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Go to hunt low rank zinogre for a plate.

Get three plates in one hunt.



On another note, am I missing something about how to use Wystones? I used them often throughout the frenzied Brachydios and frenzied Deviljho hunts, but I never knocked either of them out of their frenzy. Admittedly, I wasn't paying much attention to when they recharged and often waited longer than I needed before using them, so I could've used them a bit more than I did. Do you have to just constantly use the Wystones as soon as they become available to do it? Or is there something else I might be doing wrong?

Don't worry, you'll purge monsters from frenzy eventually. Just keep smacking them around when you get the chance, there's no real secret strategy to it. It'll become a lot easier to get rid of frenzy when you get level 2 and beyond Wystones.


Besides, Brachydios and Devljho aren't very happy to let you hit them more than a couple times at once, one of the reasons why it may seem kinda difficult.  

Edited by Monotone
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Yeah, that Brach in the village took me around 20 mins to solo, whereas Deviljho took me around 8.

Personally I find Jho far easier, even more so with experience from MH3. Personally, I didn't play 3u as much as I did Tri, so I don't have much experience with Brachy.


While on the topic of Deviljho..I recall S-ranking the Apex Deviljho in the arena yesterday which was pretty damn neat. My companion and I both used GS and smacked it around real good. We cleared under 5 mins. The victory cheer I let out after that was worthy of waking up the neighbourhood! ^_^

And the naked and afraid quest (2 Jho in the arena without armour) is just a jhoke if you bring a defensive weapon with you!

I never found him that bad. He virtually can't even touch you with an evasion +1 skill, which means you can dodge his attacks easily and find lots of windows of opportunity to get in some good hits.


Oh yeah, and I don't think I've exchanged friend codes with anyone here yet, but I'd be more than happy to at some point :huh:

Edited by The Crimson Cross


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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OMG there is a topic to do with monster hunter :P

Don't judge a book by its cover. You will truly understand it if you're just willing to read it.

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Go to hunt low rank zinogre for a plate.

Get three plates in one hunt.



Don't worry, you'll purge monsters from frenzy eventually. Just keep smacking them around when you get the chance, there's no real secret strategy to it. It'll become a lot easier to get rid of frenzy when you get level 2 and beyond Wystones.


Besides, Brachydios and Devljho aren't very happy to let you hit them more than a couple times at once, one of the reasons why it may seem kinda difficult.  

I am still hunting high rank Zinogres constantly trying to get a Zinogre Jasper. And out of the 30 or so I've fought so far, I've only gotten one Jasper. I've gotten about 5 plates from these high rank Zinogres, though, which aren't that useful, because plates are typically used for low rank stuff...


Thanks, it's good to know that it's not that I'm using the Wystones wrong, it's just that my current Wystones aren't that good.


Yeah, that Brach in the village took me around 20 mins to solo, whereas Deviljho took me around 8.

Personally I find Jho far easier, even more so with experience from MH3. Personally, I didn't play 3u as much as I did Tri, so I don't have much experience with Brachy.


While on the topic of Deviljho..I recall S-ranking the Apex Deviljho in the arena yesterday which was pretty damn neat. My companion and I both used GS and smacked it around real good. We cleared under 5 mins. The victory cheer I let out after that was worthy of waking up the neighbourhood! ^_^

And the naked and afraid quest (2 Jho in the arena without armour) is just a jhoke if you bring a defensive weapon with you!

I never found him that bad. He virtually can't even touch you with an evasion +1 skill, which means you can dodge his attacks easily and find lots of windows of opportunity to get in some good hits.


Oh yeah, and I don't think I've exchanged friend codes with anyone here yet, but I'd be more than happy to at some point :huh:

Brachydios is one of my favourite monsters, and slime weapons are great as all-round weapons since Slime is effective on pretty much anything, so I have killed a ton of Brachydios, both in MH3U and MH4U, to make a ton of slime weapons. I still found the Brachydios much harder than the Deviljho. Although it wasn't that I killed the Deviljho faster, I had similar kill times for both. I just had far more near-death experiences and used far more potions in the Brachydios hunt. I was even worried I'd just completely run out of potions in the Brachydios hunt.


So, Evade+1 is all you need to make the Deviljho a jhoke? I had Evade+3 and Evade Extender, so... :lol:


OMG there is a topic to do with monster hunter :P

Welcome to the Monster Hunter Club! :fluttershy:


Man, MH4U is so good

Don't have as much time to play it as I'd like tho :wacko:

I haven't had as much time to play it lately either, since Uni has taken up much of my time. It's the main reason I'm doing nothing but single player at the moment, it's very hard to find the time to just play Monster Hunter online now. I'm getting worried that I'm going to get so far in single player that I won't have anything else to do until I play online, which is very hard for me to do at the moment.


Speaking of online, we really need to arrange some times for all of us to hunt together!  :grin2: Perhaps we should set up a PM where we can just post to announce we're free to go hunt online and see if anyone else is free and willing to join us? I think doing it in a PM is best, since doing it here will just interrupt the flow of conversation with those that are online talking about what they're hunting and everyone else having nothing to add to that conversation. Last time that happened it seemed like there were multiple conversations going on in the same topic.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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i really came here to give help and get help seeing as its the best game ever 


last night i just got to Hr 6 i think maybe it was 7 im not too sure


but i want people to play with 

Don't judge a book by its cover. You will truly understand it if you're just willing to read it.

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i really came here to give help and get help seeing as its the best game ever 


last night i just got to Hr 6 i think maybe it was 7 im not too sure


but i want people to play with 

I'm HR 4 myself but I've gotten to 9-star offline quests, so I have the kind of gear you'd probably get around HR 6 or 7.


If you're free now, I could join you for a few hunts now! But, it'll have to be the HR 4 ones, since that's where I'm up to.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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go ahead but im not sure how to like add people and play with them

Don't judge a book by its cover. You will truly understand it if you're just willing to read it.

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go ahead but im not sure how to like add people and play with them

In the home menu, press the orange smilely face at the top of the screen. This brings you to your Friend List. Here you can see your Friend Code and input others' Friend Codes. If you and someone else add each others Friend Codes, you'll be registered as friends, and then you can interact online in-game. My Friend Code is 1306 5158 9717. So, you need to enter that code, and tell me your code so I can enter it.


Once that's done, we can go back into Monster Hunter. Go to the Gathering Hall, then touch World Map on the touchscreen, then Solo/Multiplayer, then choose Online Multiplayer. Then either choose Create a Gathering Hall, or choose Friend List if your friend has created the gathering hall and find that friend. And that's it, we should be playing together then!

  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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ill will do but my 3ds had an update is all lol



Edited by Discordly Chaos

Don't judge a book by its cover. You will truly understand it if you're just willing to read it.

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Speaking of online, we really need to arrange some times for all of us to hunt together! :grin2: Perhaps we should set up a PM where we can just post to announce we're free to go hunt online and see if anyone else is free and willing to join us? I think doing it in a PM is best, since doing it here will just interrupt the flow of conversation with those that are online talking about what they're hunting and everyone else having nothing to add to that conversation. Last time that happened it seemed like there were multiple conversations going on in the same topic.

Good idea. I'd definitely be down for that. My schedule is fairly flexible, but I suppose we can sort that out later. Anywho, I'll take the liberty of adding people to my friends list and vice versa when I get the chance. As you said, it would save a lot of unnecessary posting on this thread to boot!

Edited by The Crimson Cross
  • Brohoof 2


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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god today i justy got to the online urgent quest for hr 6 to 7 


my god is that suddenly hard to do Shagaru Magala high rank just does so much damage compared to the offline one

Don't judge a book by its cover. You will truly understand it if you're just willing to read it.

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god today i justy got to the online urgent quest for hr 6 to 7 


my god is that suddenly hard to do Shagaru Magala high rank just does so much damage compared to the offline one

I don't think the fight was so bad for me, it was just the experience of trying to find someone who was at least good at the game to help me finish the quest. For instance, I had a dude who just left after one faint. Then I had a group of people who were all like HR4 with tetsucabra armour. Shagaru pretty much tickled them and they exploded into tiny hunter bits.


I got so frustrated with people I gave up and managed to solo the crap out of him. And it felt good.

  • Brohoof 1
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I got so frustrated with people I gave up and managed to solo the crap out of him. And it felt good.


i can see myself soloing that as well because people keep dieing to it not me 

Don't judge a book by its cover. You will truly understand it if you're just willing to read it.

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Gore Magala seems to have a lot of really good weapons... anyone know if they remain viable within their upgrade trees by G?

(asking about the Swaxe, CB, and Glaive specifically here)


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Gore Magala seems to have a lot of really good weapons... anyone know if they remain viable within their upgrade trees by G?

(asking about the Swaxe, CB, and Glaive specifically here)

I believe the gore tree upgrades to shageru, and the Gore subspecies becomes a seperate weapon path. The subspecies weapon is difficult to master as the affinity changes throughout battle. It certainly has its uses, but by then there's plenty of Elder Dragon weapons to get your hands on too!

I wouldn't worry about it too much though.

Then I had a group of people who were all like HR4 with tetsucabra armour. Shagaru pretty much tickled them and they exploded into tiny hunter bits..

This. It's the most annoying thing ever..:blink:

I think that if you're going into an Elder Dragon fight you should at least come prepared. With some decent armour at least. I mean come on! That's just asking to faint! :wacko:

  • Brohoof 1


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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This. It's the most annoying thing ever..:blink:

I think that if you're going into an Elder Dragon fight you should at least come prepared. With some decent armour at least. I mean come on! That's just asking to faint! :wacko:

It's even worse when you have completely capable people who forget basic items like hot drinks or antidotes. They just run around spamming their signal, expecting someone else to give up their own items for their sake. And whenever I gave away my precious materials that I need just as much as they do, they don't have the courtesy to say thanks!


I'm seriously thinking about making a comprehensive guide to online etiquette because of the sheer amount of people who don't take into account the simplest of things.

  • Brohoof 2
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Alrighty then guys. I'd like to see a show of hands for who'd like to participate in this Mh4u PM. There's a few of you who've already nodded confirmation, and well, I don't see it happening unless I make it a proper thing in motion. Here, we'll basically discuss times we're online and arrange gathering hall meetings. I'll also put my 3DS friend code there, and I expect you guys to do so too.

I just see it as a great opportunity for us on the forum to come together to hunt instead of just talking about it! As some others so kindly pointed out before, it does save interrupting the flow of conversation and a whole heap of unnecessary posting.


Yeah, so just give a shout if you want in!

  • Brohoof 4


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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me me i want in i just got to hr7 and have lots of elder dragons to kill 


im also going for the kirin s armor to get the awakend skill

  • Brohoof 1

Don't judge a book by its cover. You will truly understand it if you're just willing to read it.

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Alrighty then guys. I'd like to see a show of hands for who'd like to participate in this Mh4u PM. There's a few of you who've already nodded confirmation, and well, I don't see it happening unless I make it a proper thing in motion. Here, we'll basically discuss times we're online and arrange gathering hall meetings. I'll also put my 3DS friend code there, and I expect you guys to do so too.

I just see it as a great opportunity for us on the forum to come together to hunt instead of just talking about it! As some others so kindly pointed out before, it does save interrupting the flow of conversation and a whole heap of unnecessary posting.


Yeah, so just give a shout if you want in!

Ill be happy to join. I'm at g rank right now but I'll gladly help people at lower levels in the game. I need to practice with the hammer anyway. Edited by Monotone
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Ill be happy to join. I'm at g rank right now but I'll gladly help people at lower levels in the game. I need to practice with the hammer anyway.

Sure thing. Done and dusted, you've been added to the PM! There's 4 people currently as of now that makes 2 of us G-rank so all's good in that regard! I'm basically working on awards and guild quests anyway, so I'm down for anything too.


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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Alrighty then guys. I'd like to see a show of hands for who'd like to participate in this Mh4u PM. There's a few of you who've already nodded confirmation, and well, I don't see it happening unless I make it a proper thing in motion. Here, we'll basically discuss times we're online and arrange gathering hall meetings. I'll also put my 3DS friend code there, and I expect you guys to do so too.

I just see it as a great opportunity for us on the forum to come together to hunt instead of just talking about it! As some others so kindly pointed out before, it does save interrupting the flow of conversation and a whole heap of unnecessary posting.


Yeah, so just give a shout if you want in!


Awesome idea! I'll drop in my friend code as well. I recently repelled low rank Gore Magala, but I'm more than willing to help and hunt with those close to my progress range.

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