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Are there any episodes of MLP you hate?

Alex Z

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Power Ponies

Putting Your Hoof Down

Rainbow Falls

The Mysterious Mare do Well

Somepony to Watch Over me


These are common choices...but there is one more I'm just going to have SO MUCH FUN to get hate for...


Magical Mystery Cure

Explain MMC.


Just explain it.

  • Brohoof 2


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Most of season one, admittedly. The ticket master, boast busters, owls well that ends well or whatever it was called, griffon the brush off, look before you sleep, fall weather friends, a bird in the hoof, over the barrel..


I also disliked the secret of my excess. One of the worst episodes in the show imo. :huh:

  • Brohoof 2


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I also disliked the secret of my excess. One of the worst episodes in the show imo. :huh:

Oh yes. Secret of My Excess was terrible. It ties with Equestria Games for being one of the worst episodes.

  • Brohoof 2


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Explain MMC.


Just explain it.

Well, honestly it's on the least hate of the hate meter, but still there are a few problems that make me dislike it.

Also, I'm terrible at reviewing, so this isn't exactly a perfect review.


1) The "mane" problem.  I know it's a musical, but what's with the pacing?! One minute Twilight is singing about depression, the next she gets sparkle eyes and knows what to do. But when she does know what to do she takes a long time to execute the plan.


2) The songs were not that good in my opinion, but this is a small nitpick. (Well maybe not considering this is a musical episode) The only good songs in my opinion were What my Cutie Mark is Telling me and Oh why


3) I REALLY REALLY wish this episode explained cutie marks and Twilight's death explosion recarnation alicorn thing. It all together, seems very vague. It's normally a good thing, but I wish they explained things a little clearer.


4) Celestia, you troll.  :okiedokielokie:

So all and all, this isn't an episode I hate, but I don't think it deserves to be "The Best Episode Ever". I don't really want to argue about it, I'm not good at reviewing stuff.  :wat:

  • Brohoof 5
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Let's see here...



The Mysterious Mare Do-Well, definitely. I just hates that episode. Period.


Power Ponies was pretty bad, too.


I would've liked MMC a lot better if it was a two-parter, but squeezing all of that stuff into barely 20 minutes is too much. There were some great songs, the animation was pretty incredible and the overall story was good, but some things were very irritating to me.


Rainbow Falls. Just. No.


I hated "It's hard being breezies". What an horrifying episode. o_OBut there's also Equestria Games, where the Spike scenes were just painful to watch.

I hear a lot of people saying that they cringed over the Spike parts in that episode, but I found it rather amusing. :mustache:

Edited by CavyShy
  • Brohoof 2


*The Cavy Queen*

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I can't stand "Feeling Pinkie Keen", and "Mysterious Mare Do-Well" (sort of). Those gave me an awkward feeling after I watched them the first time. I don't want to re-watch them, ever.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Kyoshi

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The episodes that made me cringe the most are "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" and "Equestria Games". There's also a couple more, but I can't remember them right now.

 Also, the premise for "Keep Calm and Flutter On" was ridiculous to me when I first read it.

  • Brohoof 2
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I really, really don't like Baby Cakes. I've never been too fond of babies, and watching an episode about them is always a chore for me. Especially that disgusting changing scene, I always cringe at that. Not only that, but poor Pinkie doesn't deserve to be the Butt Monkey of this episode as she didn't do anything horrible to anyone.


I used to also dislike Pinkie Apple Pie, but after a few re-watches, it has become an episode I like.

  • Brohoof 4
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I wouldn't say I "hate" any episode, in that I've never come away from an episode of FiM having not enjoyed it at least on some small level, but there are two that I particularly dislike in comparison to others...


Spike at Your Service - It was literally stated at the beginning of the season this episode aired in that Spike's biggest fear is not being Twilight's assistant anymore, so how in Equestria am I supposed to believe that Spike would ever choose to leave? He also isn't nearly as clumsy or incompetent in any other episode, in fact everything he does feels completely out of character and like he's just being used as an empty vessel to carry the plot


Daring Don't - I loved the beginning of this episode. I loved watching RD and Twilight be adorable fangirls, and I was so excited to see how they'd interact with the reclusive writer who I was led to believe would be pony J. K. Rowling. Then Daring Do became real, and all my hopes and dreams were dashed (so to speak...). Her being real makes no sense in any way, shape, or form, and the moral could have been delivered even better if she wasn't. This episode is a shining example of why you should never take advice from your fandom.

  • Brohoof 2

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Dang, am I the only one that likes Griffin the Brush Off? In fact, I would say it's on my top 10.


As for the ones I dislike/hate:


Boast Busters - Even though Trixie's a great character, it has HORRIBLE charaterization and it introduces the worst characters in MLP history, in my opinion (Snips and Snails.) Also, the whole "Mane 6 vs Trixie" things was both filler and butchered characterization...


Sonic Rainboom - What the heck HAPPENED to Rarity's character? They made her GREAT with Suited for Success and Friendship is Magic, Part 2, and heck, even early in this episode, but then they took a gigantic crap on her and butchered her characterization about 5 minutes later.


Spike at your Service - Yay! 22 Minutes of characters being idiots(!)


One Bad Apple - Well, the least "bad" episode, but it's still mediocre. Babs Seed is forgiven WAY too easily, and the humor.. it feels like they didn't even TRY.

  • Brohoof 4
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There are two episodes I am not as fond of, and they share a common thread. They are Boast Busters and Magic Duel.


So, in Boast Busters, we have Trixie come into town and start a performance, using a time-honoured vaudevillian tradition of exaggeration of her greatness. The ponies of Ponyville, meanwhile, turn almost mob-like when she simply tries to get on with it. When some of the ponies try to show her up, Trixie does what any practised stage performer does with hecklers - make a mockery out of them. Despite this, she does pick up a pair of devoted fans in the form of Snips and Snails, who try to show everyone that Trixie is in fact great by luring monstrous lumbering death to Ponyville, because that is always a fabulous idea. Twilight takes care of the Ursa Minor, not to show off like everyone thinks Trixie is doing, but simply to keep the town from becoming giant bear chow. Despite the fact that this was by no means Trixie's fault, she loses her home and means of supporting herself, and no one seems to care. In fact, if anything, they're more mad at her than at Snips and Snails.


Now, what should have happened after that is that Trixie quietly settles out of court with Snips and Snails' parents for the damages to her possessions and she leaves the redneck hick town of Ponyville and doesn't look back. Instead, we got Magic Duel, which instead swings the pendulum just as ridiculously far the other way. Trixie becomes so obsessed with showing up Twilight that she seeks out and finds a legendary artifact that hugely increases her magical abilities and, oh yeah, drives you insane. After briefly taking over Ponyville and treating the other ponies in it like her own personal serfs, she is once again shown up by Twilight's brains rather than power. Apparently after this, Trixie sees the error of her ways, apologizing to Twilight, but not to any of the other ponies she's been abusing all episode. Mind you, after the way they treated her after Boast Busters, I might not, either.


So, yeah, there's my two least favourite episodes of the series for you. Would be nice if they could do something with Trixie that wasn't so over the top. Maybe next season. She's due for a return appearance.

  • Brohoof 2

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Yeah, I think so too. It is partly the reason why I don't often like Spike centered episodes. I don't quite know just how I should feel about his personality.


I agree, though I'm rather curious why this makes him hated but rainbow dash loved, what's the differences between the two ways? maybe they could use it to improve spike.

Mare Do Well - The beginning of the episode, a closer look of RD's fear of being along(for more info, look to Stellafera's posts/blogs on the episode)

Mmmystery - Some funny Pinkie moments, good moral

Simple Ways - Spike and AJ in general

Boast Busters - I'll say Trixie even if I don't really like her


Mare Do Well - true, it does seem to be a key part of her character as it likely drives quite a few of her actions


Mmmystery - I feel like there may be a bit more with at least the novelty of clue-esk style as well as the detective bit.


Simple Ways - True, Spike was rather good in that episode and AJ was great to see dressed up like rarity


Boast Busters - Trixie does have some nice quirks though I don't feel as though that's the best episode to attribute to her as her defining episode, while it did help to introduce her in a memorable way I think Magic Duel did a bit of a better job on her character, though I suppose without twilight running her out of ponyville the events never would have happened. Though to be completely honest I think EQG and Rainbow Rocks did a better job of making her seem more human.

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This is kind of an unpopular opinion, but It Ain't Easy Being Breezies is easily my least favorite 22 minutes of screened material I have ever seen. The entire message is about how doing things to people without their consent is OK if it's good for them in the long run, and that message (especially when combined with the common misconstruance of Feeling Pinkie Keen's message) can easily lead to abusive situations even if applied "correctly". Having come from a religious homeschool community where a lot of parents try to make decisions for their kids, and having witnessed first/secondhand what harm the philosophies encoraged by this episode can cause (for instance, one of my past friends was pretty much banned from having any offline friends because his mom wanted him to stay "pure"... he also was disallowed from watching/playing anything not PG rated until 2 years before college, and even then anything depicting magical powers was strictly prohibited... she always told him she was just trying to protect him from "worldly influences" and that her actions were for his own good), I have to say I've never seen a more blatant disregard for the implications of airing something on television in my life. Usually I am strongly anti-censorship and do not rant against the existence of any form of fictional media, but this episode made it a point that it was supposedly teaching a real-life lesson and then sent a message that parents could easily use against their children, and something like that has no place on television because of the impressionable minds of parents that might view it. If the exact same episode had been of almost any other show, that is of a show that doesn't claim to teach real-life lessons, then I would still think of it very poorly but wouldn't be against its existence... but when your work of fiction crosses over into the realm of real life, you need to show some basic responsibility and make sure to not accidentally bolster corrupt authority structures.


A distant second is probably Dragon Quest, since they were trying for a fan-pandering message (not exactly 10/10-would-watch-again material to begin with) and accidentally made the message very easy to misconstrue as saying that liking "girly" things means you identify as female. Unlike Feeling Pinkie Keen, whose moral gaffes I would consider to be only slightly less blatant than those of Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest really had no redeeming factors from the standpoint of being a good episode (things like extremely funny off-the-wall humor).


The third and final episode I dislike is Rainbow Falls, and that's just because it is so poorly made. Some of the situations (ponies not being able to compete in more than one event, one of the best flyers being teamed up with two of the worst flyers) totally come out of left field -- and not in the good "randomness humor" way -- and there is quite a bit of incontinuity with previous episodes (why is Bulk Biceps such a bad flyer???).


Incidentally, the other 88 episodes and 2 movies are at least "meh" quality (-1 on a scale from -5 to +5), and quite a lot of them are much better than that in my opinion (the average episode would be around a +2 or +3 on that scale if I had to guess).

  • Brohoof 4
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Dang, am I the only one that likes Griffin the Brush Off? In fact, I would say it's on my top 10.


As for the ones I dislike/hate:


Boast Busters - Even though Trixie's a great character, it has HORRIBLE charaterization and it introduces the worst characters in MLP history, in my opinion (Snips and Snails.) Also, the whole "Mane 6 vs Trixie" things was both filler and butchered characterization...


Sonic Rainboom - What the heck HAPPENED to Rarity's character? They made her GREAT with Suited for Success and Friendship is Magic, Part 2, and heck, even early in this episode, but then they took a gigantic crap on her and butchered her characterization about 5 minutes later.


Spike at your Service - Yay! 22 Minutes of characters being idiots(!)


One Bad Apple - Well, the least "bad" episode, but it's still mediocre. Babs Seed is forgiven WAY too easily, and the humor.. it feels like they didn't even TRY.


Actually, Griffon The Brush Off is one of my favorite episodes.

  • Brohoof 3


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I hated "It's hard being breezies". What an horrifying episode. o_O


But there's also Equestria Games, where the Spike scenes were just painful to watch.

Right in the Middle of Season 4, it seemed like they had a streak of mediocrity.


  • Brohoof 2


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This is kind of an unpopular opinion, but It Ain't Easy Being Breezies is easily my least favorite 22 minutes of screened material I have ever seen. The entire message is about how doing things to people without their consent is OK if it's good for them in the long run, and that message (especially when combined with the common misconstruance of Feeling Pinkie Keen's message) can easily lead to abusive situations even if applied "correctly". Having come from a religious homeschool community where a lot of parents try to make decisions for their kids, and having witnessed first/secondhand what harm the philosophies encoraged by this episode can cause (for instance, one of my past friends was pretty much banned from having any offline friends because his mom wanted him to stay "pure"... he also was disallowed from watching/playing anything not PG rated until 2 years before college, and even then anything depicting magical powers was strictly prohibited... she always told him she was just trying to protect him from "worldly influences" and that her actions were for his own good), I have to say I've never seen a more blatant disregard for the implications of airing something on television in my life. Usually I am strongly anti-censorship and do not rant against the existence of any form of fictional media, but this episode made it a point that it was supposedly teaching a real-life lesson and then sent a message that parents could easily use against their children, and something like that has no place on television because of the impressionable minds of parents that might view it. If the exact same episode had been of almost any other show, that is of a show that doesn't claim to teach real-life lessons, then I would still think of it very poorly but wouldn't be against its existence... but when your work of fiction crosses over into the realm of real life, you need to show some basic responsibility and make sure to not accidentally bolster corrupt authority structures.


While I do Understand your view point and am glad that you provided your backing for the feeling I do also believe that there are some cases where the moral needs to be considered, however I do stress that this should be in moderation, no where near to the extent you have provided us with, but it is necessary to understand that what makes people happy may not always be good for them just as much as thing that make you unhappy are not always for your benefit and do not always "build character". A good example of the former would be a bad grade given by a teacher, they are assessing your work so you can improve and while it may not make you happy to see it, it will likely help you to improve in the future as it helps to show you where you have gone wrong. So naming it as a "bad moral" may not be the best way to go when it is better to consider it as a moral of moderation such as in green isn't your color as too much honesty can hurt mor than it helps and the super speedy cider squeezy 6000 where even though it is good to know that your friends and families are there to help there are times when you need to know how to handle things on your own as well.

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I don't really hate any episodes, but I'm not a big fan of Baby Cakes or Secret of my Excess.


Baby Cakes had a fun song, but it just wasn't that fun to watch Pinkie get so overwhelmed. Not to mention continuity out the window. Still, a good lesson in that caretaking is a lot of responsibility, even if they trumped it up a bit due to magical equines.


I'm not really a big Spike fan to be honest. They don't really characterize him consistently and he doesn't get to be my favorite version of himself that often in episodes featuring him.


I like it when he gets to be the snarky, competent assistant to Twilight. He can play a pretty good straight man when given a chance.

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I love that episode ^^. It was sad that her friends got sad though. I think all are nice in their own terms. Everypony has a golden heart :)


"MLP: FIM" are all good  ^^

Edited by ShintX
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This is kind of an unpopular opinion, but It Ain't Easy Being Breezies is easily my least favorite 22 minutes of screened material I have ever seen. The entire message is about how doing things to people without their consent is OK if it's good for them in the long run, and that message (especially when combined with the common misconstruance of Feeling Pinkie Keen's message) can easily lead to abusive situations even if applied "correctly". Having come from a religious homeschool community where a lot of parents try to make decisions for their kids, and having witnessed first/secondhand what harm the philosophies encoraged by this episode can cause (for instance, one of my past friends was pretty much banned from having any offline friends because his mom wanted him to stay "pure"... he also was disallowed from watching/playing anything not PG rated until 2 years before college, and even then anything depicting magical powers was strictly prohibited... she always told him she was just trying to protect him from "worldly influences" and that her actions were for his own good), I have to say I've never seen a more blatant disregard for the implications of airing something on television in my life. Usually I am strongly anti-censorship and do not rant against the existence of any form of fictional media, but this episode made it a point that it was supposedly teaching a real-life lesson and then sent a message that parents could easily use against their children, and something like that has no place on television because of the impressionable minds of parents that might view it. If the exact same episode had been of almost any other show, that is of a show that doesn't claim to teach real-life lessons, then I would still think of it very poorly but wouldn't be against its existence... but when your work of fiction crosses over into the realm of real life, you need to show some basic responsibility and make sure to not accidentally bolster corrupt authority structures.


A distant second is probably Dragon Quest, since they were trying for a fan-pandering message (not exactly 10/10-would-watch-again material to begin with) and accidentally made the message very easy to misconstrue as saying that liking "girly" things means you identify as female. Unlike Feeling Pinkie Keen, whose moral gaffes I would consider to be only slightly less blatant than those of Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest really had no redeeming factors from the standpoint of being a good episode (things like extremely funny off-the-wall humor).


The third and final episode I dislike is Rainbow Falls, and that's just because it is so poorly made. Some of the situations (ponies not being able to compete in more than one event, one of the best flyers being teamed up with two of the worst flyers) totally come out of left field -- and not in the good "randomness humor" way -- and there is quite a bit of incontinuity with previous episodes (why is Bulk Biceps such a bad flyer???).


Incidentally, the other 88 episodes and 2 movies are at least "meh" quality (-1 on a scale from -5 to +5), and quite a lot of them are much better than that in my opinion (the average episode would be around a +2 or +3 on that scale if I had to guess).

Not only that, the episode was VERY stupid, VERY boring, and the Breezies were annoying as all hell.


It was OBVIOUS they were doing falsetto.


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Baby Cakes

Putting Your Hoof Down
Dragon Quest

Owl's Well That Ends Well

Simple Ways

Power Ponies

Boast Busters
Rainbow Falls

The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well

Friendship is Magic (the series premiere two-parter)

Edited by Ludicrous.Speed

Rarity is the best thing in my life.


Where would I be without her? Nowhere I'd like to be, that's for sure.

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I don't really "hate" any episodes but there's a couple I dislike. "Putting Your Hoof Down." and "Gilda The Brush Off" are on the top of that list though. Along with Baby Cakes...Mysterious Mare Do Well was another I didn't really like. :(

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