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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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"Thank you, your highness," Miles said, playing into the dream a little but also keeping in mind that Petey was in fact a Prince. "You simply experienced a minor telepathic overload and you temporarily can't connect to your hive. It's a simple fix really, and it doesn't hurt, you can ask your other mother here, I just did the same for her," he replied to the child, whose vocabulary definitely improved from when he was awake. Maybe he was cuteing up? It's typical of young changelings do do things like stumble around or mess up their grammar in order to get a little extra affection. "By the way, I'm not a 'medically trained professional,' I just helped get him here." Charlie didn't like the idea of allowing Petey to believe something that wasn't true, not that he had any concept of what lying was, he just didn't like the idea of being wrong and didn't think Petey would either.

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"I woudl prefer it if these headaches would cease to be a bother. Proceed then, and alleviate us." Petey said as he grabbed a bottle of a red substance, and proceeded to pour it onto Last. With one paw, he proceeded to lift her up and shake her up and down rather vigorously. He did this for about 30 seconds, before setting her back down. Her coat and mane were now more pink in color. He went back to slurping out of the bendy straw that came out of her head. 

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"Okay, just stay still, this will all be over shortly," Miles said calmly. He began to do the same thing that he had done earlier, extending his telepathic field to Petey, from whom a weak strand of energy appeared connecting him to his 'other mother.' Slowly, strands of energy stretched outward from Petey as Miles repaired the damage. One small strand extended to Charlie, but it was a fairly weaker strand than the others.

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Petey looked on with wide eyed rapt attention at the glowing display before him, while still steadily drinking his fill from Last's skull. He could sense the progress being made, the pain he was feeling slowly beginning to melt away, as the familiar presence of his mother began to emerge within the strengthening hive mind. 

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The strands of energy continued to stretch slowly, getting stronger as they did until, "And we're done." After he said that, the energy strands disappeared, his work here was done. "You two should get some rest, I'll check back on you I the morning. I've got to go back to my dream and wake up so I can treat Priestess. I can find my own way back to my dream, so Charlie, you can stay here with them. Although, Queen Allure, if you would like to stay asleep, I would recommend stepping out into the hall for a few moments after I go back. It will be harder to wake you while you're there and we will need to move you to a bed." Charlie chimed in, "If you have any questions, feel free to ask me."

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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"Wait. Treat? What's wrong with mom?" Petey took a brake from drinking the flavored contents of Last's cranium to ask of those in his throne room. "And what do you mean rest? Are I not in a dream? Does that not automatically qualify?" 

Edited by Denim&Venom

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"Yeah, I have been keeping track of him. He is held up somewhere and it seems he is trying to do something." Dyr said as she continued to walk.


Dyr continued on without saying much and then sees the first wall of the ruins coming up.


"So what's the history of this ruins? Might give me a hint on why he might want to stay there." 

@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Blitz Boom,


Upon seeing the trees and acquiring the seeds, Syo was reminded of something.


"Oh, yeah... Seamore, what do you want me to do with the spider?" Syo asked as she landed and started to help with the seed harvest. "I mean I don't mind storing it in my personal space but I am wondering if you want the corpse for something?"


After teleporting to place the seeds into the sack, Syo tapped the doorway with her key staff and Seamore can see the spider corpse in Syo's own dimension. 

Edited by Melke

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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@@Blitz Boom



"The others wanted to get more from it, so I don't know. We can just ask them later," Seamord said, continuing to remove another seed and put it in the bag. The trees didn't have as many seeds as a normal tree would. After collecting eight seeds, they would be done. Seamore climbed up into the cart to begin working on the next tree.




"What I mean is that there is no need to wake up right now," Miles clarified calmly. "Your mother will be fine, I just need to do something about the stick is all."

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@@Summer Breeze,

@@Blitz Boom,  

@@Frosty Frost,




but you can always ask me if you need to cool down a bit."


"Er yeah... Sure..." Damon replied with an unsure tone in his voice. Seems like that pony could freeze any object, at least that was the vibe Damon was getting from him. Probably thats why they call him 'Frosty'


Damon came to a hault as Summer yelled watch out. He raised an eyebrow and got confused as to why they stopped. A bug? or a wolf...? But no, it was the trees. She was about to blindly walk into one.




and this is what you shouldn't do when you walk in the ever free forest. i thought i would just demonstrate it so damon would know it'


"Ermm, okay sure. I'll look out for them now..." Damon said with a slightly concerning tone. It kind of made him wonder how someone couldn't see the tree in front of them when they are in a forest. But Damon really didn't think much of it though. Maybe her mind trailed off somewhere and wasn't focusing.


"So you guys meet Barrel right? All for like 10 minutes or something? What was he like? What did he do?" Damon asked the group as he kept walking along side the two ponies.

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@@Summer Breeze,

@@Blitz Boom,  




summer roled her eyes when frosty made that last pun and said to him: 'i think you are really punny' and winked.

Frosty grinned and winked back. "That's very nice of you."

"Oh yeah, and I keep making these ice puns, because I freeze stuff, if you were wondering," he added after a few seconds.


He watched her almost run into a pair of trees, and gasped in surprise. "Woah, watc- Oh, you're alright. Nevermind."

Frosty felt a bit awkward because he said that far too late, because his mind had been wandering as well.



'and this is what you shouldn't do when you walk in the ever free forest. i thought i would just demonstrate it so damon would know it'

Frosty grinned and said "You got that, Damon? Don't let your mind wander in the forest, or you'll be eaten by the trees." with a wink.




"So you guys meet Barrel right? All for like 10 minutes or something? What was he like? What did he do?"

"Weellll..." Frosty said hesitantly, "I literally saw him for about 20 seconds before he was abducted, or what ever happened back then. He seemed nice, even though I don't really know 'em."

Edited by Frosty Frost


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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Meditation... Sounded odd, but perhaps she could find meaning in it later.


"I want to learn things. This too, sometime."


The disk of *earth* they rode on came to a halt and a gate opened in the thin air. Out of it, they could see the look o the main road in Ponyville, along with a half dozen or so jumpy ponies who had not expected this thing to just suddenly show like that out of nowhere. Or perhaps they thought it was an attack. Considering Ponyville's history, it wasn't an unreasonable guess if it were really.


"Follow fast. I will close it after."


She wandered slowly and calmly out of her home realm, a guide as ever, though stopped when she was halfway out and spoke a few, unsure words through the whispering voice connected to Senlin's head.


"You will be safe... Friend."


With that, she walked through and waited ont he other side for him to step through, which hopefully he would soon, as the disk he stood on wouldn't last for more than about 10 seconds without Omen in there to control it.





@@Frosty Frost,

@@Summer Breeze,



Back in Ponyville, Blitz had nearly reached the front of the line. It was a quick expedition today it seemed, so she should be done in a few minutes and then be on her way back to Damon, Summer and Frosty. Though she might have to slow some down on the way back just to make sure that she wouldn't squish the food. She might not mind that much, but Damon  had perhaps higher standards than mush.





@@Seamore Sandwich,



Ah, such a peaceful task to start the day off with.


Slowly getting to the seeds and clearing them from the wood were not the usual way he found seeds in plants, but nevertheless he had approached it carefully and going as exact as he could from what he had heard and felt Seamore do. His own speed was slower than both Syo and Seamore because of that lack of a complete visual, but he did his part in the task at hoof, and he had to admit that it was a rather soothing way to start this thing off with.


But alas, few things could remain well. As Syo had mentioned the spider he had at first not thought much about it, thinking that perhaps it was part of the venom or something that she refereed to. Or, when the mention of its corpse came around, that it was a good deal away, as it would surely not be an easy task for any creature to just lug that thing around.


He had not been there when the remains were put into another dimension for safekeeping, and as such he unfortunately couldn't shield the so far silent Brittle from seeing not only another example of Syo's magic, but also the giant spider. It might be dead, but frankly it did nothing to change the size, and it overall actually made the sizeable creature look more terrifying at first glance.


All Briar managed to hear was a shriek and the scuttling sound of  backing away from the sight at great speed before turning around and becoming running, though for what reason he didn't know. He wouldn't be able to notice either what the others might have seen if they focused some on her, which was the fire engulfing her in first green, then black in rapid succession over and over like at the click of a button whilst she tried to escape what she had seen.


The changes the flames did were random at all the time, ranging from a change in size and colour to species, mixtures that wasn't meant to work, and once a spatula seemed to have replaced one of her legs, though she would have taken off too fast to really get much of a view of anything.


"What in- Brittle! Oh dear..."


Briar turned to Seamore that was taking the last seed out of the wood he was working on with a confused and worried look going over his face.


"I'll meet you outside, I just have to find her and... I don't know. Find out what happened I guess."


With that heturned around and followed to sound of Brittle he could faintly hear going down a random hall to further into the castle.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


Senlin quickly jumped to the other side and while reassuring were Omen's words, he still had to move fast. He looked around and the town that he expected to be bustling with the routines of everyday life came to a halt. Ponyville fell silent just like the other towns he visited before.

"Of course," Senlin sighed, a hint of defeat and affirmation in his voice. He turned to Omen and continued: "it's bad enough that I look like a monster but to come out of that place and into view of the townsponies, now everyone thinks they might be under attack."

At this point, the oddities that were Omen and Senlin were alone and somehow, Senlin began thinking about some neighbourhood watchpony would come and take them to a jailhouse for questioning. It was much better than having everyone avoid him like the last few times he stopped in a town.

Still, there was no reason to give up just yet. The two of them were here to find someone; it might as well be Discord first. Senlin approached a nearby flower shop and knocked on the door. 

"Um... Hello? Look, I know you think I'm a monster but you don't need to be afraid. I'm just asking if Discord lives around here. You don't need to come out, just tell me where he lives and I'll be on my way." 

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"Stick? Stick..." Petey muttered to himself through the straw. "It's the Everwood stick Luna blasted. Y'know, the one your siblings used as a see saw?" "Oh of course. Haha. That was funny." "I don't think your mother or Syo quite agree." "Who?" "The cat." "Oh yes, her." 


"Well, as nice as it's been to visit and catch a glimpse of your... subconscious, as the good doctor said, I need to rest." "Wan't to take some with you on the way out?" He held up Last. "Oh no that's alright, but thanks anyways though. See you on the other side." "Kay. Farewell then." He went back to slurping. 


Allure exited the dream and reentered the hallway. "So before I go back to my dream, how do you exactly pan on treating Priestess here? Not exactly sure this castle still has an operable medical wing, nor does it appear that you brought any equipment with you."

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@@Blitz Boom



"Be careful! Watch out for trap doors!" Seamore yelled after them. Then he turned to face Syo, his face had an expression that said 'really?' One of his eyebrows was raised slightly. "You know, you really need to be a bit more careful with the timid ones, or stuff like this will happen."




"Bye, Petey!" Charlie said as he left Petey's dream with the others. Miles waited for Charlie to step out into the hall and close the door before responding. "Well I can't bring my equipment into a dream, but I don't tend to use much equipment anyway. Back in my original hive, I was found to have a higher aptitude for magic than the average changeling, so I was trained in medical magics. I liked the field so much I expanded my education to non magical treatments to cover my bases so I could become the professional physician I am today. I intend on using the stick's magic to heal the wound shut. I've been studying Everwood magic for some time and I believe it to be the best option in this case. Actually, I would say she's quite fortunate that it's Everwood as anything else might cause an infection or could even rupture something causing her to bleed out."

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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"Oh trust me. She's survived crazier maimings than that. She is stubbornly resilient almost to a fault.  Even if you just ripped the stick right out, she'd probably be out of commission for only a week or two. But the faster she's back on her paws, the better. I don't think she could stay sane having to sit still and recover for that long." She approached the doorway to her dream. "Anyways, I'll let you do your thing. And if she back talks at all, tell her 'Bae' said that she won't be getting any if she keeps it up. That'll keep her cooperative." She stepped into the threshold. "Goodnight."

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Even though he approached the ruins confidently, Sole made sure to keep an eye out for any signs of an ambush. The last thing they needed was to get caught.


"Other then being the previous home of some powerful magical artifacts, they're just some dusty old ruins abandoned by the local royalty. As far as I know, at least." He said with a shrug. "Maybe he's feeding off of residual magical energy?" He suggested hesitantly


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"I'll keep that in mind. Tomorrow morning I'll be checking in on you to see how your recovery went, but for now, good night," the doctor said before walking back to his door, which was orange with an image of a changeling horn with its magic aura on it. He walked through the door and it closed behind him then faded away. "Okay, Shaman, am I going with you or what? You still want me to teach you how to lock your dreams, right?" Charlie asked, looking forward to getting a chance to help one of his new friends.


Meanwhile, Miles awoke, merely seven minutes after having passed out. "They're both taken care of now. I'm not sure if you noticed, but Petey fell asleep, too. The connection to both of them was strong enough that I didn't have to wake them to reconnect them to the hive. It's best that they stay asleep right now to give their minds time to finish recovering. We should move them to a bed quickly, while she's in non-REM sleep. It will be harder to wake her right now," he said, ready to use telekinesis to move Queen Allure to another room. Technically she was his queen now, as far as his telepathic connection was concerned. He had to make sure she could rest comfortably, leaving her on the floor would just be wrong.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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"Boy aren't you chipper and full of conviction when you wake up? If only the rest of Equestria's work force had your pep. Oh and if you haven't noticed-" Priestess held out a paw to both Allure and her kits/nymphs, all of which were beside her on the bed inside of Celestia's former quarters, if the book shelves, bright golden hues and sun tapestries were anything to go by. 



"Oh right, that. Why yes of course. I could welcome the assistance." She said as she stopped halfway in her door. "And while we're here, please, call me Allure. Or 'My Queen' if you wish. Shaman was just a cover to keep me safe."

Edited by Denim&Venom

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"That's a dangerous question to ask around here."


The somewhat gruff voice didn't come from the flower shop, but behind Senlin, where a large, older bat pony stood and looked at him with a slightly tired look in his eyes, mixed in with the careful glimmer that tended to be there. One could say that it alone pointed to him as some sort of guard or watcher, but the belt of medals around his waist and the Night Guard helmet did a better job of getting that point through really. He didn't have the armor that usually fitted with it, but it was early for a bat pony, so might be he hadn't bothered just yet.



(This is how he looks.)


"Mind telling me why you're looking for Discord?"


"For me."


Stargazer cringed slightly as he heard the whispering voice projected into his head. He didn't enjoy anypony being in there, and considering he didn't know that this was something that everypony around could hear like it was regular speak, he couldn't help but instinctively think of this as a bad omen as he turned around to the other weird character he had seen exit from that portal thing before.


The mare there was rather odd looking, but he had seen much and started to get jaded a long time ago so it hadn't really registered with him as much as the unknown quantity that this... Longma, was. He wasn't entirely sure if that was the name, as he had only met one of their kind before and it was a somewhat hazy encounter, but they'd see. Senlin didn't look to be violent and was knocking on doors instead of barging them in, so he didn't think this was an attack outright, but more innocent things had shown to be dangerous before, so he'd take this as it came right now. Currently, that meant with some caution whilst trying to remain mostly neutral until he knew otherwise.


His gaze didn't last long on Omen before he returned it to Senlin, thinking that this one was more fit to speak with right now and frankly seemed less unnerving than the odd mare did.






@@Seamore Sandwich,




Another stack of books that wasn't the right ones got stacked to the side of the shelves whilst Omen looked up and over at the other book from before. Not one of hers, but the one that Serenade had found called Elegant Everwood Enchantments Revised.


The gem was taken from it, but that wasn't why she focused on that one. No, she wanted it to compare to the other signs on the books to see if it would work better than knowing one sign. It had sounded like before as if this was close, so it would work better perhaps?


Her tongue free, she moved over and wrapped around the book before raising it up, near her face with the majority of her prehensile tongue free in front. Unless somepony stopped her, this would be something she would try and work with, though it would slow her down since there were more signs to check, though to be fair, it would potentially also give a better result in the end.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"It's time then. Time to say goodbye, and wander to where the song never ends."
  Cresent could her Vivids blood beat slower almost like she was trying to calm herself a lot. Something also told the batpony this was a usual tuseday for vivid but if this was an everyday thing, he felt a tinge of sadness himself. It wasn't for the ghost really, dying and becoming a ghost would suck if some tales seem true but having to say to a spirit "leve" could be worse. Cresent waved at the ghost philly hopping if he saw her again t would be the happy side of the dead. He had enough demons on his own to wrestle with, seeing the philly leave was sad and happy.  


He turned towards vivid giving her a hug "must be hard doing this a lot" he let go of the mare smiling "hoped that helped"  

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"A little, thank you. It is normally not much of an issue, but believe me, no matter how many centuries I go through doing this it never gets easier when it includes foals. At least the older ones had a chance to truly live first."


She had seen the foal take off to the next stage of her unlife and said a prayer in her mind that she once learned. It wasn't much, but she tended to find meaning in it, even these days.


The thought had made her unfocused enough so that she hadn't really taken much notice of anything for a few seconds, which was time enough for Crescent to give her an unexpected hug that snapped her out of it. It wasn't something that she was used to, and it made her a little frazzled, but she had gotten through it without any awkward situations. Or well, at least so far. The day was still young.


"Truth be told, I'm not even sure if anypony is there waiting in the life beyond. I only know that there is a place for the souls to rest, and that in time they will return to the world reborn, but my sight goes not far enough to see what happens where they rest. I like to think they find peace there though, even if I hold no proof.


Besides, wouldn't we all want to believe that when our days is at end, we will be met by those who death dragged from our grasps?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


At that moment, every fiber of Senlin's being froze and held him back from moving. Despite Omen slightly easing the tension between the three of them, somehow the thought of being interrogated and apprehended now gripped the longma with fear. The bat pony guard was a new sight as well, as was everything prior. All may not turn out so well now that this guard showed up and made him wish he took back what he thought.


Is that even possible? Creatures that could read thoughts?


Senlin feared another sensory overload but if he needed answers, there was no better time to capitalize like the present.


"Uh, sir," Senlin began. "I... I can vouch for my friend. It was my idea to come here to look for Discord. Well, my sister as well, but we came here primarily for Discord. You mentioned it being a 'dangerous thing to ask.' Why is that?"


The sweat from his glands slowly trickled down his neck as he anticipated guard's response.

Edited by EQ_Theta
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"Ponyville have gotten through a few of his schemes in somewhat recent time, and even though he's reformed now far as the stories goes, I can't imagine that everypony is just gonna forget things that easy. I doubt there'll be any violence, but I've seen things escalate quickly amongst the Night Guard before, and when somepony shows up out of nowhere and asks around for Discord it doesn't start off well, and I don't want any trouble in the town if I can help it.


I'm sure you kids are fine enough beings, and I'm not going to arrest either one of you unless you start to break the law, but you are raising some suspicions by going at it like you are right now, so I cant just sit back and ignore it."


Stargazer didn't sound agitated or anything that would make him come off as threatening in itself. Rather, he had the tone of somepony who was fairly relaxed on things, but also with the underlying impression that if the situation required it, he wouldn't keep being okay with the evolution of things. So far nothing had happened, so there wasn't a reason, but he wasn't trained to always stay passive after all.


"Besides, Discord doesn't have a legal residence here, I checked before I arrived. Far as I know and have been told by the locals, he only visits at random times and otherwise could potentially be found at Princess Twilight Sparkle's palace, though I will see the last part before I believe it frankly.


Now then, as for your sister, I'm sorry, but I haven't heard about any other Longma's around the area. I might be able to do something to help there though. Please follow me."


As he turned around and started to walk towards his home - which was not a prison, but an actual house without any bars - he took a glance at the ponies around them. Some still looked a bit on edge over the odd pair that had shown, but the presence of a guard that wasn't actively trying to lock them up seemed to have helped put things somewhat at ease, though for the time being, Omen and Senlin were still given odd looks by the few who didn't scurry along to whatever they had to do.


Back over at Senlin, Omen walked calmly over to him and looked between him and the old pony wandering away.


"If he can help, we follow? And what does *Reformed* mean?"


It was Senlin and his hunt for his sister that the Night Guard had wanted to help with, so it seemed like something that the Longma should have to decide and not her. She'd follow him more than the guard no matter the choice though. For her, it didn't matter.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,

Senlin nodded at Omen as they went on their way with the night guard. "Reformed means... oh." For a moment, the idea of explaining how reformed works for the embodiment of chaos was a perplexing thought.

"Well, reformed means someone or something changing for the better. From what I heard and understood about Discord's reformation, he would use his powers for good this time instead of evil, or at least that's how it's supposed to go."

The two followed the guard but kept their distance, about one pony's length away. Senlin still had some suspicions despite the guard's collected demeanor. Elsewhere, the townsponies stayed away, ran to a back alley, or hid in their homes or stores. Their faces were barely visible but the look on their eyes still showed fear. They had their reasons to stay away and Senlin would respect that; there was no reason to break off from the current path.

As the eyes of the longma were trained at the night guard and his house, they were then distracted by facade of an odd, tree-shaped castle. The exterior gleamed of deep purple amethyst with crystal branches holding the structure up against the morning sun.

I guess that is where this 'Princess Twilight Sparkle' lives. I bet she can help.

Talking to himself was Senlin's way of thinking should he feel the need to conceal thoughts unnecessary. Unfortunately, this almost always led to accidents. He felt himself hitting somepony else and quickly backed off but was reassured that it was the night guard-or rather his house-he walked into.

"Whoops! Ahahah...I was just distracted by that castle over there. I really should be aware of where I'm going." 

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"Although it can be done from out here in the hall, we should move into your dream first. It would be easier in your dream and I've been told that some would also prefer to have some privacy while digging through their memories. After you, my Queen," Charlie said, gesturing toward the door.


Back at the castle:

"Huh. Most of the time, when you wake up you expect to be in the same place you were when you fell asleep," Miles said, surprised that he hadn't noticed the change in scenery. "Okay then, let's take a closer look at you." He cast a spell and his eyes started to glow. He could now see into Priestess to see the full extent of the damage. "There's a bit of internal damage that could be a problem if I removed the stick right now. I'll focus the magic of the stick more toward healing magic, but I will still have to leave it in overnight. I can give you something for the pain, I just need to know, would you prefer magic or medication?" he said, his eyes having stopped glowing. He started to focus his magic on the stick, which started to glow in reaction to his magic.

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