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open ~ENDING!~ Hearth's Warming Eve party-- SOL


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When Dex returned Spacer was checking out her new hat. "Hey that was fast" She smiled and took her glass from him and sipped at it. "Oh hey I don't know if your saving that cream on your lips for later but you got some on your lips." She laughed. "Somepony must have taken a pit stop to the snack table"


Spacer took another sip of her cider. "Where were we?" She asked wondering about what their conversation was about before.

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@DJ Spacer


"Ooops," Dex turned his face a little and wiped the cream off.


"Can you blame me? It's quite the buffet." Dex laughed.


"Now, what were we talking about... Let's see... We talked about our jobs and then not drinking alcohol and then..." Dex blushed.


"You said something really sweet and I couldn't help but about to say something similar.."

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Red smiled to Plum. "Everyone's good, just look for yourself. You've done great." After picking up one more cookie, though, he finds a seat with Plum and gets himself warm from the fire. "So, is your bakery almost ready to go? When do you open?" he asks. "You've got the product line down, I think," he adds, chewing his cookie.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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She giggled at his response to the cream on his face.


"Awe ya thats right!" She got closer to Dex. "What was it that you were going to say?" She gave him her full attention and to ensure a pony would not come between them this time.  "Don't worry, I don't think we will get interrupted this time." She said smiling.

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@DJ Spacer


Dex blushed a color not too dissimilar from the color of his mane.


He whispered into her ear.


"I think you're really cute. I'm really enjoy talking to you."


He stood up really straight, making sure no one had noticed by looking from side to side. He took a sip of his cider and cleared his throat a little.

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Spacer's ear twitched a little after he pulled away from her ear. She watched as he looked around almost like he was embarrassed to say what he did. She laughed a little and leaned into his ear spreading one of her wings to cover his face and hers. "I feel the same way about you Dexy" She whispered putting a hoof on his chest. "Its not often I come across a stallion like yourself and I will admit you are very attractive with a cute personality." She retracted her wing, booped his nose and winked before taking a drink of her cider. "So what's on your mind Dex? Probably food right?" She joked.

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@DJ Spacer


Dex wiggled his nose a little at the boop, chuckled a little and smiled. Thank Celestia for being snowed in. 


"I was thinking about how beautiful the snow is. Where I grew up, we rarely get snow. I'm starting to appreciate how well it compliments the season." He looked out the clear window that fogged a little with his breath.

  • Brohoof 1
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Spacer looked outside and shivered. "Ya I like snow except for the freezing temperatures with it, I remember about freezing my ears off last year." She watched the fog form his breathe on the window slowly fade away. "Have you every done anything with snow? Like build a snowpony? Make a igloo? Have a snowball fight?"

Edited by DJ Spacer
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@DJ Spacer


"I'm not a huge fan of cold either, but it is pretty. I guess it hasn't lost all of its magic for me since we saw it so rarely as foals. I think I had one decent snowball fight when I was a colt. We had to pretty much scrape the whole yard to make the one snowpony I ever made and he was more of a snowfoal."


Dex chuckled.


"You cold? We could move a little closer to the fire if you like."

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"Would it make it weird if I said I still act like a filly sometimes? I know growing up means getting more mature and all that but I still like to have fun once and awhile." Spacer said softly not knowing if Dex was the same way.


"Ya I am a little chilly, I swear I have a thin winter coat." She laughed and trotted over closer to the fire feeling a lot better.

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@DJ Spacer


"I think we all act a little foalish from time to time. What did that author say... 'When I became a stallion I put away foalish things, including the fear of foalishness and the desire to be very grown up.' Where's the fun in being all stressed out all the time? Have fun! Within reason, haha"


Dex followed her to the fire.


"My winter work vest is usually perfect for these sorts of days."

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"Of course!" Spacer agreed with Dex and his comment. "There are times though when I get overly foalish and things get out of hoof." She looked into the fire trying to not think about he bad times and had a sideways look to her mouth. "If I could take those things I've done and toss them into this fire I would in a heartbeat."


She looked Dex "I'm sure if I wore jackets, boots, or earmuffs I would be warmer for sure. Just seem to misplace or loss them" She giggles and tapped a hoof on her head. "Too many things go on in this mares head."

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@DJ Spacer


"Well, at least you have things whirring around in there. That's a lot more than some ponies can say. We all make mistakes.. What defines us is how we handle them. Do we learn from them or run from them?"


Dex sipped his cider.


"So long as you learn from them and grow, you're not the same pony that made the mistake and you shouldn't be too hard on yourself."

  • Brohoof 1
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Red smiled to Plum. "Everyone's good, just look for yourself. You've done great." After picking up one more cookie, though, he finds a seat with Plum and gets himself warm from the fire. "So, is your bakery almost ready to go? When do you open?" he asks. "You've got the product line down, I think," he adds, chewing his cookie.

"I still have a lot if preparation to do inside the new building, but until then I'll be working from home," Plum explained. "To be honest, the hardest job is thinning out the menu!" She picked a sugared plum off a platter and popped it in her mouth. "I have so many things I want to sell, but not enough space or money." She laughed.

"...and maybe if I can't sell from home right away, I'll see if I can get a job at Sugar Cube Corner. The Cakes seem really nice, so I think I'd enjoy working for them."

That pink pony is another story though, she added in her head.

"So, is this season busy for you?" Plum asked, admiring her own Hearth's Warming Tree.

Edited by AmberDust

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Red shook his head when asked about working in the winter. "Aside from providing the odd Hearth's Warming Tree, not really." he said to Plum, then taking a sip of cider. It's too difficult to cut or plant trees in winter, so, I work indoors preparing seedlings, but, even that's not terribly labour-intensive, so I'm not as busy." he explains, "Which gives me the chance to travel!"

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Thrillseeker stopped at the mention of another baking family right here in Ponyville. All the bakeries in Manehattan competed against each other but the thought of similar businesses coming together made him think twice about coming together for Hearth's Warming. After all, it was a day of peace and harmony amongst all pony races. He put his differences of baked good preferences aside and walked up to Plum Pudding.


"So," he said finally. "You must be Plum Pudding. Amber's told me so much about you. I'm Thrillseeker."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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As Thrillseeker trotted away, Amber stared into the fire for a moment, shocked. I didn't mean to insult him, she thought, still confused. She decided he must have misunderstood. Amber stood up to go apologize, but Thrillseeker was already in conversation with another pony--Plum Pudding. Although he didn look angry or upset at all. Amber backed down hesitantly. She instead trotted to the front entrance and pulled a few things from her bag--a sketchbook and a case of pencils. Returning to the fire, she started to draw while she watched the other ponies chatting happily. Amber gave a little smile.


"Hello," Plum said to Thrillseeker. "Yes, I'm Plum Pudding...sorry for not introducing myself." Plum instinctively reached for the platter of sugared plums and offered one to him.

"So, Amber's been talking about me?" She asked, eyes darting to where her friend sat.

Edited by AmberDust

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Thrillseeker accepted the sugar plum and bit down. "Mmm!" he exclaimed. "Thanks a bunch! Amber said some things about you having been to Manehattan but our paths haven't crossed. I happen to live there but I haven't seen you on any of the rides at Poney Island. I need to get a first-hand account." The pegasus glanced at Amber by the fire before turning back. "Do you bake professionally?" he wanted to know. "I haven't had that much fares outside of the big city."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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"Yes!" Plum said excitedly. "Well, almost. I'm opening up a bakery here in Ponyville as soon as preparations are done with the building I bought."

Plum was trying to hide her excitement, but in truth, she was unbelievably enthralled with the idea of owning her own bakery--it had been one of her lifelong dreams. She grinned widely "Are you interested?"

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"I wont let the things I've make mistakes on haunt me for now. Its Hearths Warming anyway, A time to be happy!" She gave a big smile with closed eyes. "No matter what I won't let my pass drag me down even though it sucks to remember about it someitmes." Spacer said shaking her head.


"Anywho whats your favorite color? I bet you could prolly guess what mine is." She gestured her whole body.

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At the door there is loud rhythmic knock. The pony outside awaiting patiently. Ahaban hearing such quickly trots over to answer the call.


Awaiting at the entrance stands a zebra adorned on his chest a similar vest to Ahabans with golden bands dressed upon his hooves.


"Your accompany letter I didn't respond. For parties aplenty I am fond." The zebra spoke in getting rhyme. Ahaban smiled nuzzling him.


"Marahaben! Come on in Bulawayo. I'll inform the host." He says leading in the fellow foreigner.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@DJ Spacer


"Hmm. My favorite color is probably green , though I've started to appreciate red as well. Green reminds me of green rolling hills and tranquil ponds. Very peaceful and natural."


"What's your favorite weather? When I'm indoors with a candle and a good book snuggled up in my bed, I love a good thunderstorm. The rumble and tickling rain just is so relaxing."

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"I sure am," Thrillseeker beamed. "Of course, I am open to any kind of food joint as long as I get my fill of course." He chuckled as he patted his stomach with one of his hooves. Three heaping plates and he still had more room left in him. "So, what do you do when you're not baking? This may surprise you coming from a pegasus but weather doesn't really fascinate me. I guess it's because my parents help out with the Manehattan team."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Trilby's flirt attempts fell flat, but he's never daunted.


Grabbing a drink of his own, Trilby goes over to Plum and Thrillseeker. "Hey there. How's it going?" Trilby takes a sip. "A fellow business pony, eh? You know, I own my own hat shop. Maybe we could work in some kind of cross-promotional deal."


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@@Yoshi89 and @Samurai Equine


"Oh," Plum said, surprised and suddenly grave. "I certainly don't expect all Pegasi to be interested in the weather. You can't judge a pony on things like that." She appeared very serious, as though this comment had touched a nerve. But Plum quickly went back to her usual self.

"But...hmm...while I'm not baking?" She thought aloud. "I like to...hmm..."

Plum thought hard. She was having trouble coming up with another hobby. It felt as though she never stopped working. Suddenly, an eccentric businesspony was standing next to her, and she got distracted by new questions.

"A cross-promotional deal?" She said, surprised. She wasn't sure whether it was appropriate to laugh.

"But...I'm a baker, and you make--hats?" She had a hard time concealing her smile.

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