Arcus (Silver Lining) Wind 983 December 10, 2012 Share December 10, 2012 When I was younger I had a thing for Kim Possible. And I'm not sure why, but I liked Zas from Ed,Edd,and Eddy. It was probably cause she was so cool. Kinda Like Rainbow Dash. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art 000Signature Requests000aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeadphones on, Volume up, Tune out the world aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDon't use violence. You'll just make a fool of your self.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Forest 135 December 10, 2012 Share December 10, 2012 (edited) My first official crush was on Harley Quinn from Batman: The Animated Series in the '90s. Sure, she was in mad love with the Joker, but she was funny and had a bit of innocence to her the cartoons with Batman. I still remember reading Mad Love, one of the best Batman stories I've read, and realizing how sad her life really is. I became anti-Joker for a while after that, but of course, the Joker is too much fun to ignore. I've never been too much of fan of her from the darker stories with her that makes her seem more homicidal and villainous. My interest in her actually came back with the Arkham games, which did a great job at capturing her spirit from the animated series and combining with the darker elements for her from the comics. My next crush came from Halo: Combat Evolved, the witty A.I. known as Cortana, and her voice-actor, Jen Taylor. Honestly, if it weren't for Jen Taylor, I probably wouldn't like Cortana as much as I did or do today. I have fond memories of playing Halo and became so used to having Cortana with me throughout the game that when she wasn't there for the sixth mission of the game, I missed her. More than missed her, I needed her, because removing that guardian angel from the Master Chief and then throwing me into this intensive tension filled level freaked me out. When I got her back two missions later, I felt supercharged, and I ran through the rest of the game during a school night that caused me to get grounded from playing games before bed time for a day. Halo 2 expanded a bit more on the Master Chief and Cortana that it felt wrong leaving her behind on High Charity, but finding Cortana in Halo 3 is best thing about the game to me. If it weren't for that cutscene and having my favorite video game character back in my head, I would probably despise that mission. Halo 4 was brilliant in terms of the campaign, even though it hurt me and caused me to go into the three-day period of depression. While I still like Halo 4, its hard to play through again because of Cortana. My crush on Sakura Haruno lasted for about a year or two. I still like the character but I haven't followed the manga for a few years now, but I'm just starting to get back into mange and anime. This next one for me is rather bizarre, but she's Oola from Return of the Jedi. Yes, Jabba's green-skinned dancing girl caught my attention in the teenage years. There's not really much to her character other than she was Jabba's slave, he wanted more than a dance from Oola, and she ended up being fed to the rancor. I have to admit though, I think I had a bigger crush on her actress, Femi Taylor, than on the character Oola. I remember a friend of mine giving me her actual email address. Luckily, I understood privacy at the time and only emailed her twice with her permission from my friend. I got a autograph through that, but it was presigned. I haven't had a crush on a fictional character since 2005. Fluttershy is my favorite fictional character now, but do I have crush on her? Probably, but I'm not sure. EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it (for about a minute), I do have a crush on Fluttershy. I just never thought about it before now. Edited December 12, 2012 by Thoix 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mephala 2,633 December 10, 2012 Share December 10, 2012 Hmm. My fictional crushes. I don't really have any anymore, to be honest. Oh wait...yeah...there's Kit Harington. So Jon Snow. I don't like Jon as a character much, but since Kit is my dream guy (albeit a little too skinny/muscly for me-cuddly guys are the best) I'll put him. I have this weird obsession with him. *laughs* Actually, for fictional characters, Petyr Baelish. I also have a teeny girl crush on Cersei Lannister and Arya Stark, and while I don't like Dany Targaryen her pretty. I do admit I have a total girl crush on her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Creamy Arty 6,252 December 11, 2012 Share December 11, 2012 (edited) WAITWAITWAIT Twelve pages and eight months later and still nobody declaring Konata to be their waifu?! Otakus/weaboos of the forum, I am disappoint. Alright, my main squeeze being Twilight shouldn't come as a surprise or weird to anyone here. Her personality is everything I could want in a woman. She's the cutest, smartest, all around best pony. Meryl Stryfe from Trigun also has a bit of that adorkable quality I love and she's pretty handy with a Derringer too. Lastly I'd just like to add that while Tifa may be the most popular Final Fantasy girl, Aerith has always been more my type. Edited December 12, 2012 by Artemis Kyoshi made this ^^ Come join us on on Fridays at 6 PM Eastern for our weekly movie nights! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discovery Dream 592 December 12, 2012 Share December 12, 2012 (edited) Muhahaha, yes, of course. One does not become a troper and not have any attractions to fictional characters! Let's see...I'm not afraid to admit my slight girl-crush on Pokémon's Caitlin. My first fictional crush was on Reki from .hack//Legend of the Twilight. Oooh, and we've got Wheatley too ,because Stephen Merchant's voice, hnnnng. And Braeburn! Can't forget Braeburn. Edited December 12, 2012 by Bluebell no rest for the wizardly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XrosOver 613 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 I had a crush on Rika from the third generation fiction at one point. I started only watching the show only to see her character but I also got bored quickly and moved onto another series very quickly. The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DiscordAnarchy 770 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 Anime, gaming, movies, novels; they all have some pretty awesome characters. As such, my little ponies, I am here to ask you to post some of these fictional, non-pony characters that you have a crush on! This is all in good fun so any neigh-sayers can promptly leave for Discord is hosting this topic and Chaos and Silliness is to be encouraged! Some of mine: 1 Just what is a Nega Brony? Click the Sig to find out! Want to join the movement? Add Nega-Brony to your sig or profile to show support for the MLP Villains! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Away 2,077 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 (edited) Do I really need to say it? I only really noticed her after I rewatched Luna Eclipsed. She's just so adorable and relatable. I wub her I could spend all day talking about why I like her so much but I'll just stop right here. EDIT: I just reread the original post and saw that you said "non-pony". Sorry. I don't know how that got by me the first time. Edited July 2, 2013 by LatinoChurro 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dsanders 5,748 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 If I had to post any nonpony characters that I have a crush on, then it wouldn't be easy. I don't usually watch cartoons as much as i used to. But after seeing one of the newest Disney princess movies I can't help but go with Rapunzel! She actually reminds me of one of my friends, who I sadly have a crush on. She is blonde and her hair is so long! Just like rapunzel! ^__^ I also used to have a crush on Katara. (: 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DiscordAnarchy 770 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 If I had to post any nonpony characters that I have a crush on, then it wouldn't be easy. I don't usually watch cartoons as much as i used to. But after seeing one of the newest Disney princess movies I can't help but go with Rapunzel! She actually reminds me of one of my friends, who I sadly have a crush on. She is blonde and her hair is so long! Just like rapunzel! ^__^ I also used to have a crush on Katara. (: HEAR HEAR! Rapunzel is TOO KAWAII () for words. She is both timid and tough, sweet and sarcastic. Just so lovable! I also love her short hair. 1 Just what is a Nega Brony? Click the Sig to find out! Want to join the movement? Add Nega-Brony to your sig or profile to show support for the MLP Villains! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Champion RD92 8,658 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 I strongly recall you already making this exact topic in the forum lounge or something... But I obviously have a crush on Dashie 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naught Important 434 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 Other than My Little Pony characters, the closest fictional characters, that I did not create, that would be closest to winning my heart would either be Rosalind Letuce or Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite, except they would be more like partners in science to me. Also, whether it be strange or not, Slenderman would probably be my top choice. I don't know why, but I have this weird temptation to love him -- or it -- rather than be afraid of it. I also really want to know what he/it does with people after he catches them. As for MLP Characters, I would have to choose between Fluttershy, Princess Luna, and Twilight Sparkle. To be honest, I don't know about half of the fictional characters normal people know about since I don't really watch TV or Play video games anymore. 1 The extent of my interest is in things that don't exist. Or, at least, things that aren't in the basic man's senses Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dzastur 1,719 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 Elastigirl, because Holly Hunter is awesome, and this character was, too. Harley and Ivy as well. I'm going off how they're depicted in the Paul Dini universe. True story: once met a really cute girl with a Harley tattoo in a bar, and I was the only one there who knew who Harley was. I was rewarded with a make-out session on the spot. Unfortunately, her brothers and sisters were there too, and none-too pleased `cause she'd apparently just left her husband. Jeez, some people are so uptight... 1 Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 (edited) Well, where do I start? Easy, let's list my favorite fictional crushes that even Star Trek gave me the seal of approval of it really. KHAN! Wonder Woman Harley Quinn Poison Ivy And finally... Ellie! Edited July 2, 2013 by ★Chaotic Lightning★ 1 Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dsanders 5,748 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 Now if we were discussing on the topic of pony crushes....then holy crap, that would hard. God, ahhh it's very a tought choice! But if I was forced to make a decision, then it would be Fluttershy! Her personality...kind of reminds me of my friend/crush too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SoarinBlue 202 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 I always feel weird because I don't really get crushes on fictional characters. Or really many at all. I think I can count them on one hand since high school Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 Tsuruya from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimaya definitely counts as this for me. Also Krystal from Starfox. And Monica from Dark Cloud 2 There are probably more but those are a few of the non-pony ones. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DiscordAnarchy 770 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 I strongly recall you already making this exact topic in the forum lounge or something... But I obviously have a crush on Dashie Probably. I lose track of the threads i make sometimes. I post on a lot of forums so I never can recall which is posted which. Also, this is for non-ponies :3 Just what is a Nega Brony? Click the Sig to find out! Want to join the movement? Add Nega-Brony to your sig or profile to show support for the MLP Villains! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dzastur 1,719 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 Dot Matrix in ReBoot was maybe the most mature female lead you could find on Saturday morning cartoons back in the early 90s. And I'm pretty sure her inquiry to the character Mouse about her war get-up ("Does this make me look too butch?") helped to get both her and the rest of the series canned from ABC and relegated to Cartoon Network. Her character was nerdy and smart as a whip, tough as nails, but also vulnerable and sweet. Her look was modeled after her voice actress, the lovely Kathleen Barr. Dot Matrix isn't likely to return, but you can hear Kathleen Barr in MLP: FiM as the voices of Queen Chrysalis, and The Great and Powerful Trixie. 1 Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 I don't normally go too much for the shy types but Hinata Hyuga is just so cute and sexy, she is basically Fluttershy with a bit more a spine. Videl is sexy with both short and long hair, and has made Gohan one lucky bastard . 1 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootadress 361 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 Its really really horrible for you to do this! Its so hard to choose! They all are so cute..! I can't post pictures. There simply isn't enough room! 1.ALL THE BACHELORS IN HARVEST MOON:A NEW BEGINNING. They are all so adorable.,..except Soseki...he's not cute... If I could, I would even add most of the bachlorettes... 2.Barrett from Rune Factory 2. Cute as hell, attitude that makes me want to kill him though... That's really about it...the reason I can't ever finish HM:NB is because I can't decide who's cuter so I just give them all crap. Niel is wayyy too much in hearts if you ask me. (Why can't he just give me the ring instead? It said to give him things..I do really..) SCOOTALOO = Best CMC PINKIE PIE=Best Pony LUNA=Best Princess Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Champion RD92 8,658 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 Also, this is for non-ponies :3 Oh...well this is awkward... All right well I might as well list a few non-pony fictional crushes I had in the past. I think Krystal from Starfox is pretty hot. I used to have a crush on Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender. I also had a crush on Ariel from the Little Mermaid (she looks cute when she's a human) I had a giant crush on Elizabeth from the game Bioshock Infinite the whole time I was playing it lol 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flutter's lover <3 8,206 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 I have a few... and here they are. Can you tell I'm a furry? lol Timon and Simba Bugs Bunny VG Cats Aeris and Leo Flora from Two Kinds Spyro Daxter Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng* Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gone Airbourne 21,977 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 Pinkie Pie / Pinkamena I don't know but I can really relate to Pinkie Pie's character and I have always liked her since I started to watch the show. She is a very great friend and has a selfless personality always giving of herself to others. At the same time even if one may seem happy they may deep down inside may be hurting. You never know so it is always a good thing to keep in mind to always be kind to others. For me its like I would love to meet someone who has a similar personality too hers I guess I should say. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lisa 5,553 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 (edited) And finally... Ellie! Wait... that makes you a pedophile. She's like 13 (or something) OT: I would have to say, I have a crush on Colgate. (the pony) I'm not sure why, I think it's her colour scheme, it just looks really nice. ___________________________________________________ Also... it is kinda obvious. I have a crush on Jenny Wakeman from My Life As A Teenage Robot. Edited July 2, 2013 by Jenny Wakeman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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