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open Bloodlines (S.O.L./Horror Mystery) [reboot]

Midnight Scribbler

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Sunset Glow


Sunset took in what her companions had said. Giving a light sigh of relief, she took comfort in the thought that maybe she had been over thinking things after all. Regardless of that, however, she still couldn't shake some nagging thought about this place. Something was out of place, she just couldn't place her hoof on what it was. "I suppose you're both right.. Aero has a good point though, I think it might just be that we are really the only new ponies in town. It doesn't look like this place gets a lot of tourism. It got the vibe that we're sort of like a test group.. Almost like we're supposed to be the first run for his majesty's royal resort. They might even give us a survey at the end." She joked, chuckling a bit.


As they neared the hotel, she caught a glimpse of Shadowhide coming out of the cafe, her eye set on Aero. If Aero hadn't mentioned their friendship, Sunset would have sworn they were married, or at least dating. Sunset gave Shadowhide a smile, hoping not to seem too aggressive. Shadowhide seemed to be a rather shy one, not out of embarrassment to show herself, but more out of secrecy. Was it narcissism? Or simply a lack of trust in anyone she didn't know? These thoughts, she kept to herself, these sorts of things a moral mare would never truly ask. She knew that simply observing would eventually tell the truth about this mysterious character, who hadn't even bothered to introduce herself the first time Sunset saw her. Truth be told, Sunset had trouble figuring out how she should even act around Shadowhide, aside from coming forth and being the one to make the introduction herself. Maybe it would break the awkwardness, and stem a lot of her questions.. or perhaps it would simply serve to reinforce the social barrier that seemed to be holding Sunset back from even wanting to speak to her. It wasn't that Sunset was mad, or even annoyed. That would at least have given her some initial feeling about Shadowhide to play on. With nothing to go on, there was simply this stale void of information, out of which, sunset could draw no response that felt right. With that, she chose to be positive, because if nothing else, at least she would go into it trying to make nice. Even if it failed, at least there would be something there for future reference.


At the moment, because Shadowhide hadn't yet broken her attention on Aero, Sunset felt it best to wait until she had spoken her mind. Interrupting her train of thought might seem a bit rude, and she didn't want to come across that way.

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Aero Wind


@Midnight Scribbler, @FirstPonySpectre, @Cinder,

Aero chuckled at Sunset's joke about the survey. He almost wished he was the run conducting this 'test', but psychology or whatever science category this falls under isn't exactly the part of science he's really passionate about. 'You know, if we really were a test group, they'd be monitoring our actions more closely, probably keeping track of what places we go to, when we go there, and all that. But then again, if you're conducting an experiment on ponies, you'd want to do it without the ponies being aware, since ponies act unnaturally when they know they're being monitored...' Aero spun around looking all over the area they were in, half-expecting to find a hidden camera somewhere. What he actually found was something different. Pointing his hoof, he said 'Is that Shadowhide coming towards us?'







Shadowhide couldn't put her hoof on it, but something seemed off with Dove. She didn't seem to have as much pep as usual. But it was so slight Shadowhide wasn't sure if she was imagining it or not. Not that it matters much, since she's just about to leave. 'Circumstances were unfortunate today. Perhaps we'll have better luck tomorrow. Farewell.' Shadowhide turned to Poppy and Belinda, gave a quick silent nod, then walked out of the cafe.


Shadowhide approached Aero and the other ponies with him, Sunset, Bitter and Emerald. Aero was pointing at her, so he must have seen her and pointed her out to his friends. Shadowhide nodded to him in acknowledgement. Trotting over, she caught up with the group quickly. 'Hello,' she greeted, but it was more directed at Aero instead of the whole group.


'Hey, Shadowhide!' Aero replied, walking over to her. 'I want you to meet my new friends.' Pointing at them in turn, he continued 'This is Sunset Glow, this is Emerald Gaze, and this is Bittersweet.' Shadowhide looked at each of them in turn as Aero introduced them, giving Sunset and Bitter the same serious expression she always wears. But she looked at Emerald for slightly longer than the other two, and her face had a slight glower as she did.


'Hello,' Shadowhide said again, this time clearly directed at the other three ponies. Aero must not be happy with how little Shadowhide said, since he subtly gave her a quick gentle kick, which she knew was his way of saying 'keep talking'. 'I'm Shadowhide, a detective,' she added afterward.

  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Glancing around the place, she saw other ponies from the train. Shadow seemed to already know them, or at least, was getting to know them. When asked if she wanted to join the others, Belinda gave them a flat stare and shook her head.

Belinda took her place at the back of the line, too polite to cut, but not to tap her hoof impatiently. She looked over the menu and decided on a simple roll with jam. It was simple, but tasty, or so she hoped. You never could tell with these small cafes, some had great food, others were lucky to still be in business. In fact, how could anything remain in business in a town that seemed to have such a small population? Unless it was government funded, which struck her as odd. Sure, she supposed it could be just for hospitality reasons, but given the suspicious nature of the whole thing, it seemed like somebody had gone an awful long way to make this seem like a normal town.


Her thoughts were interrupted by Shadowhide, who pointed out some of the other vacationing ponies outside. Ugh... I just can't seem to stay away from the others. Maybe I should've just ordered room service. But then I never would've found this wonderful little spider. She lifted her wing a bit and coaxed him out from under a feather. He crawled around on her hoof a bit, and Belinda tried to calm him down.


"Don't worry," she whispered. "You're safe with me." The spider seemed less scared after that.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Cherry Bomb


@@Gloomfury, @SilverHeart, @Scribblegroove, @Midnight Scribbler


"Cinnamon? Ciiiiiin-a-moooooon! Where are yoooooou?"

Cherry looked around the immediate area of the registration desk, even going d far as go behind the desk herself and look under on the off-chance she may have been hiding which, to Cherry's annoyance, wasn't the case.


"She's not here," she said as head popedup again behind the desk and looking straight at Mirror,"She must be on her break, do you think we should wait for her?...our room key "IS" right there," she pointed a hoof directly towards a specific key hanging on the wall behind the desk,"you don't think she'll mind if we take it do you?"

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Cherry Bomb


@@Gloomfury, @SilverHeart, @Scribblegroove, @Midnight Scribbler


"Cinnamon? Ciiiiiin-a-moooooon! Where are yoooooou?"

Cherry looked around the immediate area of the registration desk, even going d far as go behind the desk herself and look under on the off-chance she may have been hiding which, to Cherry's annoyance, wasn't the case.


"She's not here," she said as head popedup again behind the desk and looking straight at Mirror,"She must be on her break, do you think we should wait for her?...our room key "IS" right there," she pointed a hoof directly towards a specific key hanging on the wall behind the desk,"you don't think she'll mind if we take it do you?"

Mirror stared at Cherry, she wasn't entirely sure whether this was a joke or Cherry was being serious. Sometimes it was hard to tell. "I think she might be going to practice for the play with her friends. I guess we missed running into her on the way back..." Mirror looked around, it didn't seem like any pony else was here to care for the hotel. That seemed a little odd since the first guests were finally here.


"Well if you want we can use my key and pick yours up later tonight when she gets back." She suggested. "I don't think they'd mind though....if nopony else is here to take care of the guests."

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Poppy Seed



Poppy looked to Dove as she came and sat down. Poppy was likely going to meet up with Rosewood later, so she could wait for that. In the meantime, Dove didn't seem as cheery as she was earlier. In fact, she seemed like a different pony. One who didn't seem like she was in the mood for talk. 'Well, that's tough. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this and find out exactly what that mare's done to Dove.'


"Hey. You ok, Dove? What's eating ya?" Poppy asked, lightly nudging Dove to get her attention.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Cherry Bomb


@@Gloomfury, @SilverHeart, @Scribblegroove, @Midnight Scribbler


"Ooooh yeah!" Cherry exclaimed as she she come from behind the desk." I forgot she was doing that, she must hone round the back streets...though I would have thought somepony else would have covered for her."


As Cherry approached Mirror and sat back on her flank, she raised a hoof to her chin in thought,"I wonder if I sho-*GROOOOOWL*".

Cherry sat there with a stunned look on her face, gazing around the room wondering what could been that noise that interrupted her, she then looked down at herself and let out a small giggle, patting her belly,"...or maybe not."


Cherry turned around and once again took the lead as she trotted up the stairs, she looked over her shoulder back at the tall Unicorn,"Mirror do you wanna go first in the tub, or of you think we should....share?"


Cherry giggled with a look of mischief on her muzzle as she stood outside their door, awaiting Mirror to open their room.

((OOC: Mirror, I'll let you describe what their room will look like.))

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Dove Marigold


"Oh, it's nothing you need to trouble yourself with. I'm just.. thinking. Please don't worry about it," Dove smiled, but then resumed to her irritated gaze towards the ponies outside. She thought she had a chance to befriend Shadow, but that didn't look like it was going to happen. For some reason, everything Shadow did was annoying to Dove. In fact, anything anyone did right now was enfuriating. Maybe she just had a headache. She really just needed to take a nap, but Poppy would peobably be suspicious of her if she just tried to leave.


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Before Belle took her leave to look around the hotel a little bit so she could get her bearings, She faced Scribblegroove again. "Well, until we meet again, monsieur Groove. I hope you get well soon." She gave him a smile. "Au revoir." And then she was off. 


@@Golbez, @@SilverHeart,


As she looked around the hotel she re-wrapped her mouth with her scarf again so she wouldn't have to hold in her ticks again. For some reason she thought it would be better if she was just upfront with her condition to everyone. But mostly Cherry because she seems to most likely to understand her. She didn't know why but when Cherry came back for her it really wormed her heart that someone would help a mare they just met.


While she was wondering, after she got her room key, she made her way to drop her bags off in her room so she could go back to wondering. But while she was going down a hall she could see Cherry with another mare near one of the rooms. Sadly her room was far away from hers.


After dropping her bags inside, she left and head over to say hello.


While she slowly walked towards her she slowly unwrapped her mouth again so she could talk to Cherry with her own voice. 

When Cherry was in earshot Belle cleared her throat. "Bonjour again, Cherry." She said with a shy smile. She gave the other mare a nod in hello to be polite.

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Poppy Seed



"Nothing to worry about? You were really cheerful and happy a while ago, now you're acting really sour. That is something to worry about. So what's wrong, Dove?" Poppy asked. She was going to get to the bottom of this somehow, though it was partly for selfish reasons. Dove was Poppy's roommate and thus, Poppy didn't want to share a room with a sourpuss. That would ruin her holiday, and she got so few chances to go on holiday as it was.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@,@@Windbreaker, @@Evilshy,


Rosewood wrote the orders down on a small scrap of paper. Once Rosewood finished taking Bellinda's order she stepped back through the same door she came out of earlier. Several minutes passed before the three of you saw any sign of her. When she came back out she had two plates on her back, her wings were extended to help keep them balanced. Rosewood was also balancing a small platter with a teapot and two small cups. The two cups and platter were made of clay while the teapot was expensive china. Now that she was no longer behind a counter you could see her cutie mark, a wooden stool. 


Rose set the platter down first with the teapot's handle facing Poppy. She turned to the right and slid the plate of scones off of her wings. Since the two of you were in the middle of a discussion she didn't say anything though she did look back at Poppy to give her a wink. 


The mare walked over to where Bellinda was sitting and...staring at something on her hoof. Rose slid the plate off of her wing and onto the table in front of Bellinda. On the plate was one roll and some purple jelly in a small bowl. "Here you go, we only have grape jelly right now. Rye made it himself this morning. IS there anything else I can do for you?" 

  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Dove Marigold


"I am? How unsightly of me.. it's really nothing. It is our first day here, after all. I wouldn't want to ruin it. May I be excused?" Dove questioned, getting up - maybe too eagerly. Her headache was getting worse and worse and she'd probably blow it if she stayed for much longer. She slid some bits on the table - to maybe pay Poppy back for ordering and maybe she'd allow her to leave. "My sincere apologies about today. I know it wasn't the best, but I look forward to having you as my roommate."


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Emerald Gaze.


Emeralds eyes flicked quickly over the made whom she had little chance to assess earlier - she committed some details to memory: body type, colours and her mark, the expression she held and the poise that she held. After a split second, she locked her piercing emerald eyes with those of the newcomer.


"Emerald Gaze - Royal diplomat and emissary." Emerald introduced herself formally, giving no indication that she had even noticed the expression on the mares face and instead returning a look of civilised enthusiasm as she curtsied slightly. "A pleasure to meet you Shadowhide. I trust you are well?"

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Sunset Glow


Sunset shot a grin at Aero as he laughed about the test idea. Making someone laugh was something Sunset seemed to do very rarely, but it always made her feel more comfortable with a pony when she could do it.

As Shadowhide introduced herself, with a rather forced air after being hoofed lightly by her companion, Sunset felt a bit less on edge about her presence. Emerald introduced herself with such formality, how was she to even follow that up? Regardless of how she did look following Emerald in introduction, she found it difficult to even remotely feel jealous of her professionalism and looks.

"And I'm Sunset Glow. Candle maker, and enchantress. A pleasure to meet you as well, Shadowhide." She smiled. This mare seemed to be very shy, or perhaps just secretive? She was a detective, so it was odd that she avoided communication as she seemed to. "We were just heading to the hotel to get settled in, were you going that way too?" Sunset asked, hoping to break the ice perhaps.

  • Brohoof 1

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Poppy Seed



She raised an eyebrow at the bits and slid them back. "Uh, you don't have to pay me anything. The tea and scones were free. Y'know, if you were tired from the carriage ride, you could've just said so. I would've understood. Lots of ponies feel awful after a long ride." Poppy said, coming to the closest available explanation with the information provided.


Things seemed to be getting weird very quickly. Poppy just chalked it up to everypony trying to adjust to this place. It was a lot better than imagining crazy conspiracy stories about everypony. Or so Poppy thought, anyway.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Dove Marigold


"It's okay, I have a ton anyway because.. well, I took a lot since I always overspend on these sorts of things. I was rather rude today - I had fun, though! Thank you," Dove bowed her head. "Please excuse me!" she waved, and made her way out of the cafe. She rushed back over to the hotel (avoiding the group in front of the cafe of course) and tried her best not to be noticed. She pushed through the door to her room and laid down on the bed.


"Don't worry, Dove - you'll be out of here soon enough. You've got enough bits to last about six months - just find a way to leave in the morning." Dove stared at the ceiling pondering how to leave unnoticed until her eyelids felt heavy and fell asleep.


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@, @@Midnight Scribbler,

Shadowhide listened to Emerald and Sunset introduce themselves. Although subtle, she winced a bit after hearing Sunset is a candle maker. She doesn't seem like the kind to take advantage of Shadowhide's fear of fire, she probably doesn't even know about that anyway, but it would still be a good idea to avoid getting on her bad side. To that end, she better answer her question. 'I am currently holding onto Aero's belongings, as I went to the hotel first and Aero did not. I am coming back to the hotel with Aero now so I can return his belongings.'


Since Shadowhide is currently with Emerald, the pony she thinks is most likely to be behind this 'vacation' out of those forced to come, now would be a good chance to try getting some information out of her. But this early on in the 'vacation', it would be best to avoid raising her suspicions, so starting with 'normal' questions would be best. 'Would you go into more detail about your job, Emerald? I'm curious as to what being a royal diplomat and emissary entails.'


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Emerald Gaze.


"Oh, it's not as glamorous as I might make it sound." Emerald laughed lightly. "I act in place of the royal sisters, visiting foreign kingdoms and doing what I can to ensure the best relations... occasionally speaking with guests to our own land in place of our rulers should their attention be needed more urgently somewhere else."


She shook her head and smiled.


"It is an honour to see the beauty and hospitality of other cultures, but in all honesty the majority of my time tends to be spent discussing very mundane topics, trade treaties or border disputes and so on... I enjoy it though, and it is a very rewarding experience "


Not a word of this was a lie: she truely loved her work and would talk about it for hours, given the chance. Of course not everything about it could be discussed openly with just anyone, but most folks expected as much.


Rather than let herself get carried away enthusing about work, she stopped herself and gave a half shrug with a warm expression. Shadowhide was interested in her for some reason, and Emerald would play the game if that was what the mare wanted. Not now though - not in front of Sunset.


"Of course, now might not be the best moment to discuss work - I tend to get carried away a little. Perhaps we might speak more later, if you would like that? I'd be quite interested in your own profession..."

Edited by Cinder

Never quite forgotten.

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((Posting for Mirror in Silver's place. Will post for Sunset when I wake up, cause it's 5AM and I'm burning out hardcore atm.))


Mirror Image


Mirror glanced around the room a moment at the thought that no one was there looking after the hotel. Giving Cherry a rather matter-of-fact look, she replied. "Er.. well, they don't really need anyone at all times. I mean.. everything is paid for, the only reason they even have ponies around is to keep things clean and running for the guests." She spared a small smile, which would break an otherwise tired expression, if her masked face were visible. "Besides, we ha-" She paused, as Cherry's stomach uttered a sound reminiscent of an angry manticore, which brought out a slightly larger smile, and the faintest chuckle from behind her mask.

At Cherry's little proposal, mirror went quiet, lightly kicking her hoof at the floor. "Oh.. well.. I, uh." She sounded unsure, perhaps even too shy to respond to this, almost as though it had caught her off guard. "I suppose we.." Her response was cut off, as another mare wandered into the hall. She seemed to know Cherry, one of the other guests from the carriage this afternoon. Mirror jumped a bit, not expecting another voice behind her. Moving to the side, she turned to see who it was. To her surprise, it was somepony she had seen before. "Hello.." She said, her voice was quiet, but not quite a whisper. She reached for her key to the room her and Cherry were staying in, and opened their room door before turning her attention back to the newcomer. Her previous encounter with Belle had been a bit awkward, because of Cherry's confrontation with Scribblegroove. They hadn't exactly met yet by any social standard.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

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Cherry Bomb

@@Gloomfury, @SilverHeart, @Scribblegroove, @Midnight Scribbler


Cherry beamed at Mirror with a small giggle after seeing her reaction from her teasing, knowing how withdrawn and shy she could be the red mare did at times find the unicorns reactions somewhat adorable.


"Bonjour again, Cherry."


Cherry blinked and turned around at the sound of this new voice, it didn't sound familiar so for a moment it belonged to a pony she may have simply missed on the coach, until she saw Belle standing in front of them, realizing that Belle could actually talk made Cherry or less a little ecstatic, "*GASP* So you CAN talk!", Cherry bounded right up to Belle until she was very much right in her face and hopping from one hoof to the other, "Ohmygosh, and your accent is soooooo cute! Is that Prance? It is Prance isn't it? Awww it's so adorable!"


Cherry finally calmed down enough to sit her flank down right in front of Belle, giggling at her foalishly,"OH! Yes! This is Mirror, she's my friend I was telling you about," Cherry looked over her shoulder as she pointed a hoof at the Tall unicorn, who was standing half-way through the door, "See? She likes to wear a mask just like you do, Mirror? Come say hello!"

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Poppy Seed



"Feel better soon, Dove." Poppy said, though given how quickly Dove left, it was debatable if she'd even heard Poppy's well wishes. Poppy simply shrugged and poured some tea for herself, taking one of the scones. So far, it was a decent start to her holiday. The location seemed nice, some of the ponies seemed nice, and she didn't have to pay for anything except for art. Other things could easily be chalked up to everypony just needing to get used to each other and the locale. Tomorrow, once she was better settled, she could start to get to know everypony better.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Belle blushed from being called cute and adorable. Along with having the mare so close to her face. Whish she thought was rather strange of her to feel. This is the most she has been complimented in one day. "Oui, it's a bit of Prench but It's mostly Cajun. Which is funny because my mother was from Prance before she met my papa." When Cherry introduced her to her friend, she gave a smile to the mare. "Hello." Her shyness  seemed to take a little bit of easy now that she was near cherry. 

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Sunset listened to Emerald speak of her profession, which was quite interesting. She really stood in for the princesses themselves? "What pressure that must be." She thought, before responding to a certain little twitch she'd noticed on Shadowhide's face when Sunset had mentioned her own profession. Smiling, she glanced back at Aero then back to Shadowhide. "I know you don't like fire, Aero here made that clear to me on the carriage." She giggled, nudging Aero jokingly with her elbow. "So don't worry, I won't be lighting any candles near you. I don't want to scare you off when we've only just met."


Sunset began to move toward the hotel entrance. "Shall we get checked in? I'm all for getting to know one another more, but we'll have lots of time at the dinner tonight, and we still have to get settled in." She said, pushing the door open, and holding it. "Oh, and Aero, if you're interested, you can room with me." Sunset said, wondering how good of an idea it would be. She could take care of herself, and this stallion seemed to be nice enough.

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Belinda silently munched on her roll. Even she had to admit, the jam was pretty good. She watched the other ponies go about their business. It seemed that she and Shadowhide weren't the only ones who weren't happy to be here. Maybe if enough of them were unhappy, the powers that be would let them leave early.


In any case, she just wanted night to come so she could sneak out and see the dangerous creatures Cask had spoken about.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Aero Wind


@@SilverHeart, @, @@Midnight Scribbler,

'What? You represent the royal sisters?!' Aero exclaimed. 'Wow, that must be such an honor!' He was very impressed, which was easy to tell with the grin on his face and his enthusiastic tone. 'You say it's not very glamorous, but I can't imagine it being anything else!' Aero then noticed Shadowhide was intently listening and nodding her head slightly in acknowledgement. Which is quite unusual. Shadowhide has been showing a lot of interest in Emerald, but she usually doesn't care much about somepony she's just met. She probably has some reason for talking to Emerald so much. The only reason nopony else realizes this is unusual is that they've only just met Shadowhide.


His suspicions were confirmed, as Shadowhide responded 'Certainly. We can discuss our professions further during the dinner tonight. Or perhaps you'd prefer to talk at a different time?' She must have some reason for trying to arrange some time to speak to Emerald about their jobs when they've only just met. However, she's obviously trying to act as 'normal' as she can, so perhaps she doesn't want the others to know about this reason. He should probably stay quiet about it for now. But the next time he has a spare moment with Shadowhide, he's asking her about it.


To Aero, it was obvious Shadowhide winced when fire was mentioned as they talked about Sunset's job. But Sunset quickly reassured Shadowhide that she wouldn't light candles around her. He understood what Sunset meant when she jokingly nudged him, but he found he couldn't laugh at that 'joke'. 'That wasn't one of my best moments,' he whispered back to her, which was his only response to the nudge.


To Aero's surprise, Shadowhide seemed to be lost for words after what Sunset told her. She kept looking at Aero, then Sunset, then back to Aero for a little while, her expression unreadable, until she finally replied with a soft 'Thank you.' She then quickly turned off and walked into the hotel. That was strange, but Aero felt he could detect a bit of an accusation in that unreadable expression of hers, like she was saying 'How much did you tell her about my fear?' Perhaps it’s another thing to talk to her about later. There was nothing else to do outside, so Aero and everypony else followed her into the foyer.


Once there, Sunset asked Aero if they should be roommates, which Aero responded to with a big grin, saying 'Oh, yes, let's be roommates!' A lot of time had passed since he suggested that, and now that he was approaching the hotel to check in he felt it was too late and he’s definitely not getting a roommate anymore. But in the nick of time Sunset had accepted the offer! It made him feel a little giddy. 'Let's go get checked in!'


Shadowhide then approached Aero, telling him 'My room is the first on the left up the stairs. Come see me in my room once you've checked in so I can return your bags to you. I'll leave the door open for now so you can easily tell which room is mine.' Aero nodded, and then Shadowhide went up the stairs and into her room.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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