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gaming Moments in Videogames that you may not be able to replicate.

Tom Snyder

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While exploring glitches in ALTTP on emulator, I managed to crash the game so hard it erased all the data for it. My save states, my normal .sav file, just did not work anymore. It was weird.

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While exploring glitches in ALTTP on emulator, I managed to crash the game so hard it erased all the data for it. My save states, my normal .sav file, just did not work anymore. It was weird.

So were you not able to replicate it?


//// My persona and OC: Candy Star //// Ask me anything: Ask Candy Star //// My Music ////


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In WoW, when I was playing my shaman healer, I told my PUG that I was going AFK for a bit to get a drink, but since they were morons they ran in without me. When I saw what had happened I immediately ran to my computer. Only our hunter was left, and I managed to keep him alive long enough for me to res the tank and let the others come back into the instance. We actually managed to pull through Gnomeregan without wiping.

That was incredible.

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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here is one moment I definitely couldn't replicate


I was playing Call of Duty Black ops 2 Zombies on Buried we were all at the Pack-a-Punch trying to use the damn thing and someone uses a Time Bomb then before I know it we are getting overrun so I run past the entire crowd of Zombies and saved the game I have no idea how I managed to do it but I did it then like 10 rounds later we were trying to do the Easter Egg (main objective other then survive) and the guy thought it would be funny to detonate his Time Bomb sending us back to the moment we were getting overrun so I tried the same stunt again and failed then we all died...



here are moments similar... I have a hobby in GTA V where I somehow get my cars stuck in the most stupidest ways just look at these









I had two other pictures but my friends took the pictures and they aren't sharing their information one was a car upside down on top of a restaurant, and another was a car stuck on top of a pillar


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Crysis3 online is your traditional FPS MP, but made harder by the weaponry variation, amount and effects of perks, and the nanosuit's basic abilities which turn everything up a notch.


27 Kill-streak, endlessly running around, expecting death but never finding in, using an under-powered rifle with a few misc. attachments. I've never seen one over 20 before, and I've played a fair few hours. My proudest achievement. Nothing close since, and hell, I've tried.


And then there's my Mystery Dungeon Time/Darkness epics:

-No faints for the whole main story (Painfully hard with a water type Vs. the Lux.'s)

-Dat perfect Aegis Cave run, all stones needed picked up first try without grinding.


And the Battle Hall of Emerald. My sweet Alakazam. One-shot everything, never took time off. Stunning display...Even the Brain, then the Brain's rematch was one battle away, and I was shedinja'd.

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NBA Jam, 2004 version.


I made a basket from the other end of the court as the time ran out, with a 4'6" character.

I still lost though. >_>


I also beat Pokemon Emerald in 23 hours and 48 minutes in a self-imposed challenge to beat in it in under 24 hours.  Never mind that I went out of my way to catch Rayquaza (level 70, of course) BEFORE the Elite Four which took about two hours because Sky Pillar is a pain in the arse to navigate and I kept on killing Rayquaza, before I froze it with one HP left.  WOOT SKILL  


Looking back, I could have probably make a speed run in much less time by not taking an infinite amount of side paths, but maybe next time.

Edited by Wyzecat

Semper ubi sub ubi


Wyzecat supra omnia

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I had a pretty priceless moment a couple of weeks ago in War Thunder.  I was in a Ju-88 medium bomber, I had finished my bombing run and was going back to base all the way across the map, which is about maybe 30km across.  I got hit by an I-15, a slow little biplane, and he was tailing me, wanting to finish me off.  He got on my back about 1km away from me, and we were flying at more or less the same speed for most of the way across the map, for about 10 minutes. Eventually, my engines overheated and I had to reduce throttle, and the I-15 closed in on me, hoping to finally take me out. Well, I let out a couple of bursts from my rear guns, and he was down.


All of that time. All of that effort. All for nothing.  It was hilarious. 

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I've had several epic moments during a playthrough of Mario & Sonic At the Olympic Winter Games' Festival Mode (Damn, that's a mouthful) that I had with my friend. We'll probably never be able to replicate them. We were Silver, Vector, Amy and Tails.


  • We were playing Short-Track Relay. Our fourth player was Tails and he won the Relay. However, during the finish animation right before the victory pose, Waluigi came and creepily skated just inches behind Tails. He even had his long arms hanging around the two-tailed fox! It was so creepy and funny we bursted out laughing.
  • During Dream Ski Cross, I (Who played as Amy) left my team completely in the dust. I don't know how, but I somehow got really far ahead of the others.
  • During Dream Curling, we initially thought we made a really poor shot, yet somehow we got the stone to bounce around and knock down almost every bowling pin!
  • At the end of the Dry Bowser battle, we noticed in the background that Vector was peeking into the audience stand. None of us could resist the "Hi kids!" jokes.
  • Durng an Ice ahockey match, we got really nervous when I almost shot the puck into our own goal and when on of the enemies showed up to finish what I started. Luckily, our goalie (Tails) managed to block the puck.
Edited by ShadowPirateX

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" ~ Optimus Prime

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Internet/gaming cafe. Me and six or seven buds. Rainbow Six Vegas 2, team deathmatch mode. I'm walking up a flight of stairs. I'm fairly certain there's someone just around the corner from the top of the stairs. There's a row of crates I can use to bounce things off, so I throw a grenade in order to catch the guy above.


He closes the door, just as I throw. Grenade bounces off the door straight back at me and I end up suicided.


All my buddies lost it when I yelled "Who closed that door?"


They've never let me forget it.


(Next game he climbs up a rope in front of a window right in front of me. I shot him in the crotch.)

  • Brohoof 1

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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care to share what pissed you off so much?

State test in schools, they would not let me read a book after I got done,  so I had a whole day of no reading.....

  • Brohoof 1


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My most epic unrepeatable moment  would probably be on Garry's Mod playing Dodgeball on a Jailbreak server. Pretty much you both get an RPG that shoots dodgeballs that bounce around that you need to hit your opponent with to insta-kill them. I always sucked at it due to the physics and bouncing and whatnot but I was against another person on the other side of a soccer field. I shot one dodgeball up into the air to start and it landed squarely on his head before he fired his first dodgeball. I then got reported because people thought I was aimbotting. I wasn't banned though  :lol:

  • Brohoof 1


Signature and profile picture made by yours truly.  :P


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This one time in Black ops 2 on search and destroy my whole team was dead. They all had snipers( me with the FAL, no attachments, and a dinky little Tac-45 which had only 15 bullets, ten in the clip 5 on reserve, AND no perks cause my FAL was almost gold) I was hiding in a gas station on Standoff when out of nowhere a dude with a shotty come running in. He runs past me and I shoot him five times in the back(cause my aim is pretty bad) the other team is jumping off a ledge tryin to tricks shot, so I play it off like I'm down with it. Well try all jumped off the ledge at the same time an one guy goes to plant the bomb. The other I got sick of playing with and shot them all. The last guy got back and I kill him with my Tac-45, which only had 4 bullets left when the others were jumping. This guy I plug him with all the bullets but I didn't get him(have no idea why) so I run up and knife him. Now by now I'm laughing so hard because any second I think that hes gonna kill me cause he has a shotty too. When I knife him and defuse the bomb I get these dude sendin me messages and tellin me I suck and that I'm garbage. Next thing I know in kicked off of black ops for using 'mods'. Which was complete bull. I have never been able to do that again. But I didn't get mad. I just laughed and played Demon Souls all those two days

  • Brohoof 1
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Warface, TDM. I had been getting killed left and right, so i decided to buy a vest from the shop with bullet resistance. The match starts and i'm leveling everyone with my rifle, it comes down to me and this guy, one-on-one. You can't dodge very much and have to resort to cover, which i use most of the time. we're on this map with the warehouses, and i make my way towards him, he starts spraying bullets into my vest and doesn't kill me; so i return fire with thirty rounds and he goes down like that. Then he says: "That was bullshit!"

  • Brohoof 1


//// My persona and OC: Candy Star //// Ask me anything: Ask Candy Star //// My Music ////


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The other day i got home from college early and decided to play some destiny. I didn't have too long so decided to just do Crota's end raid. It took us 27 mins from start to finish without cheesing, and thats average for me and my freinds. After beasting crota everyone got their rewards and for some resason it dosen't show a picture of the exotix if you recive one but it tells you in the bottom left. I thought i had just got the raid LMG and some shards until one of my freinds said "Look, someone got Hawkmoon." I had wanted Hawkmoon from day 1, 4 months ago and was ready to scream at the person who got it, until i saw my name by the gun. This could happen to anyone and wouldn't be worthy to put on this thread, if it wasn't for the noise i made after. It sounded like the bird in winter wrap up thet get abused by twilights magic with a megaphone. I may never be able to repeat that sound again (or the reaction of the neighbours!


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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When my two year old brother gets in the way when I'm playing dance games on the Kinect and actually ends up helping me. It's quite amazing.

When I play the entire dance game with only my arm visible and win against my sister whose hole body is visible. Did it.

Sunset Shimmer is best pony/human!

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There was a moment that me and a friend had playing Call of Duty Ghosts online. We were playing Infection, which in my opinion is the only good part to that game. I forgot which map it is, hence how unmemorable that game was, and there is a tunnel that leads underground with two entrances. Since there are no great hiding spots on that map, I just crouched next to a pillar against a wall in the tunnel. Little did I know, this apparently makes everyone oblivious. Many people ran and passed me by without noticing a thing and I ended up being the last alive. Then everyone came charging down the entrance in front of me and kept trying to stab me, but I had my riot shield out and perfectly timed my movements with their hits and it took am grenade to kill me.


Needless to say, I was laughing uncontrollably and it made my face hurt. Never again will I have that much fun in a COD game.



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The other day i got home from college early and decided to play some destiny. I didn't have too long so decided to just do Crota's end raid. It took us 27 mins from start to finish without cheesing, and thats average for me and my freinds. After beasting crota everyone got their rewards and for some resason it dosen't show a picture of the exotix if you recive one but it tells you in the bottom left. I thought i had just got the raid LMG and some shards until one of my freinds said "Look, someone got Hawkmoon." I had wanted Hawkmoon from day 1, 4 months ago and was ready to scream at the person who got it, until i saw my name by the gun. This could happen to anyone and wouldn't be worthy to put on this thread, if it wasn't for the noise i made after. It sounded like the bird in winter wrap up thet get abused by twilights magic with a megaphone. I may never be able to repeat that sound again (or the reaction of the neighbours!

What's cheesing? i never heard that term before.


//// My persona and OC: Candy Star //// Ask me anything: Ask Candy Star //// My Music ////


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Throwing a combat axe in Call of Duty: Black Ops II in Sticks and Stones in the last few seconds across the map (Carrier) randomly, and getting a kill that puts me in second place and makes final killcam would be hard to replicate.


Another one would be killing two enemy counter-terrorists in Counter Strike: Global Offensive Competitive Mode with the SSG 08 while under the effects of a flashbang, winning the round. Another CS:GO example would be me randomly firing the AWP down middle where a smoke grenade has just been thrown and getting a head shot through the door out of pure luck.


All of these would be hard to replicate.

Edited by Blue Moon
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What's cheesing? i never heard that term before.

Cheesing is to cheat by exploiting a glitch found in the game which will get patched/fixed. People would refer to it as cheating but it would downgrade their accomplishment so it's refered to as cheesing.

  • Brohoof 1


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Cheesing is to cheat by exploiting a glitch found in the game which will get patched/fixed. People would refer to it as cheating but it would downgrade their accomplishment so it's refered to as cheesing.

Ohhh, thanks for telling me that.


//// My persona and OC: Candy Star //// Ask me anything: Ask Candy Star //// My Music ////


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