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Do Celestia and Discord also have the power to enter dreams?


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We've seen Luna enter the dreams of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, so we know that Luna has this power. Now with regards to Celestia, the question is not does she enter dreams, as she is the Princess of the day so it's most likely she doesn't, but does she have the power to enter dreams if she wanted, or is this a power exclusive to Luna as she is the Princess of the night. Also the question has to be asked since Discord is seemingly more powerful than Luna, does he also have the power to enter dreams, or is he without this power because it's not his role in the world?

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I think both of them might have the capacity to do it but never had a reason to use it, or alternately Princess Celestia can possibly do it but never learned how to do it. On the same token, Discord can pretty much bend reality to fit his will and twist ponies' minds using illusions, so entering dreams does seem possible, except he doesn't seem to have a reason to do it. Princess Luna, by virtue of her responsibilities and her personality, seems to be the only one willing and able to do it on a regular basis.

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I think that power is unique to Luna.


Demeter brought life to the plants to bring forth spring and summer and the gods pleaded with her to restore life when Persephone was taken, it's not like Zeus could just snap his fingers and make them grow in the same way.


The Princesses operate, I believe, on similar rules. Sure, raising and lowering the moon is not that different from controlling it's opposite number, but the ability to enter dreams and conquer nightmares strikes me as explicitly the realm of the night.


So neither Discord nor Celestia should be able to do it. After all, Luna was able to enter or at least sense Celestia's dreams! So not only does it seem the power is exclusive to her, a being of similar power has no defense against her.

Edited by Steel Accord
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Well Luna is the princess of the night so dreams might be her specialty and no one can just enter anyone's dream without her permission.


Celestia might be able to but she probably wont be as good at it as Luna herself.



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I believe they can considering of how Discord can alter reality and mind attack people, so entering inside a person's mind and subconscious should be no problem for him.


As for Celestia, according to the Journal of the Two sisters, Luna snickered at Celestia for how much she read in books but also lamented at how her sister knows more magic spells then she did, even being able to match with Starswirl the bearded, their mentor. Also, considering how Celestia was described to have an appetite for knowledge, I'm certain such a spell would be in her grasp.


To further support my case,







and this:






Show a case that it's definitely within Celestia's power to do so. Now who is the better, I will go with Luna as I do think she's been doing it more due to her duty as a night princess.

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Perhaps she has the power to enter daydreams.  Because she's...  A princess of the...  Day.  And Luna is...  With the night thing and...  Celestia has...  A sun on her flank...


You get it.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I like to think that Luna is the only character able to do it. It might be a very difficult spell and it would make sense she's the only one who masters it since she's the Princess of the Night.

Edited by Blobulle
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Discord twists the minds of ponies so yes! He can enter your dreams, he already can edit the world to see fit.


Clestia probably has the magical skill But Not the training or knowledge how to, luna has

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I think entering dreams might be part of her Cutie Mark power (because raising the moon is basically just levitation on a grand scale, and doesn't really constitute a "special talent"). I imagine its a spell that came easier to her because she's princess of the night. Sure, Celestia would be capable of imitating it, but with much more difficulty.


On that note, I think Celestia mirrors this ability to jump planes when she transports Twilight to that bright-white memory realm.


And regarding Discord...well. He can do anything he wants, really. The thing is, chaos is normal in dreams...so he probably wouldn't have much fun in a plane where his power is entirely commonplace.

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God i hope not.


Do you really want to have this guy here :umad: to have the ability to enter your dreams?

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Honestly; I wouldn't think so. Luna's specialty is the night so it makes sense to me that she has the ability to enter dreams. Celestia has too many bureaucratic and political duties to even mess with them and Discord...probably doesn't care too much when he can just warp reality.

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While it doesn't exactly answer the question, this thread reminds me of a little head canon I came up with.  I think the path of memories (y'know that weird star road thing from magical mystery cure) lies in between the physical world and the world of the mind and sort of serves as a bridge between the two.  This would explain how Luna is capable of dream walking at all.  Although, the only piece of evidence I could find to support this theory is this little clip from "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils" which is admittedly a little flimsy.


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I agree with Wind Chaser, I can see them having the power, but not sure why they would actually use it. Unless Discord decides to troll  pony in their sleep, lol.


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  • 1 month later...

I agree w Archeopony.  Luna is the Princess of the Night.  Even when Celestia was running things by herself, she didn't have the time to learn, she had to sleep.


Discord probably could, but doesn't seem to.

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Luna used to raise the moon, Celestia the sun. When Luna became Nightmare Moon and Celestia was forced to banish her, she took over control of the moon. There's nothing to suggest she couldn't have taken over Luna's dreamwalking abilities/duties in the exact same way.


Discord clicks his fingers and things happen, I doubt it's too much of a strain on his capabilities to enter dreams as Luna does.


Yes to both, I guess.

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Hopefully it's exclusive to Luna just like the bubble magic is exclusive to Twilight and her brother.


I highly doubt Celestia has the unique spells characteristic of Luna and Twilight. After all Celestia had to have Shining Armor create the bubble shield to protect Canterlot.

Edited by cidershield


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I like to think that while they are capable of entering dreams, they can't do it the way Luna does or they don't have any power inside other pony's dreams like Luna does because she is the Princess of the NIGHT.



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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Since lucid dreams differ from astral projection (Out of the body experience) I'd say Discord doesn't have such power.

Still, I do believe Discord is able to travel on astral space. Which is sometimes pretty messy in shape and form, as portrayed on the episode. Floating walls, light parasites tilting mesmerizing and ecstatic spasm, in case some astral entity catches up to you.

As in this physical reality, most entities seem sexuality attracted to me. Ambrosia within.


They get inside your body, as you wake up, moaning helplessly on your bed. With barely any control over your body.


Love it

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