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open Strange Tales of the Equestrian Idiot RP Thread (See OOC to join!)


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Rainbow glanced over her shoulder, and noticed the rest of her friends had now arrived! She looked back at Ruby with an uneasy look on her face, knowing fully well that she was going to be leaving now. "Yea...um...look, I've gotta get going, my friends  and I are going to have an important discussion at Twilight's castle. We'll have to save this conversation for another day. But if you want, I can introduce you to the rest of my friends over there before we head off. Up to you!" She said with a smile. Dash had a pretty good feeling that Ruby would be taking her up on her offer, and started to slowly walk over to where the rest of her friends were standing.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@SwigglySwiggly @GeneralDirection @Windbreaker @RubyW32 @Hypn0ticD @Derplight Sperkle @Taialin @littlecandylulu903 @Love


Aspen bought a cupcake, a bright yellow one with white sprinkles, and balanced it on his nose as he looked around for a seat.  He found a stool next to the window and sat.  As he bit into the cupcake (and was delighted to find that it was cream filled), he looked around the bakery.  It was extremely full today.  He saw Pinkie, obviously, and her friend Rainbow Dash.  Aspen didn't really know Rainbow, but heard that she was extremely good at flying, and was almost as good as the famous Wonderbolts.  He saw that strange pony "Swiggie" picking his muffin off of the counter, and he saw that pony Ruby talking to Rainbow.  Aspen sighed, thinking of what he was going to do for the rest of the day, when the door opened.  Inside stepped Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, a strange mare with a purple-ish coat and a gold and silver mane, and -gasp- Princess Cadence!  Aspen couldn't believe it!  "Princess Cadence usually lived in the Crystal Empire, where she ruled with her husband, Shining Armor.  Why was she...here?  Was it because of the human thing?"  he thought.  And, Aspen noticed, most of the Elements of Harmony were in the same room, which was certainly weird.  Apart from Princess Twilight, of course.  This was definitely the strangest thing Aspen had seen in a while, and though he wouldn't have admitted it, it excited him a bit.  Aspen decided to follow this strange group after they leave.  And who knows?  Maybe something interesting will happen!

Edited by AspenSwift
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@@GeneralDirection @@Hypn0ticD @@Derplight Sperkle @@Love @@Windbreaker @@Littlecandylulu903


"Go and meet Rainbow's friends? and... Princess Cadence? It would be nice!"  She thought and started walking behind RD.

There she was... Princess Cadence. She was getting closer and closer and she was already getting nervous. "Why is Princess Cadence here? Maybe it has to be with the humans... Yeah! maybe I could know a bit more about them if I talk to Rainbow and her friends..." She looked at her saddle-bag, full of rubies waiting to be turned into humans. Not literally...


She smiled with the idea.

Pinkie Pie is best pony

Don't you ever forget


Wanna see my dumb art?

My Deviant Art: http://rubywave32.deviantart.com/

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@@Hypn0ticD, @@Orion Caelum, @[member='Win@@AspenSwift, dbreaker'], @@SwigglySwiggly, @@RubyW32, @@Taialin, @@GeneralDirection,


Princess Luna


The sky over Ponyville, normally bright and sunny, erupted into darkness. It boiled forth like magma seeping from the earth, covering the sun in its majestic blackness. Out from the center of swirling darkness, a tide of night lanced down to the earth, transfixing it as with a spear from the sky. Then the darkness dissipated, absorbed into the center and down to the ground. Out of the void stepped Princess Luna, regarding her surroundings with a hooded eye as her personal guardsponies marched out into line behind her. Their bat like wings folded at their sides as they cradled swords of pure starlight in their sheathes.


The display had landed her and her guards right outside the Town Hall. Looking down at her hooves, she saw that she was standing at the center of a circle of dead grass. Frowning, she shook her head. She should've known that flashy entrances never worked. Remember that time on Nightmare Night? That had been an absolute disaster. It had worked out in the end, but the chariot and lightning had only terrified her subjects rather than impress them. Quite possibly this had done the same. She'd need to get somepony to fix the grass as well. Blast. Why was it that only fungus could grow in the dark? Even worse, she hated mushrooms. They were so... bland.


No one would be able to read these thoughts from her expression, as it remained totally serene. She sent one of the entourage which had arrived with her off to inform Mayor Mare of her arrival. There had been a planned visit next month, but of course everypony's plans were being thrown off kilter. She'd have to apologize to her for causing her trouble, maybe with a basket of delicious mushrooms? Not that she, a Princess, -had- to apologize to her subordinates, but rather that she felt obliged to. Doubtless the Mayor was already in a tizzy over the Humans coming to her town. An unannounced Royal visit probably didn't help her nerves. She'd need her by her side in the days to come, preferably before Celestia got a hold of her. Knowing her sister, she'd probably welcome the Humans with open hooves. It was always the same. Discord, the Changelings, she always tried to make bothersome elements her allies, even if it bit her in the flank. It was a large flank too, she'd eaten too many cakes lately.


As she advanced down the street, several of her subordinates split off to their duties. She'd need to get a room (an entire suite really) somewhere, eating arrangements made, apologies made to the gardener, and all the other things which made up a Royal visit. Her chosen servants were more than trusted to handle this on their own without her having to tell them. That's why they had been chosen after all. Initiative as well as dependability, they were a rarity to find together in the same pony, but she'd gone to great lengths to gather such individuals to her side. Discretion as well. The night held many secrets, as did she, and she expected all under her direct control to never divulge them on pain of death.


She could see the ponies that she had come to visit coming into view. Doubtless they'd known she was coming. A giant dark-storm in the sky was hard to miss. Hopefully it hadn't frightened Fluttershy too much. She was fond of the little yellow-pink mare. After all, she was kind even to bats, which most ponies generally despised. She herself had a roost of the cute little buggers back home, that kept her company on her duties. They, the owls, and the occasional night prowling cat often told her interesting things they had seen in the dark, things she might have been unaware of otherwise.


Thusly Princess Luna regally stepped up to Sugar-cube corner, accompanied by a dozen odd members of her trusted elite guard, and plopped down in a seat. "Hello everypony, Elements of Harmony," she said softly. "I think it's time we had a little chat."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@@Hypn0ticD,@@Littlecandylulu903, @@Taialin 


Fluttershy felt a bit better after all of her friends came to support her. She crept out the bush she hi in and shook any leaves or twigs that ended up stuck to her. 


"Ah can't promise that, sugar cube. Ah know they ain't here just yet, but Ah can't really say for where or when those hu-manes'll turn up,"


Oh dear, but I don't want to see any humans at all! Applejack's comment caused some visible unease in Fluttershy's demeanor, but Rarity chimed in and helped settle some of that unease.


"But we will face them together,"


Fluttershy gave her friends a small smile as they continued.


As the group walked to Sugarcube Corner, it seemed the weather was beginning to darken. I thought today would be nice and sunny, better go ask Rainbow Dash what's going on.The group did eventually reach the famous bakery, Sugarcube Corner, without encountering any humans, to Fluttershy's pleasure. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were already there and soon all of her friends will be together once again. 




The calm atmosphere of the bakery was soon interrupted by the entrance of Princess Luna. Fluttershy jumped slightly at the sudden entrance, but soon calmed down once she saw it was just the Princess of the Night. She's not as scary once you know her, she thought as she remembered their first meeting at Nightmare Night. Fluttershy walked over to the table Luna sat down and choose a seat that was opposite of her. Whatever the princess was going to discuss with them, it must be important. 


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@GeneralDirection, @@Windbreaker, @@Love, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Littlecandylulu903, @@Taialin,


"Ah can't promise that, sugar cube. Ah know they ain't here just yet, but Ah can't really say for where or when those hu-manes'll turn up." Applejack replied.


Applejack caught sight of Rarity's frown, and merely shrugged in response once Fluttershy wasn't looking. Well? What was she supposed to do? Lie to Fluttershy's face? Sure, it would lift Fluttershy's spirits for a time, but it ultimately wouldn't do any good; just about everypone was talking about those aliens, and the poor thing was bound to overhear them!


Applejack extricated herself from the bush, doing her best to pull the twigs and leaves from her mane and fur,whilst mentally noting that she'd have to pull a Rarity that evening and put an extra focus on brushing and washing all the dirt and remaining twigs out. It was well worth worth it, however, as she managed to bring her timid friend around just enough to get her to come with them.


If those hu-manes did turn out to be dangerous, then they had her to deal with--provided the Equestrian Guard somehow failed to put them down...


Applejack looked around as the group made their way to Sugarcube Corner, not being able help but overhear the hushed gossip of townsponies as they passed:


"...Did you hear? They say hu-manes have five arms that have thirty claws on each!"


"That's nothing! I heard they were completely furless and eat meat!"


"Looks like the hu-manes are on everypony's minds, Fluttershy... There's no way around it, Ah'm afraid." Applejack mused aloud, earning herself another frown from the fashionista.


"But we will face them together!" Applejack heard Rarity say, who again doubtlessly hid her perturbation from the cowpony. "We sure will! Don't worry, Fluttershy! We won't let those hu-manes get to ya!" Applejack added; whether or not she noticed Rarity's second frown, she dare not show it.




@@Orion Caelum, @@AspenSwift, @@SwigglySwiggly,

@@RubyW32, @@HigurSan,


"Okay, who wants something?" Spellbind asked upon the party's arrival. "Thanks for the offer, sugar cube, but we gotta be heading out soon for some important business," Applejack replied, flashing an apologetic smile. "Maybe next time?"


"Hiya, girls! And Princess Cadance! Be with ya in a sec!" Pinkie Pie called from behind the counter, as she was attending to a customer. Applejack supposed she couldn't be mad with Pinkie, as she had her job, Rainbow Dash? Applejack met the Pegasus halfway she made her way to over to join the posse.


"Dash! Ah thought you were gonna head down to the train station to pick up Cadance!" AJ hissed in a hushed tone, failing to notice the pony that accompanied her. "Ah thought you were goin' ta meet 'er at the train station... she was already making her way over to Twi's place when we met up with her!"


It was only then AJ noticed the newcomer, which caused her face to go red. "Eh heh. Pardon mah outburst, there. It's just that uhh... Nevermind! Th' name's Applejack! Nice to meet ya!"


Applejack offered her hoof for Ruby to shake* when she caught sight of what appeared to be a Lunar Guard in the corner of her eye. She turned her head and gasped by the arrival of a truly unexpected guest: none other than Princess Luna herself. Cadance's arrival was expected. Luna's arrival, however? It threw Applejack for a loop!


Applejack found her jaw going slack as the Princess of the Night entered the bakery with a retinue of guards. She followed the royal pony with her eyes as she took a seat at a table.


"Hello everypony, Elements of Harmony," the Night Princess said softly. "I think it's time we had a little chat."


Applejack had no clue what to say or do. She looked over to her friends, then to Cadance before speaking again. "Princess Luna?" she began, removing her hat and bowing, "beggin' your pardon, princess Luna, but we didn't know you were a-comin'! We were just gonna head out to Twilight's castle to talk about the hu-manes... if you want, you can come with. Ah'm sure Princess Twilight's dyin' to know more about them!"

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Ruby was distracted when she heard AJ's voice talking to her. "Eh heh. Pardon mah outburst, there. It's just that uhh... Nevermind! Th' name's Applejack! Nice to meet ya!" 


"Wha- huh?" She looked at AJ, and noticed her hoof in front of her. "Uhm... Hi! I'm Ruby Wave. I'ts a honor to meet you." She gave her her hoof back, and laughted nervously. "You seem to be in a hurry..." She said remembering the way she talked to Rainbow Dash earlier.*




She looked at princess cadence with curiosity and realized she was standing in front of a princess... "Uh... I'm sorry... Princess Cadence, it's a honor." She bowed.*




The unicorn looked at the entrance and saw another pony. But not any pony. Princes Luna was there. "Princess Luna? How could this day get any crazier?" She was petrified. She was in the same room with two princesses and almost all the elements of harmony. "what's next? Discord?"

Pinkie Pie is best pony

Don't you ever forget


Wanna see my dumb art?

My Deviant Art: http://rubywave32.deviantart.com/

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@@bronislav84, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Hypn0ticD, @@RubyW32, @@Windbreaker,
Princess Luna
The princess smiled softly at the assembled ponies as she received a mixture of gawking and polite greetings. It was exactly the kind of thing she despised. Even for all of the excitement surrounding the various threats to Equestria, this millennia was so... boring. Before she'd been Nightmare Moon, the ponies had been bolder. The sun had shone brighter and the night was darker. The threats were also more powerful, the straits more dire. This peace had its appeal certainly, but it was so bland uninteresting to her, who had grown up when the world was young. A delicate wafer thin tea cup and saucer were set next to her, colored deeper black and onyx and embroidered with shining gold stars. It was like a piece of the night sky had drifted to the table.
She turned her head to regard the gathered Elements as one of her guard poured her a drink from a flask at his side. It shined and pooled in the cup like the reflection of the moon on a clear pond. Raising it to her lips, she took a small sip before setting it back on the saucer. "It is, in fact, the humans about which I would like to talk to you," she stated quietly. It was unlike Fluttershy's quietness, more like a cool breeze in the darkness than a whisper. "A lot of rumors have been flying about lately, and there's been much speculation regarding what they are, and the effect they will have on Equestria." Another sip of the shining liquid was taken. "I am fully intent on putting these rumors to rest with all suitable haste."
"However," she continued as she stood, the cup coming with her under the power of levitation. "There are ponies who seem intent on gossiping and fear mongering, rather than going about their regular activities as they should." The cup, now empty, was placed on the saucer and smoothly withdrawn by the same guard who had poured the drink. "Before any official proclamation can be made, the flow of rumors must first be stopped, lest the true be contaminated with the lies. As such, I would be most obliged if all the Elements of Harmony would come to my quarters after the transition from day to night. I will be staying at..." She turned her head to a Royal Guard, who handed her a slip of paper. After a moment's reading, the paper incinerated itself.
"The Trot and Travel Spa and Inn. A quaint but comfortable place I'm told, the entirety of which I've rented for the duration of my stay. I can see Twilight isn't here. I'll have to send a messenger..." At another look, one of the guards split off, trotting to Twilight's castle. He'd arrive soon enough, delivering a message. It'd probably be Spike either way, but the same visitation request would be made either way. Returning her attention to those gathered, she cocked her head to the side. "But I heard that lovely Cadence will be arriving as well? All we need is my sister and we'd have the full set!" For a moment, a lady-like giggle passed her lips.
"I'll have to see if I can get a hold of her as well." Another guard went trotting off in the background. "But for now, would you mind if I had a muffin Pinkie Pie? Something with... Dark chocolate I think. I'm afraid I forgot to eat breakfast this morning."

  • Brohoof 1


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Pinkie picked out a good dark chocolate muffin and brought it over. "Y'know, Princess, you could just come with us to Twilight's place. We're heading there right after I finish work which should be in exactly...2 seconds. We're gonna talk about the Hu-manes anyway, right? And what's more secure than a Princess' castle? Well, I suppose Discord could sneak in, but he's Discord, so he could sneak in anywhere. He's even better at the popping out of nowhere thing than me!"


Within the enthusiasm, Pinkie did have a point. If they were talking about the Hu-manes anyway, it'd be better for Luna to simply accompany them to Twilight's castle. Theatrics are fine, but this was a lot of effort for something that was already going to happen before she came along. Of course, it being Pinkie, her point was hidden amongst a load of rambling, which continued on past the subject of Discord until she looped onto the subject of muffins, proceeding to ask Applejack's opinion.


"Discord can be pretty cool, with all his magic and the chocolate rain... Oh, the chocolate rain... I could go for some chocolate milk right now. Hey, that'd go great with the strawberry muffins, or maybe the caramel. Or what about...hmmm...I dunno what'd go well with the dark chocolate muffins. What do you think, Applejack?"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@HigurSan, @@Hypn0ticD, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Windbreaker
Just as Rarity had entered Sugarcube Corner, she heard a flash and saw a rather mysterious out-of-place dark patch right outside the door. Moments later, the Princess of the Night dropped out of the void with her usual troupe of guards. After the sky returned to its usual color, Princess Luna walked inside and sat down, saying, "Hello everypony, Elements of Harmony. I think it's time we had a little chat."
Well. Never a dull moment, Rarity thought. Just as she had run into one Princess today, another appeared in rather dramatic fashion not a few feet from her! Fluttershy, contrary to Rarity's expectations, did not hide or bolt again. Rather, she calmed her momentary surprise and was the first pony to sit down at the table with Luna. Hiding a small smile in approval, Rarity bowed duly at the hooves of Princess Luna before taking her own spot at the table.
"It is, in fact, the humans about which I would like to talk to you," Princess Luna said. She waxed about the rumormongering about the humans that had been running recently and why it needed to be stopped. "I would be most obliged if all the Elements of Harmony would come to my quarters after the transition from day to night. I will be staying at the Trot and Travel Spa and Inn."
"Hmm," Rarity mused aloud. "That would certainly be a prudent step to take, Princess Luna. Celes—" Rarity stopped herself before cursing in Luna's sister's name "—ahem, I know how much of that rumormongering has been clouding the headlines of newspapers and magazines, lately. They're all different, and they all have their own story to tell."
"But Pinkie Pie is correct," Rarity continued, ignoring the inane rambles that Pinkie Pie had seen fit to babble about . . . again. Pinkie was a fine—if bubbly—contributor to any conversation, so long as she stayed on topic, which was not very frequently. "We will be heading to Twilight's castle soon, and if you have a discussion with us, I see no reason why we cannot hold it there in the—"
Rarity cut herself off with a gasp, coming out of high-class socialite mode and going into full dramatic fashionista instead. "Have you seen the throne room yet? It's positively marvelous!" Rarity raved, her eyes sparkling.

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@@HigurSan@@Taialin, @@Windbreaker, @@Hypn0ticD, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84, @@GeneralDirection@@RubyW32, @@Littlecandylulu903,  


((Oh dear god, I hope I got everyone))

Cadance had been hanging back, gathering her thoughts while her friends discussed everything that was going on, and if she hadn't been so worried about it, perhaps it would have been comical to her. It seemed that indeed, Ponyville was in something of a tizzy. Her presence hadn't been forgotten though, as she heard somepony exclaim her name. She tried to make eye contact with the grey mare with the fiery hair, and winked at her, to try and lighten the mood a bit. She felt more than heard the presence of somepony she hadn't expected, but was grateful for her presence all the same. Aunt Luna, she breathed softly under her breath, a simple sigh of relief.


She then heard Rarity exclaim about the throne room, and was brought stumbling back to reality. She gasped, seeming out of nowhere. "That's right! Twilight's Castle! In all the commotion, it slipped my mind that I haven't seen it!" Then she blushed. Sure glad Twilight isn't here to hear that.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Wilhelm, meanwhile, was on his second cup of tea. When the Princess came in, he held some brief hope that it was the announcement he had been waiting for- but, unfortunately, it was not. Big, dramatic entrance, complete with thunder and lightning? Check. Actual content that was important to him whatsoever? Yeah... Eenope, as Big Mac would say. At this point, he was vaguely irritated, by for some reason, the strange sort of happiness that pervaded Sugarcube Corner put a damper on his more negative emotions. Wilhelm chuckled inwardly; listen to him, happiness possessing a building? Ridiculous.


With that, he calmly went back to his work, finishing a sketch drawing with the careful stroke of a pencil. Looking over the design, noting the twin nacelles, the tapered front, and the peculiar tail, he smiled. It was strange, yes, but it would fly excellently. The gun turret was finally streamlined into the ship, the engines used a reciprocating piston system to collect the extra energy produced by the distilled magic fuel and pressurize the engine and compress the intake airflow, and the impeller engines were something that had almost never been seen in Equestria. Of course, he thought, all of this is merest conjecture, but imagine what I could do with enough time and funding. Perhaps not in my lifetime, but with the help of human scientists and their 'jet engines', well... anything's possible. And how wonderful would that be.


Binding the folder and stamping it with the proper Top Secret Clearance Only at the very top of the folder in bloodred ink, he slipped it back into his suitcase and took out a novel; a Hay Bradbury story, Frost and Fire, he believed. Opening it to the dogeared section he was previously at on the train ride here, he began to read. Every once in a while, however, he would peek over the cover at the other ponies- and, as always, be disappointed that they weren't yet doing anything important.

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@@Windbreaker, @@Taialin, @@Love, @@Orion Caelum,

Princess Luna


"Well, I had been meaning to come visit anyways...," she began carefully. "But that was meant to be a month from now. I'm sure it would be a lot of trouble for her to suddenly host all of us without much fore-notice." She paused, seeming to mull over her words. "And it would hardly be proper. There's supposed to be a royal request and the..." With one knee propped on the table, she planted her face in her hoof. "Ugh... There's so much protocol floating around and she's a princess now and..." She went silent. Her guards were all looking at her with something approximating extreme nervousness. They all looked uncomfortable with her candidness. Finally she looked up and took another sip of tea. They began to relax. "Twilight's castle will be alright I suppose," she said. One of the guards began to split off, but she waved him down. The looks of discomfort returned.


"How are you doing, dear Cadence," she eventually continued, shifting her attention. "We hardly get to see each other, with having your own kingdom now. The same thing with Twilight I suppose. There's hardly anypony to talk to at nights recently..." Her face waxed into something inscrutable for a moment before returning to neutral. "How is Shining Armor doing? The Palace guards really miss him you know. They've all been bickering over who ought to take his place." All of her own guards were now looking away out of embarrassment. "You ought to come visit some time. Maybe during Harmony day? Though Discord will be trying to pull pranks, I expect..."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Even with all that was going on, Cadance sighed in relief to have a simple talk with her half of her favorite aunt duo. Luna seemed to be irritated. But then, to be fair, they were all on edge. "Perhaps the peace has lasted a little too long," she said teasingly. "From what I hear, Discord made that last Grand Galloping Gala into quite an event. I do believe I would have liked to meet the acquaintance of this Smooze fellow," she added in a low voice, a small smirk playing across her lips.


Cadance smiled tenderly at the mention of her husband's name. Three years later, they were still very much in the honeymoon period, and even short absences from him made her long for his presence by her side. "Shiny is well," she stated simply. "Although, it does sound like I should send him to Canterlot to knock around a few heads. Bickering. Really, he taught them better," she said, adding a snort, although it was one of endearment, since she too had spent a lot of time with the Royal Guard while Shining Armor had been trying to woo her. "He misses them, too. As do I." She paused with a heavy sigh, thinking of everything that could have been. Cadance certainly hadn't expected to gain her own kingdom, although as usual, Celestia seemed to have known all along. She was grateful for the chance to get to know the Crystal Ponies, but she had also expected to live out her days as an emissary, or some such. Royal diplomat had a nice ring to it. Mostly she had wanted to learn more from Celestia and Luna.


Climbing out of her momentary funk Cadance added "Harmony day, huh? A prank or two might be just what we need." Then her mood went dark again. "Or with the arrival of these hue-mins, not so much."


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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@@RubyW32, @@HigurSan, @@Windbreaker, @@Taialin, @@Love, @@GeneralDirection, @@Derplight Sperkle,


"You seem to be in a hurry..." Ruby Wave said, to which Applejack nodded. "Yeah, we are as a matter a' fact. Sorry 'bout that, but we need ta meet up with another friend a' ours, and real--"


Applejack was cut off by the sudden arrival of the Night Princess. She watched in stunned silence as the regal Alicorn seated herself and was served what Applejack could surmise as tea only meant for royal tongues by a night guard.


"It is, in fact, the humans about which I would like to talk to you," Luna began. "A lot of rumors have been flying about lately, and there's been much speculation regarding what they are, and the effect they will have on Equestria." Luna said, taking another sip of her drink. "I am fully intent on putting these rumors to rest with all suitable haste."


"But nopony knew what the hu-manes' existence until just a few days ago... Right??" Applejack asked, despite knowing full well she would not receive a direct answer.


"However... there are ponies who seem intent on gossiping and fear mongering, rather than going about their regular activities as they should. Before any official proclamation can be made, the flow of rumors must first be stopped, lest the true be contaminated with the lies. "


'Well, of course there were!' Applejack thought, not daring to speak aloud. 'They're making bits offa copy they sell!'


"As such, I would be most obliged if all the Elements of Harmony would come to my quarters after the transition from day to night. I will be staying at..." Luna paused, taking a moment to read a paper that was hoofed to her by a guard, "The Trot and Travel Spa and Inn." Luna finished, the paper incinerating. "A quaint but comfortable place I'm told, the entirety of which I've rented for the duration of my stay. I can see Twilight isn't here. I'll have to send a messenger..."


"Y'know, Princess, you could just come with us to Twilight's place." Pinkie Pie interjected. "We're heading there right after I finish work which should be in exactly...2 seconds." Pinkie Pie added, making a rather valid point. "We're gonna talk about the Hu-manes anyway, right? And what's more secure than a Princess' castle? Well, I suppose Discord could sneak in, but he's Discord, so he could sneak in anywhere. He's even better at the popping out of nowhere thing than me!"


Again, another good point, mixed in with the beginnings of a Pinkie Pie Ramble.


"Discord can be pretty cool, with all his magic and the chocolate rain... Oh, the chocolate rain... I could go for some chocolate milk right now. Hey, that'd go great with the strawberry muffins, or maybe the caramel. Or what about...hmmm...I dunno what'd go well with the dark chocolate muffins. What do you think, Applejack?"


"Ah think we should talk about the hu-manes at Twi's place, since we're headin' there anyhow!" Applejack responded, ignoring the rant about Discord.


"Hmm," Rarity said aloud, piping in. "That would certainly be a prudent step to take, Princess Luna. Celes—" Applejack turned to face the Unicorn, eyebrow raised. She had never once heard cultured and urbane Unicorn ever use the Solar Deity's name in such a manner! Nevertheless, Rarity stopped herself and recovered.


"—ahem, I know how much of that rumormongering has been clouding the headlines of newspapers and magazines, lately. They're all different, and they all have their own story to tell. But Pinkie Pie is correct. We will be heading to Twilight's castle soon, and if you have a discussion with us, I see no reason why we cannot hold it there in the—" Rarity paused again with a gasp.


"Have you seen the throne room yet? It's positively marvelous!" she exclaimed, her eyes practically twinkling.


Despite the fashionista's outburst, she too had a point. Applejack opened her mouth, but Princess Cadance beat her to the punch.


"That's right! Twilight's Castle! In all the commotion, it slipped my mind that I haven't seen it!"


Yeah, that was right! None of the other princesses got to see much Twilight's castle! What better opportunity to rectify that than than right now?


"Well, I had been meaning to come visit anyways...," Luna mused. "But that was meant to be a month from now. I'm sure it would be a lot of trouble for her to suddenly host all of us without much fore-notice. And it would hardly be proper. There's supposed to be a royal request and the..." Luna then brought one foreleg onto the table, and buried her face in her hoof, which sent her guards into showing visible concern. "Twilight's castle will be alright I suppose." she conceded. One of the guards began to head off to inform Twilight, Applejack again surmised, but Luna forestalled him, causing the looks of concern to return.


"Well, Twilight's certainly not one for proper procedure alla time, Princess Luna! Ah'm sure Twi'll be a bit surprised, but would be mighty happy ta see ya!" Applejack said, a smile forming on her face, happy that Luna convinced herself to come along. "Let's head on out, everypony! Twi's a waitin'!"

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Flutttershy listened to all the ponies talking among themselves. Everypony's mind seemed to be on these humans and Luna seemed very concerned about them. It was great to hear from Princess Luna herself that all those tabloids were wrong, if anypony were to be trusted, it would be the Princesses. Fluttershy's ears perked upon hearing Discord's name thrown in by Pinkie. Of course Discord can go where he wants, but I know he won't disrupt our current plans, I know he won't. 


When Cadance mentioned Discord's fuss at the Grand Galloping Gala, Flutterhsy winced a tiny bit. She knew that it was partially her fault for his actions, but now everything was fine. "Oh I don't know if you really would want to meet Smooze, he was-" Fluttershy was trying to say to Princess Cadance but her words were cut off by Applejack.


"Applejack is right, we should go see Twilight, I think she is worrying a lot about us being late."

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Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@HigurSan, @@Taialin, @@Windbreaker, @@Hypn0ticD, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84,@@GeneralDirection, @@RubyW32, @@Littlecandylulu903, @@Love,

Celestia was not prepared to learn that her sister had gone off to Ponyville so as to meet the humans that would be making an appearance. Yes, admitting that was something she had planned to do but Luna had so disapproval and even upset at the very consideration this was taking place. As such, the older sister was a bit concerned and would have to hurry a bit in getting ready before seeking two of her guards.


After a moment to speak with them the princess turned away before muttering softly to herself, "Of sister dear, please don't get into any trouble." Celestia trusted her sister, but at the same time felt that Luna may well try having her negativity of humans ruin other's excitement and enjoyment of the experience. The scientists had explained well how they planned on finding the write humans to come to Equestria, of them setting up a contest that would in theory bring those who would not harm or bring trouble to Equestria.


The white mare had high hopes herself, looking forward to the opportunity this would bring and with a smile Celestia would close her eyes. With a glow of her horn a magic would surround the princess and her guards before teleporting each of them to where they needed to go. Thus, with a flash of light, they would appear not far from where the princess' beloved student Twilight lived and with a nod to the guards she would go seeking after her sister and the other mares who she had come to know.


(I hope this will do for now, it is late and I am tired. I didn't want Celestia to just appear where everyone was so I have it that it will take one more post before she finds the group ready to see the humans. I'm sorry)

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@@Taialin, @@Windbreaker, @@Hypn0ticD, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84,@@GeneralDirection, @@RubyW32, @@Littlecandylulu903, @@Love,@@EquestrianScholar.


Princess Luna


Luna finished her chocolate muffin and wiped her mouth delicately with a napkin she had produced from somewhere, then replacing it wherever she had gotten it from. As she stood up, her guards all came to attention, apparently thankful to get back to their duties. "Yes," she said to Applejack. "We ought to be heading out. As the delicious as the muffin was, I'm not quite sure I could eat another." In typical princess-y manner, she began walking and seemed to expect the rest to follow her automatically. "Oh, Flutter," she said with a turn of her head. "I've been meaning to talk to you anyways. Some of the young bats in my roost aren't getting their rest properly. Maybe you could-" She paused for a moment.

She could feel a flare of magic nearby, much like her own entrance but more circumspect. It tasted, if such a thing could been described, like vanilla and cream mixed with... that was probably cake. Maybe bananas also? That was probably her sister then. Blast. She'd been hoping to get to Twilight before her. But she'd delayed too long. Blasted delicious muffins. Why must they scorn her so with its chocolatey goodness? Then again, that was probably the same reason why there were persistent rumors about her sister and cake. Maybe it was just genetics. "-take a look at them, see if their eating properly and so on?" The pause had only been a microsecond long.


As they headed down the street, she mulled out of her options. Though she didn't really look where she was walking, she didn't need no. Ponies tended to get out of her way automatically, or move objects blocking her path. She did almost bump into a couple of fruit stands on the way however. It wasn't exactly that she was lost, but rather that she knew -exactly- where she was going and didn't even consider that there might be small things, like houses, in the way. Still, they came out at the Library Castle without much trouble. She'd been mostly silent other than automatic greetings to passerby.


In her mind, gears were whirring away. Twilight would probably go along with whatever her sister said. She'd become more independent lately since becoming an Alicorn, but Celestia was still her mentor. That would likely never change. So with Celestia already telling her how to think about these humans, there was likely little Luna could do to influence her one way or the other. Even if they accidentally blew up the town somehow (which Twilight had done more or less on several occasions) she wasn't likely to be very harsh on there. Celestia hardly ever was harsh on anypony. The only ones that came to mind where the Changelings and Discord in the past. Even then, it had been reluctant.


She'd just have to play it by ear, wait for the humans to make their true natures known. She didn't care what those blasted scientists told her. She'd seen all the reports. It didn't matter, no matter how many upsides they tried to point out to her, she had already seen the terrible results of human influence. She would absolutely never allow them in Equestria. After this little field trip was over, she was going to break the portals, burn the spell books, and make sure that the scientists worked carrot fields or so forth for their rest of their lives. That and she was going to keep a personal eye on the development of technology in Equestria. She'd probably get into an argument with Twilight about that. But nothing remotely like a- suddenly she realized she was at the Library's front door. She knocked on auto-pilot.

Edited by HigurSan
  • Brohoof 1


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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 @@Taialin, @@Windbreaker, @@Hypn0ticD, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84,@@GeneralDirection, @@RubyW32, @@HigurSan, @@Littlecandylulu903, @@Love,@@EquestrianScholar.


Spike had already finished his lunch by the time he heard the knocking on the castle door. "Twilght, wait!" he called. "Your mane! It's still wet!" As he ran toward the main entryway of the castle, Spike passed by a few clocks and winced when he read the time on each. It was already early afternoon and his friends had only started to arrive at the castle?


"I was beginning to think they'd never show," Spike muttered under his breath, hoping Twilight didn't catch him. For the split second that they saw the letter on the floor, Spike sighed to himself and shook his head. Don't they know it's faster for Celestia to send letters through me? he thought. How were we supposed to know we should have met in Sugarcube Corner? That feeling dissipated when Twilight opened the door to find their friends and the princesses waiting to go inside.


"Make yourselves at home, everypony," Spike said as he ushered his friends inside the castle.

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Cadance walked into the Twilight's castle wide eyed and slack jawed. "It's truly beautiful," she said in a hushed tone. She wanted a tour but knew now wasn't the best time. They had serious work to do. She wanted to congratulate her sister in law, but how does one say mazel tov on your new home that sprouted out of the ground? Sorry about the old place? Nope. That would just come out strange, so she abstained.


"Sunshine, sunshine," she whispered with a wink to Twilight, trying to lighten the mood a bit, and nodded graciously to Spike. She walked through the foyer, glancing into several rooms to find one with a table large enough to fit most, if not all of the group on attendance. "Shall we?"


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Because of the many ponies who wished greet their princess, when they were not bowing that is, Celestia found her travel a bit slowed. This was secretly a bit frustrating for the princess, but she offered a warm smile to all despite such as she made her way to Twilight's castle. Her guards were helpful, keeping the princess from having to speak with most ponies that they passed  and opening a path for her to reach her destination.
With the castle is sight, Celestia would catch sight of her sister and others already at the door. Surprisingly, even her niece Cadance was there which did surprise her though perhaps that could be of benefit. She was far enough away though that the princess realized they would get in before she did and they doors would close. Yet a few minutes later she would arrive, and knocked on the door for herself. It was good that she had gotten there when she did, knowing her sister's feelings on what was going on.
As she waited for a reply to her knocking, Celestia consider the humans that would arrive today. She wanted them to have a fair chance, having spoken with the scientists and directed that those chosen were to be treated with respect. More, fearing trouble from her sister, the princess had directed that all research that had been done was copied and archived with strict instructions that some one was to be allowed access to them without her permission. Yes, not even Luna was allowed access without speaking with her permission. When her sister found out about this, she expected upset but she was taking no risks.
Edited by EquestrianScholar
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@@bronislav84, @@Yoshi89,@@Love, @@EquestrianScholar,

Princess Luna


She could feel her sister getting closer. There wasn't much time. The best she could do was try and move on what little head start she had. "Thank you Spike," she said with a thin smile to he little dragon. "Apologies for the sudden intrusion, and lack of forewarning. I've been in a bit of a hurry and it seems to have slipped my mind." She didn't mention that her plans had been somewhat altered from their original form as it was and that she was basically improvising at this point. "Hello dear Twilight," she continued. "I've heard so much about this castle of yours! It seems to live up to the stories. Oh! But I'm getting ahead of myself. I have something urgent that I need to talk to you all about. There's so many rumors flying about that one can hardly tell what's the truth, about our expected guests that is. Come, let me tell you all about it."


When she entered the castle, her guards semi-unconsciously took up the rear of the group, ushering everyone inside and making sure that the gate was shut. Four took up guard positions at the front while the remaining six trotted ahead to go in front of their Princess. When they reached the room with the large table, they fanned out to positions spread out against the walls, forming something like a six pointed scars. The three unicorn guards projected tightly packed beams of light from their horns, meeting at a center point above the table. Particles of color spread between the beams, forming a three side rainbow pyramid. Gradually the swirling aurora focused, melding into a perfectly flat back screen. When Luna and the others had fully entered the room, the screen shifted to a light blue, then the Royal Seal of Equestria.


"As you all know, there have been many rumors flying around lately regarding the beings known as Humans," she started off. "Their species does not exist naturally in Equestria, and until recently no one had heard of them. As such, the information available to the majority ponies is just wild speculation. Recently, a cabal of unicorn researchers working on new portal spells uncovered a route to a new inhabited world quite different than our own. Living there are a species of creatures known as Humans." The Royal Seal changed into a semi-sheer projection of the planet Earth. "In their own world, they are at the top of the food chain. Though not especially strong, swift, or imbued with keen senses, by use of created tools they have come to master their environment." The projection shifted to show a model of a human man in his early twenties. "They have two arms and two legs, and have hands and feet instead of hooves as we do." The image started doing different poses and common movements, such as flexing in different directions, walking, and running. "In this, their body structure is more akin to monkeys and apes than our own."


"However, their bodies are mostly hairless, with the except of their heads and certain select places." She didn't bother to have the image show those. "They are also significantly smarter as a whole than apes, though as is normal in all species an individual's intelligence varies widely." The shape changed from a human to a myriad of tools and manufactured goods. "With this intelligence they have created vast amounts of items used to do that which they cannot easily on their own. With tools both big and small they have gained mastery over otherwise hostile environments, grown more food than could ever be collected naturally, and built vast sprawling cities in which they live packed on top of each other."

"In some ways, their use of tools and technology is not so different than our own. But there is a major difference, in that they do not know when to -stop- using them." A panorama of a major urban area changed to a scene of a desolated town and burnt forest. "Human populations grow at a rate that the natural environment cannot sustain. So they routinely take up more and more land to live on and grow food, leaving previously fertile areas utterly exhausted. Their level of technology use has grown to the rate that many will grow to adulthood entirely dependent on devices, unable to live without them. This is just the beginning of their many flaws, some of which are too wrong for me to mention."


"Greed, jealousy, pride, and anger run rampant through human society. Though such things are known to us ponies, they take these evils and thrive off of them." Scenes of weaponry through the ages starts flickering through the image. "Not for a single year in human history has there been a period when they did not wage war on each other. Famines caused by greed have wiped out entire societies. Every month hundreds of species go extinct due to pollution, loss of habitat, and lack of care." By the time Celestia would have reached the door, Luna would be wrapping up. "They even commit the ultimate of crimes, and are more than willing to render the entire world lifeless to satisfy their desire for revenge." A flickering scene of a small city and rolling countryside settled onto the projection. There was a bright flash, the image shook, and the scene was filled with a giant cloud of dust rolling up into the sky.


One of Luna's guards would open the door for Celestia, ushering them in. "I have been told that the humans that will be brought here are amongst the best of their kind, not prone to the inherent flaws that run through their species. But I do not trust them. I never will. I've seen what they do to their own home, and will never let them bring that here."

Edited by HigurSan


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@@EquestrianScholar, @@bronislav84, @@HigurSan, @@Hypn0ticD, @@Love, @@Yoshi89

Rarity nodded and followed everypony out of Sugarcube Corner to Twilight's castle. Just as she respectfully nodded to past clients and exchanged words of greeting with some friends on the street, she noticed how . . . disinterested Princess Luna seemed to be of those very same ponies. Those past clients and friends seemed to get a bit skittish around Luna, clearing the path in front of her, and literally moving small mountains (of fruit, that is) just so the Princess wouldn't bump into them. Rarity wasn't sure what to think in Princess Luna's attitude, but her power was clear to see. Such authority, she thought to herself.


Soon, they all arrived at the doorstep of Twilight's castle, wherein Twilight stepped out and said, "Princess, everypony, Cadance? Come in, come in!" She was still wearing towels over her mane, as if she had just woken up or had a trip to the spa, even though Rarity knew her not to wake up late very often nor go to the spa frequently. How peculiar. Just as everypony had made it inside, the doors were closed, and Princess Luna started lecturing about what she knew about the humans.


"Mmm . . ." Rarity squinted and scrutinized the projected moving picture while taking in what Princess Luna was saying about the aliens. Are they . . . are they really hairless giants like tha—oh, goodness, they look hideous. And what in the—wouldn't they fall over locomoting like that? They're only standing on two hooves! . . . er, legs? Such thoughts and similar ones raced through Rarity's mind as Princess Luna seemed to present more and more ludicrous facts about these things. But the Princess is telling them, so they must be correct. Oh my.


Luna moved on to presenting the numerous flaws associated with the humans, though she seemed just a little . . . biased in her presentation. If these humans really are as intelligent as they are, and have created technology and metropolises similar to us ponies, how could they have done so thriving on vices alone? Surely, Princess Luna is mistaken in—oh please no. Rarity leaned back as she saw that small city projected transform into a mushroom cloud of dust. She couldn't help but imagine that the town that had been decimated could be Ponyville if the humans were invited here.


"I've seen what they do to their own home, and will never let them bring that here," she said.


Rarity was nearly convinced that these humans were dangerous creatures until Twilight said her part; what she said almost sounded like one of the former friendship lessons she would have sent to Princess Celestia: "Personally, I believe we should give them a chance before jumping to conclusions. It is my duty to extend as well as maintain friendship, and I believe this goes for everyone."


Rarity frowned, thinking about all this new information. As much as she respected both of the princesses, she had associated with Twilight far longer and respected her judgement just as highly as Luna's, if not moreso. True, Twilight had not always made the best decision in every case, but Rarity could not think of a single instance where extending the olive branch of friendship had been a bad thing. Even Discord, who—if not pleasant to be around—was at least tolerable now, now knowing the virtues of friendship. And for a long time, Rarity thought that he was the worst there was and deserved to be locked in stone for the rest of time. And Discord was capable of turning the entirety of Equestria upside-down. Capable, but not intending anymore.


So engrossed was Rarity in her thoughts that she didn't even notice Princess Celestia step in the room. It was a hard decision, deciding between two princess and two good friends of radically different and well-substantiated agendas, but the power of friendship that Twilight had taught her—taught all of them—was something Rarity could not ignore. If it was really as strong as she had come to know, there was no harm in bringing these humans to Equestria, where the virtue of friendship would always win over any vice.


"I must agree with Twilight, Princess Luna," Rarity said, nodding to Twilight when she looked at her. "While these humans may seem dangerous, I cannot simply classify them as villains and send them away. All sapient beings, I believe, are capable of friendship, no matter who they are. We should, at the very least, give them a chance. And should things go poorly . . ." Rarity tapped twice on the hard crystal floor of the castle, reminding everyone of the rainbow ray of friendship it was capable of sending out. The sharp sound echoed around the room and took several seconds to fade.


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@@HigurSan, @@Taialin, @@Windbreaker, @@Hypn0ticD, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84,@@GeneralDirection, @@RubyW32, @@Littlecandylulu903, @@Love,
I am glad you both feel that way and am proud to hear that there are those willing to give humans a chance...I was hoping you would all choose such,” Celestia would say in a warm tone, though it was tinged with disapproval as the princess looked to her younger sister. She was most displeased not only because Luna had done what the white alicorn had most feared, but because she had been prevented from entering just long enough for the younger sister to say what she wished. It was just good that she was now there to offer an alternate consideration.
Looking to each pony, and dragon, in turn she would offer her own words with her horn beginning to glow, “I am sure my sister has told, and from the magic felt shown, you the worse of what humanity has done or created.” Looking to her sister, she would offer a look of acceptance, before grinning softly and continuing, “Yet I am just as certain she neglected to even given brief mention to all the great and good things of humanity.
Celestia's magic begin to give a show as well, with her royal guards moving next to her sisters, as it would show humanity in a light far more familiar and comfortable to ponies. Of mankind's struggle for purpose and life saying, “Humans, while they can do terrible things, have proven they can also do things worthy of praise. The times they have fought for their families, nation, or the rights and freedom of all. Stood up for each other and unite under a common cause. That when evil or terrible things shows itself there are those willing to stand against them. That when there is suffering and pain, there are those willing to give of themselves even all they have.
The princess would show all those in the room what she spoke of, of some of the greatest examples she knew of friendship, charity, loyalty, forthrightness, brilliance, and sacrifice before saying as she looked to her sister, “Humanity, among all races, is capable of both great evil and great good. From them can be found many beliefs, cultures, acts, and deeds. Of technology that can be used for good, or medical advancement that saves countless lives.” She would show the raise and fall of tyrants, many technologies and creations, the warmth and love of family or friends, many things were indeed so all could see.
Smiling, she would finish, “If anything, they are most in need of the friendship and love each of you know. Those lost or uncertain, who may feel they have no choice but to be selfish or think of themselves.
More, we even have fans... my sister Luna especially among some.” She would show humans watching a box which showed familiar figures, wearing shirts, creating art of those before her, or coming together in large groups dressed up as of even those in the room before giggling as she shoots her sister a look that suggested she felt she had won this round.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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(Credit to @@Hypn0ticD for getting me off my butt and posting a reply. ^_^)


Upon finally hearing that they were leaving for Twilight's castle, Rainbow Dash took to the skies and soon arrived at their destination. Once everypony was settled, Princess Luna explained to them what she knew about the humans. As Luna's presentation went on, Rainbow could feel herself starting to get disgusted with these humans. All they seemed to be concerned about were themselves, constantly fighting each other and never being satisfied with what they had, such a stark contrast to the land of Equestria. Yet despite this, most of the other ponies in the room seemed to want these creatures to come here.


As soon as Twilight finished speaking, Rainbow opened her mouth and was about to question her sanity, when Princess Celestia spoke. She explained that the humans had also done a lot of good things, and her speech made Dash change her mind. Maybe these humans aren't so bad after all...


"I think we should at least give these humans a chance, then we can see for ourselves what they're really like. Maybe we should just keep them under supervision until we trust them more?"  She suggested.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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