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Any types of texters that you hate?

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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So, we all text, whether its over text messaging, kik, messaging here on the forums or any other website you are a part of, but is there that type of "texter" that you hate?


Like for example, slow texters? One or two word texters? Texters that only use shortened versions of words like "wut". "u" "hmu", etc.? Impatient texters? Texters that text back within 2 hours?



I know this person who is an impatient texter. Whenever I don't respond within 3 minutes, he will be like "You there?" and crap. Like, come on? I don't have to reply RIGHT away. Sometimes, we all have stuff to do. As much as I hate one word texters, the impatient ones are the worst -.- Seriously one of my BIGGEST pet peeves.

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I hate texters that never stop texting. You know; the people who will just start texting abruptly when you're talking to them, and you have to wait for them to finish. I find that to be extremely rude, and it irritates me.


Other than that, there's not really any other kind of texter I hate. I get a little annoyed with people who frequently use letter or number word substitutions (e.g. 2, u, r, etc.) in a non-jokingly manner, but I don't hate them.

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One word texters who respond with a word like "k," "okay," or "whatevs".


Do that and there's a 99% chance of me ending the conversation on the spot.

Edited by WheatleyCore
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I don't like one word texters or people who send one word at a time!


Also don't like people who text you like 7 times in a row!


Also also I don't like texters who don't get the hint that you don't want to talk them but they still text you everday until you answer!

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The one word responses pretty much trying to say indirectly, I really don't want to talk to you right now. I mean is it hard to say your busy or something? Funny how people cannot be more truthful or blunt.


That is why I don't like those one word responses.... 

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The only trouble I've come across was when I was texting a girl (whom I've only met once irl...) sent me a text of gibberish, I replied with "?" and she never responded. This was approx. 1 year ago, I think. I remember it was thanksgiving week here in america. But here's the catch, she just added me on facebook today. 


Though there are those times it takes my friends like an hour or so to respond, but I'm guilty of that. (but I have an excuse, for whatever reason my phone has like a 30% chance of going off if I get a text, so sometimes I'll just randomly check my phone and notice I got a text from my friend 3 hrs ago asking if I wanted to hangout)


And since I'm already digressing, I use to have an oooold monitor cuz my other one broke, it was a fat box one from the 90s, and I'd lay my phone in front of my monitor, and I would know that I'd get a text before my phone even got it because the screen would whack out for a sec and one second later the phone would go off. At first I didn't know what was going on but I eventually caught on.

Edited by NotoriousSMALL
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I don't usually mind, but i get particularly irked when i see one of these in a message:


"  : )))) "


It's supposed to be a smiley, but it reminds me of somebody smiling while having multiple chins or something.

Strangely, i only see these on russian comments / websites, or when i meet russian players chatting in an online multiplayer game.

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I don't like when people just send me one letter constantly.

I also don't like when people spam me because I don't reply. Sorry for having a life.


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-People that text "lol k" "lol haha" "lol lmfao" that irritates me. Like I don't expect a long reply but for god's sake add to the conversation.


I'm actually okay with slow texters. I myself take a while to reply because I'm busy some of the time. Even if I don't get a reply after a while it doesn't bother me.

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I'll start with testers whom I encountered in high school. There are text spammers(people who won't STOP), text and walkers, text and drivers, people who get pissed because you text them, then there's people who don't know how to text efficiently; like my friend. He texts in paragraphs because he doesn't shorten a few words, he doesn't do emoticons right, and he talks about NOTHING but games unless I bring something else up myself.


Anything else?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pls dnt tlk 2 me like ths. 



I understand the occasional misspelling or grammatical error, but if somepony constantly shortens words or uses numbers and symbols when they don't need to, it becomes extremely annoying. I think so, anyway... 

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I'm one of those people that don't like it when I send a friend a long message explaining whatever it was or just saying something casual then they reply back saying "K"


Me: "WTF!"




Yep. I hate it. Its annoying.


Oh! I almost forgot. People who TEXT AND DRIVE!!! It really makes me uncomfy when someone I know is texting while they're behind the wheel. It makes me want to say: "Pull over, I'm driving cause you aren't paying attention to the fudging road".


They really don't get it when people die while texting cause their attitude is like, oh thatll never happen to me. Um, yes it will. Its the number one killer for Teens and even adults. More than Drinking and Driving cause you're still looking at the road, just not focused enough. Texting on the other hand, your eyes are on the phone and not the road. You better pray that you don't hit someone or kill yourself.

Edited by ~SadisticFluttershy~
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I hate it when I see people responding to long messages with "k" or "y" if it's a serious question.


Also when people seem to enjoy texting you at first and then after a while, they never text you again and suddenly ignore your messages for no freakin reason. And then when they finally respond, they act completely clueless.


And when people text you nonstop until you respond ...


I'm sorry but if I'm busy with something, I can't respond. So knock it off :c

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I hate the worst kind of texters .. the one's who decide to TEXT AND DRIVE. There is nothing more infuriating to me than idiots who decide to risk their safety (and more importantly) the safety of others because they could'nt wait until they are parked, sitting down, or standing (because yes, people run into things as they walk and text too). I always hear the dumbest excuses like "i'v been driving for ___ years" or like "I do this and no accidents happen" well you know what? it only takes one to cause irreversable damage and/or untold horrors.


I mean pardon the language, but for petes sake this is a SERIOUS problem these days! more than people think. But while im talking about it, make the world a better place and discourage people doing that, spread the word! and make the world a better place, one less texter and driving at a time. http://www.textinganddrivingsafety.com/texting-and-driving-stats/

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Not really. Probably those with frequent spelling errors, although I'll intentionally spell stuff to look funny sometimes, like "moar", "Lel", "boaring" (boring), etc :P.

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