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open Strange Tales of the Equestrian Idiot RP Thread (See OOC to join!)


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“...and that's how Equestria was founded,  I hope that answered your question, Spike” He smiled towards him before turning his attention back at Twilight.



Spike stared lost in space as Cheese Sandwich explained his...cheesiness. Spike just did a double take when he was finished. "Uh, kinda," was all the baby dragon could say. "I guess with you anything's possible."




"Come along Spike and hold on, you too Cheese Sandwich." Twilight said while she grabbed Spike with her magic and sat him on her back while carrying Cheese with her magic. She recalled the fun times when Spike rode on her back like this, like the time he begged her to be a mount when they were rescuing Rarity from the Diamond Dogs. That was pretty embarrassing, but Twilight would do anything for her friends. Spike especially.


Spike let out a yelp as his authority figure levitated him in the air. He never could get used to Twilight being able to lift him with her magical aura but he still loved that he was still small enough to ride on her back. Spike gave the day some thought as Twilight carried him closer to the kitchen door. With Cheese Sandwich here already and the mention of an upcoming concert, this should shape up to be a party for the ages. "A concert?" he asked. "It should be interesting to see what kind of music the visitors will play. I wonder if they're into party music like the kind DJ-PON3 plays."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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@@Derplight Sperkle,


 "This is an Amazing PARty!!!!" He exclaimed excitedly, his arms wide open with the sound of streamers seeming coming from off-screen . "and look! There's a human!!!" He smiled pointing at the stage. "Go human!" He grinned before looking  back at twilight "Errr..Twilight....who's the human?" He asked, whispering the question towards the purple alicorn.


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@@GeneralDirection, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Taialin, @, @@Randimaxis,


Applejack smiled back at the princess as she took her by the hoof. It was clear that something was on her mind, but Applejack could only guess at what it was. Whatever it was, Applejack was gonna see to it that both the princess and the humans could at least speak to one another without fear or hostility... 'WHERE'S Twi?? We might just have the mother of all friendship problems on our hooves here!'


"That's the spirit, Princess Luna! Applejack chirped, flashing big, nervous grin. "We can show you how to set everythin' up, but yer right. We could really use Pinkie Pie... Now, if she'd just show up,, we'd be done right 'bout now!" 'Princess Luna's right about Pinkie Pie as well. Where was everypony running off to?!'


"I suppose the ballroom is where you would want to have this gathering, correct? It is the largest room in Canterlot Castle after all."


"The ballroom sounds like the perfect place ta welcome the humans!" Applejack then turned to Rarity. "Let's get started on the decorations while we wait for Pinkie Pie and Twilight to return. The sooner, the better!"


"Rarity, Applejack? is there a way to be both welcoming, but firm? Would anypony mind if I tried a few greetings out with you before the party?"


"Well, to be honest, you'd just wanna focus on bein' friendly. No sense in frightenin' 'em any more than they probably are now! Applejack suggested as she led the way.




Applejack whistled as she opened the doors to the ballroom. "Ah think Ah'll never get used to this room!" nevertheless, she made her way inside and looked around. Castle workers were busying themselves with preparing the ballroom by setting up the lights, tables and arranging streamers, banners and flowers; though the workers had made some headway, the setup was lacking that personal, down home touch!


"Well, let's get star—"


Applejack was startled and let out a cry, grabbing on to the fashionista when something very large very suddenly landed beside them. "Uwah~! What's the big idea, startling us like..." she trailed off when she caught a good look at what made her jump — a Thestral. What was a night guard doing out and about at this hour??


The guard took a moment to catch his breath before he addressed Luna. "Celestia...made contact with human...Playing loud music...Discord there as well...Large speakers..."


Applejack frowned upon hearing Discord's name. Reformed or not, he could unintentionally give one, possibly both humans a heart attack!


Luna apparently was even less amused. The farmpony's ears turned back as Luna assumed an aggressive stance. "I see. Discord is involved then," she seethed. "It is just as I feared. The humans...Discord...It will be pure chaos in Equestria if something is not done and done soon. Sergeant, gather the rest of your subordinates. We shall nip this in the bud before any other surprises happen-"


"Wait a minute now, Princess Luna! Let's not jump to any conclusions! The humans are our guests, and not-"


"Your highness, I have news to report from the portal." Applejack was cut off by another Thestral, who informed them of the departure of one of the humans, yet the arrival of another. Was the first one really that scared?


The news seemed to sour Luna's mood that much more. She glared at her guard as he relayed his bit of information. "How could this day get any worse. Do not answer that. 'Twas rhetorical." She said with a stomp of her hoof.


There wasn't one way the farmpony could think of things getting worse. There were several!


"Come on Rarity. We'd better find Twilight and Fluttershy to stop Discord before he does any real serious damage!" Applejack grabbed her friend by the hoof and headed for the door; it looked as if the party planning was officially off with just the two of them around. On their way out, Applejack leaned in close and whispered, "And while we're at it, find Princess Celestia to see if she can get Princess Luna to call off her troops!"

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Copper decided to double-take what was happening while he was in the woods, trying to remember what he had been hearing in the past couple of months.  He remembered suddenly that so-called humans have been coming to Equestria for some unknown reason.  He felt angry at himself for not knowing any time soon, he could've made a friend.  But now he felt that things were getting out of hoof, and he needed to stop whatever was happening.  So he started Spin-Dashing straight to where he figured Discord and Celestia were, at Canterlot.  He hoped he would be able to stop whatever was happening from there.

Edited by DwhitetheGamer

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Applejack had taken Rarity by the hoof, and the two of them made their way out of the ballroom... but in the hallway was something that stopped them full-tilt.


An ENORMOUS pile of gift-wrapped boxes was slowly making its way down the hall, completely blocking off the exit.  The pile was huge and looming, a single present teetering precariously at the very top of the stack.  The massive pile threatened to fall a number of times, yet stayed put.  What's strange enough?  The stack of gifts seemed to simply drift down the hallway, across the floor.  The only sound that could be heard was a tiny little squeaking noise.


It continued to make its way toward the two ponies, drawing closer and closer, until it stood right over them, a wall of gifts, threatening to flatten them completely, to crush the life from their little bodi-


"Is there ROOM back there?"


... Pinkie?


"I just spent ALL this time getting ALL this stuff for our new human friends; this pile's good, but just WAIT 'til you see the OTHER FOUR PILES!  Wait, where are you?  You're HERE, I can heeeeeear youuuuuuuu, but..."


There was a rustling sound from behind the wall of gifts, then one of the boxes popped open, and Pinkie Pie poked her head out of it.


"THERE you are!  Sorry it took so long, but I had to get JUUUUUUST the right things for the two humans - and let me tell YOU, it was NOT easy!  Do you have ANY idea what a Yak thinks is a fair trade for..."


She looked at her two friends.


"You... don't... really care what Yaks trade, because something's up, isn't it?"


She wriggled herself from the open parcel, then faced her friends directly.  The massive wall of gifts still stood, only now there were the three of them gathered at the foot of it.


"Well, what is it?  Is it a parade?  Bugbear stampede?  Poison Joke bouquet?  New episodes?  What?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@GeneralDirection, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Taialin, @@Zhooves, @@Yoshi89, @@Pripyat Pony, @,@@Randimaxis, @,

@@DwhitetheGamer, @, @@Yoshi89,


"Oh, why of COURSE you can, my dear!"


A tall hodgepodge of a creature announced his presence by snapping himself into existence next to the regal horse, who seemed to be a little less than amused at his arrival. "Discord, what are you doing here?" the queen growled. If he heard her, he didn't acknowledge it.


"You see, our beloved ruler here has been just SO excited to meet you - she's come all the way here simply to make certain everything is going well for you, my dear Colette!"


"Wait... How do you know my-"


"Discord" kept going.


"She is simply just... the... BEST... hostess there ever was, and she would be extremely remiss if she were to bother trying to do anything as COLD and CALLOUS as to deny you the opportunity to share your music with her subjects!"


Colette couldn't help but snicker when he cast the queen a knowing sidelong glance before going on to rally the throng of ponies, which seemed to work like a charm. Ponies stomped, whooped, whinned, and Colette swore she saw several fly up and perform loop-de-loops. Colette smirked at this. Looks like she was going to do well in the land of candy colored talking ponies! Even Siscord and Disbert gave their approval from behind the beloved White Queen!


Who or whatever this guy was, he was proving himself to be quite the ally!


Discord practically sang how thrilled he was at having her (and presumably the other guy) here! So much so that he earned himself a hard glare from the queen when he leaned in close to her.


The gallimaufry of a creature then snaked his way over to Colette, who found herself sucking in a breath through her teeth as he reached a rather sharp claw out to touch her precious baby!


Discord stopped short and flashed her disarming smile.


"And such a sound from such an instrument! It reminds me of my younger years... oh, the wailing and thrashing and screaming! And THAT was just my first birthday!"


Discord cackled, then continued to rally the crowd, who responded by stomping their hooves, whinnying and cheering. Ohhh, they wanted a show!


"So, what say the rest of you, eh? Shall we enjoy another number from the wild and woolly Colette? Shall we dance and have ourselves a fine time here? Shall we show this human being what the magic of friendship is all about?"


Turning to face Colette, he said, "And YOU, my dear... you DO want to rock these ponies like a hurricane, don't you?"


"Of course, I do!" Colette responded, earning another round of cheers.


"Or is the party over when the Sun shows up?"


"OOOOO-hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!" 360-quikscope triple-kill-R-r-r-r-r-REKT. As if she could say no now!


The queen sighed, then smiled at her. "I'd love to hear your last song, Colette."


"Now, I ask you all..."


Discord turned his attention back to the crowd then, and raised his claws into the air. The ground shook then, before two GIGANTIC speakers sprung up on either side of the stage; their size alone guaranteed any and everyone was going to hear her.


"Hee hehehehehehehehee! Ha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha~" Colette cackled. "They're... So... BEAUTIFUL!"




Discord done earned himself a new best friend!


Without hesitation, Colette began to play her final song - Staring At the Sun by The Offspring.


Waky, waky world.

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As Cadance made her way towards the center of town, she felt a reverberation in her chest. At first she couldn't figure out where it had come from. As she got closer, she started to recognize the...screeching of a pony over what she guessed could be classified as music. Maybe. She spotted a set of speakers, and felt the intense need to move away from them. Slightly frowning, she did her best to circumnavigate the ground around them, staying out of their path. She missed, getting a face full of 
She then did something unexpected. All of her hair blown back, and in complete disarray, she laughed. It was a clear, pretty sound, which matched her elegant demeanor, and completely clashed with her current disheveled look that had suddenly appeared.

  • Brohoof 1


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Twilight & Fluttershy


@@Hypn0ticD@@Randimaxis, @@Taialin

Fluttershy just couldn't bring up the courage to leave her position from behind the column. The music, however, was starting to get to her, and Fluttershy did begin to enjoy some of it. She was humming the tunes though the growl of the mysterious instrument did break her reverie every now and then. When the music stopped, Fluttershy peeked out to see why it stopped. It looked like Princess Celestia had arrived and put a stop to the concert. It was good while it lasted, Fluttershy thought as what she could have somewhat seen coming. Discord arrived did his usual mischief. Fluttershy felt compelled to go out and help her tea partner, but her hooves just wouldn't budge. There were just too many ponies looking...




Meanwhile, the Princess of Friendship, with Spike and Cheese Sandwich in tow, had arrived at this supposed concert. Twilight had noticed the huge crowd gathered in the area and decided to investigate. It looked like Discord was doing something with a bipedal figure...Could it be a human? Cheese seemed to come to the conclusion. "I don't know who it is Cheese. Princess Celestia just told us to expect two humans. She didn't give any names," Twilight replied.


However, a familiar pink mane popped up over the crowd near the column supports. Twilight wondered what Fluttershy was doing here since she lost her friend in the kitchen awhile back. So this is where she ended up.


"Spike, I see Fluttershy over there," Twilight pointed to Fluttershy's hiding place. "We should go meet up her." Before Twilight could move, however, the speakers that she didn't pay attention to blared to life, blanketing the crowd in loud sound waves. The waves blew back Twilight's mane and tail and her lips flew back. That was REALLY loud,  Twilight thought over the ringing in her ears...


Fluttershy wasn't as lucky either. With her head peeking around the corner, the music blared right into her face and the same effects occurred to her. Her mane flew back with her eyes watering. As soon as possible, Fluttershy ducked back and soon tears flowed. She did not enjoy the experience and the music she enjoyed earlier began to flood her head with horrible experiences...

  • Brohoof 2


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@Hypn0ticD@Derplight Sperkle@Taialin@Yoshi89




As the number commenced, the Lord of Chaos began headbanging in earnest, trying to get the crowd to follow.  While this happened, he snapped his fingers to the beat... each and every snap producing another version of himself in the herd; one in a denim jacket with a thick beard, one with a bright green punk hairdo, one in a leather jacket with a biker helmet, and so forth... then, they all began to converge in the center of the stagefront, where the Metalcords began a Mosh Pit, containing nothing but themselves (and the occasional music-fueled pony who dove in of their own accord).


While this happened, the real Discord surveyed the crowd, and grinned as he spotted a few ponies.  He turned back to make sure Colette was enjoying herself, then with a satisfied nod, he slithered out towards the gathering.


First, he sidled up next to a disheveled, yet laughing Cadence.


"Ah, now THERE'S the spirit!  Apparently the Crystal Empire isn't too old to rock, are they?  And such a fine smile this music has brought to your face - always glad to see a good, hearty laugh!"


Tipping Cadence a wink, he then swam through the air until he was over his self-populated Mosh Pit, where he simply dropped out of the air and into the dead center.  At first, he simply vanished into the throng of Metalcords... then, he came up wearing green shorts and sunglasses, riding a surfboard across the top of the pit before sliding down onto the floor once again, landing right in front of the erstwhile Book Horse.


"Nothing beats Crowd-Surfing, eh?  Ha ha ha ha HAAAAA hahahahaha!  Well, well, well... it looks as if even the studious Twilight Sparkle has decided to join us!  Are you here to make a NOISE complaint?  Too loud for the library?"  He chuckled, leaning in close as he gave a rather sharp-toothed grin.  "Or are you here to study the humans?  What am I saying, of COURSE you are!  I'll bet you've even brought your notebook and quill, haven't you?"


Discord suddenly stopped.  "Wait... you ALWAYS bring those with you, don't you?"  He rolled his yellow eyes, which spun like slot machine tumblers until they lined up the letters  BOR  and ING, side by side.  "All the same," he shook his head, his eyes returning to normal, "I certainly hope you're not here in your 'Fun Police' capacity, and I KNOW you aren't here to 'organize' any sort of rock and roll concert like THIS one..."


He pointed at the stage, and as Colette's number reached the bridge, fireworks shot straight up into the air and blossomed in spectacular colors, explosions of light that popped off smaller explosions of light.  They were amazing to watch, and could be seen for miles around.


He glanced back at Twilight with a smirk on his face.  "... because rock 'n' roll doesn't come with an instruction manual, my dear!"


He cast a look over at Cheese Sandwich and quirked an eyebrow.  "And you... no polkas, please."


With that, he began to make his way back towards the stage, when he noticed another pony... dear, sweet Fluttershy was cringing behind a column and... was she... crying?  Discord glanced around a bit, then zipped into his Mosh Pit again.  As the Metalcords kept slamdancing, Discord himself POOFED in behind the tearful pegasus.  He looked at her and gnawed his lower lip; how was he going to handle this?  


He looked back and forth, making sure nopony could spot him... then he reached behind him and pulled out a pair of soft and fluffy pink earmuffs, which he gently placed over his friend's ears.  The muffs blocked out more than enough sound to ensure it wasn't blaring anymore, yet she could still hear the music.  This done, he gave Fluttershy a polite bow and a gentle pat on the head before POOFING back into the crowds.


Discord came flying out of the pit and slammed into the ground next to Princess Celestia; he had a black eye and looked a bit haggard for the trip.  He looked over at her and smiled, revealing a few missing teeth when he did.  He picked himself up, dusted off all the damage from himself with a few sweeps of his paws, and gave a good, hard stretch.  Then, looking back to the stage, he snapped his fingers once again.


This time, as the number reached the final chorus, Colette began to levitate into the air, solidly and steadily (so as not to throw off her playing), and the entire makeshift stage beneath her suddenly went up in a ball of flame, like flash paper, and Colette was gently brought back to the ground where it once stood.


The stage and giant speakers were gone, without even a scorch-mark left to show for the performance that had just been there.  In the audience, the gathering of Metalcords all began to whoop, holler and cheer the human for her awesome performance, and one by one began to POOF away, leaving only the cheering throngs of ponies.


Seeing how well everything was accepted, Discord smiled broadly; with the fact that there seemed to be nothing to fix or clean up, maybe the Lord of Chaos truly WAS on the road to reformation?  The impromptu concert had been a smashing success, and Discord had earned himself a new friend in the boisterous human female.


One down... one to go, he thought smugly to himself.

  • Brohoof 1

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Copper could hear music while he was Spin Dashing, and the music was so loud he could hear it all the way to Ponyville.    He didn't know what was going on, but he had had enough.  He kept Spin-Dashing to Canterlot, passing the train, which was going the opposite direction.  Once he reached Canterlot, he was able to get a really good glimpse at the current situation, in which he saw Discord with yet another human.  He sighed, then seeing how loud the music was, he decided to make noise himself, his time at the Blackwater Quarry well spent on learning how to silence crowds.  He took a deep breath, then let loose with the most thundering roar he could muster.



  • Brohoof 2

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@Randimaxis, @@Derplight Sperkle, @,


Spike surveyed the concert grounds from Twilight's withers as she brought him and Cheese Sandwich closer to the crowd. Spike gulped when he saw the size of the two speaker towers. His jaw dropped when he saw Discord holding a microphone while talking with something, his view partially blocked by the pony audience. This can't be good, he thought. Spike then looked to another side of the room where Fluttershy cowered beneath a column. Before Spike could even think about replying to Twilight, a loud blare of music rocked him from his stance. He barely had enough time to latch onto Twilight's wing for dear life as the noise penetrated his eardrums.


"I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!" Spike screamed to Twilight, although the infernal racked absorbed his voice. With Twilight distracted, that he could plucked two feathers from her wings and stuff them in the spaces where his ears should be. He also prayed that as Discord surfed over to Twilight that he wouldn't notice him clinging to her wing. He couldn't hear what Discord was telling her but his movements and the word "BORING" across his eyes gave Spike enough of a clue. He had a mind to give Discord a piece of his mind but nopony, er, dragon ever tried to teach the spirit of chaos a lesson and got off easy.


As the song veered towards the grand finale, Spike was taken by the visual effects that accompanied the bipedal performer on stage. It was at that point where he saw the human in the flesh for the first time as she wrapped up her song. "Wow!" Spike mouthed. "She's beautiful!" Spike was so mesmerized that he didn't realize he was still holding onto Twilight when the concert ended. With no more music force carrying him, Spike dropped to the ground, landing on his belly with an "Oof!". Spike picked himself up and dusted himself off before applauding for the human. He then tapped Twilight's leg. "These humans sure know how to play music," he said.

  • Brohoof 1

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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He cast a look over at Cheese Sandwich and quirked an eyebrow.  "And you... no polkas, please."


The camera panned briefly towards cheese, who was  already doning multiple instruments, like that of a one-man Band. Cheese gave a sigh before muttering "Fine...". He then proceeded off-screen before moping his way back. 


His mood was a bit bitter a first, but as he began listening to the music , his foot started tapping to the beat. Cheese' eyes began widening. "Wow" He muttered to himself as he turned towards the Human on stage. He'd never heard this sort of music before.The rhythm, the energy, the beat….it was out of this world.




With no more music force carrying him, Spike dropped to the ground, landing on his belly with an "Oof!". Spike picked himself up and dusted himself off before applauding for the human. He then tapped Twilight's leg. "These humans sure know how to play music," he said



"Ditto" He added , towards spike's remark. His face still stuck in an awe-struck expression.  "I've got to learn how to do that" He thought to himself, knowing in the back of his mind that he probably couldn't, his body wasn't exactly fit for playing anything outside of a banjo,  some trumpets, and an accordion. 

Edited by Vulcan
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North took note of the changes happening around him; More lights and effects, Discord, more music, more royalty, Discords, another musician entering and playing, someone yelling, more Discords... His ears almost popped up right before he looked to Clover.


"Clover? Ye are fairly silent... Are ye faring well?" he spoke with a higher-than-usual voice so that she may hear him. He waved a wing in front of her face, getting little to no reaction. "Hang on, I will lead ye out a bit..." he continued before holding a wing over her back, leading her through towards the back of the crowd.

"Here... A slightly calmer spot.". He turned to look around, his height allowing him to watch over most heads, though his vision was obscured by the tall figures of the Discords in the front.

Edited by Zhooves

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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@@Derplight Sperkle, @@Taialin, @, @@Randimaxis,


"Masters, I have come to take my duty to oversee the newcomer. May I ask who this may be?"


"Moonlit Cast! Good to have you here!" Inkwell chirped upon the young students' arrival. "His name is—"


The portal whirred to life then with an arcane magic as a tall bipedal creature stepped through. Upon his back and in his digits here large bags; a most curious device emerged from the bag on the creature's back. "That made me feel a little queasy..."


Spell Caster frowned at that; the same happened to Colette. Fortunately, he had just the thing - ginger tea with a bit of honey and a hint of lemon. "Master Wilson, this should take care of queasiness for now, and we'll look into adjusting the portal's magic by the time you leave." while he said this, Inkwell had taken up a cloak in his magic and levitated it over to him. "We're pleased to have you here, Gavin! My name is Inkwell, and this is Spell Caster and Moonlit Cast." he said, pointing to himself then each of his comrades as he said their names. "Moonlit Cast, this is Gavin Wilson. He'll be one of the humans we'll be hosting!" Spell Caster added, gesturing to the boy. "There's so much we wish sit down and to talk to you about, but we have to hurry to your new home. Please, put this on." Inkwell continued.


He waited for Gavin to accept the cloak before trotting to the door and opening it.


No sooner than Inkwell opened the door, a barrage of soundwaves hit the castle full force and shook the walls; it was the distinct sound of punk rock, accompanied by somepony - or rather somehuman - singing:


"Though you hear me/

I don't think that you relate/

My will is something/

That you can't confiscate/

So forgive me, but I won't be frustrated/

By destruction in your eyes/

As you're staring at the sun/

As you're staring at the sun!"


"We need to stop your roommate before she flattens all Equestria with her music!!"

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@@Zhooves, Clover had been struck silent by everything that was going on; she'd willed herself to stand still as the events unfolded in front of her. She was very glad indeed to feel North's comforting wing across her back as he led her backstage.


"Thank you very much," she said, gratefully. "All this was just so... unexpected. I really didn't know what to do or where to look. All this happening with the alien as well! Altho, I did very much enjoy the alien music. I do hope that she'll play some more, perhaps without Discord butting in next time!"

  • Brohoof 1



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Hypn0ticD, @@GeneralDirection, @@Derplight Sperkle, @, @@Randimaxis

Rarity hadn't the faintest idea of what was going on. One moment she was arguing with Rainbow Dash, the next, she was being pulled to the ballroom with calls to decorate it, and the next, she was being pulled again down the corridor somewhere else. All she managed to pick up was Discord was involved with something, Princess Luna was not happy, and was that a giant wall of presents!? Rarity screamed at the boxes about to tumble down onto her when—


"Is there room back there?"


"Wha-whaha?" Suddenly, a wild Pinkie appeared in front of her from through the wall and started motoring a whole load of words she didn't understand from her mouth. "P-Pinkie, don't scare me like that! I thought Discord had come back to eat us or something!" Rarity just managed to sputter out of her mouth, though whether Pinkie heard or not, she had no idea. And those presents still looked like they were moving.


"Well, what is it? Is it a parade? Bugbear stampede? Poison Joke bouquet? New episodes? What?"


"N-n-new episodes?! What in the world are you talking about?" Rarity had no idea where she was, how she had gotten there, who was in front of her, what Pinkie was saying, or what she could possibly be inquiring about. Pinkie was overwhelming to her at the best of times, and now was certainly not the best of times. Making sense of Pinkie was an exercise in futility but apparently there was also a Discord somewhere and Luna wasn't happy about that and some humans and she could hear some far-off horrible sound about staring at the sun and she really could use her chaise lounge right now because instincts told her she would need it very soon—


Rarity's thoughts were arrested as she suddenly found herself literally staring at the sun. On the ground. Unconscious.



@, @@DwhitetheGamer, @, @@Yoshi89, @@Zhooves, @@Pripyat Pony

Celestia did not react to Discord's taking of the paperwork in stride. If past times were any precedent to go off of, those papers would never come back. Or they would, several months later and covered in chocolate. There was almost nothing that could be taken out of Discord's mouth at face value. Discord was a manipulative beast at the best of times, and while his malevolent intentions were somewhat blunted by Fluttershy's efforts, what was not was his selfishness and propensity to make things explode in all sorts of . . . "fun" ways.


So it was no surprise to Celestia when Discord put his arms around Celestia and weaved some fantastic story about spreading friendship, peace, and harmony throughout the land. It didn't take being alive for thousands of years to understand that "peace" and "Discord" were mutually exclusive and could not in any way coexist. And it was even less of a surprise when Discord dropped his act not even a minute after he started it.


"Of course I understand the value of 'letting loose'; there was a reason why I invited you to our last Gala, after all. But there was also a reason why you were having your fun under my supervision." Celestia wrinkled her snout. Negotiating with Discord was always an exercise in frustration that left her with a headache. It was almost within his very nature that he did not listen to reason. "That's why I am letting you and our Colette have your fun. But that is also why I will be staying right here."


And so the song began. And as she expected, it was loud, hardcore, and altogether not really her cup of tea. And the massive amplifiers distorting the guitars and blasting the vocals didn't help a whole lot, either. Celestia tried not to be judgemental, she really tried; different ponies liked different tunes, and she herself was open-minded to new experiences. But she couldn't help but think that the song was directed against her specifically, what with Colette's repeated refrain of "staring at the sun," and that made it difficult to like. It did kind of feel like staring at the sun at times, though, especially when the fireworks went off.


There were some ponies enjoying the music, however. Princess Cadance had found her way to the impromptu venue some time ago, and she was clearly enjoying herself, hair blown back and laughing to the music. She actually looked like she had traveled back in time a few decades.


But then, there were also those ponies clearly not enjoying the music. Her own former student was looking as though she were caught in a heavy wind (except the wind in this case was incredibly loud sound). But Celestia also caught a glimpse of a pink mane in the corner hiding behind a column, shaking, clearly overwhelmed by the noise. Fluttershy, it must be. She never struck her as one to enjoy this type of music. The music was fine, so long as it didn't hurt anypony, and the sight of Fluttershy cowering there crossed the line for her. But just as Celestia was about to intervene and cut the music short, she saw another flash of light and an instantly-recognizable serpentine tail peeking from around the pillar. Frowning, Celestia waded her way through the crowd to see what he could possibly be doing. And the sight surprised her.


Discord was gone by the time she found a clear view, but what she found instead was a pair of fluffy pink earmuffs on Fluttershy's ears. Discord's doing, perhaps. She didn't look as overwhelmed by the music, either. Celestia sighed. If there was one pony who could tame Discord's troublemaking tendencies, if even just for a moment, it was Fluttershy. She never doubted for a moment that she had picked the wrong pony to reform him.


Moments later, Discord came . . . flying out of the crowd to land in front of her, looking as though he had been to a club and three bars and didn't find his way home that night. The situation he had created wasn't especially dangerous. More out-of-control and . . . chaotic. Fitting, really. There was no other way to be heard over the music, so when she said something to Discord, she had to yell it, and even then, she could barely hear herself: "Was her song your idea!?"


Eventually, the noise did settle down, and all the amplifiers disappeared in a puff of smoke. All that was left was the cheering of the crowds and the human on stage. If anything else, she certainly made a . . . powerful first impression.

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Pinkie Pie crept over to Rarity's side and looked down at her fainted form.


"RARE, this is no time for a NAP!  The humans are expecting a party, and I NEVER miss a party!  Why are you..."


She waited for a moment, then gave a frustrated sigh.  "Okay, OKAY!  We'll just have to bring her with us!"


Pinkie carefully lifted her friend up and brought her over to the wall of gifts.  Looking about for a moment, she smiled and opened a very LARGE box with a very LARGE teddy bear in it; into the bear's lap, Pinkie slid Rarity carefully.  The white unicorn set in the fluffiest of laps, Pinkie put the lid back on the box and turned to Applejack.


"You ready to go?  I can already hear MUSIC; let's go before we miss any of the FUN!"





The wily draconequus smiled broadly at the inquiring Princess.


"Why no, not a bit - ALL her idea!  I must admit, she clearly has excellent taste, doesn't she?  After all, there are a number of your subjects who agree with her style... so she must have SOMEthing of a point, does she not?"


He chuckled, then turned back to the audience.


"Equestria, I present to you... a REAL... LIVE... HUMAAAAAAN BEING!  Put your collective hooves together for... COLETTE!"


He made a flourish in her direction, then stepped back and out of the way as the crowds came forward to speak with her.  This going on, he moved back from the scene and began watching Colette interact with her new-found fans.


He also took this time to begin looking for a way to leave without being seen... difficult to do, as he was who he was; hardly impossible, though.  But while he was still in sight, he would have to see if Colette might have questions for him... after all, it wouldn't do to make a new friend like this, then disappear without any notice.  FUN, mayhaps, but hardly the kind of thing one should do if one were to keep friends... 


Still, if he was going to get the humans to do what he wanted them to do... he would have to pay CLOSE attention.

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@@Derplight Sperkle, @@Taialin, @, @@Randimaxis,


Applejack had only made a few steps out of the ballroom doors when she and Rarity were accosted by a mountain of gift-wrapped boxes slowly made its way towards them, its peak swaying precariously to and fro. Her eyes bulged as the pile made their way ever to the duo; despite the cowpony backing herself and the fashionista back into the ballroom yet the pile made its way ever closer.


It was directly upon them now. It would fall and crush them both at any moment! This was it. Applejack tightened her grip on Rarity


"Is there ROOM back there?"


"...Pinkie Pie??"


"I just spent ALL this time getting ALL this stuff for our new human friends; this pile's good, but just WAIT 'til you see the OTHER FOUR PILES! Wait, where are you? You're HERE, I can heeeeeear youuuuuuuu, but..."


There was a rustling sound from behind the wall of gifts, then one of the boxes popped open, and Pinkie Pie poked her head out of it, causing both Applejack and Rarity to jump.




Applejack only blinked as the pink mare prattled on about acquiring such a massive horde of gifts before wriggling herself from the pile.


"Well, what is it? Is it a parade? Bugbear stampede? Poison Joke bouquet? New episodes? What?"


"N-n-new episodes?! What in the world are you talking about?"


Just what in the hay does Pinkie mean by that?? Applejack shook her head. Now just wasn't the time!


"The humans are here, Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have all and we're running behind on settin' things up. To top it all off, Discord's—"


The castle was very suddenly bombarded with a wave after wave of hard, aggressive music; the waves carried with them a most unusual song:


"When I ran I didn't feel like a runaway/

When I escaped I didn't feel like I got away/

There's more to living than only surviving/

Maybe I'm not there, but I'm still trying..."


Applejack covered her ears to block out that... music, but to no avail. As overwhelming as it was to her, it was certainly that much more overcoming to the fashionista. Before the cowpony knew it, she found Rarity collasped beside her in a dead faint.


"RARE, this is no time for a NAP! The humans are expecting a party, and I NEVER miss a party! Why are you..."


Applejack looked on as the pink mare made the connection before picking the white mare up and carried her to the gift mountain, placing her into one of the larger boxes.


"You ready to go? I can already hear MUSIC; let's go before we miss any of the FUN!"


By this time, the barrage of music had ended. Applejack lowered her hooves, but her ears were ringing something fierce! Was it over??


"... Let's get goin' before it starts again. And make sure ta take Rarity out of the box when we get there!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Although Cadance had laughed at the music blaring in her face, she had gotten a bit more than she could really handle in such a short time. It seemed she had gained a bit of respect in Discord's eyes, and that was enough for her to the moment, so she moved out of the path of the speaker, and did her best to straighten her disheveled hair after it was blown askew by the speaker. She finally got her first glance of the human, although the party's lights made it difficult to see ....her? Cadance thought her. Pretty sure her...up on stage. Aside from Discord, Cadance didn't see anyone she knew, and he seemed...Busy. He probably wouldn't answer any of her questions anyways. At least not to her satisfaction. His certainly. Not hers.


Collette sounds like a her, she thought after Discord announced the name. I can barely hear myself think in here. I wonder where anypony sane is. Cadance assumed that once there was somepony else here to kvetch with her, that this party might be more fun. She wished Shiny was here.

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I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Copper was surprised that nopony, or no one, in this case, had heard him yelling.  He had spent this whole time in the Blackwater Quarry looking for a new job, having had his lungs stronger than before, all that was for nothing.  He shook his head, then looked around, finding Cadance.  He didn't know why she was here, maybe to stop this madness like he was, but there was only one way to find out.


He walked up to Cadance and said, "Princess Cadance.  Do you know what's going on?"

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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  • 3 weeks later...

@@Derplight Sperkle, @@Taialin, @@GeneralDirection, @@Yoshi89, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@Randimaxis, @, @@DwhitetheGamer, @,


The Mishmash had worked the crowd quite satisfactorily - most of them, at least. It came as no surprise to Colette that the queen would be less than pleased to have to listen to anything involving rock, and she knew for a fact that the first two ponies she met would be overwhelmed, and that sucked -- but not as much to see Metal Pony take off in a panic. There was a third, but he took off as soon as he got there.


'Whaaatever! The lot of y'all are wimps!'


Luckily, there were still plenty of ponies that could take it! All they needed was a teensy little push...


"I'm not sure you guys want me to finish!" Colette said with a mock pout, yet strumming a chord to tantalize her audience. "Is the music I play too much for you all??"


"Play summore!"


"Please play more!"


Another strum. "Who else wants another round??"


"Ah do!"Apple Bloom squeaked, bouncing up and down, waving a hoof in the air. "Ah wanna hear more!"


If the excitable baby horse pony wanted to rock out, then there may still be a bit of hope to really bring the others around!


"I wanna hear you scream 'Yeah!' if you all want me to finish!"




"Can't hear you~!" Colette teased in a singsong tone, raising a hand to a covered ear.




With that, Colette began playing the opening chords to Staring At the Sun:


"Maybe life is like a ride on a freeway/

Dodging bullets while you're trying to find your way/

Everyone's around, but no one does a damn thing/

It brings me down, but I won't let them/"


The first verse shoudnt've been too much of an audio assault on the candy colored crowd, but Colette was only getting started! Things were gonna heat up quick with the next verse! A quick glance up revealed that the Mishmash was REALLY already getting into it by creating a rather aggressive set of clones who immediately set off to start proper mosh — at least he had the right idea in mind and even got a few of the more rowdy ones to join in! That's right, work that crowd!


"If I seem bleak/

Well you'd be correct/

And if I don't speak/

It's cause I can't disconnect/

But I won't be burned by the reflection/

Of the fire in your eyes/

As you're staring at the sun/"


Colette felt it was a shame that none of her friends or fellow YouTube musicians were there at that very moment to provide the backing vocals, yet made a mental note to contact as many as she could after the party. This song needed a proper cover!


"As you're staring at the sun/

As you're staring at the sun/

As you're staring at the sun/

As you're staring at the sun/"


Now here come the afterburners~! If these ponies thought she was loud now...


"When I ran I didn't feel like a runaway/

When I escaped I didn't feel like I got away/

There's more to living than only surviving/

Maybe I'm not there, but I'm still trying/"


And that's when the light show began in earnest. Colette found herself squinting a little as the fireworks went off and lit up the already bright sky and dazzling her and her spectators.


"Though you hear me/

I don't think that you relate/

My will is something/

That you can't confiscate/

So forgive me, but I won't be frustrated/

By destruction in your eyes/

As you're staring at the sun/

As you're staring at the sun!"


Looking up again, Colette caught sight of the creature surfing atop his own clone army! Were she not performing, she would've laughed her ass off!


Out of all of them, he proved to be the one who was enjoying himself the most!


Colette continued to play the song and work as many ponies as she could. She was a little surprised to find herself levitating in the air toward the end of the song, and even more surprised to see the stage and speakers were gone once she was back on the ground.


What?? No more giant speakers?? Fine... It's for the best, anyway. No sense in blasting these candy colored horses' eardrums all the time! Mishmash, on the other hand~!


"Equestria, I present to you... a REAL... LIVE... HUMAAAAAAN BEING! Put your collective hooves together for... COLETTE!"


The sound of a multitude of hooves stomping the ground was accompanied by loud cheers and whinnies.




A few had approached Colette then, bombarding her with questions.


"Is everyhuman like you??"


"The short answer is no."


"What kinda instrument is that??"


"An electric guitar!"


"Is it magical??"


"Uhhh... No! At least not until now!"


"Do you have a Cutie Mark? Whatsit look like?"


"...A whaa??"




What the hell??


Everyone turned to see the blue spiky maned Sonic looking pony.


"Well grandpa~, if you bothered to stick around, you would've known that this here was a concert! It's over now, so feel free to untwist them panties."


"Awww~! It's over already?? Ah just got here!"


"Yup, it's over for now. If anyone wants to hear some real metal later will have to come to our welcome party tonight!"


The ponies cheered once more as Colette took a bow. She stood and waved to her audience, all the while looking for the mishmash. If he enjoyed punk so much, then perhaps he'd like something a bit harder!

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Grandpa?  GRANDPA?!  


"You've got to be kidding me."


Before he could listen to Cadance's response, he turned to the human, a rather annoyed look on his face.  "Excuse me, whoever you are, But do I look that old to you?!  If I was that old, I wouldn't be able to Spin Dash as fast as THIS!"


He then curled up into a ball, then launched himself into a circle away from the group.  When he was finished, he trotted up to Colette and said,  "Don't get me wrong, I like your music, though.  Name's Copper Strikes, by the way."

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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The draconequus smiled to himself; the human was actively looking around, and he was fairly certain she was looking for HIM - after all, she was bound to want to hear out what he had to say after the light-and-sound show she'd just been treated to.  He certainly hoped she was in an amendable mood - his plan wouldn't work unless there was trust here, and there were PLENTY of ponies here who could talk about one of a million things Discord had done in the past... 


If he wanted to keep the level of high-spirits the girl had going on, then he'd have to do what he could to get her alone, so they could chat without eavesdropping ears nearby.  And he'd have to do it fast, before some pone changed Colette's mind - and his plan would be all for nothing.


He sort of slithered up behind Colette and tapped her on the left shoulder with his tail while speaking into her right ear.


"Oh, what a WON-derful time!  Why, there should be MORE concerts like this during your stay here - I'm sure our esteemed Princesses would have no trouble at all finding a place that could house your musical skills properly... NOR would they object to you having some FUN there while you're at it!"


Discord leaned in close, and a smaller Discord leaned out of his open mouth and began to whisper in Colette's ear.  "Besides... I believe you could actually help ME with a little something?  It'll be LOADS of fun, and you-"




The thunderous sound caught even Discord by surprise, and cut off his sentence abruptly.  Standing toward the back was a bright pink mare standing next to an ENORMOUS pile of presents... which were all, EVERY LAST ONE, balanced precariously on top of what looked to be a small cannon... a real-live, Pirates Of The Caribbean, day-glo colored cannon!


Smoke rolled up from the cannon's barrel, and it was at that moment that shiny, colored confetti began to rain down upon all involved.  The pink mare smiled from ear to ear; Colette had to think that if that smile got any wider, the top of her head might fall off!


Pinkie trotted right up to where the human was, completely unafraid, and gave a quick and impromptu performance of introducing herself and AJ.


"Hiya!  I'm Pinkie Pie, and this is my friend, Applejack!  It's so good to meet you - I've never met a real human before!"


Though he did so very much enjoy Pinkie Pie's antics normally, Discord ground his teeth as he watched the bubbly pink mare spoke to Colette - and wasted his valueless time.  He looked at his wrist emphatically, where a wristwatch had appeared.  The clock face had a picture on it of a small brown colt wearing a propeller beanie; the forelegs pointed to the hour and minute.  As he stared at it, it unfastened its' buckle and, flapping the leather wristbands, it took off.


"Yes, time DOES seem to just FLY BY, right?"


Pinkie turned to Applejack, and the look in her eyes was manic - CRAZY manic.


"AJ!  Don't be rude - say hi!"  She turned momentarily to the human again.  "She's just shy, soHEY DISCORD!  It's good to see YOU here too!  Did you come to meet the humans, like we did?  Oh, this is gonna be even MORE fun than-..."


She then began to take notice of the attitudes of some of the rest of the other ponies; Celestia and Twilight didn't seem very happy about Discord's presence... Pinkie looked at the crowd, then over at Celestia.


"Okay, sooooooo... we're back to not liking him again?  Awwww..."


All the same, Pinkie Pie stepped back and walked up next to Twilight, then took a defensive stance.


"So... since we're apparently upset with you again, I guess I gotta tell you you're a big meanie jerk-face-head, huh?"


Discord shrugged non-chalantly.  "Well, I suppose you could - of course, that coming from YOU rather stings, Pinkie Pie..."


Pinkie took on a look of concern and alarm.  "Oh... I'm sorry!  I didn't mean for it to sting!"  The draconequus raised a single claw, however.


"Now, now... no harm, no foul.  All forgiven, Pink One."


Pinkie smiled at this, then shook her head and put on her 'most serious face'; the one she uses to watch paint dry.


"Still... if Twilight's giving you that look,I wanna know what you did to EARN that stare!"  She turned to Celestia.  "So, what did he do wrong this time?"

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@@Hypn0ticD, @@Randimaxis, @@Taialin,

Luna was till mulling over just why Discord had taken such an interest in the humans. She was not able to think long however as a large wave of sound hit them. Not particularly intent on hearing what...if any words or musical notes the sound contained, a blue bubble would form around her and the bat pony she wast talking with earlier. As no sound could get in, no sound could also escape as to those nearby it would look as if the two where just having a silent conversation. Their facial expressions on the other hoof would tell a different story. Apparently the bat pony was talking some sense into her. Luna would nod and the guard would hastily salute and smile subtly.


Looking to AppleJack and the rest of Twilight's friends, she would halfheartedly "I have scrapped my plan. Perhaps we should meet with the humans first and that way we can discuess some ground rules of Equestrian Eduquit. Than perhaps we can avoid more of these disruptive and DISRESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR!"  Quickly she would realize that her anger was taking hold as she counted backwards from ten. "So, Which human do you think we should go to meet first?" she would say to the group in general.


I would not take long for Luna to notice that Pinkie Pie had apparently already chosen, and somehow almost instantly ended up at Discord and the mare human's location. She would take a rather enthused deep sigh and roll her eyes before telleporting to the epicenter of all the earlier ruckus. She would hover behind Celestia with a stern look upon her face.

  • Brohoof 1

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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  • 2 weeks later...

@, @@Randimaxis, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Taialin, @, @@GeneralDirection, @@Yoshi89, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @,

"Excuse me, whoever you are, But do I look that old to you?! If I was that old, I wouldn't be able to Spin Dash as fast as THIS!"

Colette raised an eyebrow as she watched as the spiky maned pony take off in a blue blur and circled around the crowd. He continued to follow him with her eyes as he made his way back to her.

'I was expecting Equestria to have a lot of stuff to see, but wasn't expecting their very own Sonic the Hedgepony!

"Don't get me wrong, I like your music, though. Name's Copper Strikes, by the way."

"Colette. Colette Irving."

No relation or affiliation with Eggman--Oh, stop.'

"If you liked my music, then why'd you take off?"

Before she could get an answer, Colette felt a tap on her shoulder, then heard someone whispering into the opposite ear.

"Oh, what a WON-derful time!"

She turned - and smiled. Just the being she wanted to see!

"Why, there should be MORE concerts like this during your stay here - I'm sure our esteemed Princesses would have no trouble at all finding a place that could house your musical skills properly... NOR would they object to you having some FUN there while you're at it!"

"What about that big one? She's a queen, isn't she?" Colette asked in a whisper, pointing toward Celestia; looking towards the princess again, she noticed another tall, dark blue horse just behind her, glaring teal daggers back at her.

"Well damn, nice to meet you too, lady!" she muttered under her breath.

... I believe you could actually help ME with a little something? It'll be LOADS of fun, and you-"


Colette was unable to respond to her biggest fan due to the ear splitting explosion that doubtlessly caught everyone off guard. Turning again, she spotted a pink pony donning a MASSIVE mad scientist' grin. Beside her was an orange pony donning a Stetson, and behind them stood Mount Giftpile, which was inexplicably balancing itself atop a bright blue cannon which looked puny in comparison.

"Is... Is that all for us??"

The pink mare performed what Colette assumed was a dance as confetti rained down on the masses. The mare trotted up to her then, still bearing that massive grin.

"Hiya! I'm Pinkie Pie, and this is my friend, Applejack! It's so good to meet you - I've never met a real human before!"

"Uhh, hi Pinkie!"

"AJ! Don't be rude - say hi!"

"Well, howdy there, hu--"

"She's just shy, soHEY DISCORD! It's good to see YOU here too! Did you come to meet the humans, like we did? Oh, this is gonna be even MORE fun than-..."

So THAT'S his name! Colette looked up to him, then looked back to the mare, who was now backing away from the duo, taking her side by yet another princess; the orange pony flanked the purple mare as well; Colette noticed another pink mare out , yet this one was taller and exuded an aura of elegance and femininity.

'Just how many princesses out there, and did I manage to piss them  all off?

"So... since we're apparently upset with you again, I guess I gotta tell you you're a big meanie jerk-face-head, huh?"

Discord shrugged with insouciance. "Well, I suppose you could - of course, that coming from YOU rather stings, Pinkie Pie..."

Colette watched and listened to the exchange of words, then looked back to Queen Horse once Pinkie Pie addressed her.

Colette grabbed the tiny Discord whislt the "queen" gave her answer, and whispered to his ear, "Looks like I'm gonna be a bit busy, but I'll be sneaking back into the castle this evening to set everything up. We can talk about your little favor then."

She let the Draconequus go then, looked to the two larger royals. "Well, if helping me put on an awesome show and giving ponies taste of rock music a bad thing, then I guess we're both guilty as charged!" Looking to each younger princess, she added, "So, shall you all convene to determine the charges, your highnesses?"

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