back from the tear in front of him. All the while, the levers on the glass he were wearing over his eyes, would adjust via his magic. A thing he did so frequently, that it were more or less unconscious most times for him, when he adjusted the various lenses here. It made a lot think he were perhaps leering, or trying to take a picture, but that wasn't true! This thing couldn't take pictures.

"Why hello there, ladies. I'll be right with you, if you wanna see the wonders of the famous Boom family legacy, but I just gotta sort this out, before it goes badly."

A loud moan came from the tear, which ripped open a little more, and spewed out some sort of dark glob on the ground. He weren't sure what it were, but it seemed to be somewhat corrosive, which made Molotov return his focus to this. He could mingle with the ladies later. First off, he had to sort this heap of trouble out.

"Yep, definitely not looking better. Blitz! You found the wrench yet?!"

He'd raise his voice, and look back at the workshop, where the filly would finally run out again, with a wrench in her muzzle. Or it looked like one at least. The general form were the same, but it had diodes, and the inner part that clamped down, seemed to be made of some sort of glass, or crystal. In which there were running a good deal of wiring and small, grey crystals. It were also rather large, and seemed to cause her a little bit of trouble to run with. Until she remembered that she were a unicorn, and used her magic, rather than trying to carry it in her muzzle.

"Found the strange thingie!"

"Atta girl, sis. Toss it over here, and let your big bro work his mojo. We'll get this sorted soon enough."

It would also cost them a bit of dirt, as the tear were growing to about a meter at this point, but a small price to pay. As were the wrench, though he hated having to replace these. They were costly as all hay to put together, and a pain in the flank to wire up properly. *sigh* A shame that there weren't a choice here though.

So he'd catch it with his own magic as Blitz got it close enough, and rose up, ready to throw it rught at the pile, in the middle of the tear. Unless somepony stopped him, this would be the plan. Which would probably work, but not look all that professional.



@Windy Breeze

On 12/29/2020 at 2:08 AM, Windy Breeze said:

“Oh, I don't want that to happen to you girls”

"It's okay, just try and stay calm now. Accidents are just something that happens sometimes."

It had caused quite a commotion though, with another pony even leaving the place entirely, before he were gonna be confronted with the damages to what were on his table, and potentially getting charged for it. Which frankly didn't sound that nice either, to be blamed for that, but what were he going to do? He didn't know about Tepe, and probably ghosts in general. Few were sadly able to see or hear them, so while Windy and her were able to see what had gone on, this poor stallion weren't aware. And neither were the staff, who'd likely think he had smashed it into the table when they weren't looking, or something of the sort.

Windy went to talk to them, but Sorrow got the feeling that she wouldn't be able to make much sense to them about this. Even if she could see spirits now, she did not seem to be aware of this new ability of hers, and as most could not see Tepe, what were she going to say, that didn't sound like she were blaming her imaginary friend? She'd like to know, but Sorrow were too far away to hear anything, or see much of what she were doing. They weren't getting kicked out yet though, so... Maybe she had managed to sort this out in some way? it were really hard to tell, unless she saw some kind of consequence, or Windy told them herself.

If they didn't know before they left the place, perhaps she'd ask then. Though for now, there were soup on the menu.

On 12/29/2020 at 2:08 AM, Windy Breeze said:

“Enjoy your meal, Madams”

(gonna assume their drinks were also brought in at the same time)

"Thank you. It looks delicious."

Sorrow would smile at the waiter, and focus her attention there, until the pony left, and she could turn to Tepe. Considering what he had said, he were likely confronted again by somepony not seeing him, and could use some reassuring words.

"Don't worry. Even though they didn't see you, I'll make sure to tell them to bring your desert in too."

Some might see her talk to thin air and be confused, but it wasn't like she hadn't tried that before. Best to just ignore them, in her opinion.

Now as for this meal though, time to try and see how it were.

She'd dip the tip of her bread in the soup, soaking it nicely, and then bringing it up and took a bite. Heavenly, heavenly taste in her opinion. And a good kick to it. Like, phew. Must be one of those with an upfront bite that got milder later, right? Best to just keep eating and wait for that. Never good to let the heat catch up to you.

"This is really good. *gulp* What about yours, Windy? *munch*"



@Rising Dusk

On 1/2/2021 at 1:10 PM, Rising Dusk said:

"We had a double case with one Molotov Boom.  He has a workshop in the East Industry District with his sister Blitz Boom," she informed the other resident of Center Zero.  A piece of parchment came floating by with the address filled out to float before the mare.


She seemed stunned as she were informed of the name of the survivor. Or well, survivors. One more than expected, yet one name stuck out far more than that of his little sister, whom she only knew by reputation, and a label near the Boom family workshop, which carried an actual picture of her, with the words *Warning: Security risk. If seen loose, return immediately*. Something which did not install her with a lot of confidence, but at least she had never seen the filly in question. Just seen this sign, and heard a few tall tale here and there, from other researchers who mingled a little more closely with the Boom family. As well as a few who claimed to have seen her try and rummage through their trash cans, though that seemed silly, even for one of Them.

The stunned look did not last long though, as her eyes narrowed, and teeth grinded slightly. The temperature around her rose too, by around five degrees, as she metaphorically bubbled up. The seal on her being, did wonders to keep it from rising a full ten, or fifteen degrees. Nothing massive, but a warning sign nonetheless.

"Molotov. Boom. Of all the cockroaches to scurry out of the rubble, of course it had not just be one of Them, but the worst they had to offer."

She sat down, and took her glasses off, before rubbing above her closed eyes with a hoof. It sometimes helped her get herself a little more under control, and judging by the temperature, it did do exactly that, after a minute or so had passed.

It were not as if they had to guess her opinion on Molotov, or his family in general it seemed, yet she'd still explain once she had cooled down a little.

"I am not saying that family doesn't have their uses, and did not create wondrous things for our town. However, I had hoped that some Actual scientists had escaped, rather than the newest branches on their aptly scorched family tree. One of which I know only of through literal warning labels marking her as a safety hazard, and the other whom I have seen around before, and twice pushed into a vat of varied, yet harmless substances, for not understanding that I did not appreciate his comments.

I am not sure if it is something with their internal education, or a genetic problem, but I have yet to meet a Boom, that had a proper connection between their brains and their muzzles. Yet none as infuriating as him. *sigh* And to think that I must approach him to find what papers remains of the experiment that lead to my current state...

My apologies for this outburst. Molotov simply have a certain... Effect on others. Perhaps I am judging too harshly, and a few months in the real world, have lead to a market improvement in his behavior. Please forgive my unprofessional, emotional display."



@Rising Dusk

On 1/2/2021 at 1:10 PM, Rising Dusk said:

"Sorry, I was busy entertaining your Goddess in the Dream Realm,"

"𝕊𝕠 𝕤𝕙𝕖 𝕕𝕚𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕟. 𝔾𝕠𝕠𝕕. 𝕀𝕟 𝕔𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕤𝕥, 𝕤𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕪 𝕓𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕕𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕖, 𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕦𝕡 𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕧𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕥 𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕕. 𝕀𝕥 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕓𝕖 𝕦𝕟𝕓𝕖𝕗𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕗 𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕖𝕖𝕥 𝕒 𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕓𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕤 𝕤𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕒𝕟 𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕘𝕖."

She did indirectly say that she thought he'd end up doing something dumb, out of sheer curiosity, but there were some degree of concern for his wellbeing there too. And she used the affix as savior again here, though she had reverted to outsider before, as she had assumed he did not much care to be referred to as a savior all the time. What reason there might be for that, beyond him feeling too humble for such a title, she did not know, but let that be his choice to make.

As for the saving she mentioned... Well, considering what she were the goddess of, Viz'nay would most likely save him, in as much as she'd allow his soul to rest, rather than be returned as some revenant, or ghoul. Potentially an ingredient for some wilderness wizard, which he'd also avoid. Considering how he cared for others, Thistle considered it a great kindness, if at his death, he would know that he wouldn't end up hurting anyone else. At least not physically, though the loss would most likely be tragic to those he cared for. In her time at least, this were seen as a great blessing, and one that had been historically offered to all of their heroes. Not that all had accepted it, but such were their choice to make.

In any case, the conversation moved on, and before she could make an inquiry of herself, he mentioned something else that seemed important to address. She'd offer Rising the respect of answering that first.

On 1/2/2021 at 1:10 PM, Rising Dusk said:

"But find it I did.  Why is there one necessary however?" he inquired of the specter pony.  "Lily is concerned what is being done to Sickle,"

"𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕪 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕤 𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕕. 𝕀𝕥 𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕕, 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕠𝕟𝕖, 𝕓𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕤𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕟 𝕗𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕙. 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕚𝕗 𝕚𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕡𝕤, 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕤𝕙𝕖 𝕧𝕠𝕝𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕒𝕤𝕜. 𝕀 𝕕𝕚𝕕 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕗, 𝕠𝕣 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕒 𝕕𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕕.

𝕐𝕖𝕥 𝕀 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕞𝕪𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗 𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕘𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕚𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣. 𝕎𝕖 𝕤𝕡𝕠𝕜𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕤, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤. 𝕀 𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕪 𝕥𝕠 𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤, 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕓𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥 𝕥𝕨𝕠 𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕡𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕤. 𝕎𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕝𝕖, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟, 𝕪𝕠𝕦, 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕠𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕖, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕖, 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕝𝕖𝕗𝕥 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕. ℍ𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕕, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕨𝕠 𝕧𝕚𝕒 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕖𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕠𝕪. 𝕆𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕨𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙 ℂ𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕙𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕟, 𝕨𝕖 𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕝 𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕤, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕗𝕥.

𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕟'𝕥 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙. 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕤𝕖𝕖𝕜 𝕒 𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕗𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕦𝕚𝕥. 𝕎𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕤𝕒𝕧𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕤."

It would not begin things well, if she had their savior ruptured, as a portal were crafted and expanded in his being, and using his skeleton as the outline of a portal. Even they did not practice such... Barbaric rituals. And not just because the sort of magic to do this, would be immense. It were simply also too horrible for even their most vile practitioners. Including Twisted, which had this as one of his few limitations. Morally or magically, were up for debate, though she personally did not think he had any moral standards to uphold, so it were more a magical limitation. Maybe his own, or Suusha were still sane enough to at least not allow internal implosion/explosion of others. Either way, it were good it had not happened.

"ℕ𝕠𝕨 𝕀 𝕞𝕖𝕒𝕟 𝕥𝕠 𝕒𝕤𝕜 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘. 𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖, 𝕨𝕙𝕚𝕔𝕙 𝕀 𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕕𝕠 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕍𝕚𝕫'𝕟𝕒𝕪, 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 𝕖𝕤𝕔𝕒𝕡𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕚𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕣. 𝕀 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕚𝕗 𝕤𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕕𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕗 𝕤𝕦𝕔𝕙, 𝕚𝕗 𝕤𝕙𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕕. 𝕀 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕦𝕖 𝕠𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕝 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕦𝕡, 𝕚𝕗 𝕚𝕥 𝕚𝕤."

It were hard tot ell for them, as the mare had seemed skeletal, and as such, might have been undead. If that came through unsupervised, bad things might happen, which they would be blamed for. That would not sit well in her mind.

Normally she wouldn't think twice about simply dealing with this herself, but she could not leave Harrowmark. She were bound to it's shores, and would never be able to leave. Such were one of the prizes she paid, when she gave herself fully to the goddess.




On 12/29/2020 at 1:43 PM, Sekel said:

"I don't know how to start my own hive. I'm mainly out and about to see what's what with the world," she told Mind Reaper and mostly ignored Karmic coming back upon hearing Enzo's voice. Until she remembered Mind Reaper had asked about Karmic. "Karmic Fate's my adopted sister," Atzy replied and now looked to find Karmic walking up with the general. "She may be black and white but her yin yang cutie mark definitely makes her stand out in my eyes."

"Ooh, that's fair. I got siblings who have started to go out and explore the world too now. There's a lot of things we can suddenly go and see now, without having to worry about eating others, or be close to the hive.

And I dunno with how to start a hive. I'm not a royal nymph. I think you just need a drone to fertilize your eggs though, and you start from there. Maybe you borrow one? King Thorax probably knows this."

"I do not much care to be in the vicinity of that conversation. Though I find it likely that a drone were used from another hive. Perhaps a stolen one."

"Awh, that wouldn't be very nice. So probably that."

The changeling fluttered in the air, as she shrug her shoulders. She really didn't know what might be the case here, but smarter changelings than her were sure to sort this out eventually. Which left her with the option to go and focus on this adoptive sister of Karmic. A non-changeling it seemed. How enticing. Usually changelings didn't keep food around and raised them up as one of their own. Very, very interesting.

Fluttering over there, the general halted, and let this go on as he silently watched. This seemed to not concern him. And really, if the changeling attempted something, what could he do, which the sphinx could not? It were likely that the only one needing some help in that case, would be the changeling herself.

"Hello there! My name is Mind Reaper. You're Karmic's sister? It's really nice to meet you. And special too. I have never heard of changelings adopting a pony before. Not like, really at least. It were more scams to get easy meals, for desperate hives."

Grim topic, and a big smile. Reaper were really not helping to promote herself all that well.




On 12/29/2020 at 1:43 PM, Sekel said:

"I thought ... the spell isn't what I thought it was? But I read it over multiple times," Twilight said in absolute shock and confusion. She stayed where she was, mulling over the mare's words, her tail flicking in agitation. "The ingredients call for Tatzlwurm juice, Marepunzel's hair, and something else I can't put my hoof on."

"It probably call for petals from a Mourner Lily. It grows near gravestones of well maintained graves.

Though I do not see why you would be disappointed in the spell. She seems to yearn for freedom, not another kind of prison. Should it not please you, or do you intent to keep her chained down where you can keep an eye on her?"

Madamme Macabre 's voice got dryer and a little hostile at the end there, to signal how she would be... Displeased, if this were the case. She did not like those who took advantage of the dead like this, or intended to chain them down, when they wanted something else. And this spirit clearly wanted freedom. That much were obvious for her to see and hear.

What were less obvious, were what were inside this top room of the tower. The door were open, yet no light were seen by her. What window were there, were perhaps blocked then? An annoyance, but there would now be a time for the princess to show herself a little then, and light the way for them. It were not one of her own specialties to do, without stirring spirits, and those who followed her, deserved a rest.

"Light the room, princess. Gaze upon the end of this journey, and see if her we seek are here."

(What - and potentially who - is in the room, is up to you)




"You don't technically have to fight, to be a queen. Queen Cheshire in Las Pegasus, apparently does alright, and she doesn't. I personally though, think it important to know when to fight, and when to- Huh, how peculiar."

As she were speaking, Lulu looked around, as the unnatural darkness that had fallen over the forest, suddenly lifted. It were now as if nothing had ever happened here, which caused her to stop up, and look further around. This may be some sort of ambush, or illusion. Though nothing seemed to happen and Flaxxy were not sniffing anything out that wasn't supposed to happen. And she had a rather good nose on her. That she could attest through several, personal experiences with the diamond dog.

Happy in the meantime, were pleased with getting ground under his hooves again,a nd would wobble around a little, before stretching his legs.

"It's alright. I got this. And I'm sure this here's nothing. This place gots all kinda of crazy stuff happening, so a bit of light meddling isn't the worst.

As for the blasting duo, I say we go and check if that shed of hers had something gone crazy, that hit me. If not, I dunno what else to think. Again, this place is pretty weird.

Dunno how dangerous they are either, Aurora. But hey, you got us to keep you safe now, eh? Got the brawns, the brains, and the eye candy. The whole package."

Happy would grin at Aurora, and point towards first Flaxxy, then Lulu, and then himself as he pointed. He were trying to lighten up her mood, so she'd be less scared about things, and start wandering in the directing they were headed, before Lulu stopped up. Just not too fast. He'd want her to follow after all, and feel safer about things.

"Hehe. Funny pony is right. I is very strong."

"I am not disputing that, Flaxxy. His own role as eye candy however, is up for debate."

She'd give Happy a minor look, which involved a theatrical eye roll, and then be on her way too. Flaxxy on the other hoof, went over and patted the pony, before moving on. Perhaps not the most dignified thing to do, but hey- A positive response, were a positive response, right?

"Well someone have to be, and Aurora's already clinging to being the damsel in distress. So I called dibs. Hehe."




On 12/30/2020 at 6:46 AM, EQ_Theta said:

“It’s my first time playing a flute, actually. I’ve got no experience with musical instruments, so this’ll be quite a thing to learn. I find it hard to believe anyone would want to break this sort of thing, not when it’s functional. This is a pretty thing, no doubt.”


"Oh, no one generally wants to break these. I'm just saying it will take a force like sawing it over, to break it. It's not a little tin thing, that will break after a little bump. We do take pride in our work here."

She'd give a smile, then wander to the side a little bit, to deal with another who had won a price. It had ended on one fish, and he picked a dark dice. It seemed to fascinate him, and it were something fun for folks to get now and again, for their various games. She were working on getting a full, 6 dice set for the top shelf too, but she just had to iron out a bit of details first. Couldn't always be easy, unfortunately.

Omen would come over then, tongue wrapped around her own prize, and look at the flute.

"I have heard ponies play that before. I think others liked it."

Omen had tried herself, but since she did not need to breathe, playing the flute were a bit of an issue for her. Hay, blowing a bubblegum bubble were an issue, and one Discord had tried to encourage her to sort out once. It had gone about as well as could be expected, with Omen instead spitting it out, and hitting him in the eye. He had encouraged her to seek out other entertainment options, after that.

On 12/30/2020 at 6:46 AM, EQ_Theta said:

Sadly, it wasn’t enough as the dart only managed to land on a 7. Sen sighed, unimpressed by his attempt despite being much better than everything he did in the practice round. 

“Given how your attempt went, you still edged out over mine. You’ve got a leg up over me in skill.”

"Such is life at times. Though it were a strong showing, and a close fight we had overall. I am fairly impressed, actually. I assumed I were going to trounce you more substantially. I stand humbled and corrected. As well as soon to be amused, as Lin are likely going to find our little wager to be quite interesting, and with the potential for entertainment."

He would pat Sen on the back, whilst silently bless the moon that he did not lose this. He would have taken his punishment as a stallion if it were, but considering his court date, it would not look good, if he had anything still on his face then, and who knew how long they might have after this, and then a rest, before they needed to appear there? They may not be enough time to properly wash this off. Thankfully it seemed that were not his burden to bear, though he'd be nice, and encourage Lin to show some degree of mercy on Sen.

"Let us go out and find the others. I can imagine they must be dreadfully bored by now, waiting for the two of us. Or they have gone to do their own competition. In which case, I'd be intrigued to find out who won that."

As it had been Omen, that meant that Omen, Lin, and now himself, had all won at something tonight. Soon it would have to be Sen's turn to trounce them all.

  • Brohoof 1
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@Blitz Boom

Zeehva had located Magnolia just outside of the town soon enough. Magnolia were obviously aware that she was being observed. In less than a few seconds Magnolia was able to locate where she was being watched from and spotted Zeehva there. She backed up a bit. Zeehva could see that she were a unicorn mare with piercing and soul-less magenta eyes, an almost white coat and dark blue mane and tale. Her gaze was devoid of any emotion or mercy. She glared into Zeehva's soul with her eyes. 

Magnolia was able to tell that Zeehva had some potions there. She was aware that potions could potentially do lots of damage to her and was sure to stay clear of them. She stood as still as a statue as her eyes scanned Zeehva's expression, look, and gazed deep within her. She seemed like an easy target, the first one she could capture and suck the energy out of and transfer it to her own. She had planned to bring this conflict into town so she could capture other innocent ponies during this conflict that was sure to come.

Magnolia's horn lit up with a brilliant blue hue. It seemed like nothing had happened for a split second but the shadows of the trees and forest lurched forth in monstrous shapes, in an attempt to surround Zeehva. Then from Magnolia's horn, black shadowy tendrils shot forth at Zeehva in an attempt to hold her down to the ground. She was hoping to restrain Zeehva's movements, letting the shadow 'monsters' she had just created do some of the work for her. 

"I need your energy...you will be so kind to give it to me willingly...or will I take it from force? You'll be the first, luckily enough for you..." Magnolia said in a tone that dripped of darkness and corruption. Her voice seemed to echo on forever. 


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[@Blitz Boom, @Windy Breeze, @Califorum, @Samurai Equine@Jesse Terrence , @Emerald Heart , @CloudMistDragon]

Somewhere in Manehattan, a reap through time and space occurred.

"Light... Would your team please check on what's happening in that dimension? That place has made quite a mess, and this time... They've seriously done it this time..." A cloaked large being requested to a white earth pony by it's side.

"As you wish." Replied the white pony named Light by the cloaked being.

Light assembled his team and created a portal to the said dimension the dimension where no pony should casually stroll...



As the tear created by Blitz starts to gradually get bigger and the moaning inside the tear starts to get louder and louder. just outside the fortress, behind the trees, a portal appeared.

From that portal a white earth pony came out of it, it was Light. A horn suddenly popped out of his four head making him look like a unicorn now. It started to glow and he seems to be transmitting, or calling to somepony.


"Fail Safe... I'm in... You guys do you copy?... Please answer me?"

He waited for his team to reply, but no one answered back from his call.


"This is bad."

He waited for another minute if Cali, Windy Breeze, Crimson Gauntlet, Emerald Heart, Cloud Shroud, Cipher Emblem, and Coda to reply.

It seems im the only one who could enter this realm... Must be because they already exist in this dimension and a duplicate is being prevented, Light pondered.


But a sudden screech came out of the tear.


" Looks like i cant wait any longer."

Edited by Kujamih
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@Blitz Boom @Kujamih

Luna and Blue glanced in surprise, finally taking notice of Molotov Boom, who just already teased them. Luna was about to say something, when something... Black went out of the... Fissure on the air?

“What is going on here?” she turned to Molotov, speaking to him with authority “Sir, do you have any ideas what's happening here?”

Meanwhile, Blue retreated behind Luna, just in case something alien got out of the tear.

@Blitz Boom

Tepe smiled.

Windy took an experimental sip of her spinach soup “Delicious as always” she said, fighting back the urge to ignore public manners and simply gulping down the food in front of Sorrow and Tepe.

Meanwhile, Tepe decided to wait in a strange way, by laying his head in the table, his ears lowered (he made sure not to amash to table), and closing his eyes, he wasn't sad, this was just his on tradition of waiting.

Edited by Windy Breeze
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@Blitz Boom Ginger Lightning was arriving a little later than expected and arrived with a crash landing.  She quickly  got up and brushed herself off as if she meant to crash. She looked in her back to see if her timber wolf pal was ok. 

"you ok little buddy?" She asked looking at Meiko in her back pack.


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@Blitz Boom

It was unsaid if the owner really made the flute or if someone else made it, but it was undeniable that the flute’s appearance had some charm to it. No doubt whoever made it did so with care and pride, something Lin appreciated. She looked to the other contestants who were still present, a combination of those who came away with a little something for their efforts or none at all. No matter how much she could’ve done better, she was satisfied with her performance, and she got a nice flute to play with for a prize. 

Once Omen came by and remarked on her reward, she turned to the Ki’Nathar and had another look at the instrument. Those little combinations of holes were likely involved when playing it. Might take a little dexterity to get some combinations of open and closed holes, but there would be time to practice, preferably some place where she wouldn’t annoy anyone with bad music.

“Kind of makes me wonder how ponies play this thing if their hooves are large enough to cover multiple holes at the same time. Maybe unicorns could magically seal them and pegasi could use their wings if they tried. Not sure how I could picture that… How about you, Omen? Do you like the sound it makes when others play the flute?”

As for Sen, a dead is a deal. He lost this match and would bear the so called mark of shame. Frankly, it may not seem like a bad idea as he wanted to know what it was like to get his face painted. Probably the same way the elite hunters back home used some kind of plant-based pigment on themselves as a kind of face paint. Wouldn’t be so bad then, but he was still at the mercy of his friends, and he hoped he could get a little something tame.

“Yeah, Lin wouldn’t like staying in one place unless she found something to read. But in a carnival such as this? She’d probably be looking around for something to buy. I recall her wanting to get a charm or a trinket, and Tomb or Banshee mentioned someone by the name of Weeping Mary. If she’s got a stall, Lin and Omen are likely there or somewhere nearby.”

Edited by EQ_Theta
Had to change a question here as it was already answered.
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@Blitz Boom
"I flew here, carrying you, so yes, I'm fine to fly." Ruby simply responded before turning towards Charir and explaining to him what was happening. After informing Charir, Ruby would gesture Leviathan to lead the way and  then follow her, making sure that Charir wasn't left behind.

She didn't really have anything to say at the current time, so until Leviathan said something, Ruby would stay quiet. Charir too was silent, following the two females and looking around, he had been too focused on the situation earlier to look around, so he figured now was as good of a time as any to see what kind on place he had ended up in. His eye caught on Canterlot, as he had never seen a city, or a town in that matter, but he didn't say anything to Ruby about it, believing that he would be told about it eventually if it was important. 

"What's with the bat ponies, weird bunch." Nada half said, half thought, she still remembered when Luna had came to visit with her guards, though she wasn't sure which was better, a rude one or the screaming one.  She glanced at both of her friends with blank expression before looking at the letter, they had quite the opposite reactions but both were weird reactions towards a letter, even if they weren't by any means surprising. 

She took the paper and after figuring out the correct way of breaking the seal rolled it open, she didn't know what to expect, but the lack of guards ready to escort her away was a positive sign. 

"Ah, I think you misunderstood what I meant." Scarecrow stated calmly "I didn't mean continuation to my name, or well, what I adopted as my name, but a replacement, a fake name if you will." he explained "Scarecrow, though a name I like, it doesn't really fit my new disguise, and could rise some questions from those I introduce myself to." "So I asked if you may know a fitting name for this...alternative look, since you seemed to be at least familiar with the creatures it is based on." "But don't worry, I can go as nameless until someone calls me something that sound good, that is what happened with the name Scarecrow too after all." 

*clang* The sound of metal echoed in the empty dungeon hallway as Trox collapsed on his knees again, to say he was tired was a understatement, he honestly wasn't sure himself how he was still going. He forced himself back up with his cybernetic hand, positioning his unconscious sister bit better on his back, she had passed out a while ago, and the extra weight didn't exactly help with his digging efforts, but he had promised her that he would get her out this place, and he be damned if he didn't keep that promise.

He did his best to clear the rubble in front of him, the natural light breaking through the stone gave him just enough motivation to not just lay down and hope for the best, but willpower alone didn't do miracles, and Trox was closing in on his limit, his body ached beyond reason, his magic was running out and his cybernetics were running on the backup power of the backup power, it wasn't long until he collapsed again.

During the silence after his knees hitting the floor, Trox suddenly heard something, it sounded like someone spoke, but he couldn't fully understand what was said, his ears rang too much from the headache he had. This made him stop moving and listen for a moment until he heard what sounded like magic blasting stone, a sound that was either very good or very bad news.

He waited for a while in silence, considering his options, which there wasn't many, there was only two directions for him to go, and regardless of which he chose, he would be found by this stranger eventually, so he decided to make his presence known, there was no indications that it was guards on the other side, not that it mattered anyway, since there was nowhere to run or hide

He waited until there was a big enough hole for him to fit through, and then he got up and between the blasts got into the light pouring through, his hand in front of him using the last of his magic to create a protective shield that would take a hit or two before breaking. If the poor shape of these two kobolds wasn't clear enough from their scarred and skinny appearance, Trox's voice would seal the deal, as it was shaky and weak, quite like his body "Where are we?" he didn't know for sure what or who he was even talking to, as he was blinded by the light, but the fact that he got the words out meant that who or whatever it was wasn't a guard, guards would have shot first and looked at who they shot after.



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@Kujamih @Blitz Boom

A massive amalgamation of farm equipment and machinery flies through the portal, creating a big gouge in the ground as it lands carelessy. It's form assesses the enviroment around before looking to Light. It was Cali, and she had successfully made it through. The form shifts, creating several blades and rockets on it just in case a battle was about to occur. "Heh...I wonder what lives here..." said Cali, looking around. The form shifted mass and shape constantly.

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@Califorum? , @Windy Breeze , @Blitz Boom ....

As Molotov threw the wrench into the tear, a giant tentacle came out and were able to fling the wrench away from the malfunctioning machine. 


While the inventor may end up having a few choice words at what happened, they would likely all soon have something else to focus on, as something unseen stirred within the tear, which gave a large, thunderous screech. A sound which would be hard to not bite notice in, for anyone in the vicinity.


As the creatures tentacle would fling out, searching to grasp something, a white earth pony jumped towards the wrench, and kicked it back at the center of the tear. A gooey, splattering sound were heard, before another screech exited, and the tentacle seemed to flail more wildly. Whatever he had hit, it seemed to have hurt the creature in some way, and made it quite angry.


Were nothing to happen, there would soon after be a large splurge of purple, goo like substance being shot out through the tear. Were they not careful, Molotov, Blitz, and the unknown earth pony, might well end up covered. Though seeing how the mares were still standing some way from them, they may have an easier time avoiding this messy substance.]

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@Blitz Boom

Cali focused on the weird tentacle and the goo that was emitting from the portal. The hulking mass of farm equipment shifts, and proceeds to fire lightning bolts at the tentacle as large pincer like projections jut off from the farm equipment and try to tear and rip at the tentacle itself.

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@Catpone Cerberus

Leviathan would lead the way in flight, but her eye weren't blind to what were going on around her. Mostly because she wanted to see how confident of a flyer Charir were, which mean that she noticed his sight go towards the city of Canterlot, not too far in the distance. A city of splendor amongst the ponies, though she were aware that at least to Ruby, such a thing were likely wasted. She had not seemed to care much for what the ponies could achieve in las Pegasus at least, yet perhaps in time, she would grow to find some degree of interest, in what these lesser creatures were able to conjure in their short lives. And if not her, she held some hopes that perhaps, Charir would. At the very least, it would likely do him good to see kind smiles from others. Provided he did not try and roam through town, eating and setting things ablaze without much more reason, than that of a savage. They'd need to educate him on somewhat proper town etiquette, before taking him there.

"It's pretty, isn't it? Someday, when you're ready for it, we'll take you to a city like that, and show you some of the strange things these ponies make."

Sure he didn't understand her, but Ruby would likely translate eventually, and even if not, it were sort of like when you talked to your pet. It didn't matter that they understood, as much as there being good, kind communication happening in the first place.

If nothing more came of this, she'd lead them on, until they got to the mark. At which point, rightly enough, they'd be able to see one sway further away from them. A half kilometer or so, in a more clear red.

"We're almost there then. Just follow that one, and then look for either a black flag, or the top of a wall. Either one will show that we're there."

In case Ruby got ideas, since this flag were rather shiny after all, she'd find that she wouldn't have any luck taking it. Though she likely didn't care to try either, as her senses would probably tell her that this wasn't made of some shiny material. It were a magical projection. In the past they had actual, crystal flags to work with, but then dragons began happening, and it got both dangerous, and expensive, so they had to resort to rely on magic, covering a plastic sheet. It did the trick, though at times, someone still stole it, for reasons unknown. Fun more than likely.



@Catpone Cerberus

"They're good equines, but I think those in the guards, are just really overworked. The guard here in town is all nice and listens to things, but he also looks real tired whenever I see him."

"Stargazer, right? He's been around the shop before. Talks about sometimes, he just wanna ignore the trouble in town for a bit, and get a long day's rest. Good on him to be responsible, and keep doing his job, and care for that kid of his. But y'know, it'd do him better to not mainline caffeine, and get some sleep. Pretty sure somepony else could deal with issues for a few hours."

Berry were still under the table as she talked, and only briefly poked her eyes up, to see if the scroll had been opened by Nada yet. It didn't seem to be, and as such, she'd slowly lower herself down again, to where it were relatively safe.

On 1/4/2021 at 5:48 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

She took the paper and after figuring out the correct way of breaking the seal rolled it open, she didn't know what to expect, but the lack of guards ready to escort her away was a positive sign. 

To Nada and Serenade.

Know that work in preparing for your inclusion in our society, proceeds well, and have not been forgotten.

Due to many unforeseen circumstances however, leaving portions of Equestria in turmoil, we must ask for your patience on the matter. Now is not the correct time to reveal yourselves, as irrational emotions stirs throughout the nation, and leads many of our subjects to be less open for new ideas. As such, we are asking you to remain in low profile for the time being, and await our further correspondence on the matter.

We assure you, you are not forgotten, nor unwanted, and our sister have been receptive to the idea. We merely need more time, as to ensure a flawless inclusion. I can personally attest to how horrible it can go, if the timed arrival of an unforeseen creature, is not chosen wisely. We do not wish for either of you to experience the same.

May the stars light your path. Princess Luna.

Addendum: Please forgive our courier. Iridescent have not had a pleasant few days.

That would be all. A short, simple message from the dream princess. No powder, no explosion, and no dread. Simply a request to have patience, as they would need more time to prepare things. A reasonable request all in all, and as Nada had pointed out before, she did have time. Though, hopefully she wouldn't have to set aside another millennia for this.



@Catpone Cerberus

"I see. It appears I did misunderstand then, though maybe this will make it simpler, as there does not need to be the same degree of meaning to it, which are forced to coincide with your current name.

...You do remind me of a kind of flora, I saw on an old friend of mine. The heretics took her, but you do carry some semblance to that which she draped herself in. She called it Mandevilla. A vine with beautiful, leathery flowers. It might not suit you, but it is what I can currently think of.

Were I you, I would not rush to pick a definitive name. Give yourself time to think, and feel as if the name would hold some meaning. If not for you, then for those who gazed upon you in the great outdoors."

They were not far from town now. She could even hear the faint sounds of carts rolling down the road. Small pebbles grinding to the side, as the equines went about their daily lives, unaware of the strangeness which lurked in their forest. Some of which were now headed towards them, and yet another, hiding herself somewhere in the wilderness.

She'd check in on her strange new companion to see how they were doing, and would find that the tree headed snake were seemingly resting. Probably for the best. It would cause less questions to be asked, were it not to sway around, and gaze upon others.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 1/4/2021 at 5:48 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

He waited until there was a big enough hole for him to fit through, and then he got up and between the blasts got into the light pouring through, his hand in front of him using the last of his magic to create a protective shield that would take a hit or two before breaking. If the poor shape of these two kobolds wasn't clear enough from their scarred and skinny appearance, Trox's voice would seal the deal, as it was shaky and weak, quite like his body "Where are we?" he didn't know for sure what or who he was even talking to, as he was blinded by the light, but the fact that he got the words out meant that who or whatever it was wasn't a guard, guards would have shot first and looked at who they shot after.

The light flickered out on Onache's horn, as the two creatures entered her sight.

What exactly she had expected to come up from this rubble, she had not bee sure, but she had imagined something mundane. A minor earth wyrm variant perhaps. Or some diamond dogs, who didn't know the area were occupied, or did not care. Those simplistic savages would likely delight in this kind of frivolous irritation, yet these two were clearly neither.

For one, they had magic. Or at least the male did, as she had not been the only one before, working on removing rubble. There had been blasts of magic from the inside too, and since the other one seemed to not be conscious, she had to assume that this one were the culprit. The shield around them seemed a fair indicator as well, towards magic being part of at least this one's arsenal, though she could not discern fully what school currently. Perhaps simply arcane.

Whatever the case, she did not see them as imminent threats. An unconscious female, and a weakened, frail male, who did not seem to deal with the light basking in through the windows, all that well? She had felt more fear facing a stiff breeze, than she did with these two.

For a brief moment, she considered scouring the mind of the one speaking, to see if perhaps she could gleam something of interest, but she did not care too much to try. He seemed too weak to be able to deal with much, and her ways did tend to strain the minds of those she affected. Briefly perhaps, but it may still be enough with this one. Though the primary reason really were, that as she did not know what this one were, she could not tell if perhaps, his brain were wired in a way, which would cause issues with her mind altercation. It had yet to be a problem with an entire race, but then again, she had never seen a race like this before. Who knew what might happen?

Besides, she were meant to foster connections now, to better the standing of her inevitable hive's reemergence. She may as well begin with being somewhat diplomatic towards these two.

"You have emerged within my temple. I am Queen Onache, of Hive Onache. Who - and what - may you be, little one?"

As a changeling queen Onache were larger than a regular pony, so she could well say this, though a regular pony might find them more in line with their own physiology. Though personally, she thought of them more like malformed, wingless dragons thus far.

As a way to show some degree of good will, her horn would ligt up, and the windows casting the most direct light upon them, would be covered in an purplish aura, which should make it less intense for this seemingly night-walking creature.




Meiko would pop his head out of the bag, and shake his head, before giving a small bark.

The timberwolf pup that Ginger had gotten to follow her after an adventure in the Everfree Forest, were behaving somewhat well on the trip. He did not get scared from flight anymore, and thus far, Ginger had been successful in teaching him not to try and chase down pets, because he thought they were food.

He were still a little feral though, and if not for having his favorite chew in the bag - a small rubber toy, resembling Princess Twilight - he would probably have chewed on something else in the bag. It helped calm him down on flights. Though with landings like this, he were even more happy to jump out of the bag, and get dirt beneath his paws again.

He'd raise his back paw up to scratch around his decently chewed on collar - he were still a pup after all - and looked up at Ginger, with his maw safely around the Twilight toy's barrel. Which were the point where the door opened, and they'd find Cheshire look out on them. Searching at first, then bemused, and then finally, landing on a great big smile, as she saw the two of them.

"Hey there. You must be Ginger, right? And this is your pet? *gasp* Oh, he's so precious! I didn't even know you could get tame timberwolf pups anywhere."

She'd wander out, with her dress flowing in the light, and look down on the pupper, who went over and hid behind Ginger. He were still a little shy around others, and this one seemed odd to him.

"Seems like we need to work on making friends later, little one. Anyway, it's lovely to have you here, Ginger. I'm Queen Cheshire. Welcome to our theater."

She'd reach a hoof forth in greeting, and prepare to answer some questions, that were likely to follow. Among them maybe being, why she were in disguise as a pony, rather than openly herself. It were allowed by law currently, after all. Even for queens. Unless it were Queen Chrysalis, but she were otherwise occupied these days.




On 1/4/2021 at 3:46 PM, EQ_Theta said:


“Kind of makes me wonder how ponies play this thing if their hooves are large enough to cover multiple holes at the same time. Maybe unicorns could magically seal them and pegasi could use their wings if they tried. Not sure how I could picture that… How about you, Omen? Do you like the sound it makes when others play the flute?”

"I do not know. I stay to see and hear many things."

Joy were one of the emotions that she only had a fleeting, barely tangible idea about what were, ad listening to music wasn't something she could place there. Nor anywhere else really. All she knew that she were, when watching this, were curious. Yet that were something that covered most anything, and sadly, she had yet to figure out if small things in life like this, were something she liked. Best she could do were comparing it to something like it maybe, and see if that then meant she liked it? Lin would know. She were sure of it.

"Been a place before with many music things. Not long before I met Sen.

Many different ones playing there. One were playing from a strange metal one, with water coming out of it. He pushed little holes, and sound came out. I stood there the longest time. Is that liking the music?"

She tilted her head, and looked at Lin for answers. She likely wouldn't know what this were called, as Omen didn't know how to say hydraulophone properly, and Lin had been isolated. She likely wouldn't know of this somewhat new music instrument, which Omen had only seen pegasi with good wing control, and beings with fingers play. Though even if she didn't, she might be able to tell if Omen did like this. To which the answer were yes. The sound of these sorts of instruments, were a preference over musical tunes, such as guitars, or gongs. The latter of which she tended to instead go over and push her head into, to see if it made the same degree of sound like that. Which it at times did, though when she managed to hit it with that much force, her head tended to start shaking too, and she'd stumble around for an hour.

You'd think that made her not want to do it anymore, but her current count on this action, stood at 61 different times. She found an illogical fascination with this action. More so than the sound itself, and it were kind of a weakness for her. Just as any kind of string were.

On 1/4/2021 at 3:46 PM, EQ_Theta said:


“Yeah, Lin wouldn’t like staying in one place unless she found something to read. But in a carnival such as this? She’d probably be looking around for something to buy. I recall her wanting to get a charm or a trinket, and Tomb or Banshee mentioned someone by the name of Weeping Mary. If she’s got a stall, Lin and Omen are likely there or somewhere nearby.”

"We should perhaps go out and see what interesting things they may have found. I do admit to being somewhat curious, as to what one would find at a souvenir shop, run by a family or such... Morose tendencies. There are many ways one can make souvenirs, reflecting death after all. Though I can imagine that if they found a plush of Abacus, Omen would have gotten that one for Shrimp. I can imagine that would please him greatly."

There were many choice words he could have towards the family, but he felt very certain that it were not wise to speak a bad word of them. Considering what Tomb had whispered to him, he were aware that certain information were not as secure as one might want, and that in this place, it would be wise to think of everywhere as places where others listened in.

Not that most would be bad. There would be some degree of questioning, towards their methods and way of life, and potentially a few notices about particular instances being somewhat less agreeable, but nothing rude. Much as he did not like what Tomb had told him, she were a delightful mare towards their group, and who else he had spotted that seemed likely to be part of her family, appeared to be doing simple guard duty. There were really nothing which made him think poorly of them, even if Banshee were somewhat odd. He couldn't place a hoof on it, but there were something unnatural about that one, and while it had not been resolved, Omen's comment towards the way she smelled, stuck with him.

Though that were thoughts for other times. For the time being, they should vacate the facility, and go see where Lin and Omen were.

It would not be too hard to find the two of them, since Omen would be starring directly at them, as they exited the enclosure. Even through the crowds wandering between them, mostly blocking their view of one another, Rosa could almost feel her gaze on him.

He did not fear Omen, as he knew how utterly harmless she were, but he could not fault those who did get spooked by her. She had a rather natural way to act in a way towards others, that would not be unheard of in a horror story.

"I see them. They appear to be near a stall with some rods by it. A fishing tent, per chance? Maybe we are not the only ones wo had a minor competition going after all."




On 1/3/2021 at 8:14 PM, Califorum said:

Magnolia's horn lit up with a brilliant blue hue. It seemed like nothing had happened for a split second but the shadows of the trees and forest lurched forth in monstrous shapes, in an attempt to surround Zeehva. Then from Magnolia's horn, black shadowy tendrils shot forth at Zeehva in an attempt to hold her down to the ground. She was hoping to restrain Zeehva's movements, letting the shadow 'monsters' she had just created do some of the work for her. 

"I need your energy...you will be so kind to give it to me willingly...or will I take it from force? You'll be the first, luckily enough for you..." Magnolia said in a tone that dripped of darkness and corruption. Her voice seemed to echo on forever. 

Zeehva retracted her hooves a few times, and backing away to get clear of these ghastly trees lurching down at her, but the tendrils came as a surprise, from the surprise mare that were assaulting her. In a panic, she managed to hit one of them with a quick blast from her horn, but the second one made contact, and wrangled her up as seemingly intended. It weren't crushing her, so that were good, but she weren't running anywhere, that much were for sure. And there were no saying if the other tendril were still coming in to strike at her. She may have hit it, but that were no guarantee that it had gotten completely rid of the thing.

Standing as she were, and struggling against the tendrils, Zeehva would once again look at Magnolia. Look into her cold, cruel eyes. She had seen her fair share of evil ones, but this one seemed to have a deep seated darkness, unlike what she had seen in most of them. A practitioner of dark magic indeed, and a driven one. Clearly not a random mare, corrupted by some sort of relic, or something like it. She seemed willing to do what she did.

*gulp* And that now seemed like it included wanting to do to her, what Tirek did to all he encountered. Sure she might still be able to mix a potion if she lost her magic, but she needed it for these kind of magical specialty potions, such as the one she had made in preparation for meeting up with Magnolia. As well as other things. So she couldn't go and loose her powers now. And especially not to a mare who had only evil on her agenda. That wouldn't be accepted.

"N-No. I won't give them to you. But you can take this!"

It sounded better in her head, yet as she gave of the shaky response, she'd light up her horn, and turn the prepared, magical liquid upside down. A fun mixture of about eight varied kinds of scrap magic - two of which came from Magnolia herself - and some herbs from Zebrica. The baseline concoction would lead to a glue-like substance, but with the added magic, it instead turned this into a sticky, gelatinous mass, which poured out, and formed a large blob on the ground in front of her. Larger than what you'd think from what were in the beaker, but magic were a funny thing like that.

Said glob, would then open a pair of nearly see-through, green eyes, and fixate on Magnolia. Then three tendrils shot out from it, heading towards her. It seemed there were others who thought the need for capturing others, were valuable.

In essence, this were a slime. One meant for capture, with a minor touch of Magnolias own magical flair, and which were fixated on her magical signature. It would go at her, and aim to capture. And if it did, it would sling it's entire body at her, aiming to engulf her in the mass.

Unlike a regular slime, you'd be able to breathe in this one though. Zeehva knew that some posters marked certain beings, as giving the reward, regardless if they were living, or dead. Yet she preferred not to kill, and her employer had been quite adamant, that Magnolia be returned alive anyway. So even trying to kill her were out of the question. Capture though, were exactly what she were aiming for. And with this thing starting to fight for her, she'd be able to start using her magic to try and get rid of what held her down. A properly cast illumination spell should work well, considering they were shadows. Yes? If not, at least it might blind Magnolia, once she were done casting the spell.



@Windy Breeze

Sorrow would have paused eating to ask what Tepe was doing, as she did not recognize this gesture as anything but a proof of sadness, but the heat were not allowing her to do so. Though she had been sure it would sisipate, she were currently being proven wrong. It were growing stronger! Drawing breath made it feel as if she had french kissed a volcano. What were in this curry? Actual magma?

Whatever the case, she were gulping it down faster and faster, with even her bowl risen to her muzzle after half, to lower the delay of the curry getting taken in. And she wasn't looking all that good, what with the sweat breaking down from her forehead, and cringy faces between bites. Much hotter than this, and she'd likely have actual smoke, pouring out of the holes in her head.

Finishing the bowl rather fast, she were out of options, and tried stifling the burn with the bread. Bad idea! She struggled to swallow the bite she had taken, and frantically grabbed the one thing, that had seemed like a fun side order before, but now might be the thing to save her: The cup of Drizzle Dew.

She'd sip, and take a good, harty amount, to fill up her muzzle with. The brun were clearly still there, as sweat and tears still ran down her reddened face, but it were slowly helping. Though considering she looked like a flustering hamster, it might prove entertaining for the others to see her progression throgh these various stages of eating something too spicy.



@Windy Breeze @Califorum @Kujamih

On 1/4/2021 at 1:24 AM, Windy Breeze said:

“What is going on here?” she turned to Molotov, speaking to him with authority “Sir, do you have any ideas what's happening here?”

"Minor science accident. Lil' sis took off with something she shouldn't have tinkered with, and it looks like she opened up a portal."

"I were just trying to make a fun kaboom."

"Yeah well, I'm just trying to not get us drawn into another reality. Just stay back a bit ladies, and this whole thing will work itself out shortly."

On 1/3/2021 at 11:33 PM, Kujamih said:

"Fail Safe... I'm in... You guys do you copy?... Please answer me?"

He waited for his team to reply, but no one answered back from his call.

Crickey, they were getting more visitors now? Sounded like it at least, even if it sounded very low, and from some distance away. Maybe in the back somewhere? Well, no matter. Just had to throw in the wrench, be the hero of the day, and swoon all the ladies. Just you wait and see, he'll make them al-

Further his line of thought did not go, before his wrench were smacked aside, by a susprise tentacle. Not a massive one, but a dexterous little bugger, that were for sure. And one smart enough to realize the machine were keeping its entrance open it seemed, since it must have done so to protect it. Or perhaps to protect itself, who could really tell? Maybe the next time he ran into a squid monster from another dimension, he'd ask. 

"Oh, chew on a Miasmic Orulator!"

This would likely mean absolutely nothing to the rest of them, as this were a small scale invention among his own family, but it were basically his way of telling the squid creature off. And rather rudely at that, considering the construction of the thing in question, meant that it were certainly not nice to do such a thing to.

Things just went haywire after that. Some shiny dude showed up, and kicked his wrench - an expensive piece of scientific equipment! - at the beast itself. Whatever happened, he didn't know, but there were a sound, the tentacle retracted a little, and then they just started to getting sprayed by something. It's blood, maybe? He weren't sure. It were purple and considering the tar-like substance from before were corrosive, he were reacting as if it were too. So he'd instinctively use his horn, to put up a magical barrier that blocked it from splattering all over Blitz and him. And thankfully, that did the trick, though the thing were likely not dealt with yet. The tentacle were still wriggling around after all, and now they had definitely made it mad.

16 hours ago, Califorum said:

Cali focused on the weird tentacle and the goo that was emitting from the portal. The hulking mass of farm equipment shifts, and proceeds to fire lightning bolts at the tentacle as large pincer like projections jut off from the farm equipment and try to tear and rip at the tentacle itself.

Or were he mad? Because he could swear he were seeing some sort of construction of garden tools, rolling in towards the tear in the air. With full on electricity and pinchers. This were the craziest stuff he had seen since the last family reunion, after their mom had gotten a little tipsy, and let out one of great grandfathers side projects. It had taken them all a long time to get their coats, manes and tails grown out again after that, and there were still marks in the south section of the family workshop from that episode. And this were close to that.

Granted, a part of him hoped it were real, since he were assuming this were some kind of machine, and he were dying to find out which machinist had made it. It weren't an elegant robot, but really, robotics were not a wide spread field. Any sort of sign of one, or a properly impressive vehicle, would do enough to pique his interest.

And it seemed to do things to. It got hold of the tentacle, and this seemed as good a time as any to go and do something himself.

Or it would, if the whole thing hadn't just abruptly ended, when the machine that opened the tear, would suddenly explode into a massive amount of glitter, and hot air. Yet nothing would hit them. Instead, it would expand wildly to four meters - which gave them a short glimpse of the creature inside, which seemed to be vastly bigger than they could see, with only a small appendage poking out, that indicated they had hurt what would roughyl translate to a toenail - and then everything stopped, before suddenly, and violently, imploding upon itself. It took a good, circular part of the dirt with it, along with anything else touching it at the time, but the tear would effectively get sealed up. Though there'd be proof of the wriggling tentacle monster being real. What with it being on this side of the gate when it imploded. An action that meant there were now a wriggling, two meter long part of a tentacle, wriggling on the ground, with black and purple liquids oozing out of the wound. Somewhat gross, but... Hey, they won then, right? Spiff! Having to go into a long fight with something interdimensional, sounded like it'd be a drag.

"Wel. Lost a good bit of dirt there, along with a mighty expensive set of tools and parts... Overall not too bad, when it comes to one of Blitz's creations. Now come on sis."

He'd look down on the filly, who had gotten quite excited at seeing the explosion. Yet after some more starring between them, it were as if a light suddenly went over her head, and she'd turn around to say something to each of them. If they were greatly separated, she'd say and do the following action several times.

"Whoopsie. Sorry for that."

When she were done, Molotov would pat her head.

"That's a good filly. Remember: Making mistakes ain't so bad, long as you owe up to 'em."

Edited by Blitz Boom
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@Blitz Boom

Magnolia looks to Zeehva and laughs at the attempt to capture her here. Her eyes seem to grow more cold and cruel by the second. She is almost enraged, but also entertaine by Zeehva's creation there. Her gaze seems to twitch as it turns its attention towards the slime that Zeehva had created. A few tendrils retract themselves from attempting to restrain while Zeehva, and they focus their attention towards the tendrils of the slime and lurch forth it. They wrap around it, fighting with the slime's tendrils. 

Magnolia laughs in a dark, low tone. It is almost like an echo that seems to resound through the area as she laughed. 
"That is humorous, if not...pathetic...you mistake my words however...it is you I am after!" she said. The shadowy tendrils attempt to strike at Zeehva, to restrain her tightly. "This world has a mass selection of ponies of all type and talents, plenty for me to gather..." her tone deepens like that of a hungry wolf. Hungry for the magic. She felt no remorse for what she was doing here. It was just. The world needed power and order to be established to ensure that nobody would suffer from loss ever again. And Magnolia's word would be law.

She looks to the shadows and her horn lights up a brilliant shade of blue and the shadows around her seem to supply and strengthen the tendrils that Magnolia was using to attack, and create a few more weaker ones as a distraction. She focuses on Zeehva now, as the tendrils deal with the slime.

With a stomp on the ground, 4 tall black crystals raise from the ground at equal distances around Zeehva. Magnolia grins evily and hungrily as darkness starts to swirl around the crystals and Zeehva. Slowly, a magical bubble was starting to form around Zeehva. If it was completed, Magnolia would be able to begin draining magic and energy from Zeehva. "I always loved seeing the terror of ponies when this happens...when they realize they will be but a power source for me..." she said ravenously, yet as she spoke the darkness from her words remained. Enhanced, even. 


@Kujamih @Blitz Boom @Windy Breeze

After the 'tentacle' or whatever in the portal was defeated the hulking mass of farm equipment seems to back off before looking around. In a red shimmering flash and mist, its form shifts to a large bird like android. It has red glowing eyes and it seems to survey the area. They were in what seemed to be a town, and there equines all around. The android paces around a bit, looking at all who was around it. Cali was confused at what had exactly just happened and where they ended up.

'What in tarnation is this place? Better not be another trick! Show yourselves Snarl! I know this is another one of your dastardly tricks! Bayonet, I know you are here!" she was ready to fight, calling out the names of her old enemies she had though she killed off years ago. But she was sure they might still be around, little did she know, they weren't and would never come here but still she was ready to fight and pummel them like the good old days.

The still, hulking form that Cali was into looks over to the nearby ponies. "God damn, you think they ain't playin' me this time? What even is this cockamamie of a place anyways? Looks like another fake dimension like always." the android shifts form into a tractor. It was your average green John Deere tractor but the label on it says "Cali Farming" on it. On its rims are extremely bright and annoying green lights and the top of the tractor seems to fade in and out of existence. Inside of it was a big fleshly glob that gyrated as the tractor un-naturally lifted itself into the air, sprouting a huge eyeball like a flower and surveying the place from above. 

Cali's voice was a weird combination of a southern and Russian accent. 

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@Blitz Boom

Windy would thought the same, only seeing Tepe's pose as something relating to sadness and disappointment, but she never get to ask when she get distracted by Sorrow's antics. It turns out the curry she ordered is spicy, maybe too much spicy as Sorrow ate her food in fast pace, clouds literally came out of her head orifices, and by the time she finished, giving a hint by setting her bowl down, she's now in tears, not because she's in sorrow but because the spicy is too hot for her.

Windy struggled to stiffle a laugh, but a grin slipped out while Tepe gave out a hearty laugh, but not loud enough to break anything this time. As Sorrow gulp down a cup of Drizzle Dew, Windy finally spoke up “Are you okay, Sorrow?”

Tepe managed to stop laughing, only to say “She'll be fine, Windy. Our friend, Sorrow did not realize she ate the 'sun itself” and another laugh ensues.

@Blitz Boom @Kujamih @Califorum

“Luna, tell me I'm not dreaming” Blue took a few steps as ahe was saying this, her body trembled in fear as she something which can only be identified as large tentacle came out of the tear and managed to caught the rench which was flinged at some kind of machine by Molotov. Luna didn't believe it either, but she did not let her disbelief overwhelm her, she lit up her horn, preparing an offensive spell just tin case the situation goes into chaos.

The two mares cringed they heard a gooey sound when, another pony, this one a white stallion got the wrench, tossed it into the tear, and throw it at the tear. Whatever happened to the tool, it seemed it had hit something, then a large splatter of goo is thrown out of the said tear. Luna immediately registered a part of the goo are heading towards them, she quickly cancelled her spell, and threw herself and Blue out from the goo's splatter location.

Blue shrieked in surprise and horror, both she and Luna didn't know what the good is capable of. Maybe it was some kind of lava or something that could be carrying some deadly unique virus? No. No need to think about those when two ponies are almost splattered in purple goo. Luna and Blue checked their bodies for any good (in Blue's case: panicked), and to their relief, nothing got into them.

Then, the next following just really begged both Blue and Luna to smack themselves till they wake up from what they assumed to be nightmares.

Several garden equipment, or what was assumed to be garden equipment machinery went out of the tear. The mares could only stare in bewilderment and awe as the robot thing attacked the alien tentacle creature. When they got a good luck of what was inside, both of their faces turn green and looks away.

But soon, it would seem the ponies, and a robotic farming equipment won against something which one straight out of a myth and the tear now sealed. What was left of the battle is a few good and a wiggling tentacle left laying on the floor, blood squirting out of its wound. Seeing the situation is now competely under control, Luna cautiously approached creature, her eyes squirting at it with curiosity, she stared down at it, Blue would soon follow after her, and after getting a good look, she made a reference to her favorate horror novel by expressing her disbelief.

“Okay, what is next? A cloud of mist full of monsters!?”

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@Califorum@Windy Breeze @Blitz Boom

As the portal closed, the weird machinery that assaulted the creature, turned into a weird machinery, that turned to a weirder machinery... Mostly of farming equipment.

As the machinery continuously changed itself into different machineries, Light lost interest as he already knows what or who that thing is.

"Farm equipment? ... Eeyup thats Cali alright:yeahno:... Tsk.. I mean seriously.... We are supposed to stop problems, not make one....nope.... This is what she wants. Im just gonna do my job...for now," Light said while not questioning Cali's actions anymore.

It's Cali, ... Don't question it.... But if Cali is here... Where are the rest of my team?.... I hope they're alright. But for now... Mission.

He walked to the group of ponies who he seems to think is involved in this deadly situation.

"Good day to you all!" Light said loudly to grab everyone's attention.

"I would like a thorough explanation as to what... are you guys doing... and how did you end up opening dimensions:yeahno:." Light said quickly, with a hint of irritation and urgency.

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@Kujamih @Blitz Boom @Califorum

41 minutes ago, Kujamih said:

"Good day to you all!" Light said loudly to grab everyone's attention.

This successfully caught both Luna and Blue's attention. When Light gave a question to them, the mares looked and stares at Molotov and his sister, then back at Light.

“I've got a question too, sir” Luna stepped forward “It's not everyday I saw a monster, a pony, and a machine go out of... A tear formed out from the air. May I know your name, please?”

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@Kujamih @Windy Breeze @Blitz Boom

After satisfied with the surveying, the tractor like machine lands next to them before poofing into a red mist that seems to look at the various equines before in a red flash, Cali in her human form was standing next to them. "What is this place? I've never seen anything like it. No technology. You live in the stone age.Cali said, her human form being a little taller than the ponies themselves. She was very used to futuristic settings. This was far from it.

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@Califorum @Windy Breeze @Blitz Boom

As Cali crashed down and turned into her human form.

Light's jaws dropped, and shocked at the intro she has made.

He looked at the rest of the ponies... And surely they where stunned...

Someone had to break the Ice.

"Ahmmm!, uh yes! Where are OUR MANNERS!" Light looked at Cali too check if she knows Light.

My name is White Light, and she is..." White waited for Cali's reaction. 

" And may we also know your names?" White gave a smile to the rest to calm them in some way.

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@Blitz Boom @Kujamih @Califorum

What was running inside Luna's head when she saw the farming equipment thing turn into an actual living organic creature? Well, her mind was simply blown away to pieces, unable to understand what she was seeing. Luckily, the ice was broken when she, Blue, and two others are asked for their names.

“My name is Shining Light, but my friends prefer to call me Luna Light, and this pegasus behind me is Blue Wingtips”

Blue WingtipsLuna Light

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@Blitz Boom
Ruby translated what Leviathan said, or at least so one could assume, it was hard to know for sure when you didn't understand the language after all, and after she had finished, Charir asked her something and after that response asked once more, but the last question Ruby just shrugged and answered shortly. "He didn't fully agree with the pretty part, not a fan of the unnatural shapes, but he's excited none the less to see what it is like since we don't have cities in the homelands, nor towns really....I'm actually not sure if there's a single intact building there." "I was actually surprised we even had words for them in the first place when I studied." "I believe he won't like the cities that much, we are loners by nature, such crowds will probably overwhelm his unprepared senses." 

Ruby didn't pay much mind to the 'flags' since she couldn't sense them due to them not being physical things, it didn't surprise her either, she had lived long enough with ponies to learn that there was lot of things that weren't actually what they looked like, ponies really seemed to like their fake things.

Nada thought for a moment after reading before saying anything "It's also addressed to Serenade, but I'm sure there's nothing wrong with me sharing it since you both know what's going on anyway." "Shortly put, what I gather, is that I'll be accepted, but not yet." she rolled it and put it on the table "There's currently too much going on in Equestria to reveal that sirens are back, which I understand." though now that she knew it would take a while, she started thinking about where to settle down to wait, she knew that she would probably be allowed to stay here, but she wasn't really one for houses, and she wanted to avoid similar situations to what happened with the kid. 
"I'll consider your suggestion but you're right, I should not hurry with it, especially considering that it isn't hard to explain why I don't have a name." even if he looked different, he was still a lone creature from the everfree, and lone creatures had no reason to have a name since there was nobody to call them by name. "But as it sounds like we are nearing life, I will remain quiet from now on as much as I can." one more thing that could have been problematic with him speaking that he himself hadn't realized was the movement of his mouth, he had no need for that in his usual form so it didn't necessarily match what he was saying in this form. 

He would follow Lyriel in the town.

"That only raises more questions." Trox half muttered as he took support from the nearest wall as last of his magic ran out and the shield disappeared, trying to get adjusted to the light enough to see who or what he was talking to, and with her dimming the light, he could finally make out her appearance, which he seemed to be confused about. "I'm Trox...this is Sheska.. my sister... we are kobolds." he lowered himself on the ground to rest his muscles "So.. you're a queen?.. Didn't know those existed...though...I don't recognize your species either..." "Are we.. outside Equestria?...don't think either... empire would allow queens..." he pulled slightly on the chain that was still on his neck, he had attached the chains from Sheska's arms to it to make carrying her easier, but it had the downside of pressing the already tight metal collar against his throat, so he had to move it a bit to breath better.

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@Blitz Boom

Ginger Lightning shook her hoof and followed her"oh Meiko isn't tamed yet. He's still kinda feral...Also why are you disguised? I thought changelings could go around undisguised."

She pet Meiko gently to comfort him

"Oh yeah, where will I stay while I attend classes here?" She asked while looking around, she was taking in her surroundings  and watching Meiko carefully to make sure he doesn't bite anyone or chew on anything.

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@Blitz Boom

Lin pondered on Omen’s reply, about the absurdity of the type of instrument the pony played, and just the general imagery of that scene. Though oddities are par for the course of what makes ponies and, by extension, other creatures of Equestria so strange, this probably didn’t do too much to faze her. Still, it did leave something for her to think about, and given how Omen was looking at her with a quizzical tilt, she was expecting an answer. 

“I admit, staying and listening to someone play a strange instrument could mean you were curious about the instrument or the music. Maybe you were wondering how that instrument worked? Or it could mean you liked the music. I wouldn’t know how it was like for you. I guess liking music would be listening to a tune and finding it so enjoyable you wouldn’t mind listening to it again. If that was something you felt, maybe you liked that kind of music.”

The longma thought about what she’d felt if she was in Omen’s place. Standing in front of a performer and taking in the sounds of the performance. Music was simple to the longma, someone sang and if one didn’t mind hearing it again, it probably meant one thought it was enjoyable. The same could be said for someone playing a musical instrument. That kind of feeling was similar to when Lin encountered Fiddle playing on the street corner in Salt Lick City.

In that moment, Lin spotted Rosa and Sen approaching her. She waved to the two of them, and Sen smiled back. Both would meet halfway before proceeding to exchange pleasantries. 

“I see you and Omen had some fun fishing. Won anything interesting?”

“I got a flute from the fishing game, and Omen got herself a picture frame. Oh, and we also bought some souvenirs from Weeping Mary. I got you a carved stone, which would work well as home decoration. For Rosa, I got him a piece of moon rock. I was told this is a hoof piercing, though I’m not sure how that works. And you two being here means your little contest is over. How’d that go?”

“Yeah… Um, Rosa and I had a little wager and it sort of involves you and Omen.”

Though Sen hesitated to continue speaking on the matter further, it seemed Lin was already beginning to piece together what happened. Her brother had an idea on what was going through her mind based on the smug look she sported on her face. Frankly, it was a little unsettling, especially because her involvement was going to decide what little “punishment” she’d give her brother. 

“Oh this’ll be good,” the longma teased before turning to the thestral. “Okay, Rosa, what will we put my brother through tonight?”

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 "Well, internal temperature. You know, it's..." Kaltrop looked at the mare in surprise from where Streak had bolted upright in her kitchen.

"...A dragon phrase. Like our firebreath... the hotter someone is the more, um... they pick a fight and are capable. You're fiesty, you know." The drake squirmed his head aside as if barely recognizant of what awkwardness he might have invited into the conversation.

 "Besides, as eager as you are to pick a fight with someone... a Much Larger And Capable Combatant, such as myself, ...I don't see how you have any reason to doubt your own capabilities. I wouldn't be stuck in your tiny den like this otherwise."


@Catpone Cerberus

"I don't fly. I float, there's a difference you know." 

The little fairy light mumbled flatly to itself from its fair distance away the top of the cliffs where it bobbed. Very slowly it wobbled downward like a careful climber that didn't need handholds and like the little firefly light it more resembled. When you're a itty bitty creature of magic light, you aren't designed much for aerodynamics or agility and its top speed was more like a leisurely stroll and light travelling buddy didn't seem too terribly concerned for Cerberus's safety,

 The dust around him however, wouldn't linger as long as one would think pulverized rock would. It seemed to dissipate unnaturally fast in a sphere around him as if there was some unseen energy radiating out from him that not even a cat's eyes could catch. A tinge of aching pain would ring in the paw or place Cerberus held the golden idol. The sort of dull aching of a headache from a place in one's body one couldn't place but told you there was something wrong that needed to be taken care of. As if what he held was leeching, pulling at him, pulling out short hairs in an almost imperceptibly slow pace. Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to keep ahold of this thing for very long and something ought be planned on what to do with it.

 It might be radioactive, and that can't be good!


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@Catpone Cerberus

On 1/6/2021 at 4:01 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"He didn't fully agree with the pretty part, not a fan of the unnatural shapes, but he's excited none the less to see what it is like since we don't have cities in the homelands, nor towns really....I'm actually not sure if there's a single intact building there." "I was actually surprised we even had words for them in the first place when I studied." "I believe he won't like the cities that much, we are loners by nature, such crowds will probably overwhelm his unprepared senses." 

"I know of some places here and there with little living there. I thin it best that we start there, and then end in places like Canterlot, far later. Perhaps we should visit one of the towns in Dragon land at some point? They're rough looking, but the communities are there, and it might be better for him, if he sees other dragons first. Provided we all agree not to try and kill anyone there. I'd rather prefer not to be exiled."

Leviathan would give her two cents on the matter, before flying off, and soon enough, would reach the black flag. Swaying within a meter of a tall, reinforced stone wall. One who seemed fine enough on this side, but if you looked closely, you could definitely see repair work having been done, and a glance on the other side, would not show any current attackers, but would reveal it looking for rougher there. With scorch marks, and what seemed like large claws, having slashed at it several times in various areas. Among other things.

Ponies would be on this side, patrolling it and looking up to see the dragons there, whilst on the other side, it'd just be quiet. For now.

If they did not pass soon, one of the ponies would fly up, and warn them of the area, though it might not be all bad. Gave Charir a protected encounter experience, with this lesser race.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 1/6/2021 at 4:01 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"It's also addressed to Serenade, but I'm sure there's nothing wrong with me sharing it since you both know what's going on anyway." "Shortly put, what I gather, is that I'll be accepted, but not yet." she rolled it and put it on the table "There's currently too much going on in Equestria to reveal that sirens are back, which I understand."

"I bet they sent a letter to her mom too, just in case. Even if they didn't, we'll just tell her, when one day she returns. Seemed like she had a lot of things to sort out back there though, so it'll probably be a while."

She had asked Ziggy to look out after her house whilst she sorted things. Things she assumed were related to the swarm of her half siblings, that her adopted mother took care of, but she didn't know. And hadn't asked either, as it looked like it might be a shush situation.

"Yeah well, nada here's right now, and this kind of sucks. Though I guess it makes sense. Things have gone a little mad recently. And not just here. With several other things too, and lots of folks takes time to really get used to new things. Frankly I'm kinda happy they admit that it ain't the right time yet, though I'm sure a few weeks or months, and it'll simmer down. We're adaptable enough, once we're pushed out of the ignorant zone."

When the letter were read out, Berry would cautiously return to above the table again. Seemed like this wasn't some sort of bomb or nothing after all. And good riddance for that. She were still far from done with her work, and she bet the others would like to stay alive too.

"But hey. Least you know they're working on it, and haven't just shoved it in a bin. That's something, right?"



@Catpone Cerberus

"In time, we will ensure your disguise have everything that is needed, Scarecrow."

Lyriel would give him a warm, friendly smile, as they neared town. It were not going to be an easy task for him ahead, but she had confidence in his abilities. It did however, also come down to if Crow would do well too, though thus far, it did. It had moved to Scarecrow's head, and now perched there, gazing upon those they were about to encounter with steely eyes. Long as it remained in contact with Scarecrow, it would go well, so here were hoping that would not change.

As they entered town, some eyes would start to fall on them shortly, though no action seemed to be taken to stop them. Nor did anyone scream. They mostly seemed to halt momentarily, to see what were going on. Mostly due to the statue really, which were what would eventually make a young mare go their way. One of the interns at the hospital, Nurse Formaldehyde.

"I uhm... S-Sorry to bother, but is that... I-I mean, are you... Carrying a petrified griffon, or is that just a statue?"

She sounded as nervous as she looked, as her gaze wandered between the four of them. Though she weren't scared. Merely concerned, at the *cargo* they were carrying. It seemed the disguises were working perfectly.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 1/6/2021 at 4:01 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"So.. you're a queen?.. Didn't know those existed...though...I don't recognize your species either..." "Are we.. outside Equestria?...don't think either... empire would allow queens..."

"You are still within the borders of Equestria, yet you stand on the ground marking my domain."

Even if she could still feed on others, she doubted she would try with these. They were simply too weakened, and just looking at him pulling that chain, made it quite apparent that there had been others that had worked hard to break him before her. Even in her previous mindset, she would not have claimed these, and instead let them wander, unless they attempted to fight her.

It were a kindness in some sights, but it was also a matter of practicality. Those who were properly broken, took a good deal of effort to change mentally to a point, where they could properly foster the love she once ate. Certainly this one seemed concerned for his sister, but even then. They were scrawny, broken to some degree already, and would need to be nurtured to health, before they could even be worked on a little. It were simply not worth her time, to scrape a meager harvest from someone like this, when there were better prey out there.

But let that be what it were. It were a different time now, and she needed no longer to hunt. One day, she'd find another use for her skills then, and perhaps work on getting another moniker to her name, than that of the Slaver Queen. A title which she felt were ill advised to mention to these two.

"And as I am aware, Celestia and Luna runs a kingdom, not an empire. One of the few things I can thus far, say are wise of them. Empires are too vast to keep structured properly, and it drains greatly on your resources. It is better to retain a single country, eve if them sharing the title of princess, and the throne, seems ludicrous to me. One should always stand as the true ruler.

Regardless, this is not a place of chains and battle, nor have I much interest in seeing you choke. Hold still."

Onache would begin to use a different spell, aiming to be rid of the chains. Beginning with those around his throat, as he weren't much use to her if he were unconscious from lack of air, and this may put her in good favor with them. They may be able to return that some day.

As for her way of removal, she usually went with the simple things. First checking if the shackles could be loosened, and if not that, then destroy a weak link, to at least allow mobility.

Though, regardless of what she did, he'd likely soon pass out too, and she'd need to bring them both to the nearby town then. She had no rations currently, beyond water, and these looked gangly and weakened. Even for something their size, she assumed they were still malnourished. If not, then their race would be brittle little things, in her opinion.

If Sheska seemed like she might fall to her ground, by no longer having the chains, Onache would float her to the ground instead. Maybe she should invest in some pillows and such too, for visitors... *sigh* Much to consider, now that she had stable accommodations.




18 hours ago, GingerLightning said:

"oh Meiko isn't tamed yet. He's still kinda feral...Also why are you disguised? I thought changelings could go around undisguised."

"Oh, we can, but in our hive, we do a tremendous amount of work to make others feel as comfortable around us as they can be. Regular changelings they are getting used to, but queens takes time, and education. In fact, I have a meeting at the local orphanage next week, to educate the dear little ones about our kind. It will help a great deal between our kind, the more the ponies learns about us. More facts they have to work with, less we seem like the soulless monsters from their fairytales."

Cheshire would giggle, before a green and orange flame would engulf her, and she'd show her true form. A tall queen, wearing a dress like the one she wore in her disguise, and with a long, flowing mane, reaching to her shoulder blades. Well taken care off it seemed, and with a large bow tied up on the back of her head. a little thing she had simply found irresistible, and the color matched the glittering dress and shoes well.

Her eyes were the same orange and green hue as her flames, and in them, were a kind, warm glow, as she smiled down at Ginger and Meiko. The latter of which looked at her confused, as he were petted.

"We are not just theater changelings here, my dear Ginger. We're also trying to help spread the word, and helps out lone, or struggling changelings if we find them. It isn't easy for all of us to acclimate either you know? But we find that offering a helping hoof, can end up making all the difference.

Now come in, come in. I'll give you a tour, and show you your room too. Most of us stays in the same room, so we have a fair amount to spare. The comfort of a small, friendly hive like ours, that the large ones just can't follow, I find.

Also, the papers didn't say if you were an emotion or food eater, so we prepared a little of this and that. You don't mind joy, right? It is our prime food, and with the shows we put on, there are plenty to collect at every performance."

She'd invite Ginger and Meiko to enter the theater, and Ginger needn't not worry. Meiko would stay at her as they walked into this new place... For now.




17 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I admit, staying and listening to someone play a strange instrument could mean you were curious about the instrument or the music. Maybe you were wondering how that instrument worked? Or it could mean you liked the music. I wouldn’t know how it was like for you. I guess liking music would be listening to a tune and finding it so enjoyable you wouldn’t mind listening to it again. If that was something you felt, maybe you liked that kind of music.”

"I stay and listen, when I hear things like it. So that means I like it?"

Omen would ponder on this, and slowly start to nod. Right before the others eventually got into sight. It seemed too simple for an emotion, as she had always found those very difficult to understand, but she understood what she were told. If it were something she wanted to happen, or wanted to see or hear more times, it meant she liked it. Something she had to think about in context. Both moving forward, and as it pertained to some memories she had, so that she might try and think about them with that idea in mind. Maybe if she could understand what liking things were, she'd then also understand disliking others, as she had heard that those two were opposite.

As she muttered over this though, she'd follow Lin as they intercepted Sen and Rosa, yet remain silent as they talked.

18 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I see you and Omen had some fun fishing. Won anything interesting?”

“I got a flute from the fishing game, and Omen got herself a picture frame. Oh, and we also bought some souvenirs from Weeping Mary. I got you a carved stone, which would work well as home decoration. For Rosa, I got him a piece of moon rock. I was told this is a hoof piercing, though I’m not sure how that works. And you two being here means your little contest is over. How’d that go?”

"I can show you later how to apply it, but essentially, a hoof piercing is merely a jewel that gets stuck into your hoof. With proper maintenance, it will stay there for a long time, before said hoof grows too much over time, and it have to be reinserted. It's mostly painless, I'm told.

Splendid to hear though, that the two of you had fun with your own games too. And that you both came out victorious no less. Well played to the both of you. It is never a guarantee with games in places such as this. Though judging by your expression, Lin, it were nevertheless fun, regardless of the prospect of rewards. Or you merely enjoy winning. Which would put you as having had quite a good night already, I'd say."

He'd get to the contest of Sen and himself soon enough, though for now, he'd let Sen simmer a small amount, as he replied to the first of what were said. He'd get to the fun stuff soon enough.

18 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“Yeah… Um, Rosa and I had a little wager and it sort of involves you and Omen.”

Though Sen hesitated to continue speaking on the matter further, it seemed Lin was already beginning to piece together what happened. Her brother had an idea on what was going through her mind based on the smug look she sported on her face. Frankly, it was a little unsettling, especially because her involvement was going to decide what little “punishment” she’d give her brother. 

“Oh this’ll be good,” the longma teased before turning to the thestral. “Okay, Rosa, what will we put my brother through tonight?”

"With my narrow, 3-2 victory, Sen sadly lost the wager, which indeed about you and Omen. Omen in particular, as Sen now have to marry her. We thought that you'd enjoy being the flower mare."

Rosa said this calmly, and with not a shadow of irony in his voice, or on his face, as he patted Sen on the back. He were playing this cool, to see how it would go over with the others.

With Omen, it resulted in her tilting her head, and look towards Sen. Rather confused too, as this were not something she had thought she'd hear.


Rosa wouldn't be too cruel though. Once Sen had his reaction too, he'd grin at them, and clear his throat.

"My apologies. I had the sudden urge to say this, for some reason. We wagered on the loser having to be given facepaint, to wear for the rest of this evening. We figured you two would enjoy deciding what that should be. And how delightful it is then, that Omen have won herself a picture frame. Seems a shame to not have this evening immortalized properly afterwards, hm?"

He were not a creature of malice, but Rosa could not escape from the fact that a mischievous smile were now on his face, as he looked at Lin. Poor Sen were in for a rough night.




On 1/5/2021 at 10:35 PM, Califorum said:

"That is humorous, if not...pathetic...you mistake my words however...it is you I am after!" she said. The shadowy tendrils attempt to strike at Zeehva, to restrain her tightly. "This world has a mass selection of ponies of all type and talents, plenty for me to gather..."

Zeehva would start using her magic to bash away the tentacles, whilst still struggling some against the one that already had her. This were not the worst bind she had ever been in, but it were not a confident situation for her either. Especially as it sounded like the mare she were against, thought little of her slime, as she boasted her intentions out there. Not one of the humble villains it seemed then. *sigh* Too few of that kind, sadly. For some reason, a large ego seemed to be part of the villain package. As were monolouging, though that one at least gave one a bit of time to do something.

"N-No. I won't let you take magic from others. And especially not me. I need it, and... And I'll use it to win."

On 1/5/2021 at 10:35 PM, Califorum said:

With a stomp on the ground, 4 tall black crystals raise from the ground at equal distances around Zeehva. Magnolia grins evily and hungrily as darkness starts to swirl around the crystals and Zeehva. Slowly, a magical bubble was starting to form around Zeehva. If it was completed, Magnolia would be able to begin draining magic and energy from Zeehva. "I always loved seeing the terror of ponies when this happens...when they realize they will be but a power source for me..." she said ravenously, yet as she spoke the darkness from her words remained. Enhanced, even. 

Okay... This were not going well. She had a plan when it came to the tendrils and tentacles, but this were... It were unexpected. It seemed like there were a whole different kind of method at play when Magnolia wanted to drain someone, than when Tirek did it. A very magical one, which actually could be something she could use to her own advantage. Though she had to act fast. She could only guess what would happen, once the bubble would complete, and it weren't gonna be pretty.

She'd focus what magic she could spare to take the pink, glittery vial up to her muzzle, and popped the cork off. Then, she closed her eyes, and gulped half of it down.

She'd start to vibrate as the last droplet went down her guzzle, and she winched as if she were in pain. Which she very much were. This sort of thing were not meant to go through the system of a pony like this, unicorn or not. But it were her most obvious chance. She needed a little more time, and a bit more magic used by Magnolia than what she had thus far. Just a little more, and she could do something about these kinds of shadowy magics.

Within seconds, her whole form started to shimmer, and before the bubble were done, she'd vanish into thin air, with the sound of filly giggles, and popping bubbles.

The slime were getting well overwhelmed at this point, but it still had a part to play, as it suddenly lost form, and splattered all around the surrounding area. Between the droplets and patches of goo spread around, dark, tough string of hardened goo, would spring out, and wrap itself around the crystals Magnolia had used before. Then, it would begin to drag in them. Towards their caster. It seemed that Zeehva might have some sort of idea she were working on here, wherever she were.

...The answer were a meter and a half behind Magnolia, as she shimmered back into sight, and let out a gasp of air. In her hoof, she held now the pink vial again, in front of her face. With the light on her horn, she'd drip a few droplets of pure, unicorn magic down into the vial, and then spat in the mixture. It's start to glitter more insanely, as if it were about to explode, and Zeehva would look at Magnolia apologetically.


She'd toss the vial towards Magnolia. A shame she'd lose it, but it were for the greater good, as the mixture would soon enough explode into a blinding light, caught or not, with the glass evaporating. One she would cover her eyes from, but it were hard to tell what Magnolia would do, about the primarily pixie-based magic. Which she were now out of. Frankly a horrid thing, as it were not easy to get pixie magic in Equestria. She weren't even sure if any of them lived in this country.

Also, it weren't good for you to take it in. She frankly felt weak in her knees right now, and with a great knowledge that soon enough, she'd need the little mare's room. Which she might acidentally shimmer into, if she were unlucky. Pixie magic used in emergencies likethat, could be unpredictable.



@Windy Breeze

On 1/6/2021 at 1:24 AM, Windy Breeze said:

“Are you okay, Sorrow?”

Tepe managed to stop laughing, only to say “She'll be fine, Windy. Our friend, Sorrow did not realize she ate the 'sun itself” and another laugh ensues.


Her face were still a bit puffy and reddish, but she could speak again. Although it felt as if her tongue were scorched. Had she eaten curry, or accidentally licked a waffle iron? She weren't sure right now, and frankly, no heat should hit the tongue, which made you ask that question.

She'd drink a bit more before trying to speak further though. No need to risk it, and the liquid felt nice on her tongue. Good that she hadn't taken a carbonated drink right now, or it would've stung pretty badly.

"I thought it were a mild chili. *cough* I should've read more. It s-still tasted good though."

She'd clear her throat a bit, and take another sip of her drink. Sweet, heavenly liquid for the fire snake, which called itself her tongue.

"Good to know that *wheeze* there's at least a laugh to get in this. Dad always says *cough* that spreading joy is important."



@Windy Breeze @Califorum @Kujamih

The siblings were looking at all that were going on, with each their own reaction to things.

Molotov were mostly studying things in silence. Looking between the anomalies present - that being the tentacle, and the mass of parts that turned into various forms. Including a lesser haired primate of some sort - where the machine had been before, and the other outsiders. The ladies more than Light though, since while he were boastful, and talked a big game, the ladies were far more attractive than him. It added points that he simply didn't have it in him to change.

That is, until Molotov bit notice in his mechanical parts, and things suddenly changed to him focusing solely on Light. Seeing as he were a robotics specialist, this mixture of flesh and machine were an utterly fascinating, yet rather terrifying thing to behold. A pony, closer and closer to becoming nothing but a machine. A revolution in technology for sure, but the implications were also a dire thing. Plus, it meant somepony were far more ahead on these things than him, and he didn't like not knowing his competition. What fun were there in matching wits, if you didn't know with who? They might be an attractive female after all.

The levers on his glass adjusted a fair bit as he examined him for a time in mostly silence. He'd mumble a little to himself, but that were mostly it.

Blitz on the other hoof, were acting like what she were: A filly. She were rushing between the varied guests, giggling and bouncing, examining things, and poke at whatever she could get a hoof near. Including Light, Blue, Cali, Luna and the tentacle. Mostly the tentacle, and Cali. The ever-changing creature were fascinating to her, and frankly, it were a form she recognized. Sort of. It weren't as natural as what she had seen before, but it were still the same sort of shape. And as such, she'd go over and try talking with that one, the best  way she knew how: By hugging her.

On 1/6/2021 at 4:23 AM, Califorum said:

"What is this place? I've never seen anything like it. No technology. You live in the stone age.Cali said, her human form being a little taller than the ponies themselves. She was very used to futuristic settings. This was far from it.

"Heyah funny lady! Are you a dryad? I've seen one that looks kinda like you. But with twigs and stuff. And pretty flowers. Do you also speak with trees?"

This would zone Molotv back into things, and he'd shake his head slightly, before pointing at Light.

"...Right, formal stuff. Sorry. You two're just pretty special looking. And the technology- Utterly fascinating.

Anyway. My name's Molotov Boom, and this here's my sister, Blitz Boom. And this ain't the stone age ma'am. I run one of the best workshops in all of Equestria, and I can darn well tell ya that I got wonders that's crack your engine. I mean, you two are pretty wonky looking, but I'm dealing with robotics, and I am right proud of the advancement in functional AI that I'm getting through. Though the illusions and metallic upgrades are something special. I ain't taking away from that.

Now then, ladies-"

And now he'd swing around, and face Blue and Luna, with quith a big grin on his face.

"You two are looking better than normal. I'm taking it you're new to the area, maybe? New neighbors here to inspect the special sights, maybe? I keep saying to everypony bashing it: It's barely anything from the outside. All the magic happens inside the place. And outside today, but that were just did trying to make something of her own, with an experimental power source that I'm gonna have to tear up and burn. Can't have stuff that opens dimensional holes laying about. They can cause all sorts of trouble.

You're unscathed after it all though, right? And you don't gotta worry about no monster mist. This here's a place of science, not so much magic. Though thinking on it... Steam-powered teleportation device does sound like it'd be a fun side project sometime... Gotta have to remember to write that one down."

With him focused on putting an admittedly bad move on the ladies, and try and see if they were alright, Blitz were pretty much left to her own devices. Which included hammering a barrage of questions at Light and Cali. They might need to sort which ones were for whom.

"Are you aliens? Did you come to save the world? Why are you so rude? What sorta metal are you made of? Did you make it yourself? What's a Hellcat? Is it a burning cat? Did you set it on fire? Are you gonna eat it? *gasp* Are you gonna eat us?!

Oooh, and you liked my machine, Mistah Shiny? I were trying to make a big firework thingie, but needed power. I think I used a bad battery. Whoopsie! I'll use the reactor core next time, okay?"

"No, no you're not. I need those for the real top end robots, and you'd just end up levelling half the city if you used one. They ain't toys, sis."

"What about the sizzling thing?"

"Eh, I don't see the problem. Just don't stack 'em. Sounds like someone's grumpy 'bout dimensional tears, and other mishaps."

He'd speak over his shoulder momentarily, to deal with Blitz, before she went on a question rampage. Or just a rampage. She were an innocent little soul, but her brain were an advanced, and terribly dangerous thing. She seriously could level half the town, if she got the right tools. Hay, all of it, if she had her way and got to use the bigger reactors. Which were one of the reasons why he were never gonna let her handle one. He had to make sure that she were safe. Same with the rest of the town too, he supposed.

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