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general media Worst Official Releases in your Favorite Franchises?

The Coffee Pony

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Pokémon Gold and Silver: So what if you can go from different generations? These games are, in my opinion, slow-paced, weak and short. Whenever I play these games, I can only reach as far as the 2nd Gym. I don't like Johto Pokémon either, so there's that.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon ALL - crappy visuals, impossible dungeons, stupid item mechanics shallow storyline, and so...damn...repetitive. Also escort missions.

Pokemon Conquest- It's so shallow, after about 10 minutes, you wonder why you even picked it up. End quests in the game are so terrible you're basically playing the same game twice.

Pokepark- Such a good idea gone to complete and utter waste...

Pokemon Snap- should never had been made at all

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Pretty much every Silent Hill game after the ones Team Silent made(Silent Hill 1-4).


Oh, and the Silent Hill movies...and the comics....and the cell phone games...

Edited by HopeTheWanderer

"It is part of a good man to do great and noble deeds, though he risk everything." - Plutarch


"As long as humans continue to be the ruthless destroyer of other beings, we will never know health or peace. For as long as people massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, those who sow the seed of murder and pain will never reap joy or love." - Pythagoras, Greek philosopher, ca. 530 B.C.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon ALL - crappy visuals, impossible dungeons, stupid item mechanics shallow storyline, and so...damn...repetitive. Also escort missions.

Pokemon Conquest- It's so shallow, after about 10 minutes, you wonder why you even picked it up. End quests in the game are so terrible you're basically playing the same game twice.

Pokepark- Such a good idea gone to complete and utter waste...

Pokemon Snap- should never had been made at all

I liked pokemon snap. :(

But the others yeah...not so much.

And what's with all the hate to johto. I loved Johto.

I didn't like Hoenn though. UuU

The secret base and dive move along with find stuff underwater were the only things I really enjoyed. The rest was dull.

The reboots seem like they've changed that though so yeah.

If I had to add more

The live action fairly Oddparents movies.

Good GOD were they bad. Though the christmas one wasn't too bad it was still bad.

The actors were decent, but they didn't always act quite like their animated counterparts. The effects and such weren't convincing enough and therefore didn't suck me into believing it was Fairly Oddparents, they just seemed like some sort of long fan films then an official film. I won't even dare mention the ending of the last one. Plus the Tootie x Timmy relationship felt a bit creepy for some reason.


Though that ending does mean there probably never will be anymore of them. Thank God. They won't be able to mess up any other characters. I shudder to think of how they'd make a certain wish granting, snarky, fairy hating, stuck in a lamp until one rubs said lamp villain look with their effects. Especially seeing as they wouldn't seem quite right if they made them tiny like the fairies and Foop. They're more adult human sized so it'd be really awkward and off to see them fairy sized. Even though they were temporarily a fairy....


Sonic 06 is an interesting case in my eyes, it's fun to watch people play it, but it's not fun to play yourself.

Sims 4, I haven't played it but from what I've watched it looks rather bad. Really watered down and limited. Built in rooms you can use? Really?


^full sized avatar picture there

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Valve Games



Woah there, Ricochet was badass!

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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Skyrim - Let's just take the majority of stuff that made the previous games good and replace it all with dumbed down mechanics, hand holding, and a lack of any real choice. Let's also reuse the same few level designs and puzzle types for every dungeon in the game. And while we're at it, let's make everything scale to player level so we can reuse the same few enemies to populate every dungeon in the game. Also you're forced to grind if you want any remotely powerful gear.


Fallout 3 - We threw numbers into an FPS and called it Fallout so casual CoD kiddies can feel like they're playing an RPG.


Futurama - Most of Season 7. It had it's funny points but wasn't as consistently good as the rest of the season.


Archer - Season 4. See Futurama.


MLP - Season 3 Finale. It was just so bad, I have a blog post on the subject.


I am most definitely not a "COD kiddie" and I play a lot more serious games than many would even touch due to what it contains, but I rather enjoyed Fallout 3(not so much New Vegas though). To each their own, but I don't want to be placed in the same group as "COD kiddies".

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I am most definitely not a "COD kiddie" and I play a lot more serious games than many would even touch due to what it contains, but I rather enjoyed Fallout 3(not so much New Vegas though). To each their own, but I don't want to be placed in the same group as "COD kiddies".


Yeah, not everybody who liked FO3 is a CoD kiddie.

Although the fact remains that 3 and NV are quite dumbed down compared to the originals, and NV is a lot closer to the originals than 3. To each his own, though.

  • Brohoof 2

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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I should note here that when I'm making this "list" I'm not saying I disliked the games unless I specifically say so. They just happen to be the bottom of the list by pure process of elimination.


These are my top five franchises, in no particular order:


Sonic. Worst game: Sonic Chronicles. It may surprise some people that I actually thoroughly enjoyed Sonic 06 and don't consider it even remotely close to the worst game.


Shin Megami Tensei. Worst game: Persona 4. This one may come as a shock to some people as well. Persona is probably the most popular subseries in the entire franchise but they're actually at the bottom of the list for me. I like the other games considerably more.


Castlevania. Worst game: Castlevania the Adventure. One of the gameboy games. The remake of this game was way better though and I hope the Castlevania 2 and 3 get a similar treatment. (For those not in the know: Super Castlevania IV is a remake of the first game.)


Kingdom Hearts. Worst game: Kingdom Hearts 1. It's the least polished of all the games and the only thing I feel it does better than the others is the level design and even then Dream Drop Distance improves on that vastly.


Wild Arms. Worst game: Wild Arms 2/4. A tie. WA2 was my favorite for many years but after having played the rest of the series it's just so dated (with a terrible translation to boot) that it pales in comparison to every other game. WA4, on the other hand, has amazing gameplay but is greatly bogged down by it's dialog where nearly every conversation in the game is about kids (the main characters) vs adults (the bad guys). You can't go five minutes without hearing about this shit and it gets annoying even to me who is usually really tolerant of that sort of thing in games.

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Yeah, not everybody who liked FO3 is a CoD kiddie.

Although the fact remains that 3 and NV are quite dumbed down compared to the originals, and NV is a lot closer to the originals than 3. To each his own, though.

I can agree to that somewhat, but when you have about 60+ mods it tends to get rather complex even more so than the predecessors, but vanilla I can totally agree.

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, not everybody who liked FO3 is a CoD kiddie.

Although the fact remains that 3 and NV are quite dumbed down compared to the originals, and NV is a lot closer to the originals than 3. To each his own, though.


New Vegas was frustrating to me because while I liked the new additions(ammo types, ammo crafting, factions, different currency types) the game world didn't draw me in like Fallout 3 did. 

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I honestly don't know how buggy messes like Fallout 3/New Vegas and Oblivion/Skyrim can get so popular.

For me a lot of my favorite games began as such like ARMA 2, but for the most part I got used to them. The main thing about those games is the RP and setting, it is just so immersive with so much to do and explore. Though bugs are a lot less frustrating than dealing with an overabundance of mods where one out of a ton is causing issues with the game, though this is due in part to my obsession with mods for any game.

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For me a lot of my favorite games began as such like ARMA 2, but for the most part I got used to them. The main thing about those games is the RP and setting, it is just so immersive with so much to do and explore. Though bugs are a lot less frustrating than dealing with an overabundance of mods where one out of a ton is causing issues with the game, though this is due in part to my obsession with mods for any game.

I don't know if it's fair at all to judge a game based on fan-made content though. While they do improve your experience it doesn't change the fact that the original game was pretty crap. The roleplaying is pretty shallow at that and every conversation can be cycled through multiple times until you get an "optimal" solution unless you're specifically going for a certain type of response style in which case you'll just end up with conversations half-finished cuz they only fit one or two types of characters or personalities.


But I'm the type who prefers to be locked into a role instead of being given the choice myself which always leaves me disappointed so what do I know? :lol:

  • Brohoof 1
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I honestly don't know how buggy messes like Fallout 3/New Vegas and Oblivion/Skyrim can get so popular.


They're buggy in a fun way, instead "crap, the game crashed", it's "holy shit, that dragon is farting fire". 

Edited by Shoboni



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I don't know if it's fair at all to judge a game based on fan-made content though. While they do improve your experience it doesn't change the fact that the original game was pretty crap. The roleplaying is pretty shallow at that and every conversation can be cycled through multiple times until you get an "optimal" solution unless you're specifically going for a certain type of response style in which case you'll just end up with conversations half-finished cuz they only fit one or two types of characters or personalities.


But I'm the type who prefers to be locked into a role instead of being given the choice myself which always leaves me disappointed so what do I know? :lol:

Fair enough, I get that you shouldn't judge a game on the mods, but it depends on the game such as the ARMA series for me. The game is built for modders to add content, one of the main goals of the dev team as it is nearly impossible to add in all the content required for a true milsim, only in those cases do I take that in as a factor. I still rather enjoyed the base game of Skyrim/Oblivion/FO3 though.

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I'm a console player so mods really have no bearing on a game for me at all. If anything parodies in art and comics are my "mods" that can improve my enjoyment but I never judge the game based on it.


Also, @@Shoboni, those kinds of glitches can be fun but they aren't the only thing that bogs the game down. There are entire design choices that really make the experience feel shitty like having a third person mode with objects too small to accurately interact with unless you're in first person, having the entire gameplay tied to the target reticle including melee combat or having the game try to remember the position and location of every little object on the ground including the hundreds of dead bodies you've left lying around which is even buggier and game-crashing if you turn them to ash or goo. That's not even getting into the lack of animations where EVERYTHING is thrown into a stock animation and they don't even throw in cutscenes to make up for that. How about conversations being tied to a one-on-one interface in 99% of all cases?


Those games are so entirely meh that even when I enjoy playing them I'll never be able to recommend them to people.

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I'm a console player so mods really have no bearing on a game for me at all. If anything parodies in art and comics are my "mods" that can improve my enjoyment but I never judge the game based on it.


Also, @@Shoboni, those kinds of glitches can be fun but they aren't the only thing that bogs the game down. There are entire design choices that really make the experience feel shitty like having a third person mode with objects too small to accurately interact with unless you're in first person, having the entire gameplay tied to the target reticle including melee combat or having the game try to remember the position and location of every little object on the ground including the hundreds of dead bodies you've left lying around which is even bugger and game-crashing if you turn them to ash or goo. That's not even getting into the lack of animations where EVERYTHING is thrown into a stock animation and they don't even throw in cutscenes to make up for that. How about conversations being tied to a one-on-one interface in 99% of all cases?


Those games are so entirely meh that even when I enjoy playing them I'll never be able to recommend them to people.

Lol yea, every time I load in to FO or Skyrim it seems like the whole world jumps and all the objects fall down in a huge crash and get thrown everywhere due to collisions, I use headphones and it still scares the crap out of me sometime haha.

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I'm a console player so mods really have no bearing on a game for me at all. If anything parodies in art and comics are my "mods" that can improve my enjoyment but I never judge the game based on it.


Also, @@Shoboni, those kinds of glitches can be fun but they aren't the only thing that bogs the game down. There are entire design choices that really make the experience feel shitty like having a third person mode with objects too small to accurately interact with unless you're in first person, having the entire gameplay tied to the target reticle including melee combat or having the game try to remember the position and location of every little object on the ground including the hundreds of dead bodies you've left lying around which is even buggier and game-crashing if you turn them to ash or goo. That's not even getting into the lack of animations where EVERYTHING is thrown into a stock animation and they don't even throw in cutscenes to make up for that. How about conversations being tied to a one-on-one interface in 99% of all cases?


Those games are so entirely meh that even when I enjoy playing them I'll never be able to recommend them to people.


The third person view is... I don't even though why it's there aside from gawking at your character because it's useless. I agree the games could be far better in the animation department and interaction detail. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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