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List of ponyisms

Sig Hoovestrong

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I thought would put to gather list of ponyisms here that i know of. This list may be added apon as people give feedback on few ponyisms i miss our just stright don't know about.


  • Buck: Either seem be use in place of fuck. Is use as general curse word in the show.
  • Everypony: Is an other word for everybody pretty much just ponyfid.
  • Hay: Also just meaning hay, the word is also just as curse insted hell.
  • Nopony: JUst ponfid version of nobody.
  • Somepony: Just ponfid word for somebody.
  • Hoof: use in trems like "Let me lend you a hoof" replacing the word hands.
  • Mare: Adult our Teen Female of the ponyspices
  • Stallion: Adult our Teen Male of the ponyspices
  • Fillie: Young Female of the ponyspices
  • Colt: Young Male of the ponyspices
  • Mane: There hair ponies skull.
  • Horse Apples: Curse word usely use by the applefamily, that has same meaning as "crap"
  • Flying Feather: usely use in wording of "I don't give flying feather" is term use when not applying furmly that don't care abut other perssons statment.
  • Pony: Simple it just prefures to indvidule of the ponyspices.
  • Pony Feather: applies frustration with an other individule our objact.
  • Feather Brain/Head: Means that you dum, applying your head is full of feathers.
  • Celestia: Usely use insted of god, considring Celestia is considerd as higer dentiy. 

This few word i can recall. If you have any ides of what could add to this list please tell me and also give briff explination on what it mean.

Edited by Sig Hoovestrong
  • Brohoof 5


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Fillie: Girl

Colt: Boy

Mane: Hair

These work?

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Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

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Tarnation actually is entire nation in full.

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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Here are all the ones I can think of


Flying Feather - as in, I dont give a flying..you know.

Buck - the F word.

Hoof- Replaces anything with hand or foot.

Hay - Hell

Pony - Body,person,people etc.

Mare - Adult female horse

Colt - Male horse

Filly - Young female horse

  • Brohoof 1
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Overlord i make sure to add dos and also Mare and Stallions asswell as we seem adding ganders and ages groups trams


Gery Sentinel think will add and horse apples, but tarnation as said is really more spasifk to countryisms.

  • Brohoof 1


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Pony Feathers a mild curse as in "aw pony feathers!"


Feather Head or Brain I can't remember which - another way of saying stupid or dumb - Rainbow Dash said it in Winter Wrap Up


also it is spelled "damn" not dame.

Edited by Gearbox10mm


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Noted and added to the list.

What do you mean by "our dame"? It appears twice in the list.

My spelling fult i usely spell damn fullty for me begin forgien. I will corract it.

Pony Feathers


Feather Head


also it is spelled "damn" not dame.

As said to other guy i fix my spelling misstak. And also would like tell me what Pony Feathers and Feather head would apply? And if not you could just tell me what think they mean.

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't see why either "buck" or "hay" could mean "damn." They are ponified euphemisms for "fuck" and "hell", respectively.

Hmm when think about in show use word damn ones. But it was refuring to water damn. But i see your point. I sal chang it.

Edited by Sig Hoovestrong


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Many people who work with horses refer to piles of horse droppings as "horse apples."


When Applejack says "Oh horseapples," it's like saying "Oh crap."

Thank you, i sal add it to the list as an explantion.


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I, and probably others, have a hard time understanding your writing. Is English not your native language?

No am swedish, and also hav tandsy go derpy.


Also, ponyfeathers is a play on horsefeathers, an expression used to convey disbelief, disgust, or frustration.



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___Celestia- substitution for god ("Sweet Celestia, Celestia as my witness, etc.)

Egghead- an insult aimed at intelligent ponies (such as Twilight)

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___Celestia- substitution for god ("Sweet Celestia, Celestia as my witness, etc.)

Egghead- an insult aimed at intelligent ponies (such as Twilight)

Okay i think put un Celestia as higer dentiy.

For Egghead is not common but is a real life turm asswell.


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This is a nice list. If you think about it, ponies speak just like we do, swear words and all, they just use different words that just sound silly, lol.


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One that AJ uses in a comic is Consarn it, but not sure if its a ponyism or not.

Ive heard the word consarn used in old hillbilly-isims before and lies between "confound" and "darn-it" Edited by Argumedies
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