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Blitz Boom

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@@Summer Breeze,

@@Blitz Boom,




Frosty waved back at Blitz awkwardly, not really knowing what to think of her. After all, she seemed to be the cause of all the burnt trees and plants around here, and anything that is capable of making a crater definitely wasn't on his list of favorite things.

Also, she seemed...a bit...insane? Slightly insane? Just quirky? Frosty didn't really know what was up with her. At least she didn't seem the aggressive type.


Then he saw another new pony a rather shy one, it seemed. She was introduced. "Er...Hi there...?" Frosty said a bit uncertainly. He was getting a bit confused by all the new weird stuff going on, but it was good weird stuff, so he just went along with it.


He didn't quite trust Sapphire. The words "I promise not to be any trouble." combined with an innocent smile automatically rang Frosty's alarm bells, because anypony who would say those words knows that they can cause trouble. Also, ponies with innocent smiles usually aren't innocent. Then again, his paranoia was probably incorrect, as usual.


Frosty nodded, and said: "Sapphire wants to come along? Er...Sure, I guess?"


He walked over to Blitz.

"So...What were you guys doing, exactly? The only thing I've picked up so far, is that you're going to a crater, or something...? Oh, and did you just say a colour-bomb?! Aren't you a little young to blow stuff up?"


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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"You really wouldn't mind it?" she said in a hopeful tone. 


These were the first pony's to have a conversation with her since she left her home in the Crystal Mountains. She had to admit she was a bit.. excited.. to have some friends. Or at least, friends-to-be. Midnight seemed to be a bit uneasy with her.. Which wasn't uncommon, given she was never a social pony. She didn't have experience with properly conversing with others and they tended not to think too kindly of her for that reason. They got the drift she was standoffish, when that wasn't the case at all. She just didn't know how to handle other ponys. 


Sapphire moved to stand closer to Blitz, who seemed to accept her without hesitation.


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@, @, @@Damonater, @@Blitz Boom,

'of course you can join us' summer said smiling to sapphire 'but we are not really doing anything right now' and she walked around blitz' place. it was really colorful, there where some craters, which seemd to concern frosty but if blitz said she was good with bombs then summer trusted her. like summer trusted everypony, always. 'you really don't know what you did that made this huge crater?' summer asked blitz, if she knew what happened then she could watch out and not do it again. and it still really concerned summer that blitz didn't have memories older then three months.

now summer had seen everything she wanted to go do something else, but the others still seemed to enjoy themselves, so she started walking around, looking at blitz' stuff and poking it if she didn't know what it was. which was probably not a really good idea since lots of things where explosive, but sometimes summer was just like a little filly.

Edited by Summer Breeze


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze,



"Hehe, you sound like Mayor Mare, the school teachers and the orphanage mare. They didn't think I was old enough either, but what's the fun in not blowing things up when it's my super special talent? It's not like I throw it At anypony, that'd be crazy.


Besides, i don't Just make things go boom. I make all sorts of weird stuff, and I try to make wings too so I can fly!"


Blitz raised herself a little on her back legs and pretended her front legs were wings for a few seconds before she got back down again, turning over to Summer who had gone over and looked at her crater through the bush. Or well, she was prett sure anyway since Summer had asked the question, but still, it wasn't like Blitz had looked at her right there, so perhaps she just guessed on things?


"No idea. I just remember a huge boom, a big headache, and tiny pieces of weird things around me. Oh, and the weird patches of boompowder that doesn't seem to wanna leave my coat, but I'm not sure if that wasn't there before."


It was some kind of gunpowder or something related to that, she was sure about that, but what it actually were that gave her the vaguely smelling patches on her coat that had gotten so ingrained that it actually grew with any new fur was still way beyond her. She bet it wasn't That bad though, since she wasn't more flammable because of that, but you never knew with unknown things. That's what made it so fun to figure out.


"Never could figure out what the metal things were for, and then the odd pony came around and built a furnace with me from some of it, then we started melting a few things, and before you knew it, Bam! Strange metal was gone, funny pony was gone too, and I had a workshop! Much more fun than heaps of metal too."


While the questions wasn't answered in a normal fashion per se, Summer should hopefully get the basics of it that whatever had made this crater, Blitz had no idea about, and since she was wearing a harness with wings it seemed like she wanted to make something so she could fly rather than a rocket or whatever it had been anyway, so things were safer from that angle at least.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


"Ah, Seamore, what a pleasant surprise to met you here."


Briar bowed to the lumberjack before focussing his face towards his guide in this world, though he wasn't sure what exactly it was in the form of. There was no wind in these halls, and with only sound to go by, it wasn't suited for trying to get a good idea of what you were dealing with. Frankly, if Seamore had not spoken, there was a good chance that he wouldn't even had known it was him either, but his voicer was rather distinct.


"And who may your friend here be?"






@@Seamore Sandwich,






"How's your eyes coming along Crescent?"


Last had really wanted to ask more about Petey, as the doctor was now having a look at him and she was frankly worried about the little one, but there was nothing she could do there, and she had to stay near her majesty just in case now, not wander off on a whim. Since Crescent was near too, it seemed fitting to speak with him, especially since frankly, they'd stand better if he could see in case something went down.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"How's your eyes coming along Crescent?"
Cresent looked, well kinda looked but with his eyes still closed at last "Slowly getting better, I kind of used them as things were getting heated up before slowing the process. Like I could see shadows but that's praticly stage 1 of recovery for them. I'll keep you updated" he turned his head towards the litter of kits

"any word on jr translator his blood is running like a race horse if im hearing it right"

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@Blitz Boom

@Summer Breeze


The timber wolf and Damon both looked at each other for a few seconds. Before Damon could even lay a hand on the timber wolf, it smacked him all the way forward just going over the top of the group. Damon smacked his head really hard on the tree.


The timber wolf then ran away as it saw an easier target to take down. It decided not to go for the group...


Damon's vision blurred up and then started to fade away, along with the pain.


"Ahow.." He softly grunted as Damon became unconious.

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@@Blitz Boom






"Well, you're in a stable enough condition, the Everwood is definitely helping, so I'll help little Petey here first. It sounds like it was a telepathic overload. It only happens when a Queen's connection is disrupted mid-communication, it's very rare. What happens is, since the Queen is the center of the telepathic network, when their telepathic ability is disrupted during transmission, the telepathic network attempts to reconnect but can momentarily mistake the one receiving the message for the Queen. Basically, the hive mind tried to reconnect through Petey, which overloaded the part of his brain that allows for telepathic communication. Luckily I've been trained for this specific scenario,," the doctor said. Then he turned to face Shaman/Queen Allure. "If you'll allow me to connect to your hive, I should be able to repair the connection quite quickly. Before you agree though, I must inform you that it can heal on its own, but it can take weeks."


Luna, now realizing this would take longer than expected, decided it was best that she proceeded with what she had to do. "We should continue on our way," she said to Serenade, Ziggy, and Omen. Then to Doctor Xeno she said, "I will return later to bring you back, just stay with them for the time being and I will be able to find you." After that, she went over to the safe room, took a square jar off the shelf, pushed a broken crate aside, and put the square jar into a square hole that was hidden underneath the crate, turning it clockwise. There was a click and the passageway to the portal room opened back up.


@@Blitz Boom


"This is Lily, she's another Everspirit. She was bringing me to see Big Mac so I could ask him to deliver the order of Everfree Red Pine for me. He owes me a favor anyway because of that one time he hadn't finished Apple Bucking before Applejack was on her way home from her trip. We had to clear the whole East field in just one night! I was planning on finding you at some point to plan a time to meet tomorrow morning to plant the seeds anyway. So, how does 10AM sound, we'll meet at the front door of the castle?"

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"So,this is really all your guy's fault." She looked over to the drones. They all looked to feel bad about this. It was obvious they didn't know. Unfortunately for the doctor, The Queen was still passed out, several drones still over her, and obviously unable to respond. "She was also trying to maintain a disguise, despite direct contact with an everfree spirit. Maintaining a disguise and hive communication was straining her enough. Enduring a point blank blast like that probably sent her over the edge too." She looked over to the fallen queen, worry in her eyes. 

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@@Blitz Boom






"As her medical proxy, as I would at least assume you are, this decision is yours to make on her behalf. Would you allow me to connect to the hive in order to repair the damage?" Miles asked Priestess. It would make sense that Priestess would be her medical proxy, it was always best to choose someone you trust to be the one to make your medical decisions for you when you're not capable of making the decisions yourself.

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@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose@Missklang @Melke @Blitz Boom@Moonlit 

"Well first, I need to know a few things before you poke around in my kids head. For starters, where's your license? What's you medical specialty? What university did you go to? Which hive do you belong to and who's the queen? How many years have you been practicing medicine? How the fuzz did you get on Moonbutt's payroll?  Who's greater: Lemmy or God? How the fuzz does a changeling even become a licensed physician? How the hay are you an expert on Everwood? How in the blue hay are you an expert on Kitsune biology? What places even offer prescriptions for changelings? How many hive repairs have you done?" Then she stopped. "I'm not done I'm just thinking of more questions."

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@@Blitz Boom






"My medical license is posted on the wall back at my office. My specialty is neurology with a focus on magical influences, though I have been cross trained in many fields. After studying medicine under the guidance of the physicians in my hive, I went to the University of Canterlot. I'm originally from the Cydonia hive in the southeast. The Queen there is named Queen Ticania. I've been practicing medicine for the past eight years. Due to my skills as a physician, I was highly recommended to Celestia to be her personal physician, and when Luna returned, I became her physician, too. Enter Sandman is one of my favorite songs. I've been a physician since before 'Chrysalis's Folley.' My expertise in Everwood comes from my hive's understanding of it, as well as studies I've done recently on the healing power of positively charged Everwood. Being in service of royalty means that I have to learn the biology of many different species so I can properly treat any foreign ambassadors, including Kitsune, which sometimes means traveling to new lands and learning it directly. Changelings can get prescriptions at any place a pony could. As for hive repairs, we took extensive testing back in Cydonia, the final exam being a case where they intentionally induced a telepathic overload in order for us to repair it. I think that's all of your questions, did I miss anything?"

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Seamore Sandwich,








Hearing that Crescent's sight was in slow recovery was a good thing, as they could use him with his senses intact, though she was wasn't really that focused on the question he gave back. Not as in she didn't hear it, she did, but she wasn't able to answer that sort of thing in any shape or form, so she just waited with that until somepony with more intel on this sort of thing could shed some light on it.


That somepony turned out to be the Changeling doctor, starting to go on about pressure, hive communication, overlod and things like that. It was above Last's knowledge on Changelings to grasp all of it, but she got the gist of it, and if Crescent did too then he would basically hear that Petey was gonna be if the doctor could do her work. Or perhaps more than that really, as he might understand more of the technical terms than she did as the talking went on between the doctor and Petey.


Frankly her focus was more on Princess Luna that was starting to leave at this point, and she took a step forward toward the princess, automatically wanting to follow like a good little soldier since she hadn't technically been told Not to come along.


That is, until a gate opened up in front of her and stopped her in her tracks as she starred into the greys and the blacks of the shadowy realm Omen called her home.




Omen closed the gate she had set up between the swordsmare and the princess while she slowly wandered over to her, away from Syo for now and the question she had asked. Perhaps later, when Luna would not need her to come along more, she could come back and ask again, but right now it seemed as if they should move on. The choice of the princess, but what had she to say in protest of it?


Technically, a good deal would be the answer. She was bound to serve her master, but in the long time since last she saw him, she had grown slightly independent on some stages, and choosing where her interests and her path would take her were a small result of that. As such, she could say no instead of do what was told and stay here to ask more things, and try to understand what was being talked about by the strange bug-ponies if she wanted to diverge from what path Luna was threading.


Yet still, she was a creature of habit and a want to serve. Even if her true master wasn't here, Luna had power and a high standing, which made her almost instinctively follow the princess, though she could feel a small something in her being. A vague longing to stay and feed her curious mind. However, it was not stronger than the gut reaction she had to follow, and especially not when she were still curious about what was happening with Serenade and Ziggy as well. Perhaps what would happen there would feed her curiosity a little, and she could always find these later if it were anyway.


She knew the feel of everypony in this room by now, and they couldn't escape her if she had a reason to look for them. Though, that was thoughts for another time. Right now, she had a princess to follow that had said for the three of them to move along with her and not anypony else until she heard otherwise, which was why she had stopped the swordsmare for moving forward. Just like she would for anypony else that tried to get near. Or to Serenade, if she tried to wander off.


Last just stood with a silent look towards Omen as the gate was closed, getting the feeling that if she tried to get close again, another gate would just follow afterwards until she was discouraged from following her highness. An effective shield when you thought about it, but not one she thought deserved to be up for her.


"...I'll go check if Seamore is safe, or if he fell down somewhere."


So instead she turned around and started to wander off, out of the room and towards where Seamore were. She didn't intend to go there to wake him up, but since there wasn't anything left for her to do in the other room than waiting for a diagnostics she could understand from the back and forth between the two Changelings, or stand guard over Crescent - who frankly had shown that sight or not, he was still dangerous if he had to be - she might as well take her own orders into consideration and make sure nopony were alone.


Heck, perhaps if it sounded calm when she found him, she might find a place in the corner of the same room and rest her eyes a little. Couldn't hurt with just sitting down for a spell considering how knackered she felt.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


"A pleasure to meet you Lily."


Briar bowed before the silent guide leading Seamore with a grin that would hopefully not make Lily think that he was contemplating making her into dinner. There hadn't been much of that reaction since he came to Ponyville, but still, experience tended to speak volumes, and in these situations it sometimes started to talk to him about things that could be passed off as paranoia


"I'm afraid I'm not good with exact times as I cannot follow a watch and more rely on general times of day, such as morning, around midday and evening, but I can assure you that when I wake up I will begin to make my way towards the castle. I should potentially be there some time before what you asked, but in that case, I will just have a stroll around the place. Never been in a castle before after all, so might have a noticeable ambience that would be interesting to experience.


If you wouldn't mind me asking though, you mentioned someone called Big Mac of the Apple family? Could you perhaps give me a general description of him, as in size, tone of voice or something like that? I am thinking about helping the local Apple family during my extended stay around Ponyville, and it would be helpful to know a little about yet another member of the local branch beyond Applejack."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Sapphire was startled by the commotion involving the timber wolf. Her horn was glowing lightly, on full alert, ready to defend herself if need be. 


She glanced over at what flew into the tree, cocking her head slightly confused.


"Uhm.. Are you okay..?" she questioned. 


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@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose@Missklang @Melke @Blitz Boom@Moonlit 

"Does any of that check out?" She asked of her lings. They all looked at each other, speaking though their own hive links. "Mostly." "Meh, good enough. Do what you need to. Just remember that you're assisting a Queen and her nymph. Buck this up and I'll be spin kicking your carcass to Hazil." She noticed that Last was walking out. "Perfect timing." She tunred to Petey. "Petey. Mommy needs you to drop your coat, so the doctor-ling can help you." She could see Petey squint up at her. Priestess nuzzled him. A brief flicker of light came from the box. Priestess pulled her head out, and held loosely in her jaws was a changeling nymph, w/ a thin, white tipped orange tail.  

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@@Blitz Boom,

@@Summer Breeze,



Seeing a weird creature flying over him and crash into a tree really startled Frosty.

"...Wh-what is that thing?!" he exclaimed horrified, never having seen a human before.

He saw the weird creature thing fall unconscious, but kept his distance, as the weird being might be faking unconsciousness to lure him in.

"Maybe somepony should poke it, to see if it's unconscious," he said uncertainly, "but to be 100% clear, that somepony isn't me."


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@@Blitz Boom





Speaking to the Changelings, Miles requested, "If you would all stand in a circle and touch your horns to mine, then focus your telepathic magic toward me." Typically the Queen would be the one to connect a new Changeling to the hive, but seeing as she was unconscious, that wasn't exactly an option.


@@Blitz Boom


"That's fine, I'll meet you then. Now as far as Big Mac goes, his name definitely fits. He's slightly bigger than me, and he speaks with a low tone. He is a member of the Ponytones, a local singing group," Seamore explained. "Anyway, I've gotta arrange some sales for two more Everwood logs, if you're good at haggling, you're welcome to come along. If not, then it would probably be best that you stay behind. What do you say, are you good at working a deal?"


@@Blitz Boom



Luna started heading down the passageway, toward the portal room, lighting the way with her horn.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,





Upon seeing that Seamore was sleeping in a fairly quiet room, Last decided to sit down in a corner overlooking both Seamore and the entrance, aiming to just rest her eyes for a bit and give herself some time to think. It took about three minutes before she instead started to let out a low snooze and drifted off, more drained than she wanted to admit and off for a night of dreamless sleep unless something would stir around in the room.


Tired or not, she wasn't that heavy of a sleeper, and there was a limit to how much could be ignored before she'd snap back to reality. Like if somepony started to discuss in here, or got within a few hooves of her personal space.






@@Seamore Sandwich,


Omen followed without a word more said, though he did cast a small glance towards the Changelings once more, curious as to what they were exactly, and why they hid. Likely had something to do with the hostility before, but she wasn't sure, and as she saw the little kit change over into more or less another of the insectoid beings - albeit with a special tail - it seemed like she couldn't find out on her own. A complex race from the looks of things.


As they went onwards out of the room and down the passageway, She kept her eyes forward, not thinking much on what to do or what was ahead. Much like Ziggy, still following in Serenade's trail, but less in a dazed state and more just having nothing to say or do beyond following right now.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


"I'm afraid I am not worth much in a negotiation of that kind. Though I try to embrace a good deal of Ponykin customs and relate in some way to certain quirks, I have never found myself able to win against a haggler. Usually I find it simpler to just pay what is asked and then move on, or ask for something simple for a job done if it is. Though, I will wish you the best of luck with your endeavour, as well as sending a small prayer of pity towards the poor soul that will have to face you in this particular battle of wills."


To say he wasn't good at it was a bit of an understatement really. He was so bad at it that not only did he usually loose to children and pets the few times that he had tried, he usually performed poorly enough to make a worse standing for himself when the interaction was over.


At this point he would rather just, as mentioned, just give a favourable deal, or accept the terms the other being set up. It was simpler, the general way things worked in the places he had been, and there was a lesser chance he was going to be embarrassed by a four year old with a parrot again. It had really not been one of his proudest moments.









@@Summer Breeze,


"Uuuuh. What's this?"


Blitz hadn't hesitated to go over to the odd creature once it stood still with big eyes, looking at the bearded creature that sorta looked like a somewhat bald monkey with clothes on.


He was pretty tall, didn't wear anything that made it look lik Rarity had anything to do with it at least, and though it was a very weird sight, he didn't seem that dangerous. Well, not until she saw something on his back that she recognised.


"Hey, isn't that the... Pipe-thing that Barrel had? Think this is him? Oooh, perhaps he's a Changeling and wanted to scare us! Hehehe, funny move."


Leaning a bit against the side of the Human, Blitz wrapped her front hooves around his head and hugged the unconscious man. It felt kinda weird, like a mixture between a rubber duck and a sponge with moss growing on it, but it was okay. Not like he was a porcupine after all.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose@Missklang @Melke @Blitz Boom@Moonlit 

All the changeling guards look over to Priestess. She in turn looked to each of them. "Do as he says." After she said that, all twelve changelings flew over to do as the doctor asked. It was gonna be a little difficult to follow, getting twelve changelings to stand in a circle and touch all their horns to one ling. 

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@@Blitz Boom





As soon as the other changelings flew into place, Miles transformed his horn in a flash of orange flame to be as long as, if not longer than that of Princess Celestia. If the others did the same, they would have no trouble following his directions. "When we make contact, you must all accept me into your hivemind. The first step will be to assess the damage to your Queen, repairing any damage if necessary. Once I have awoken her, I will be able to repair Petey's connection without risking having the hivemind attempt to reconnect through him again." Then, speaking to Priestess again he says, "Please, don't blame them for that though. It's not their fault, the attempted reconnection is a biological response, not a cognitive one. Also, if I might ask, what is her name? And for that matter, what is yours?"


@@Blitz Boom


"Okay. I'll be on my way then. I hope the rest of your dreams are pleasant," Seamore said before taking a few steps away, then opening the door that lead to the Grove of the Everspirits. A great comforting warmth came from the open door, a feeling like being with family for the holidays. On the other side were many trees each with their own Everspirit, sizing varying from Parasprites to Bugbears, and each with their own form. There were other ponies there as well, some talking to the Everspirits, some talking to each other, and some meditating under the trees. The whole place was rather peaceful. "See you later," Charlie said before Seamore could get through the door. "Bye, Charlie. See you in the morning Briar." Seamore and Lily walked through the door and it closed behind them.


"So, your dream is right here if you wish to return to it," Charlie said before opening the door to Briar's dream, revealing the same place Charlie first took him from.


@@Blitz Boom



Luna stepped out into the portal room, saying to the others, "We will not be needing the whole log for the necklace, but I do have other uses for it," before using her magic on one of the logs to remove a good sized chunk from the side of it. She then teleported the rest of the log home to use later. Now carrying a chunk of slightly glowing sea green wood with her using telekinesis, she says, "Now we must go to the library," taking a couple steps toward the room's regular door.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
  • Brohoof 1
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@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose@Missklang @Melke @Blitz Boom@Moonlit 

"I know, I know they never meant it." She commented on the fault of her drones. "Oh me? Well my full title is Ōrumaiti senshi no miko, zentai imaimashī uchū no mu kyōsō shihai-sha. But you can just call me Priestess. As for her." She looked over to her sleeping mate. "You may address her as Queen Allure, of the soon to be Everfree Hive."


Somewhere in the land of dreams


"The buck is this? The buck is that? The buck are those? "

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@@Blitz Boom





"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Priestess," Miles said before pointing his now alicorn styled horn to the center of the circle of changelings, waiting for them to do the same.



@@Blitz Boom


"Wait, another has fallen asleep, I can sense it. But this makes no sense, it's Shaman! He wasn't there when I exploded, so why would he have a connection to me?" Charlie wondered aloud. He was really confused, unaware that Shaman/Queen Allure had been blasted with magic from a piece of him. Another door appeared in the dream hall, representing Queen Allure.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@Blitz Boom,

@Midnight Frost,



summer looked over the shoulder of blitz and frosty. it was a strange thing, but it looked to fragile to be dangerous. 'maybe it's dead?' summer said when the thing didn't move when blitz hugged it. 'or maybe some sort of strange flower, there are some strange things in the ever free forest' she said, but it didn't really look like a flower. at least it didn't smell like it. 'should we maybe bring it to the open place, in case it's not a flower or dead, this can't be comfortable' she said, and tried to figure out how to grab this thing without hurting it, she poked it a few times and walked around it with her hoof. the thing felt a bit squishy, and totally not fluffy. then she remembered that the only things she had ever seen without fur where fish 'hey guys, since he doesn't have fur, maybe he's a fish and is he drowning now! we should throw it in the water, or throw water over it!' and she quickly looked around to see if there was any water nearby.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Blitz Boom,

@@Summer Breeze,




Frosty  approved of the fact that ponies other than him were doing the poking, and observed the mysterious being.

"I don't think it's a flower, because I don't see any flowery stuff..." he said, staring at the (maybe) plant, "maybe it's a...tree? With really supple bark? I don't know."


Frosty panicked when he heard that the strange being might be a fish, and looked around frantically for any puddles nearby. "He's a fish?! GET TO THE WATER!"

He found a small pool of water, and levitated it onto the mysterious changeling/corpse/plant/fish.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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