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What's your opinion (if any) of your country's national anthem, and if you could change it, what would you replace it with? 



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Our national anthem is boring as watching paint dry in slow motion

As another Australian, I understand exactly how boring our national anthem is. Probably my favourite national anthem is the old Libyan national anthem, "Allahu Ackbar." They changed it a few years ago, probably because of the terrorist situation.

Tell me it doesn't sound like a Disney song.

  • Brohoof 1

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"O Canada", well, it's catchy, it gets the point across. I mean it's not a song I have running through my head on a regular basis or anything. Only national anthem I do that with is "Flower of Scotland". I suppose if I have to have one peeve about it it's that it comes in two different languages and the two do not translate to the same thing at all.

  • Brohoof 1

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I honestly don't care for "The Star-Spangled Banner."  But then, I'm not exactly the most patriotic American that exists. x )  I would replace it with this song:


Nobody would complain.  And dammit: I want Freddie's shades.

Edited by Ziggy and Angelbaby
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Everytime I hear "The Star-Spangled Banner," I am disgusted. I mean, I think that the song itself is pretty lame, but even worse, it makes me think of government and blind patriotism, so I hate hearing it. I also hate how I'm supposed to stand up and show respect during the anthem, although I do so just to not cause trouble. If the national anthem was something different, I'd still hate it.


If I could change it, I would just get rid of it altogether.

Edited by Drasamo
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I honestly don't care for "The Star-Spangled Banner."  But then, I'm not exactly the most patriotic American that exists. x )  I would replace it with this song:


Nobody would complain.  And dammit: I want Freddie's shades.

I am not patriotic at all, and this would do way better for an anthem.


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Personally I don't really think it's right to judge the validity of the national anthem based on how enjoyable it is to listen to, or if it encapsulates current-America to a T (speaking as an American). It's not a song you would likely put on you ipod and listen to to jam out, or go out to a concern to hear live. It's not something catchy that you hear on a radio. It's not even something most people hum when focusing on something else entirely.

It was something made, and composed by those who came long before us, who believed in something greater than what they once had. Who captured the spirit of their time and current situation, which was the shared sentiment among the people who birthed our nation. It was written by those involved in the founding of our country, who were there to live through it, and include their own experiences and emotion felt during the struggle--the joy of one's own people's flag flying unconquered after a brutal attack that lit up the sky in fire, for example. We play it, and we listen to it only during key moments, to honor those sentiments and memories long since past.

I don't fully care about the patriotism angle, or if it's enjoyable to listen to. I still strongly respect our anthem, and am willing to take the time to stand patiently through it when it's being played for a reason, and give it my full attention. I would not change it in any way, or replace it if given the chance to.  ;)


Likewise, national anthems of other nations earn my respect with ease just as well.

Edited by SFyr
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I was never a big fan of "Star Spangled Banner," even when I was pretty told that the song is sacred and should be treated as such. *Sigh.* No offense to those who hold it in higher regard than me.


In any case my problem is that the song fails to bring about any emotion in me, and the song always felt disconnected from the country for me. If I have to make a recommendation "American The Beautiful" always sounded a little more patriotic...


Honestly though...I'd take something that sounds a lot better in orchestral form. As such...the German anthem...  :wub:

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The Chinese national anthem is a lovely song that will slowly drill it's way into your mind... you cannot escape it's repetitive commands for you to "get up" (I swear the words "get up" are repeated like twenty times in that song).


Edited by Times
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I don't care for Star Spangled either.  I just never liked the tune.  But I generally don't care for patriotic music at all.  I'm very grateful for all I have, and although the USA is far from perfect, I'm quite thankful to live here.  I'm glad somepony is willing to be president, I'm thankful for all the military, etc.  But I just don't really care for patriotism that much.  It just kind of...bothers me...idk.  I like this country, I just don't want to be all Hank Hill about it.  And I honestly don't care for any patriotic USA songs.  It's mostly a coincidence, I guess.  I just don't like the sound of any of them.  America the Beautiful, This Land is Our Land, or whatever it's called, My Country Tis of Thee; don't like any of them.  Bah, humbug I say!  But the worst one of all, one of my most hated songs...I'm Proud to Be an American.  I just hate the tune and the singer's voice.  Every time I hear it I think the singer is really close to going all Tenacious D and droping some F-bombs.  "Oh gawd, I f*cking love this land, God f*cking bless the USA!!!"  And people always think I'm horrible and must hate America because I hate that song.  I just don't like the song.  Lemmie alone.


I would change the USA's national anthem to this:




And of course, we all know Canada's national anthem:


Please don't take that the wrong way.  I mean no offense at all.



Edited by Justin_Case001
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Here in Ireland, our national anthem is called "Amhrán na bhFiann" or "The Soldier's Song". To be honest, it's kind of a mediocre song. The lyrics are poor and the tune is meh. And I can't find ANY decent-sounding version on YouTube.


My favourite national anthems are definitely God Save the Queen (England), Deutschlandlied (Germany) and Il Canto degli Italiani (Italy). If I were to replace our current anthem, I would replace it with an anthem that sounded like any one of these. They are just fantastic songs and they perfectly capture everything that's great about those countries.

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I hate it. Its the worth anthem ever. And there is about 2000 childish parodies of it... Damn you sweden!


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I do love the Star Spangled Banner, and there's definitely nothing that I would be in any sense willing to replace it with. That said, it is not actually my favorite anthem. Politics and other sensitive subjects aside, my personal favorite is easily Hatikvah. There is something about it that is so much more striking and tear-evoking than any of the other anthems, and the lyrics are excellently sewn together.

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God save the queen is a poor national anthem. It's boring and irrelevant.

I prefer Hearts of Oak or I vow to thee my Country. They're inspirational, patriotic and more focused on the country, instead of one person who does little to nothing in this country.

These songs speak of a country that dominated the world. One, I wish, that will dominate it again.

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God save the queen is a poor national anthem. It's boring and irrelevant.

I prefer Hearts of Oak or I vow to thee my Country. They're inspirational, patriotic and more focused on the country, instead of one person who does little to nothing in this country.


These songs speak of a country that dominated the world. One, I wish, that will dominate it again.


I really do love "God Save the Queen" and feel strangely moved by it. I'm not even British. During the height of British world power, the monarch served as an important rallying point for the cause of empire. It's only very lately become irrelevant, because the monarch has not only lost all power in government, but much of the patriotic support of their people. 


This, in my opinion, would also fit well as a replacement 



  • Brohoof 2

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Meh, the "Star Spangled Banner" is very cheesy in my opinion. It's not even patriotic to the slightest. I remember once a year in elementary school us little kids had to literally go outside and sing along to the anthem. I have no idea what the principal of the school was thinking; standing outside singing a song is pointless and stupid.

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Meh, the "Star Spangled Banner" is very cheesy in my opinion. It's not even patriotic to the slightest. I remember once a year in elementary school us little kids had to literally go outside and sing along to the anthem. I have no idea what the principal of the school was thinking; standing outside singing a song is pointless and stupid.



Everytime I hear "The Star-Spangled Banner," I am disgusted. I mean, I think that the song itself is pretty lame, but even worse, it makes me think of government and blind patriotism, so I hate hearing it. I also hate how I'm supposed to stand up and show respect during the anthem, although I do so just to not cause trouble. If the national anthem was something different, I'd still hate it.


If I could change it, I would just get rid of it altogether.


I feel obliged to address these opinions, since I felt the same way awhile back. 


I think it's important to remember that The United States has been the dominant world power for nearly a century. Both culturally and politically. I believe this (to an extent) explains the intense climate of patriotism this country has been in for many years. Few nations enjoy the privileged place the united states has held, and those that do experience it only once. I think this is important to keep in mind for those people (both foreign and native) who see fervent patriotism in The United States and ask "why"? 


So, I don't think patriotism or patriotic anthems are altogether a bad thing. Once the US declines as a world power, that fervent patriotism is almost sure to decline with it. 

Edited by PinkProlific IV

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I feel obliged to address these opinions, since I felt the same way awhile back.


I think it's important to remember that The United States has been the dominant world power for nearly a century. Both culturally and politically. I believe this (to an extent) explains the intense climate of patriotism this country has been in for many years. Few nations enjoy the privileged place the united states has held, and those that do experience it only once. I think this is important to keep in mind for those people (both foreign and native) who see fervent patriotism in The United States and ask "why"?


So, I don't think patriotism or patriotic anthems are altogether a bad thing. Once the US declines as a world power, that fervent patriotism is almost sure to decline with it.


I never said the U.S. anthem was bad, just the song itself is cheesy. You do have a point when you said that the U.S. has been a super power for nearly a century. Honestly, I feel so blessed to live in a country such as this one, where I have freedom and rights. Like you said, many nations don't have what the U.S. has, and I think people in my country should appreciate what we do have instead of complaining about the stuff we don't have. We must be content for what we have now, because like many other countries, the U.S. could fall someday. Edited by MissBookworm
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Y'know, I would be more alright and proud to be an american, if I wasn't surrounded by so many people on the radio, on TV, around me, telling me to be proud. I don't like being told what to do or how to feel. I'd be more Ok with america if all this patriotism & nationalism wasn't being shoved down my throat. I would take pride in my country if I wasn't being practically ordered by my country to be proud. 


I feel nothing when I listen to the Star spangled banner. It's a historical recounting, and not a very exciting one. Did you know that the SSB actually wasn't written as a song, but as a poem? Maybe thats why it's so mediocre. Something more dynamic or literal would be better. The anthem shouldn't be stuck in the past, but reflect the country's present and progress. America has grown and improved since then, yet SSB makes the late 18th/ early 19th centuries seem like america's prime.  Something more lasting, something that relates to multiple generations would be better. 


What we need is a song that doesn't constantly remind america of it's past, but maybe gives the people a suggestion, an idea on what to be. We are not a flagpole that happened to survive cannon fire. We are the people that put up the flag pole int eh first place. So the song should be about us and be something that inspires us on what to be day to day. 


Maybe something like these:

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I think O'Canada is pretty nice. I like the instrumentation and it does its job just right in my opinion. It doesn't bolster patriotism to "off the charts" level, but it's still just enough for a little national pride. I'd revert the lyrics back to Robert Weir's version, but other than that, I don't think I'd change anything else about it in terms of the music.

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