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I want to help people

Discordly Cutiepie

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im not sure where to put this but ill place it here if it gets moved oh well

anyway i have noticed a far deal or depressed people around on the site and i wanted to help them some how (im depressed myself so i know how it feels)

i want any and all people that are sad lonely depressed and stuff to come here and comment and make friends or just talk i don't know

i just want to help people get there feeling out or make friends (i don't know what else to say really i want to fix my depression by helping others)

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I believe I'm overly happy and then just boom! Downer! Then I just "shake it off" like how my IT teacher just did that dance.


Hope my response lightens your day. Only my friend responded to my post after I begged her. 

Edited by Techie Onyx
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I'm not depressed, but I do find it hard to make friends. :/ I guess that can be kind of depressing for me because at times, I don't know what to say to people in order to make them. I'm also constantly afraid of being judged by others as well. I'm a lot like Fluttershy in a lot of ways. :blush:

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I would like help, but I can't get it. My brain works in a different way. When people suggest ways to help, none of them work, and they get mad thinking I'm not even listening. I don't deserve help. 

You aren't your brain man. You're you and don't let anyone say you are the way you are because you're broken. You can change and even though we're imperfect, don't ever say you can't be helped. 

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I help people as well I have talked several people out of suicide but if they are just straight out depressed unless its effecting them majorly its not something you want to fix sorrow is one of our many emotions we cannot live without and is also my favorite emotion

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I would like help, but I can't get it. My brain works in a different way. When people suggest ways to help, none of them work, and they get mad thinking I'm not even listening. I don't deserve help. 


You aren't your brain man. You're you and don't let anyone say you are the way you are because you're broken. You can change and even though we're imperfect, don't ever say you can't be helped. 

Not even that! Everyone deserves help when they need it, or even when they would like it. I am probably not the one to be asking for help (since I'm not at all experienced helping other people) but everyone deserves to be treated the same as everyone else, from little kids to pop idols, because they are human. Just like everyone else, no better no worse.

  • Brohoof 1
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im not sure where to put this but ill place it here if it gets moved oh well


anyway i have noticed a far deal or depressed people around on the site and i wanted to help them some how (im depressed myself so i know how it feels)


i want any and all people that are sad lonely depressed and stuff to come here and comment and make friends or just talk i don't know


i just want to help people get there feeling out or make friends (i don't know what else to say really i want to fix my depression by helping others)


I am lonely. I'm sometimes depressed I don't think I need help but I accept if you are kind enough to help me.


Depression is hard I know that. I don't know what fixes it but you can try to focus on positive not negative that has helped me a lot. And sharing my own feelings has helped me

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As someone who's vast experience of overcoming difficult times of various degrees I'd love to participate. However, a current business contract has kept certain aspects of my free time at an all time low.

   For the sake of the original poster. I'm afraid the actual situation you find yourself is in the identification and satisfaction that you aren't alone. That helps but it is not the cure. You must defeat the cause which by my experience is a personal barrier for only you to overcome but assisted by others and/or outside forces/inflluences. I've done this many times. So anyone here in this thread I know how you feel or have felt.
   When you have overcome this obstacle or barrier that's holding you back from real growth, real achievement, you will have learned a unique life lesson speacial only to you. Although many might have learned the lesson you learned already, never let dictate your journey is done or that your behind. Many people may not even learn that lesson their entire lives (probably why reincarnation is so popular in some cultures).


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Well the person above me said almost the exact same thing I was going to. As someone with a couple different disorders mainly depression and anxiety with a touch of a couple others. it's something I've kind of learned from experience. Helping others can get them started, but they have to actually want the help. 


Really though I could write a novel about my own problems caused by my issues. But um, yeah, hi people. 

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Hrm... I don't know, just because people are willing to help doesn't mean that they're effective. It's one thing to reach out to someone but something else entirely to make a difference. /rant


Going back to you,Discordly, there are different reasons why people end up feeling inadequate or misunderstood. I think many of the cases go back to those. A lot of the times, people don't understand themselves or what's really going on, let alone how to even try and express the nature of their troubles. Oftentimes they act it out which may get treated as misconduct (which ends up exacerbating things) depending of the nature of the problem.


But first and foremost, you need the person's trust and by that I'm talking about something deeper than small talk. You need to be the kind of person that the other is willing to share things that one would normally be frightened if not terrified to share. A no-secrets kind of friendship so to speak. That's just the enabling factor and still there's a fine line to tread. Too much coddling and the other person will just end up becoming dependent on you. No bird can stay under another's wing forever. Eventually they need to be able to figure things out for themselves.

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Yes, as it seems, depression is very common in this fandom. There are many stories of this show and fandom, for its nature as a "beacon of hope" as put by analyst Tommy Oliver, lifting people out of depression and helping them find confidence and community.


What's interesting is that MLP Forums in particular, unlike most communities like it, actually has a community supportive enough to one another that we actually have a section devoted to life advice and lifting people out of depression. Many other communities won't even allow you to make a single post about inner turmoil, let alone find others willing to talk it out with you.


I too have a sort of depression, and thanks to this community and some help from friends and family in real life, I'm identifying how exactly it effects my behavior and I'm trying to have control of my emotions. I might still need some helping along, but I'll try to do my own part.


I'm open to PM if interested.

Edited by Wind Chaser
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Yes, as it seems, depression is very common in this fandom. There are many stories of this show and fandom, for its nature as a "beacon of hope" as put by analyst Tommy Oliver, lifting people out of depression and helping them find confidence and community.

Can you please direct me to this "beacon of hope" analysis? It's something I'd be interested to read or listen to.




What's interesting is that MLP Forums in particular, unlike most communities like it, actually has a community supportive enough to one another that we actually have a section devoted to life advice and lifting people out of depression. Many other communities won't even allow you to make a single post about inner turmoil, let alone find others willing to talk it out with you.

Actually, there are others who do have such places. My observations, however, tell that such a section is only as effective as the community members' empathy and abilities to understand one another; without those, such a section may as well be a kind of trash can intended to keep "depressing" posts away from "those not interested."

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Can you please direct me to this "beacon of hope" analysis? It's something I'd be interested to read or listen to.

Here is the video where Tommy Oliver (then BronyCurious) invokes this outlook on Equestria. He invests the opening 2:50 of the video to examining the Equestrian culture of self-identity against modern globalized, corporate culture's doctrine of standardization. The actual point of the video is to debate the concept of "destiny" in Equestria with Digibro (then DigibronyMLP) in the runup to the Season 3 finale where the term "destiny" was thrown around quite a bit, to say the least.



I'd say his outlook on modern-day society runs a bit too overwhelmingly negative, but he is very much on the right track about it.


Actually, there are others who do have such places. My observations, however, tell that such a section is only as effective as the community members' empathy and abilities to understand one another; without those, such a section may as well be a kind of trash can intended to keep "depressing" posts away from "those not interested."

In that case, I'd find it better if they at least had that. I posted something depressing on another forum that didn't have such a section as a status update and got the topic locked on me.


In all irony, I have a couple of friends on my list who struggle with depression, too, and I sometimes get tired of sorting through their depressed status updates to find one that's more worthwhile. One of these users suffers it so much more severely that he insults the community and calls it out for playing favorites.


At least having a life advice section, whether or not it's frequented, provides a nice place to vent these problems without the risk of angering uninterested users or getting warned or banned.


It's a nice bonus to have such a supportive community that is actually willing to help you out of a depression, and stands by in PMs and the like to try to give you the emotional support that you need.


I don't like making my friends and other users on the site have to see another user lamenting in what's supposed to be a place of fun and recreation, but if we don't allow them to vent, their troubles could become even worse.

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I truly take heart in helping people as well. I was depressed once and I honestly don't want people to go through it like I did. However, while it's a good thing to do, just be warned there are bad things that can happen. First, it's okay if you do it because it helps you, but make sure you have heart when helping people. This is just a general thing you should do. Don't help people just because; do it because you actually want them to feel better.


The main thing here though is that if you help too many people it could actually have a reverse affect on your depression. I have gotten even sadder before merely because people's problems weighed down on me so much after a while. This can have a pretty bad impact on you and no one will feel better. So, just watch how many people you go after. You don't have to help absolutely everyone on here.


But that aside I think this is really great of you. :) Just treat it carefully and you'll be good! Also, I hope you get over your depression soon. Just hang in there!

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