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What Do You Want To See Most In season Five?


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  On 2015-03-12 at 1:46 AM, MirandaEscalanter said:

Like any other Joe over here, I'm insanely hyped for season five, and I already love the direction they're going with the spoilers we have!  :D But I still have some concepts and episode ideas that I would love to come true. Here are the synopsises!


#1: Diamond Tiara is forced to stay at Sweet Apple Acres for a few days while Filthy Rich needs her out of the way for important business guests at his house, and Silver Spoon's family is out of town (SInce the Apple family is business associates with DT's family). I think this would be a good opportunity for character development on DT's part, since obiously she would have to compare the close bonds of the Apple Family to her relationship with her dad (most of the fandom generally likes to theorize that Filthy Rich ignores her a lot). This is the only episode I have planned out quite so clearly, since I know exactly what role everypony will play in it. AJ is charitable to DT, because she's perceptive about her issues, and also pretty mature. But Apple Bloom is mad at her until the very end, in which she would start to learn about DT's life and be able to at least sympathise when friendship isn't an option. Whether or not Diamond Tiara gets redeemed at the end, or if she just becomes more bitter towards Apple Bloom, I don't know.  :huh:

#2: An entire episode centering around Luna and Celestia. I have high hopes for the confirmed episode where Luna has a nightmare, but WE NEED MORE CELESTIAL SISTERS! Perhaps this could be tied in with more History of Equestria stuff, maybe even Discord's origin story! :ooh: Sounds like an instant fan favorite, especially for one Miss Ink Rose...


#3: This one would be controversial, since it's a big shift in the status quo, and I would reserve it for the finale: Twilight should repurpose her new castle as a school for all the foals in Ponyville, where they learn about The Elements of Harmony and things like that! :fluttershy: Though this could be debunked as soon as Season Five comes out, because it seems they already have plans for that castle with the map and stuff.


#4: And I have just a few more concepts too--

Explain how AJ's parents died, Hasbro. Y'know. For kids.  :icwudt:

Have an episode where we see Dash's new life as a Wonderbolt Reserve in action.  :sneer:

Love interests that are actually interesting. I wanna see the mane six date stallions that aren't boring like Flash Sentry! :pout:

Cadance gets pregnant.  :toldya:

The Cutie Mark Crusaders get their cutie marks already. But I'm pretty damn sure they're gonna get 'em this season, based on the themes and that clip of Sweetie Belle singing. :catface:


What do you guys think of my ideas, and what are your own episode ideas?


Great ideas, but it's too early for Twilight to be an aunt and I'd rather see two of the Mane 6 hook up than date random stallions.

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Hmm...well let's see....


- For the writers to stop shoving Twilight's superiority over the mane five down my throat


- For the mane five to actually not get reduced to complete helplessness so that Twilight can shine


- That Twilight becomes more like the character she was in the first three seasons and stops being so insufferably perfect 


- That the writers actually do something with Celestia more than giving her silent cameos and knocking her down in moments of crisis. 



Uhhh, yeah, that's about it for me. ;)  

Edited by Cleverclover
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One thing that immediately comes to mind is exploring the relationship between Rarity and Rainbow Dash more, as it feels as if they are hardly friends at times and I feel as if they could have an interesting dynamic between each other :D


I also want to see them handle Twilight better, as I feel her character took a sharp decline in quality during Season 4. I also want to see the rest of the mane 6 play more of a factor in the major episodes as opposed to making them all about Twilight.


Another thing that comes to mind is less fan pandering, although I've got a feeling this season is going to be the most unsubtle fanservice-y season yet. Fanservice is fine in my eyes, as long as it is done subtly and doesn't feel out of place. Not done for the fandom, but done with the fandom in mind, so to speak. Subtle fanservice that doesn't take away from the episode's quality is a-ok, but unsubtle and blatant fanservice such as the upcoming 100th episode is not okay.


A Trixie appearance would be nice. She's my 2nd favorite pony and she's only been in two episodes, so I have my hopes high here :wau: Unfortunately it seems as if she's been relegated to the comics for now, which sucks, because the comics generally suck in terms of quality. I can still hope, though :please:


Most of all, I just want Rarity to be well written like she was in Season 4. Don't give me another Season 3 in terms of quality of my favorite character, I want the real Rarity dammit :please: She's my favorite character and honestly about 90% of the reason I even watch the show, and there is nothing that irks me more than when they write her character poorly. Please don't mess up her character, I'd do anything .-.

  • Brohoof 4


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

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To add to my previous post:


1. A Rainbow Dash/Rarity is a must at this point. As much as I like the AJ & Rarity combo, it's been done plenty of times at this point.


2. More Trixie please! I loved both of her major appearances in the comics, so I think it's high time we had a third episode of her. Third favorite pony here...


3. Also, I would like to see Zecora given some more prominence in an episode. Her appearance in S4 was fine, though it could've been a little more, IMO.

  • Brohoof 1

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  On 2015-03-12 at 6:07 PM, PATHFINDERCS said:
A Rainbow Dash/Rarity is a must at this point. As much as I like the AJ & Rarity combo, it's been done plenty of times at this point.


Wow I just realized those two have had little interaction when reading this. It just has to be done how can all six be best of friends when some don't hang out alone??


Also one thing I just thought of I would really like to see one if not all of the crusaders get cutie marks finally (mainly apple bloom!!) I know its part of their story but I feel like its time they earn a cutie mark and get a new story arc.

Edited by Shady23
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  On 2015-03-12 at 5:13 AM, Apple Cinnamon Spice said:

There are a lot of things that I want to see this season, but one thing I would especially like to see would be a reference to Family Guy or South Park.

Hmm... :blush: Well, I always liked that MLP managed to tell funny stories while still being innocent/clean, and referencing either of those shows would kinda spoil that (Since what I've seen of Family Guy involved giving a baby herpes, some dude ripping out someone's testacles, and a teenager teaching his grandpa how to masturbate. Not something I'd like to associate with MLP.

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At least one of the CMC gets her mark.


AJ's parents. I don't even want the details, I just want some acknowledgment they existed at some point.


Sea Ponies


The return of Gilda. If not that, more Griffins.


More zebras.


A non-pony to takes a stand against how "pony" is always put after "any", "some", "every" in place of "one" or "body". That HAS to seem annoying and unfair to them...


Another mythological whatzit or two.


Special guest voices (be they celebrities or professional, prolific voice actors)


An actual HORSE appears.


The Mane 6 Vs. the Legion of Antagonism (villains representing the opposite of the EoH. Though they might need to save that for later)

Edited by Jangobadass
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In response to your wish about griffons, I think your wish is gonna come true! :lol:

It looks like the griffon kingdom appears on the map in Twilight's throneroom, even though it only gets a mention in the 'official map' (which is freaking INCOMPLETE I might add). Also, I saw some griffons in the concept art

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okay it's been a bit since I have been here so what is the most cool thing that you what to see happen in this season 5 of mlp? me I want to see more awesome fights like in the last episode of season 4 please make that happen.

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Considering what they've done with tirek and the breezies, I think they'd be able to do sea ponies justice, so i'd be hype for an episode involving them if they ever decide to bring them into G4. Also give the cmc their cutie marks already. Cant say im the biggest fan of episodes about cutie marks that involves the cmc and in the end they don't get them, like cutie pox for example.

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The CMC getting their Cutie Marks. There are a few others, which i could forgive if they don't come. But i would be pretty dissapointed, when the CMC don't have their Cutie marks by the end of the season.

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  On 2015-03-15 at 7:08 PM, GoGreenGirl said:

I would like to see Discord's back story.

Also, some more history on Equestria would be nice along with new locations and new inhabitants.

same here it would be nice of there was more backstorys 

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  On 2015-03-15 at 7:07 PM, BronyOfJustice said:

I've been waiting for Cadence and Shining Armor to have a foal since season 3, so there's that.

You know what would make a good episode? Aunt Twilight becomes a nervous wreck at the idea of foalsitting her new niece, and turns to Pinkie Pie for advice on foalsitting. I think the full circle turn around would make for lots of fun! Pinkie can even ask.

"I thought Cadence was your foal sitter. Why didn't you ask her?"

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                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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The CMC finally getting their cutie marks for starters.

More Disocrd would be awesome

A Big Macintosh episode is something I have wanted for a while now.

More Character development.

The animation to improve

Daniel Ingram's awesome music.

New locations and worldbulding

Edited by cmarston1
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Just to let you know I have merged your thread with a slightly older one started by @MirandaEscalanter as they both essentially asked the same question. In the future please be sure to search for topics that might be duplicates.


Thanks. :)

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
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