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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@@Seamore Sandwich,






"Good. Sounds like things are covered then."


She sheathed her katana again and looked at Crescent on the floor.


"...More or less."


Her light sensitive eye had been closed when the sudden flash of light had gone on, so it hadn't bugged her that much, but Crescnet Was a bat pony after all, and along with loud noises she could imagine that a flash like that could end up making him scream in agony and cover up, like he was right now.


It was a good question though about how bad it were. She had never met bat ponies before leaving the shrine, and the few after that had only taught her a few, simple lessons that would be common ground even for foals. She hadn't learned anything about how long lasting any damage to the eyes or ears would be unless you used a physical weapon, so for all she knew, he could either be like her and the pain would end soon, or he could be blinded for days on end.


"I'll stay here and keep an eye on everypony Seamore. Think you can take Missklang with you perhaps so you're not wandering alone? I don't trust this place enough to have anypony wander alone."


Crescent would have been a better option, as Missklang was better kept under watch... And chains... in a bauble, hanging on a cliffside. Just to have them all be safe. However, right now Crescent might not be in a way that would allow him to move anywhere, and frankly, she figured Missklang would do far less damage if he wasn't with a larger group right now. Especially when that larger group involved children and a potentially crippled creature.


Sure, Syo was also an option, but in the grand scheme of things, last wasn't sure how well she'd do in protecting both herself and Seamore if something came out of the dark at them. She could teleport around which might help, but generally speaking, drawing something towards the injured was a bad idea.


Missklang would, if anything, be a danger to a threat as well. Or at least a viable distraction, depending on things.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


It had taken some time for them to get to where they were headed, but eventually they stopped in front of two doors close to eachother. One was Briar's. Simple, wooden and with a symbol of intertwined vines marking the door. Even though he wasn't an actual pony, this was still far closer to the regular ones than for example Vivid's.


The door next to it was more or less the same, but it looked pale and as if somepony, or something, had scraped the paint and colour off half-heartedly. Where the symbol should be representing the pony behind the door, there were only a blurry image of a wasp wing before a particularly damaged part. Much like Brittle herself.


"It feels like near my own door. Makes sense enough I guess, as I am just a few metres from her."


Briar raised his hoof slightly, but put it down quickly and turned his head towards Charlie.


"If we do meet her in there, and she sees us, I ask that you please let me go towards her first, and that you remain calm whilst speaking to her. She have some issues that I would rather not go into details with at this time, but suffice it say, she does poorly with sudden movements, scares, physical contact or strangers, to mention a few things.


If you would please keep that in mind, we can go have a quick check on her and hopefully... Hopefully it is a good dream."


He sounded a little less confident at the last statement, but still he kept some hope. At this point, it was all he had really.






Omen takes the other letter too, firmly wrapped in another part of her long tongue, and nods slowly.


"It's what I was brought to your world for."


With that, she opened a gate and wandered through, quickly closing it behind her as she set her path towards the castle to find this Luna she was supposed to bring the messages towards. What would happen when she found her... it would be anypony's guess.


One of those ponies wasn't Ziggy. She waved at Omen as she left, but when she did, she stopped thinking more about it and focused on the last thing that Serenade said had to be done. Not because she wasn't curious how it would go when Omen met Luna, but more because that seemed covered, and she wanted to help her new friend too.


"Okay, so we need to find a unicorn? Where should we start looking for one? Think there's somepony in..."


She looked around a bit.


"Uhm... Wherever this place is?"


It should be painfully obvious, that she didn't have a clue. if Serenade didn't either, this was going to be an interesting little adventure.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade looks around, trying to figure out where they were. "Um...no...idea." She leaps up into the air, acting like it's water. Ziggy would notice her looking better, shinier scales-firmer fin-etc. She peers around, looking for anything that can place where they are. "Unicorn...must...be...powerful...conjurer."  She settles down next to Ziggy.

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Gold rubs his head the bumb still a tad sore but no worse for wear. The intreging nature of the Everfree Forest did get his intersest peeked but had no real desire to get eaten tonight or any night for that matter.  He glanced about a bit staring up the moon. "No I  think i'm fine, some good sleep well do fine.  Care to try and find someplace to eat?" he asked curious.

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As Sole closed in on the castle, he kept an eye on the enemies around them, and for possible enemies in the trees below. The closer they got to the ruins, the more he felt like they were flying right into a trap. "If he hasn't activated his power yet, we should hurry up and take him out now." he said seriously "but first, we need to get rid of these guys. I'll land in that clearing over there, near the ruins, so we can fight them effectively."


The way he saw it, even if they were being set up, they couldn't afford not to do something. The longer they waited, the more powerful their enemy became, and the more lives were at stake. It was a risk they had to take.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Blitz Boom






"Oh, I'm so sorry Shaman!" Seamore sincerely apologized. "I couldn't see where I was throwing. Hey, Crescent, did you still want to go with me?"


When Seamore heard Last suggest that Missklang go with him, he was a bit annoyed, but it made sense. If the passageway did lead to the bedrooms, then the paranoid pony could relax there and not be startled into casting some random spell. He reluctantly said, "Fine, he can go with us. Remember what I said about imbedding the stick into your sword though, the offer still stands. We can't sell the stick separate like this, and adding a magic source to an item increases its enchantment potential exponentially. The last time I had spare branches, I had somepony use them on my axels and enchant them and now it reduces the weight of a load down to about 20%."


@@Blitz Boom


"When we go in there, just know that she can't hear or see you unless you want her to," Charlie said. It was important that Briar believe that she could not see him, because that is how dream logic works. 'What you believe to be true is always true.' At least, that's what the Everspirits who were teaching him earlier had said. "In case you want us to intervene or reveal ourselves, what kind of form would you suggest?"

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Seamore Sandwich, Cresent herd Seamore's offer "moving for me now is a bad idea honestly. last time I got blinded like this it took" he paused trying to remember his time trying out for the nightguards and growing up. "well I was told a good hour. but eyes being closed time seems longer"


Cresent sat down where he was at. still hearing the others around him but unable to see. well he would probably hurt himself more. Hearing LAst talk about misklang and Seamore made him feel on edge...but she was right. With how the night was going he'd probably make the same call. He wondered if Last had worked with his kind before hoof.


@@Blitz Boom, After all they had time to relax, turning his head towards Lasts blood beat he asked "something tells me your used to nocternals, night guard work or something else if its safe to ask?"

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@@Seamore Sandwich,






"We can look at it later. Sounds like it'd take time, and it's getting late as it is. We find some rooms, get some rest, then look at things after that. Rooms close to eachother though. It's not defensive to be spread all around this place."


Having some sort of enhancement wasn't a bad sounding idea, but as mentioned, it would likely take time. At least she thought so. It was hard to really evaluate how long casting time would be and how difficult the particular magic could end up being. She was an earth pony, and a simple one at that. magic wasn't really her forte. More than likely, she would end up being corrected about how it was easy or something soon, but it wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last.


The other thing was more her game. She had been living in a place that needed to be defended for most of her life, and she knew what was and what wasn't defensively. In this case: Cover more ground, or stay close. Since they weren't enough to begin guard shifts just in case and this place was big enough so they could end up not hering it if one group was in trouble, staying near was the only safe way to go. Not necessarily in the same room, but close enough so that if something bad happened, they'd be able to hear it and get there fast.


Hearing Crescent's qquestion she turned towards him a bit and looked at the sight-impaired bat pony. She'd have to make sure to guide him along when the rest of them moved so he wouldn't hammer into a wall when it was, but for the time being, she could answer his question at least. Not like it was harmful details she'd be sharing.


"Where I'm from, we could get attacked any time of the day, so we had to take shifts and be on guard in case something would be approaching.I was on the night shifts a good deal of the time and been through the guard duty and alarm gig more times than I bothered to count. Not been around nocturnal races before though. We were pretty isolated at the shrine and didn't interact with her majesty's court until she came back from the moon. Been only a few weeks since I met my first bat pony."





@@Seamore Sandwich,


Briar thought a little about the question. Brittle were scared of nearly everything, and especially things with fangs. It would be hard to pick anything really that would seem soothing to her.


"A simple form like a pony or lesser in size is likely the better option, though I do still hope that we do not need to intervene."


Turning around again, he this time pressed his hoof against the door and slowly opened it up to reveal the area behind it.


The thought that had run through Briar's head was that this would open up to either something very peaceful, or a memory from the circus, and he had halfway expected to open the door and hear the familiar sound of the travelling entourage once more, or hear the laughter coming from the tent where they tormented her through their little games for the audience's amusement.


Instead, it was simply a small playground - or a section thereof at least - placed inside a small clearing. From how it looked, it seemed unlikely that the small part were actually put into the forest as much as it was a wish fulfilment mixing in with some memories of places she had seen before. Likely this was something she had seen from a distance, and then placed it inside where she usually had been between escaping the circus and now. Which was the forests.


None of that really mattered to Briar, and it seemed plausible that it still wouldn't have, even if he could see. For him, the focus was more on what he could hear, which in this case were laughter and small titbits of childish things between foals young and old.


Creeping closer, the sight that would be there for Charlie to see and Briar to hear, were that of four foals of varying ages, playing on the small section of land without a care in the world and having a fun time doing so. Charlie would likely be able to tell who the one was that this dream belonged to, which was the oddly looking changeling teen currently pushing somepony else on the swings.


"It sounds like a good dream to me."


He said it whilst covering behind a tree, trying to stay out of sight by habit, even though Charlie had said it wasn't needed. He wasn't heard by Brittle, nor the three dream friends that she were played with either, and as it sounded right now, he would prefer it stayed that way.







"Then let's go find ourselves a unicorn!"


Ziggy gets some bounce in her step as she starts to move forward in a random direction. Considering she had no idea where they were, if this was inside, outside, underwater or something else, it seemed like a good idea to just go for a direction and then see how things were. Worst case scenario right now was that she found out they were i a cave or a house by walking into a wall of some kind. Or fall down a hole somewhere. There were alwaysw options if you looked for something bad to focus on really.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


At the castle, wherever Luna might be in there, a small dot would open not even a minute after Omen had gone away from the others. The dot would expand and make way for the gate that Omen used quickly thereafter, and slowly she would walk out through it, looking a little to the sides at the room she was in whilst the messages she were there to bring hung in front of her, still wrapped with her prehensile tongue.


"So this is a castle room?"


Though it was Luna she was here to see, she hadn't laid her eyes on the princess of the night yet. She had found the room by hearing a few guard speak of where the princess were whilst she was looking for where in the castle she should break through, and after that had just found the room and passed through.


Mostly her kind was directed by a pull or instinct of some sort to find the right being they were sent towards that they couldn't explain, and while that had been a good deal of how she had found her way this close inside the castle, it had been one of those situations where the pull hadn't been precise enough after all and she had to look around a little. Really, she had been lucky with the chatting guards if you thought about it.







"Sure, why not? There was a place open a little further back. Wanna go there?"


Sanctus was referring to the fast food place. it hadn't been a place she had been before since she usually had some food prepared, but it was open, and if you wanted something to eat quick at this time of night it was likely the only option. Besides, it would be good to have something to eat for the both of them. Never knew when they might need the energy.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade nods and floats alongside Ziggy, "I..am concerned..never been...in true...Siren body..for long...periods..not sure...what...happens." She begins to circle Ziggy, almost like a school of fish...or perhaps a shark. She is humming a wordless tune.


If Ziggy looks, she notices that Serenade's pupils have contracted to mere slits, and resemble those of Dragons. The tips of her dorsal fin, tail fluke and those on her forelimbs have also begun to glow faintly, illuminating the area around her.

Edited by Moonlit
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And I was just getting back from town. I look for parts there at night, and was getting back to unload stuff when I saw there was light here. Never seen anypony here, so got a little curious


'being curious is a good thing blitz' said summer 'and now i am curious why such a young pony would search for parts in the middle of the night, that could be dangerous' suddenly summer thought that it could be illegal, but why would such she do that? 'why don't you come in? if you have time at least, i really want to know what has changed while i was gone. but... if you don't have time then you can go, i'm not gonna keep you here if you don't want to be here' summer said to blitz, because she didn't want to have to talk to somepony older as summer. summer never met anypony older as her that she liked. she could get along fine with anypony younger or around the same age but even summers own father didn't love her. summer was really scared for adult ponys, except for her grandmother but she was dead. 'so... do you want to stay for a bit?' summer asked blitz for the last time and gave her the sweetest smile she had.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Blitz Boom






"As soon as I find a room good enough for it, I'm going to get some sleep," Seamore said before yawning. "Today's been a long day for me. I got a good number of trees cut down, enough that I don't have any work left for the next couple of days. Which reminds me, I'm going to have to ask Big Mac to do the trade for the red pine, I'll be too busy trying to sell these logs. He does still owe me a favor. I'll get that sorted by morning though. Anyway, Missklang, are you coming?" Seamore started heading toward the passageway.


@@Blitz Boom


Charlie changed his appearance to have the same shape as Last Stand, but without the gear and the scar, and with a color scheme much like Fluttershy's. He didn't quite understand the difference between males and females. He wasn't exactly a 'he' after all, he was a tree, and was therefore genderless. "If you keep that up, you might break my illusion. Honestly, she can't see or hear us," he said in a female voice that sounded somewhat like Rarity. Charlie was worried, that fact would only be true for as long as Briar believed it. If he didn't accept that fact, the invisibility would be broken. He/she then went over to an empty swing and started swinging back and forth.


@@Blitz Boom



Luna awoke to find the odd mare standing in her bedroom and was immediately on all fours pointing her glowing horn at the intruder. "WHO GOES THERE?! Wait... Are you... Is your name Omen? Are you here to deliver a message to my sister?" She lifts her head back up and her horn stops glowing, now realizing that she is not in any immediate danger.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Seamore Sandwich,


"Heh, my apologies. I just have a habit of hiding when I hear somepony is having a pleasant time until I can find a spot to interject. It's quite rude to interrupt somepony after all."


He took some slow steps towards where he heard Charlie were, which was near the others. If they had not said something about rhe dream spirit yet then he supposed that the former tree was correct. They were invisible to the others here.


Getting over to the swing, Briar simply sat next to it with a calm smile on his face for a while, silently listening to the foals playing near them whilst Charlie had some fun on the swings.


"It's rather soothing to hear her laugh you know.


I have known her for just a few days, and yet this is the first time I hear her actually laugh, and be without care. Usually she have too many worries and bad experiences floating in her mind, and though she tells me that she feels safer when I'm there... I can tell she's still very afraid. Of the world. of other creatures. Sometimes, even me."


His voice sounded saddened near the end, though it was a fleeting sensation considering how he could hear the joy around him.


"At least I can find some solace in knowing that she can still smile in her dreams. That she at least feel safe here in this fantasy."


A low chuckle rang from him before he turned his head towards Charlie again.


"It seems like I'm getting prone to rambling these days. I hope I don't core you."







"Ooooh, glowy."


Ziggy's second idea when seeing the light that came from Serenade was to get in close and have a look at the pretty light, which she did. Usually she went with her first ideas when it was, but it wouldn't have been good in this case, since for some reason that idea had to try and see if she could taste the light.


"Hey if you are glowing... Hehe, living flash light."


Witht hat, she started to move forward again in the direction she had taken before, though now with the vague light of Serenade to light things a little. It would likely decrease her chance of stumbling by a few percent, though perhaps she should fake it and try still if Serenade kept floating around her Just to 'accidentally* get eye to eye with her and see the dragon-like eyes a little... Okay, a Lot closer.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


"Yes, my name is Omen. How do you..."


Omen stopped herself when she finally focused on the previously sleeping alicorn mare in front of her. There was something that rang a bell about her appearance, but she couldn't place a hoof on it at first.


It seemed like ages passed in the 30 seconds or so Omen just stood there, tilting her head slowly from side to side with the messages in front of her, before Luna would finally be able to hear the whispering voice of Omen going through her head again.




It had taken a while, but eventually, a memory had emerged in her head. A time long, lon ago, when her master, Discord, had sent her with a message to Celestia. He had done so some times before that too, but this time had been different. This time, she had been with somepony. Somepony she called sister.


Master had always just called her Lulu when speaking about Celestia's sister, and her princess status was after her time, so it had not rang a bell when others had referred to her as the princess of the night, Luna, or other such things.


"I have messages, yes. But not for her. It's for you."


The tongue stretched out further, and when over a table near Luna, the grasp on the mail was released, they fell down on the surface, and Omen's tongue returned to her mouth quickly thereafter. The letters wasn't wet, as she had no saliva, though that wasn't what Omen was focused on yet either. No, her focus was solely on the princess of the night, and how she would react to the messages, as well as what was in them.


It was only somewhat because she was curious - both about the reaction as well as a few other things - as she also awaited what she was supposed to bring back now. Usually when she had to deliver messages to Celestia, she had to say something back, or the one time, take the princess back to meet with Discord. Might be that her sister would be much the same.


Though, perhaps she swore less in her replies than Celestia.





@@Summer Breeze,


"Hehe, I can stay for a bit. I got loads of time to make things later."


Granted, that was mostly because she didn't sleep much, but that wasn't that important really.


Taking a few steps inwards, she started to look around her a little more, getting a view of this room with almost a glimmer in her eyes. It was a really pretty house, although a little dusty, and she bet that if there was some light in here it'd look really good. Oooh, perhaps if she came around with a- No, that wouldn't work, bad Blitz: No bringing things on fire into a tree house.


after a bit of looking, her brain finally did a full circle away from thinking of light that didn't involve some degree of fire, and into the part that had heard the first question that Summer had asked. At which point she stopped up, looked back at Summer and started to giggle a little.


"There's nothing dangerous at night. All the ponies sleep, and the bitey things out here don't wanna play with me anymore, so it's all safe and good. plenty of time for other fun."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade blinks, but keeps 'swimming' through the air. The pattern of light that falls on the ground from her fins seems almost hypnotic. She keeps humming, and keeps seeing Ziggy steal glances toward her. Eventually she stops, and looks at Ziggy. "What...is...up...you..keep looking..at me."

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@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose@Missklang @Melke @Blitz Boom 

"We'll I've got nothing better to do. I woke up at like, 3 in the afternoon. So I'm still raring to go. I think I'll join you." She said to Seamore & Missklang. "After all, some foxy has to be there to protect you all from the forces of darkness. Might as well be preemptive about it." Priestess made her way towards the passage, before Shaman clearing his throat stopped her. She turned around to see him pointing at his throat. "Oh right. Don't worry I have a plan!" she made her way back to the basket. She lifted the lid and stuck her head in. "Hey Petey! Turns out you maybe of some use after all!" she pulled her head back out. "Anypony/anykitty here needs to know what Bae is saying, just ask Petey." She went and pulled 'Petey' from out of the basket.  She dropped him in her paw, and looked back towards last. "Hey Swordsmare, catch!"  she then chucked Petey at Last. 

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@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose @Melke @Blitz Boom@Denim&Venom




"As soon as I find a room good enough for it, I'm going to get some sleep," Seamore said before yawning. "Today's been a long day for me. I got a good number of trees cut down, enough that I don't have any work left for the next couple of days. Which reminds me, I'm going to have to ask Big Mac to do the trade for the red pine, I'll be too busy trying to sell these logs. He does still owe me a favor. I'll get that sorted by morning, though. Anyway, Missklang, are you coming?"


" I will follow you as a shadow. But how could you sleep? There are so many interesting things to do! Look at me! I didn't sleep for five days already and I feel great!"


He approached Seamore and started looking at a random patter at the wall. And at the twig that was laying around, and at anything that was nearby

Edited by Missklang
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@@Denim&Venom, @@Seamore Sandwich, @@Missklang, "man and I thought moving around was ruff" Cresent said hearing Lasts response to his question. He turned his head towards Pristess on the remark of not hearing Shaman  eye still closed


"I don't remember seeing shaman having talking issues. what's up now?" he then herd another blood beat sail by him similar to the other kits from before hoof, or paw. hearing it land next to him as Last caught the kit. He looked at the odd blood beat "um..hello"   

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@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose@Missklang @Melke @Blitz Boom 

"Wow, for a nocturne, you sure haven't been listening very much. Bae hasn't talked since we left the dream realm. It's cause he has... uh... what did he have again... hmm...," she then noticed Shaman pointing to Seamore's everwood logs. "Oh yeah, he's got allergies to Everwood, and it's uh, making his throat sore, and... giving him laryngitis. What are the odds?"


Well it wasn't a total a lie. 

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@@Blitz Boom



Luna used her magic to levitate the message to her, the other package she could clearly recognize so she just left that on the table while she reads the message. "This is quite urgent." She quickly opened up a blank scroll that was on the desk, then took a nearby quill and ink and began writing. When she was done, she used her magic to roll it back up, then she made it disappear with a poof. This was merely a note to the guards saying that she would be leaving the castle. "If you can, you must bring me to the one who sent this letter at once. We cannot waste any time."

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Blitz Boom

Gold Rush nodded as he leads along the road heading for that small late night fast food joint. "Well i mean my head still hurt a litte but it just a minor headache nothing a little pll can't cure. "At least it a clear night, the moon just so bright" He hummed as he went along down the road looking at the dormant town as they trot along.

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Dyr thought for a moment. "Okay, get to that clearing. I will have a little surprise for them." Dyr's floral shield was blocking the shots effectively and it also served as a good light beacon to lure the mindless drones into her plan. As you got near the trees, Dyr leap off your back and scattered some seeds that she produced from her roses. She still clutched onto her injured arm as she hid among the trees and letting you do the luring.


Dyr started to glow in green as she focused her power and expanded the field of influence.

@@Blitz Boom,

@@Seamore Sandwich,






Syo panted as she recovered from her freak out. Much as she hates to admit, she really could not stand the thought that she was confined to a small, dark space.


"I am not that tired out yet. So I will stay up a little longer." Syo called out as she wandered about.

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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@@Blitz Boom






Once Priestess started to blame the Everwood for Shaman's condition, Seamore knew exactly what he was. He knew just about everything there was to know about Everwood, including the fact that it disrupts Changeling magic. Also, Shaman had been able to keep up his disguise despite being so close to three huge logs of it, and that could only mean one thing, Changeling Royalty. Because their children all looked like foxes, they were most likely at least 50% fox, which meant that Priestess was most likely 100% fox. Now that Seamore realized this, he would have a few less questions for later. "Alright, let's get going then. I'm getting more tired by the minute." Seamore stepped through the opening in the wall. On the other side of the opening was a passageway that spiraled upward at enough of an angle that it could be slid down, but wasn't so steep that they would have much trouble walking up it. He stopped and waited for the others to follow.


@@Blitz Boom


Charlie adjusted his/her size to match that of one of the younger fillies. He/she was swinging on the swing right next to the pony Brittle was pushing, but facing the other direction so he/she could see their faces. "Who is the one on the swing, a friend of hers?" He/she said this really close to Brittle, knowing that she shouldn't be able to hear him/her. But if Briar forgot for even a moment that she couldn't hear him/her, she would probably have heard at least a whisper of what he said.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,






"Dang it woman, stop tossing your kits at me."


It hadn't been hard to catch the little fluffball as it had been tossed in a curve towards her, and she had placed the little sucker on her back afterwards as she needed her legs to walk right now, so she had it covered. Still though, it wasn't right to toss yer young at somepony. Not in her book at least.


"That aside, let's start moving before we have to drag Seamore along. Are you ready to go too sweetie?"


The comment was directed at Petey as she turned around and looked at him, talking to him in a bit more kid-friendly voice than she did towards the others. Later on, when everything was settled, she'd have to handle that it wasn't spread around that she was soft like this, but for now at least, she couldn't exactly hide it anymore. A few too many *moments* to ignore now... *sigh* She missed her dignity...





@@Seamore Sandwich,


"I don't know. I have only truly known her for a few days, yet - and I know this may seem harsh in a way - I fear that this is not one of her friends. At least not a current one.


She have very little trust in others, or herself for that matter, and far as she have told, she cannot remember having any friends. My best guess would be that these foals are some she have seen from afar, and if not that, that this is perhaps a subconscious memory of some she knew before her... Forceful evolution."


It was hard to call this anything less, and far harsher words could easily be taken into use to describe this transformation that, whilst not complete, had still gotten far enough along to erase her past and give her a future of uncertainty. Many had the times been that he had been places and thought that whilst savage, the beings there was at least not as foolish as those from his home. Yet this particular changeling practise... Not even the worst of the Lotus would attempt to make a mindless drone of their enemies.


It was hopefully not a general changeling thing though. The other one of their kind he had met when first coming to Ponyville had not seemed like he wanted such a thing, and he knew that Brittle was not one to want that inflicted on anypony, so he would not generalise. Yet still, it would make him somewhat weary if he ever met lone like this Queen Chrysalis, though he supposed they would see how things went.


"...Perhaps we should leave. Her dreams are pleasant, and much as I wish to listen a little more to this scenario, I think that perhaps she should have her privacy in peace now."


Suddenly, one of the foals stopped up from what she was doing and her ears perked up a little before looking their way. Briar was not aware of this, but as his focus had waned for a bit and wandered towards worries of a potential future encounter, a snippet of what words were between him and Charlie had wafted through the air, like a whisper on a wind.


The foal looked at the for a half dozen seconds before finally, she shrugged and moved back to her games, seemingly sure that she was just hearing things.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


"Okay. Follow me then."


A gate opened behind Omen like usual, and she turned to face it... Then back towards Luna, looking between the gate and the tall alicorn for a while before expanding the gate a little to take in the added height of the princess.


Once that was done, she went through, waiting on Luna on the other side as eyes started to form here and there around them, and curious stares were glanced towards the princess. Not a word was said yet towards her, but whispers in a low, incoherent language and tone was heard here and there in the ever-changing landscape, and small, childlike giggles were heard a from a few places.


"...Yes, she is special, but not like master were."


Omen could well understand and speak this unformed tongue of her kind, but her words had rung in Equestrian for so long that it was the words she used, and since she could not selectively make some ponies not hear her, Luna would be able to hear this small interaction with her shapeless family. Or well, at least Omen's side of it.







"Hehe, sorry. It's just that your eyes have gone slim like dragon eyes. Or perhaps snake? I don't really know, it just looks real pretty."


Ziggy was the kind of pony that kept her words back, and would generally answer when she could on things, but she was frankly not entirely sure that she told the whole truth about this. Sure, the eyes Were really pretty, and she did want to look at them more, but it was like there was something more to it. Like a pull of... Something.


...Oh well, she was likely just imagining thingsa. Or she was getting hypnotised by the swirling Siren perhaps? Uuuh, she hadn't been hypnotised in years. Not since the time at her dads show, and she still couldn't remember most of that day.


She did have some pictures though that her siblings had taken, and it looked like she was having fun. it was just a pity that she couldn't remember any of it, since she bet it was fun to cluck like a chicken on stage and... And...


She trailed off for a bit in her mind and got sort of a blank stare before a light went on in her head.


"Right. Unicorn. On it."







"Okay, that's good. Just... Let me know if it gets worse in any way, okay? I don't want you to be hurt."


She let him lead the way back through the quiet nightlife towards the fast food place again, keeping an eye on his walking as they went along to make her own observations on things. It was good after all to have him say that he didn't feel worse himself, but often it was good to get a medical view and opinion on things beyond just the personal one, and though she was getting more and more sure that he was fine, she wasn't 100% sure yet.


Then again, could she be a good nurse if she ever felt like anypony was healthy enough and didn't need care?

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade pulls her head back, and cocks it to one side, "Eyes?". She keeps looking at Ziggy, "Ziggy...are you...thinking clearly?" She leans back and settles down. "Unicorn...can wait...need to...figure this...out." Serenade blinks as Ziggy seems to zone out, and frowns. She looks up, and Ziggy can see her mouth the words, Luna...hope you have a solution.

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@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose@Missklang @Melke @Blitz Boom 

Petey just softly br-rr-roww-ed at last comment, before softly headbutting the back of her head and nuzzling it.  


Priestess made her way to the passage, before noticing Last was following her Seamore & Missklang. "Okay, just who's coming along and who is staying anyways?" she asked off the party. 

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Sole saw what she was doing with the seeds and her shield and thought he understood "They're attracted to light, Kind of like moths to a flame or lightbulb? I think I know how to get their attention" he said quickly, before flying high into the air, and concentrating orbs of raw magic into his talons to use as makeshift lights. "Hey, crystal clods! Bet ya can't catch me" he called to them, as he flew around, trying to get all of them to tail him.


'Whatever she's planning I hope it works' He thought in annoyance, as he narrowly dodged a laser "sheesh, I'm just trying to destroy you guys. You don't have to be so mean~" He said sarcastically


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Smoking Barrel lays sort of passed out on the floor of his tiny garage just sitting outside of the Everfree forest. Literally on the border of the place.


"Here we go again... What's on the agenda for today?" He said while getting himself up and slowly trotting to his messy workbench, many of his unfinished weapon projects. His finished ones are kept hidden away.


"Let's see... Piano practice for a few hours..." He paused and hicked a little and not to mention... vomited a little in his mouth.


"Errghh... its getting worse every time. Okay, what else is here... Oh!" He then paused and took a sigh. "More of nothing... great.


Barrel then put his head down and sadly trotted to his piano where he began to play his tunes. Such blissfulness and lovely notes were being played. Barrel then closed his eyes and kept playing. 

Edited by Damonater
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