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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Wilhelm playfully whacked Caliber around the ears. "Oi! I don't lock myself in my library all day, and I'm not completely antisocial!"

Two years ago...

A book hit the door a inch from Twilight Sparkle's muzzle. A stallion's voice drifted from somewhere in the stacks. "How did you get past the lock? Go away; I'm so close to finally finish the calculation for the proper pressurization rate for high-altitude impeller engine operation using a new type of fuel distillation process and its inherent differences in combustive behavior. This is very important!" Another book flew through the air, and Twilight caught it in her magic, taking a look at the cover- Impeller Fuel Combustion in Theoretical Aeronaval Craft , by a certain Gunwale Cottonsail- before throwing it back in the general direction of the voice. A muffled grunt of pain and a string of Germane profanities was the reward for her efforts, and Twilight smirked slightly and turned to leave. Before she closed the door, she said "I'll put your lock back on, but you're up for our co-lecture in a half hour. Don't miss it, okay?" Another long string of profanities could be heard, and Twilight smiled gently as she shut the door behind her. "Still the same old stubborn, antisocial Wilhelm."


Wilhelm paused for a moment and reconsidered. "Okay, that was once. But I do agree with you... Annette's the mare of my dreams. She can hold a conversation with me on science, and the best thing is... Well, let me put it this way, she makes me feel happier than I usually am in any other way. I mean, when I'm talking with her, even when I'm just looking at her or spending time with her, I feel better than I did. She knows just how to make me feel better about myself when I'm down, and sometimes, I just have to think about her and I'm already happier. She's pretty and she's smart and she's special and oh Faust I'm fancolting like Ice over Rarity, aren't I?" Wilhelm laughed. "I think you get my point. However, Annette is a holy terror when she's angry... like now." Even a few feet away, he still cringed away slightly from the force of Annette's glare at Nightmare.


However, Wilhelm smoothly stepped between the aforementioned holy terror and the object of her anger, digging deep in his pockets for the tickets. "Now, I'm sure it doesn't matter that much, as I was planning to, well, to take you as well." He blushed a bit and finally came up with the tickets, performing a sweeping bow and proffering the two tickets for the show to Annette. "I just so happen to have purchased two tickets as well for the both of us. So... Annette, would you do me the honor of coming with me to tonight's party?"

Edited by Orion Caelum
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As EWS sat in the hospital, he was writing a letter to one of his friends who owed him a favor. The guy was a master carpenter, and could fix almost anything with a simple magic spell, "Dear, Quick Fix. Get your ass to Bangcolt and fix the local bar. You owe me from last time, so do it. NOW."


He saw a nurse pass by his room and asked her, "Yo, if you don't mind, mail this off for me.?"


The nurse took the letter, "No problem." And dropped it in the mailbox outside for the mailmare to get it.


"That takes care of that, now my conscience is cleared....mostly. Still wanna talk to Jackie. Hm."


Blizzard was kind of freaking out over what dance style he should bring, "I pray to Celestia that there's no dancing. I simply cannot dance. And knowing Rarity, she'll probably expect me to know a few moves if they do break out the dance styles. Sh8t! Breakdancing is all I know! How am I gonna learn fancy dances in less than a couple hours?!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@@Orion Caelum


caliber felt the whack, and he did back to wilhelm.


except with the flat of his sword. "cheeky bugger." he joked. "your anti-social, and you know it. anette just happened to change that."


he grinned, and shrunk back to sleight when wilhelm started talking to anette again.


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A pony named Quick Fix, came on the incoming train to Bangcolt. He had one job: Fix a bar in the town. He walked all over, until he decided to ask a pony, Kevin, "Hey, any idea where the bar is?"


Kevin simply pointed in the direction of the bar, as Quick Fix ran there, and saw the destroyed bar, "Eh, this is nothing." He cast a special fix-it spell with his horn, and BOOM, the bar was as good as new instantly. He also, cast a permanent protection spell embedded within the supports of the bar, so nothing could destroy it ever, unless somepony countered that spell.


He then went to find the owner of the establishment, Applejack, in the hospital. He went into her room, and quickly told her, "Electron told me to come down here, and fix your bar for you. When you get back there, it'll be good as new, and have a protection spell, rendering it practically indestructible. So, yeah, thank EWS for it. He's in the hospital room one door over."


He left her room, and went to EWS's, "Job done bro."


"Goddamn awesome QF. Goddamn awesome. Now we're even, now go home."


"See ya." he said as he left the hospital, and eventually, the town.


"Conscience? Clear as bucking crystal."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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I had felt kind of useless during the whole affair with Ice, being unable to find him. I took the rifle and Magic Booster back to the Lab with me. Besides I had way too much work to do. I had many orders to fill and when I got back to the shop there was a line of about ten ponies. So this stuff kept me occupied for about 2 days. I slept six hours then went back to work. I filled the easy stuff first and mailed it out to the commissioners, as well as making some progress on the rifle. It would still be a while until that was finished, but if Will was in his shop he and Rarity could hear some muffled noise over the last couple of days.


I yawned a bit and was about to go take a nap when a letter was slipped through the mail hole. Something about a party happening soon. That might be fun. I decided to rest until then.

Sweetie Belle had noticed the Colt staring at her but she decided not to say anything for his sake, granted it was a little weird to have someone eyeballing her. But she shrugged it off.


Scootaloo was slightly offended at Speed's question, "No, we're sisters. I assure you. You could ask her yourself, she'll tell you the same thing. I bet you on it!"


It was apparent to her friends that Scootaloo was upset about the question and quite honestly, she had a right to defend herself when someone was questioning her relationship to Rainbow Dash. Applebloom decided it would be best to try and divert the topic; to their latter question, "No, I don't believe we've seen her... or for that matter, met her. But going on an adventure sounds fun," she looked back to the other two musketeers who nodded at her in approval. "We're in."

(Gotta account for the passage of time here)


The five of them wandered around Bangcolt for a while, getting into some trouble and asking around. While many knew who Lektra was and that she ran a shop, nopony could tell the foals where it was. Either these ponies were uninformed, or just had bad sense of direction. Regardless, they'd gotten nowhere in the search. Maybe it was tine to find a map. Flash decided the Arena Registration Counter might have one, and asking around they were at least able to find that.


"So who wants to ask the staff on duty for a map?" Flash asked, looking at the Crusaders. "Speed might scare the adults with the way she talks, and I'm kinda shy."

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Blizzard was just about ready to leave. He put on his white dress shirt, his brown suit, tied up his red tie, and looked in the mirror at himself, "Damn. I look, pretty nice. Now, time to go pickup my date...." He grabbed his grandpa's brass watch, put is on his left 'wrist', and left his room, locking the door behind him.


He went downstairs, and left the fighter quarters. On his way to Rarity's place, he passed by a flower stand. A filly, her mom, and the mom's sisters were selling flowers. The filly ran up to Blizzard, holding a basket of roses, "Excuse me, mister?"


Ice turned around to the tiny voice to see a filly, "Oh, hi there."


"Wanna wose? Just 5 bits." the filly asked with beaming eyes.


Ice felt a lightbulb go off in his head, "Ding ding ding! Flowers! Always gotta get a girl flowers on the date. Hm...but I'm not gonna buy all of them, just one rose. It's sexier on its own. Just gotta watch the thorns." "Sure, I'll buy one." He said, as he gave the filly 10 bits instead of 5. In return, the filly gave him a rose.


The filly was confused, "Wait, you gave me 10. Don't you want another?"


Blizzard chuckled as he started to leave, "Keep the change."


"Thank you!"


"You're welcome!" "Now, off to Rarity's place..."


The filly ran back to her stand, "Look mommy! The nice stallion gave me 10 bits!"


The mother was astonished, "10 bits on one sale? That's amazing!"


"Astonishing!" said one of the sisters.


"Astounding" said another.


"Don't you see girls? It's a conspiracy! A horrible horrible conspiracy!"


"The horror! The horror!" They all shouted, as the filly rolled her eyes.


Meanwhile, Blizzard had made his way to Rarity's doorstep. He mentally prepared himself, "Always open doors, hold her seat out, make light talk, compliment her, and..dancing I'm screwed. Ok. 100% Ready!"


He casually knocked on Rarity's door, "H-hello? Rarity? You ready?"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Rarity showed up to answer the door as it rang, dressed up in an ensemble that she was sure would capture the minds and eyes of everypony who attended the performance.







She opened the door to the shop, and smiled brilliantly as she saw Ice Blizzard.


"You look absolutely wonderful," she commented, actually a little surprised at how well dressed he was. It looked like an inordinate amount of effort had went into his costume, same as hers. Speaking of costumes...


"Now tell me, how do I look?" she questioned, spinning around to let Ice Blizzard get a full view of the dress.




Applejack sat calmly in the bed of the hospital and listened to the pony that had apparently been requested by Electron Wave Storm to fix her tavern. She waited for him to leave, then slowly rolled out of bed. There was no longer any reason for her to stay, she concluded, seeing as how she felt fit as a fiddle, she reckoned she was.


But first, she decided to pay a certain somepony a visit. She slipped out of her room and into the one next to her easily enough, and found Electron Wave Storm, just like the repair pony had said. She walked up to talk to him without hesitation, and tipped her hat in a sign of respect. She still kept a fair distance, though, since she wasn't sure how he'd react. Better safe than sorry. Or hospitalized again.


"I just came to thank you for fixing my tavern, is all," she stated plainly. "And to tell you that you're welcome to come on back now if you need a good drink. Or a friend." she added, putting a slight emphasis on the word. She turned to leave, then stopped suddenly. Something was bugging her, something that didn't quite make sense...


"Okay, i'll admit, you got me plumb confused," she confessed "First you wreck the tavern, then you come back to mess it up again, and then you finally destroy it... only to come back to fix it all up once you were done. Why?" she questioned, curiosity settling in like squirrels in an attic.


"What made you do it?"




@Orion Caelum

Anette's expression abruptly changed as she saw that Wilhelm had the tickets. It started out slowly, but a smile made its way across her face as happiness seemed to fill her from the bottom up, spreading through her body like the world's most positive virus.


"Oh, of course I will, Wilhelm!" she shouted, laughing lightly as she rushed forward to hug him. In her excitement, she actually ended up picking him up, and she spun him once before gravity seemed to remember it existed. As she put him down, her brain rushed forward suddenly, catching with what her body had done, and she grinned sheepishly.


"Sorry, I got excited," she muttered in a tiny voice as a blushed threatened to consume her face.




"You know, Caliber, it's not really my style." she mentioned with a sigh as he returned. "I'd rather do something important. Or entertaining..."


She paused as she considered those words for a moment. Then, she suddenly produced a very devious idea, with a very devious grin to match.


"You know, scratch that, I will go. You and I can make our own fun, right Caliber?" she said, sidling up close to him.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Blizzard's heart raced when he saw Rarity. She looked bucking stunning as buck. Such grace, elegance, and beauty, the likes of which Equestria has hardly ever seen. He waited for a moment before complimenting her, "Thanks Rarity, and you look so se-- I-I mean, beautiful. You look prettier than a mountain of diamonds." He then took out the rose he had purchased for her, "For you, milady." He said as he gave it to her, "Shall we get going? I can hardly wait to show you a fun night." He said with an awkward chuckle.


EWS was better and got up from his hospital bed, and looked at AJ. He sighed before speaking, "Alright. I'll tell ya. Well, first off, back when I was a colt, I had a huge accident with a lightning cloud, that caused my cells to mess up. Leaving me with no sense of compassion, remorse, or sensitivity. But I guess I realized, it was a piss poor excuse for being a jerk. And I still have a sense of guilt, and a conscience," he said with a tap to his head, "And not only did I not care at first, I didn't realize it either. When  you told me off like that, and refused to fight, I was astonished. Where I come from, and I don't wanna insult you in particular, girls were never...above just throwing down and fighting. But you're better than that apparently. And by showing me how futile my stupid pranks were, by not letting them faze you, that showed me that it was just getting old. I also got help from the blue pegasus that was there. He helped me realize that I gotta want to better myself, instead of belittling others."


"Anyway, to make a long story short, I knew what I was doing to you and others were wrong, even though I didn't care, I stil felt guilty. So, now that my conscience is clear, I think I wanna change my attitude. I'm not gonna let anypony mess up your bar again. And I didn't bomb your place that last time, it was a pegasus mare called Nightingale. But I promise, I'm gonna hunt her down, and make her apologize to you as well."


He started to leave before turning to Applejack, "Oh, yeah. I'm sorry for messing with you like that before. I was just being an ass, so I wanted to make up for that. And I guess I'm grateful for your words of wisdom as well. The way you were unfazed when I messed up your place and put me in mine, that's some pretty hot toughness you got going on there, so yeah, thanks, Jackie. You're pretty nice."


He then made a motion for her to follow, "Come on. Let's go see what Quick Fix did to your place. He better had fixed it right, or else...." he said with a punch to his hoof and a laugh.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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caliber saw that smile. and he honestly didnt know if he liked it or not. 


he decided to roll with it.


"you know it." he grinned, "i just hope that this idea you have in mind is as entertaining as you're making it out to be..."


he ginned wider. "id hate to waste my time...then again, im sure you wont disappoint." 


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'Well I guess I could fly around while I wait, and to show off my skills' she thought to herself, grinning. She started to fly up, but then stopped, maybe she could visit rainbow dash and they could have a race or just have fun flying. she went down to ponyville and walked up to some pony (@ do u think u could be the pony that lightning strike is asking?), "excuse me, but do you know where rainbow dash is?" Se asked them

Edited by sonicdashie
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@, @


Sparky shook me awake. I looked at the clock. Wow, it was soon. I'd been asleep for about a half hour? I didn't have a dress, nor a date. Why was I going again? Oh yea, to meet possible contracts. Maybe make some friends. Then I had an idea.


"Initialize sequence." I spoke the voice command as I activated my horn magic. My armor was hanging on the wall. It came apart and reassembled around me. The crystal core center lit up when it was assembled, and Sparky attached to my back. I was ready as I floated out the shop door. Locking it with my horn and putting the Horn Enhancer Module back on, I noticed Rarity and Ice nearby.


"Hi Ice. Glad you're alright." I turned to Rarity. "Nice dress. I especially like the gold trim." I paused for a second. "Mind if we travel together?"

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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@@Star Saber,


Pinkie answered effortlessly, not having to think, "Well, you're my friend and friends help each other out.  It's just what they do. That and you didn't necessarily walk in here with a whole lot of bits did you?" She smiled as she knew since she was paying attention to Ash very closely since she met him. She was very maticulous and observant even if she didn't always act like it.






Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom exchanged looks to decide who would help out there newly found frends as neither of them were suited.... to ask... for a map....Yeah.


After a few seconds of silence they all chorused, "I'll do it!" They stopped and looked at each other. 


First, Scootaloo darted off then the other two fought as they followed Scootaloo closely. They rustled and tussled to see who would be the first to get the map.


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Tyra smirked as her attacked landed, sending a small cut across Lorec's jaw. What happened next, however, she never would have expected.


Lorec, somehow, had pulled an enormous chunk of earth out of the ground, and glared at her. With a yell, he tossed it...right where she would be landing!


With no time to react upon landing, she was struck full force by the attack, the dirt and rock crumbling on impact and practically burying her in rubble.

She laid limp for a few moments, potentially appearing to be crushed, before stirring and trying to climb her way out.

Lorec, seeing that the great stone had hit its mark, shook his head in disappointment, and snarled as he began to walk over to his sword, still implanted within solid rock.


" no..."


He reached for the sword, and began to pull it out with all of his might, struggling to do so as he had implanted it deeply from the last swing. He spoke as he heaved and grunted, sounding displeased.


" I did NOT choose a weakling for an honor duel.... GROOGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!"


he let forth a mighty roar as he finally yanked his sword from the ground. Almost keeling over from pulling it out towards Tyra's general direction, Lorec steadied himself, and turned to the pile of rumble, sword in left hand, facing outward. He was aproximately ten feet away from it, and watched as the debris shifted slightly. He spoke loudly, and in a tone of prideful disappointment.


" Young cub who challenges the great bear.... Is your soul so weak that you cannot even stomach the smallest rations of hell being served to you now? Tell me. Were my instincts wrong, when I thought you equal?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Lorec, seeing that the great stone had hit its mark, shook his head in disappointment, and snarled as he began to walk over to his sword, still implanted within solid rock.


" no..."


He reached for the sword, and began to pull it out with all of his might, struggling to do so as he had implanted it deeply from the last swing. He spoke as he heaved and grunted, sounding displeased.


" I did NOT choose a weakling for an honor duel.... GROOGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!"


he let forth a mighty roar as he finally yanked his sword from the ground. Almost keeling over from pulling it out towards Tyra's general direction, Lorec steadied himself, and turned to the pile of rumble, sword in left hand, facing outward. He was aproximately ten feet away from it, and watched as the debris shifted slightly. He spoke loudly, and in a tone of prideful disappointment.


" Young cub who challenges the great bear.... Is your soul so weak that you cannot even stomach the smallest rations of hell being served to you now? Tell me. Were my instincts wrong, when I thought you equal?"


Tyra, meanwhile, was trying her best to squirm out of the debris. It was certainly much heavier than it looked, but she could handle it. The impact really hurt, though.


As if fuelled by Lorec's accusation, she narrowed her eyes at the rock and dug faster, until she had literally burst out of the debris. She hauled herself on top of the rock pile, and shook off the dust and dirt.


"Nay." She simply said, and drew her axe once again.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Kevin had been in the stands, watching the fight. He had figured Tyra would lose due to her being so small, but he didn't say anything, just think, "And another geek bites the dust...."




Vera yawned as the fight continued, "Not bad, but I've seen better in foals. How sad..."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Tyra, meanwhile, was trying her best to squirm out of the debris. It was certainly much heavier than it looked, but she could handle it. The impact really hurt, though.


As if fuelled by Lorec's accusation, she narrowed her eyes at the rock and dug faster, until she had literally burst out of the debris. She hauled herself on top of the rock pile, and shook off the dust and dirt.


"Nay." She simply said, and drew her axe once again.

" Good. Then let us contin-...."


Stopping immediately mid-sentence, Lorec's face ceased snarling, and immediately was painted over by a pained gaze.


With his free hand, he immediately clutched his chest and heaved over, almost as if something was going horribly wrong with his innards. Opening his mouth, a small trickle of blood began to ooze out as the aura around him slowly started to calm itself. This was the cost using the power of a soul that ordnairy mortals were not meant to carry. He began to breath heavily, almost coming down to his knees, but rose back up. Pride would not allow him to kneel. Slowly taking his hand away and no longer writhing in agony, he spoke again.


" It's not enough.... I need more...."


He then looked at Tyra, now climbing out of the debris. Smiling with blood still trickling down his mouth, he made yet another declaration.


" I always was a greedy bastard... And I'm not afraid to admit that anymore... I hope you still have a great deal left of strength, because I'm not stopping until I've had enough!"


He took his zweihander into both hands, and began to charge at Tyra wildly, the energy around him returning to its violent state. He readied himself for a downward swing from the left, ready to meet any attack Tyra could throw at him.

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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" Good. Then let us contin-...."


Stopping immediately mid-sentence, Lorec's face ceased snarling, and immediately was painted over by a pained gaze.


With his free hand, he immediately clutched his chest and heaved over, almost as if something was going horribly wrong with his innards. Opening his mouth, a small trickle of blood began to ooze out as the aura around him slowly started to calm itself. This was the cost using the power of a soul that ordnairy mortals were not meant to carry. He began to breath heavily, almost coming down to his knees, but rose back up. Pride would not allow him to kneel. Slowly taking his hand away and no longer writhing in agony, he spoke again.


" It's not enough.... I need more...."


He then looked at Tyra, now climbing out of the debris. Smiling with blood still trickling down his mouth, he made yet another declaration.


" I always was a greedy bastard... And I'm not afraid to admit that anymore... I hope you still have a great deal left of strength, because I'm not stopping until I've had enough!"


He took his zweihander into both hands, and began to charge at Tyra wildly, the energy around him returning to its violent state. He readied himself for a downward swing from the left, ready to meet any attack Tyra could throw at him.


Tyra frowned and raised her eyelids as she spotted Lorec struggling and coughing up blood. Whatever he had done to himself, it was obviously doing more harm than good.


However, he wanted this fight, and she would not stop it for any reason. Except for if it was beginning to endanger his life.


She met his declaration with a hardened stare, ready to take whatever attack he planned. A diagonal swing from the left, it seemed.

She hopped up, using the flat of the blade to springboard toward his face and attempt a slash.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Star Saber,


Pinkie answered effortlessly, not having to think, "Well, you're my friend and friends help each other out.  It's just what they do. That and you didn't necessarily walk in here with a whole lot of bits did you?" She smiled as she knew since she was paying attention to Ash very closely since she met him. She was very maticulous and observant even if she didn't always act like it.






Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom exchanged looks to decide who would help out there newly found frends as neither of them were suited.... to ask... for a map....Yeah.


After a few seconds of silence they all chorused, "I'll do it!" They stopped and looked at each other. 


First, Scootaloo darted off then the other two fought as they followed Scootaloo closely. They rustled and tussled to see who would be the first to get the map.

The twins just facehooved and watched the small fight hoping it would calm down on it's own.


"I think she's cute." Flash suddenly said to Speed eying Sweetie, making Speed's face scrunch up. Sweetie had to be too occupied to hear him.


"Ithoughtyousaidyoudon'tlikegirlsasanythingbutfriendsandfindthemickyotherwise?" Speed was confused by the comment, being a girl herself.


"Forget it." Flash said as he looked at the counter. "I-I-I w-w-will ask for the map. They won't understand you, and it has to be me cause the Crusaders are......" He looked at the fighting again. "......indisposed."


He moved over to the counter. There was an older gentlepony sitting on a chair bored with his head in a hoof. "E-excuse me?"


The stallion looked around, seeing nopony.


"D-down h-here." Stuttered Flash, jumping up and down to be seen. Sometimes he hated being a kid. The tables were too tall.


"What can I do for you, youngun?" Asked the stallion as he got up into a normal fourhooved standing position and looked down at Flash over the counter who stopped jumping.


"A map of Bangcolt, p-p-please." Stuttered Flash, barely audible. The stallion heard it though.


"What's your name, son?" The stallion asked the colt, looking him over.


"M-my name is Flash Bolt sir." Flash shuffled his hooves around uneasy as the stallion checked a list.


"Here you go." He reached into the counter and pulled out a map, hooving it to Flash. Then he reached in again. "And here's a brochure for an event that's going to be happening soon." Looking over the group behind Flash, he nodded at the Crusaders who he barely recognized in their tussle and then at Speed. He then reached in and put something inside the brochure. Flash couldn't see what. He then hooved both things to Flash who grabbed them with his magic.


"T-thank you sir." He said as the stallion nodded and went back to being bored. He pulled out a newspaper to keep himself occupied this time.


Flash got back to the others. "I got the map, as well as an event brochure." Unfolding it five items fell out of the brochure. "What's this? It says Guest Pass on it."


"Lemmeseethose." Speed floated up the passes as well as the brochure, reading it all quickly. "Itsayswe'reallowedtocomebecauseatleastoneofusisinsomewayrelatedtoacompetitor."


Both Speed and Flash had grins on their faces. Maybe their sister would be there?

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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“Friends.” Ash snorted out a puff of smoke, “How can we be friends we’ve just met. We don’t know anything about one another.”


“For instance.” Ash gave Pinkie Pie a creepy toothy grin, “I might just enjoy eating little ponies like you for a snack.”


It was a lie of course, Ash ate gems like most dragons do.

Edited by Star Saber
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Applejack shook her head as she watched him leave, but under her wide brimmed hat, she actually smiled. Electron Wave Storm wasn't anything anypony would consider an upstanding citizen, but maybe he would get there. At the very least, he had made a proper start. Applejack turned to follow him.


When she got to the tavern, she found it exactly the way she had found it. Even better, she found out as she examined it, as the gaping that had previously been the side wall had also been replaced. She walked up to it, touching it like she was re-visiting an old friend, and trying to keep her emotions in check. Crying on the inside.


"Just like new." she finally announced as she turned back to Electron Wave Storm. She kept her hat tilted low over her face, covering her eyes. Crying on the inside.


"Electron, I don't know how to thank you..."





Rarity stopped and considered the mare that had walked up to her. After a moment, she smiled and nodded her head in confirmation.


"You would look absolutely awful showing up the hall without a date. Of course you can come with us!" she replied as the three began to walk.


"Thanks for the compliment, by the way," she mentioned, making sure she brought it up while it was fresh in her mind. She then paused as she contemplated something that was bugging her. After a moment, she finally decided to ask.


"You know, you look oddly familiar," she said as she kept her steady pace. "Do I know you from somewhere?"





"You looking for me?" Rainbow Dash called out as she dropped out of a spin and alighted near the new pony, Conveniently, she had been flying over this exact area when she heard somepony calling, and she had naturally flew down to investigate. Naturally, she also couldn't resist the urge to show off when it seemed she had an active audience, hence her excessive landing.


"I like your style, though I can't say i've ever seen you before," she commented, looking the new pony over. "You need something?"




Sleight Mist's grin shifted from devious to one that could be considered relatively normal as she regarded Caliber.


"Well, I just thought about it. That party's not all pomp and high-class; Vinyl's going to be there, and I heard she has one kick-ass party going on at the same time. I heard a little bit about it, and it's actually something worth going to, if you're into dark rooms and bright lights."


The grin widened a quarter-inch, now stuck somewhere the first and the last.


"Tell me Caliber, you know how to dance?"




@Orion Caelum

Nightingale finally ended up picking out her ensemble. A black ballroom gown that rose mid-way over the flank before falling beautifully to the ground, covering her tail and trailing slightly on the ground. A small, silver pendant attached to a gold chain that hung around her neck, a victory from a previous engagement. Finally, two solid red earrings to complete the ensemble, and ensure that she would still blend in while drawing as much attention as possible.


She stepped in front pf the mirror, checked herself over, and, satisfied with how she looked, took off into the sky as she left her apartment, heading toward her destination.




Luna began to flip through the journal faster and faster, gradually becoming more absorbed in the activity. Night Tracer's secret world drew her in like a siren's song, and she ate it up with a speed that terrified her. She couldn't stop; before she knew it, she had finished the journal. The final page was turned, and the book flipped shut. In the darkness of the empty room, Luna finally returned to herself, and the reality that she had pushed back when she had first began reading resurfaced. She asked the question aloud as she thought, her eyes full of sorrow and regret.


"What have I done...?"

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caliber's grin hadn't changed in the slightest. and at one point, he had said something like 'i think i passed by one of vinyl's raves before...'



but then that all changed when she asked that question. his grin vanished.


"...no. i dont dance, i never will dance, and theres nothing you can offer me to make me dance!" he said suddenly, starting to blush.

Edited by PeytonJay


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When Ice saw Lektra, his heart immediately dropped, "Wh-wh-wh-what? Noooo! God dammit! You gotta be kiddin' me! I wanted to make some nice talk with Rarity, alone. Dammit, Leks. I don't wanna seem like a bad friend and tell her to leave, but then I don't want her with us, I'M dating Rarity! Me, dammit! Ugh...dear Luna, why, just why, do I get forced into these unnecessarily difficult situations? Is this rigged? Am I getting sabotaged?! Ugh...gotta keep it together dude come on. 3rd wheels = Today's newest pain in the ass. Just gotta roll with it I guess....god I must suck at dating to let this happen. Guess that bucks me up for part one of this night, thank you 3rd wheels everywhere."


After a moment of staggering thoughts, Blizzard relaxed himself with a slow spin of his head before speaking, "She's the pony that kicked my flank." He said, looking only forward.


Electron scoffed, "Pssh, yeah well....whatever...." He looked up to see a pair of pegasi, mare and a stallion, moving a cloud into position above the tavern for tonight's rain. He grew a frown, "No way, wait here for a moment, Jackie."


He flew up to the pair and asked angrily, "What are you two doing?"


The mare spoke, "Just following the schedule for tonight's rain, Electron."


"We gots our orders." said the stallion.


EWS shook his head, "Uh-uh. Nope, this is all wrong! The schedule doesn't call for rain until after the party's over!"


The mare was confused, "B-but, our orders were to--"


"Yeah, well these orders are new!"


The stallion flew towards EWS, "Wait, wait, wait buddy hold on. I specifically remember the schedule calling for rain today."


EWS facehooved, "Yes, today, but not right n-- hold on, I'll be right back." He then flew to his fighter quarters room G36, and grabbed a clipboard with the weather schedule, and flew back to the pair, "Look at it, dammit! The thing specifically says rain AFTER the party later. What's more, is your position's off. You don't place a rain cloud directly above somepony's place of business like that!"


The stallion looked over the clipboard, "Guess we was wrong."


"Damn right you were! Now, listen, you get rid of these clouds right now, until after the party, and fix your positioning, or I swear to Celestia, you're both getting your asses reported back at the weather HQ! You hear me?! Now get moving!" EWS yelled.


"Sir, we are, sir!" the pair responded.


"That's more like it. Let's go, let's go! Move your flanks!" he shouted at nearby weather pegasi pairs.


"On it!"


"Gotcha Tron!"


"On the move!"


"That's what I like to see, don't stop, guys!" He then flew down to AJ and said to her, "God, I hate being a regulator. But it's a job, so, yeah. Anyway, take a look inside, you just might like it in here..."


"That idiot Quick Fix better have given the place the new Apple Cinnamon scent on the inside like I told him...."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Rarity stopped and considered the mare that had walked up to her. After a moment, she smiled and nodded her head in confirmation. "You would look absolutely awful showing up the hall without a date. Of course you can come with us!" she replied as the three began to walk. "Thanks for the compliment, by the way," she mentioned, making sure she brought it up while it was fresh in her mind. She then paused as she contemplated something that was bugging her. After a moment, she finally decided to ask. "You know, you look oddly familiar," she said as she kept her steady pace. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

When Ice saw Lektra, his heart immediately dropped, "Wh-wh-wh-what? Noooo! God dammit! You gotta be kiddin' me! I wanted to make some nice talk with Rarity, alone. Dammit, Leks. I don't wanna seem like a bad friend and tell her to leave, but then I don't want her with us, I'M dating Rarity! Me, dammit! Ugh...dear Luna, why, just why, do I get forced into these unnecessarily difficult situations? Is this rigged? Am I getting sabotaged?! Ugh...gotta keep it together dude come on. 3rd wheels = Today's newest pain in the ass. Just gotta roll with it I guess....god I must suck at dating to let this happen. Guess that bucks me up for part one of this night, thank you 3rd wheels everywhere." After a moment of staggering thoughts, Blizzard relaxed himself with a slow spin of his head before speaking, "She's the pony that kicked my flank." He said simply, looking only forward.

"Thank you too. I hope I'm not intruding, just nopony to go with. I promise I'll go off on my own once we get there, and I'll probably zone out on the way anyway. Got orders to think about." I said with a smile to Rarity as I floated along on the suit jets. She could relate to that. "I wish I had a date, but no one seems to like me that way. I also wish I had a dress, but my armor will have to do  It's the best looking wearable item I have, as well as being functional." Actually it was the only wearable item I had, but if Rarity found out I had no real clothes I'd probably get stuck in five dresses faster than one could say 'Ow, this is tight.'


Ice looked a bit bothered. I hoped he wasn't mad at me. I just had nopony to go with is all. "Yup, though he kind of asked for it at the end. I'm Lektra Bolt. We met at the hospital when we both came to see him after that remember? We're also shop neighbors, heh."

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Sleight Mist took Caliber's words as a challenge, and there was little more she loved than a challenge. She immediately saw weakness, and she moved in.


"Are you sure, Cal?" she said in a low voice as she approached him. As she spoke, she used magic to lower the temperature of the air above him, producing a chilling effect that moved from his neck down like a cold breath.


"Are you sure?" she repeated with emphasis, moving up close to him until the two were touching flanks.




Applejack followed the suggestion, stepping inside. Like the outside, the inside was much better than before. Not only that, it was clean; there didn't seem to be a dish out of place, the tables were in their proper places, and the wood was thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned. It looked like it had never been touched in the first place.


"I got to hoof it to you, you sure know how to pick a carpenter." she commented, errantly admiring a counter so clean she could literally see her reflection it.

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caliber shivered. and blushed harder.


granted, he had danced before...but it proved...disastrous...and he had only danced with violet, who had gotten him to do it after a half-hour of pleading.


and with the whole flank thing going on...was she...oh.


well, you know, there can be exceptions, and...


wait, no. he sucked at dancing, plain and simple. hell, it was the only time in his life he had been beaten by the floor. he had fallen on his face so many times...he was on the brink of unconsciousness when the party was over.


"erm...uh...no, sorry." he said, trying to decline. "its just that i dont really...know how to dance without hurting myself..." he added quietly.


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