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What is something you completely regret doing?

Gone Airbourne

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I've said and done some really mean shit before, even to the extreme at times. But I'd rather not talk about those.

So I'm going to talk about something more recent. 2 days ago, I fucked up by posting something that I thought would be taken as tongue in cheek humor, I was gravely mistaken. So then I got a 2-day suspension and I now have 425 warning points. Lesson of the week: people have a harder time understanding weather or not you're joking on through text, so be more considerate.

  • Brohoof 1
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*insert overused jokes about joining the fandom, joining this forum, or staffing the forum*



On a serious note though, my college decision. Wish I had chosen to go to a better college than I did. The one I went to had the most reasonable tuition, but not very fantastic instruction. In retrospect it was necessary due to some family matters happening at that time, but I still wish I could have done something better.

  • Brohoof 1


Kyoshi made this ^^



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Everything. No, honestly. I've done countless amounts of idiotic things through my short lifetime that i regret a hundred and one percent. I just wish I could go back to all those times and warn myself from doing them. Like slapping myself so hard to sleep so I don't do it.

  • Brohoof 3

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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A lot of personal issues that I regret doing, some small, some very big that have affected me to ways that makes me depressed thinking about it


Besides a huge regret here, a recent one was missing various sales I could have obtained on black friday that I had planned, but was beaten since I seemed to have hidden them, and of course I earned it

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Being sort of a bully back in Secondary School, being a follower and not working hard when I was told to multiple times. 

I pretty much dossed about a lot in Secondary School instead of revising I would go out and get 'hammered' and have non-meaningful sex, I also regret not listening to my mum at-times. 


Although I've managed to make amendments and apologized to all those I've done wrong to. 

I just scraped out of Secondary School with believable grades I was an A* student but only worked at a C/B levels.


Work hard everypony <3 

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I regret some of the people I chose to hang around with and or date. (Especially at 12 years old. e~e) 

Bad ideas. A lot of them led me to depression.


I also regret not trying very hard during my Freshman year last year. That was a terrible idea on my part.


I'm not sure what else I regret. I'll probably think of it later. 


My OC, Starlight. (Better than Starlight Glimmer):


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Well this is a personal thing I very well regret which thank god didn't get me addicted

Well video games was an addiction when I was 14. 16 hours a day what was I doing?

Another which Is really personal but willing to share was the fact I actually smoked weed on one occasion when I was 15. So stupid.not going any further than that.

Oh and not saving money and breaking the shower.

  • Brohoof 1


Credit to Rainbowdash72 for sig :D credit to Ivory for the amazing avatar :D credit to couleur for the wallpaper
if your in hell keep going

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I hurt someone who was interested in me, once. Honestly, I never thought I'd find myself in that position. I never thought anyone would actually actively seek me out in that way. Well, he had asked me out a few times, I declined, but we proceeded to be friends. Then, at a later point, I found myself liking him, and not really knowing how to deal with those feelings, because for so long, I hadn't felt that way. So at some point, this gets out to him, and it's just this fact that's just kinda hanging in the air, we're getting to know each other a lot better because of that, but I won't commit. Which was stupid. At the same time, I was already going out with someone else. It was a situation where we were free to date other people, so no harm, no foul on that front. (Actually, with that guy, we both have different partners now and are still friends.) I wanted to go out with that guy, but there were a few stupid reasons holding me back. Probably the stupidest, most shallow reason was what people in my life would think about him. And, again, it really is stupid and shallow. I'm aware of that. The only thing I really have to say in my defense is that this happened with someone else before then. I was going out with someone and some of my friends didn't like him, which made things really frustrating and miserable for me. The only justification I can think of is not wanting to go through that again or not having to choose between him and my friends. It doesn't mean that it's not still a bad reason, but that's where I think I was coming from. On the topic of friends, I didn't wanna lose him as a friend, and my thinking on this was that if we did go out and things didn't go well, we couldn't be friends anymore. Why we couldn't have amicably split if things didn't work out, I don't know. And I don't know why I didn't consider that. Of course, ending badly is a potential result but, well, apparently, it's the same case for just being friends. Another petty sort of reason had to do with the guy that I was going out with. I didn't wanna risk a sure thing on something that might not work out. With that guy, we agreed to go out until we A. either found someone else or B. one of us got a better job, which we were both actively looking for, and moved. I think I didn't wanna lose him as a friend, either. This, I think I can forgive myself a bit more with. If I'd gone out with the guy I was interested in, there's no reason we couldn't have ended things on good terms if it just wasn't working. I most likely would have, however, had to end my friendship with the guy I was seeing. I suppose I'm not 100% sure it would have to have been that way, but it's not entirely my choice at that point. He could have let me continue being friends with him or he could have not wanted me to talk to him ever again. So, there's that. If there's one thing about it, though, that I can say I don't deserve blame or don't feel bad about, it's this next thing. I was talking with the guy who I was interested in. I was, seriously, about to ask him at that point. Like, seriously, I just needed a day or less. I think I had it planned out that I was gonna tell him on a certain day or something, but I can't remember completely. Don't make too much of that. It's just the way I do things. I have to put it on a time schedule. I hate spontaneity. But I was talking with him, and what he said gave me pause. I don't remember the conversation entirely, but it was something to the effect of asking me why I was interested, now. I think he was trying to get me to think about the reasons I liked him. He'd always helped me with various problems, emotional, tactical and otherwise. He wanted me to think about whether I liked him for him or whether I liked him because he supported me or things like that. It might sound weird. Like, of course being supportive is a good trait to seek out in someone. I'm having a hard time explaining, but I'm not saying that I shouldn't have liked him for being a supportive person. Rather, he wanted me to look and see if there was anything else. A relationship can't just hinge on one thing like that.


And from then, I was confused. I took the week to think about it and came up with the other three reasons I listed. At the end of it, I just said "no," to myself. I said I do things on a time table? I told myself I was gonna tell him on Monday. This was (of course) after the weekend. The weekend is when I used to see that other guy. So basically, I went to see the guy only to tell the other guy I wasn't interested after all. Which, had I not said anything, would probably not have mattered. But he pried and pried and got it out of me that I went to go see him. He sorta blew up about this. I really don't know whether to be offended by this or not. Even now, years later. On the one hand, yeah, I suppose it was crappy of me to do that. On the other hand, he doesn't control my life. I see his frustration with what I did. And I'm not saying that I'm innocent in this situation. I'm not saying that what I did was right. But the way he came off to me was a bit on the controlling side and at the time sorta made me question whether or not it would have been a good idea to go out with him. Then again, this is under a lot of various pressure on the situation, so I can't actually tell if anything like that actually would have happened in a relationship. There was just a lot of pressure and focus upon the situation, so setting a fuse like that, I can't say I really blame him. Needless to say, I haven't spoken to him in about 5 years.


Five years later, I still regret it. I have a lot of feelings about this situation. I have a lot of "what ifs." What if I hadn't said anything or I had made some excuse to him that didn't involve that guy, then broke it off? What if I had told him right away? Better yet, what if I had told him about my doubts and hesitations? What if I had never mentioned anything about liking him? Probably the biggest what if, though, is "what if I had just gone out with him?" I refrained partially in the interest of not losing my friend and I lost my friend. I feel like a lot of my reasons were either stupid or selfish. I definitely screwed up. To this day, I feel bad about hurting him so badly. I actually think about it a lot. About all these what ifs and playing things back in my head. Even though I'm in a relationship now, sometimes, I can't help but wonder how my life would be different if I had just agreed to go out with him. I just feel really stupid about the whole thing. Incredibly stupid. I acted badly. I acted stupid. I acted like an asshole. I think every mistake I possibly could have made regarding this situation, I made it spectacularly. Again, it still affects me to this day. Some times in my life, I think of what happened more than others. Sometimes, I check out his social media a little. Cuz I did care about him. I never wanted to hurt him. I never intended to hurt him. But I didn't think about what I was doing. I really should have considered his feelings way, way more than I did. I feel incredibly selfish about things, even now. Some lessons get learned the hard way. The way I acted about this entire situation is the thing I regret most in my life. Even now being happy with someone else, I still regret this. He blocked me on most of his accounts and stuff. I respect his right to do that, and knowing that he probably never wants to hear from me again, I respect the situation by remaining silent. But if I ever had the opportunity to talk to him again without it being an invasion of his privacy and his right to shut me out, all I'd wanna tell him is that I'm still sorry for hurting him and I've always regretted my actions. That I know now what I did wrong and exactly how wrong it is. That I was only thinking of myself and I should have been thinking of him. But I know that I can't change anything, now, and even now, I still regret things. I'm sorry.

Edited by Clover Heart
  • Brohoof 1

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Drinking dirty sprite. You know, when you take cough syrup and mix it out in a soft drink, to get high on the codeine/morphine content. I managed to stop, though.




If you want my advice, don't bother with even trying that...it's very harmful and will lead to nothing.

Edited by RaveRatchet
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I regret dating my best friend, it wasn't even a long relationship but she out of everyone I've known, loved me. I never knew what it was like to be loved. So i brushed it off and left her life trash, like i shouldn't care, and I look back at myself and say what kinda monster was I? 


We still talk and were still best friends, after a year of not talking to each other though...But ever since we started talking again she's been with guys that know would never treat her right and just leave her. I want to say something but I don't want to interfere with her life anymore. Every time they do leave her she's not herself for awhile and i have to be there for her. She's always sad, always looks at the past and I always tell her to move on but she never wants too. I always think this is my fault, 1. For leaving her in the first place and turning her like this. And 2. Not telling her the people she's been with would hurt her. 


I look back and always wonder if there could've been something I've done to stop this... 

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I thought about my lazy high-school self and the chance to go to university, but I don't think I'd be as happy studying computer science there as I am studying software engineering in college. I guess it comes down to practical vs theory. For instance, my teacher talked about IPC until he was blue in the face, but I only really started understanding it when I started experimenting with examples and writing my own code.


I suppose one thing I really regret is something that was out of my power. Rather than moving for high school, I should have stayed at my middle school for grades 10-12. My high school life was miserable; there was no sense of community (other than bloody volleyball) and the teachers were strictly there to teach content, not to be friends. I still keep in contact with several of my old teachers that still teach at my middle school as well as the director. Moving away from that school was a huge mistake. I hope when I finish being a developer, I may someday return to that school as their programming teacher.

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getting involved with the hot sexy adorableness that is PelleK Probably, losing my ex-best friend Kylie. She meant the world to me, and there are days when I feel like it's my fault. However, she got involved with competitive pokemon and pretty much dropped off the face of the earth. She was like the sister I never had but always wanted. We treated each other like we were blood-related, and it was amazing. I miss her so much. TT_TT

x Haruhi Suzumiya x


goddess of the world


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A lot of things due to being around a bad crowd since from 6th to 8th grade, but the worst that I did and most regret was during lunch in the 8th grade. I was with the bad crowd and one younger person. They dared me to pull his chair out from under him when he came back, I did and ofcourse he fell. He started to cry and looking at him on the floor it broke my heart, and worst I didn't get caught for it. Then on I became a good person and helped anyone who needed help.

Edited by Daiy






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A lot.


Oh, I can't just say that.  Okay, well, the last one would be slapping my ex's mother in self-defense.  She attacked me because I was upset that her daughter left me and our son behind while I needed her to help me out with getting him ready.  To top it off, I had just had surgery on the side of my face where she slapped me.  It could've had extra damage done.

B):lol::P:D;):huh::muffins::umad: :comeatus:


Gimme some time to come up with something new, okay?  MUCH LOVES!!!

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  • 8 years later...

Not playing more video games. But these bad people just locked down our financial situation. I didn't want the money for wh*res or extravagant luxuries. I just wanted to upgrade my pc just enough to play the latest video games in at least high settings. I was not asking for ultra. And then donate a reasonable amount to charity or whatever. So, that is a regret that I will take to my grave. And it is on YOUR conscience. Yes, you reading this right now. For having deprived this sweet little boy from his most beloved passion in life. But that is fine. Because I can still play some video games.

Edited by They call me Loyalty
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Me doing stupid things to my electronics when I was 10, in specific detail:

I took apart two of my computers and had problems reassembling them afterwards to the point where I ended up trashing them. Thankfully I kept most of the parts from them and have managed to restore one of my childhood computers after years of finding the parts I lost/discarded. I took the hard drive out of the other computer and formatted it when I put it in a different computer, I lost a couple years worth of data, which I'm never going to get back (one of them was a video of a skateboarding competition that I went to).

Me not realizing the video card in my computer was dying when my computer used to BSOD on a daily basis. Once it died, I had to use my mom's laptop until my dad was able to get a replacement video card, the tragic part is the replacement video card (an nVidia Geforce FX 5200 128MB AGP video card - one of the worst GPUs of all time according to various sources) was a MAJOR downgrade compared to what it had previously. My embarrassment for having such a crappy graphics card was what lead to me disassembling the computer and breaking the pins off the CPU in the process as well as damaging the computer case. After that debacle, I had to use one of those crappy clamshell Dell Optiplex computers (which were known for having capacitor problems) until I got a better computer several months later.

Me throwing a Hot Wheels car at my TV over missing a part of an episode of the Food Network show Unwrapped. It left a tiny crack on the LCD panel, but luckily it didn't damage it completely as it still worked perfectly aside from having a tiny white speck on the top-center of the screen.

There are a couple more examples that I could list here, but I feel like I've mentioned enough already.

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