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CLOSED - Girlfriend got the name she needed for her cat! <3


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EDIT: All set. No idea how to close this topic, but she decided on Pixel, as per her major being related to computers. Thank you all for helping toss more ideas around!




Okay, gentle bronies and pegasisters!


My girlfriend has recently got a cat, and we haven't really been able to name her for a few days now.  :rarity: So, I come to you (all) for help!


Said cat is fairly a little under two years old I think, and she's lived without a family for about a year now. We think she was a Christmas-season kitten who was later abandoned. She purrs a lot, and is extremely skittish, but overall she seems like a sweet girl... who just happens to hide in tiny places whenever my girlfriend leaves the room (I think she panics).



post-24809-0-72095800-1421387815_thumb.jpg post-24809-0-47970200-1421387817_thumb.jpg



So, if y'all would be so kind, could you select names you like from the poll, or leave your own suggestions? Between the two of us we're having trouble deciding. Thank you all so much for dropping by!  :grin2:

Edited by SFyr
  • Brohoof 4
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Aww kitty is so cute! <3



And I personally name my cat Sir Fluffington but I really think Cappichino or Coffeecake fits for that kitty, really leaning towards Coffeecake

  • Brohoof 3


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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Super cute cat  :wub:


Hmm. As for a name, the first thing that popped in my head was "Autumn", 'cause her colors remind me of that season. I also like the other names mentioned so far.

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Cappuccino is a good one. Whenever I get new animals I like to name them after characters that I like or something from a show or book I love. My cat's name is Gryffindor (I call him Gryf) and I think it suits him well and it's unique. He's also orange which fits with him name but had nothing to  do with why I chose it. 

  • Brohoof 1

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I voted although I've had many cats & I tend to go w George Carlin "Why call it when it won't come?".  He also said that he hopes gengeneering gets to where they can cross a flat fish w a cat & get a cat that can slide itself under the door when it needs to go out. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I really dislike food names.


But out of that list I like Chickpea and Chickadee the most, lol.


If I had one else who looked like that I'd name her some weird Irish name.

I hope you two think of one soon!



  • Brohoof 1
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Wow, fell asleep and woke up to quite a few new replies. Thank you so much everyone for adding in your opinions! I really appreciate it, and I'm sure my girlfriend and her new kitty will too!♥  :)

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So cute. I love cats. Out of the names on the poll I like:



  • Brohoof 1


Signature By: Kyoshi 

"There has never been a sadness that can't be cured by breakfast food." - Ron Swanson

QuirkyUsername Makes Me Smile!


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@, my favorites before making this board were chickpea, cappichino, and coffeecake, though I liked all of them at least a little.  :P Looks like chickpea may be out, and coffeecake may be a new favorite, haha. It's been interesting hearing everyone's own suggestions though! I think of the ones I hadn't considered until they were mentioned here, my favorite would be Autumn.  :) But, I liked hearing each and every new addition.

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