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S05:E06 - Appleoosa's Most Wanted


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It was a good decent episode that didn't have too many problems or high-points in my opinion. I see why some are calling it filler since the most obvious lesson was one we've already seen in "Bridle Gossip" and a simplistic one we all know--"don't judge a book by it's cover" or I guess, a Clydesdale by his cutie mark? :P Plus there's not too much we learn from the major characters or too much development from them or their relationships. Troubleshoes was a nice, sympathetic character and I liked him a lot: his design, comportment, background. 


So I have nothing going on in my life. I don't contribute anything to society, I cannot find employment, and I'm chronically addicted to the Internet to make up for things I don't have in real life. Am I supposed to accept that? By this episode's logic, I probably should.


The major thing I got from the episode isn't that one should just accept the situation you are in regardless of its effect on you, but that one's attitude and reaction to the situation at-hand is also very important--especially in the case of life events that you can't change. Since cutie marks fit this description as far as we know, Troubleshoes cannot change his klutzy nature at all (unfortunately--living your daily life like that must prove exceptionally difficult) but he can change how he reacts to it and how he uses his abilities, shifting it from a destructive to a constructive use at the end of the episode.


We have a lot more leeway in our lives to determine our interests (though I suppose the cutie mark represents the inner nature of the bearer regardless if they like it or not) so in many situations, we can change our reaction to it and how to rectify it but in others, we just have to deal with the cards we're dealt and make for the best of it. I think that's what the episode was really getting at.


I'm not too into superstitions so before this episode I didn't know that horseshoes had anything to do with luck at all, but when I looked it up, it seems some think upside-down horseshoes are bad luck because the good luck in it will "fall out" while others believe that since the good luck will "fall out", it will spread to the people around it. I don't know if the writers were getting at that, but it's interesting to see how the perspective on what the upside-down horseshoe actually means mirrors Troubleshoes' self-adjustment and viewpoint on his role in society.


Thinking about it, it reminds me of "Luna Eclipsed" with how Luna took her previous image that she couldn't change as easily and altered it into something that others could appreciate and enjoy with her.

Edited by estoc
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I liked this episode. I always loved the CMC, since their first appearance in the series (in the Season 1 Premiere, for the record). Having a new episode where they are the main characters is always a good thing, to my opinion. And having them helpîng an adult to find his way is a great thing. But alas, they made Trouble Shoes the incarnation of unluck, and for him, finding his way is, like... impossible? Cause yeah, you could be a rodeo clown if you want, cause your special talent is to make people laugh, but it's also "Make ponies laugh of you", not with you. The fact is, as depicted at the end of the episode, Trouble Shoes makes a terrible mess and is still unlucky. And why does the scene take place in Appleloosa? We have so many places on the official map, why don't the team use them? We could have really cool situations in Vanhoover or Las Pegasus (I guess). Why don't Hasbro bring us new places?


But stop raging. I enjoyed the episode, but I think a spark was missing to make the episode really good.

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Me and my 2 friend conversation on this episode.


Friend 1: Did u guys see the new episode?

Me and friend 2: yes why

1: One thing what did u guys think when u saw mr green giant come on screen

Me: hahah

2: well I saw him next to the CMC so I was like oh that's why he is so big ...

Me: yeah then I see him next to like every one else and said holy sh**

1: haha they were gonna bring him to jail but what I'm wondering is all he had to do was like run or shake them off. How did they bring him to jail. i mean damn he is big.

All: thinking for a while.

Me: I .. Dont know

All: ...

Me: I died when I heard him say that he WAS going into the hoop.

All: lol hahahahaha


And another hour and a half about the episode.

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I think MLP-Silver-Quill is the only Youtube pony analyst I've seen thus far who does a good job with the constructive criticism front. But sadly in 2/3rds of his videos he has a guest star analyst with him, and quite often they nitpick everything, which ruins the whole thing for me.

On a side note of this, I feel the most annoying instance of this was when he had Mage for his Leap of Faith review. At one point, she nitpicked apart something that was stinking cartoon logic, you know, in a CARTOON! 

  • Brohoof 3



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For a pony of Troubleshoes' vast size, his house was remarkably small. Hell, the farmhouse seems much larger than Troubleshoes' home and provides ample room for Big Macintosh, another larger than average stallion. No wonder the guy's so accident-prone.

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You know the one thing that has baffled me, ever since i realized it


Apploosa... Middle of an old west style setting in a dry desert.


Where did the deep dark forest with the thunderstorm come from?


Most deserts (that i know of) dont have dark rainy forests


Is Appleoosa on the backside of the Everfree forest?

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Troubleshoes Clyde IS a horse. Proof; this is a Clydesdale.




Coincidence? I think not.

  • Brohoof 2



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You know the one thing that has baffled me, ever since i realized it


Apploosa... Middle of an old west style setting in a dry desert.


Where did the deep dark forest with the thunderstorm come from?


Most deserts (that i know of) dont have dark rainy forests


Is Appleoosa on the backside of the Everfree forest?

I think that's a big plot hole... if you look at the map... 





Holy crap, I actually looked on the canon Equestria map and... well, there are some trees surrounding Appleloosa... not sure if we can count that as a forest though.


Eeyup... this signature was made by: @Sparkle Speed

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On a side note of this, I feel the most annoying instance of this was when he had Mage for his Leap of Faith review. At one point, she nitpicked apart something that was stinking cartoon logic, you know, in a CARTOON! 


Yeah, that's one of the videos I saw. All she did the entire video was bitch about things or chickgasm over Flim and Flam in a joke or two. Every single time Quill tried to bring up something to praise about, she changed the subject to something she could complain about, or found some small detail in the relevant topic to nitpick. And like I said, it's not just her. It's 80-90% of the analyst community. So much ugh.

  • Brohoof 3


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Yeah, that's one of the videos I saw. All she did the entire video was bitch about things or chickgasm over Flim and Flam in a joke or two. Every single time Quill tried to bring up something to praise about, she changed the subject to something she could complain about, or found some small detail in the relevant topic to nitpick. And like I said, it's not just her. It's 80-90% of the analyst community. So much ugh.

Also, I was referring to the part where she complained about the shark gag. Does she not realize that's one of the oldest cartoon tricks in the book?



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Also, I was referring to the part where she complained about the shark gag. Does she not realize that's one of the oldest cartoon tricks in the book?


A lot of them literally look for things to find wrong with the show, whether it's consciously or subconsciously. I don't know if they just think being an analyst equals being a critic, or maybe think if they're not controversial enough that their Youtube accounts won't get popular or what, but an analyst is simply someone who takes what's given, and uses headcanon, analysis and observation to form hypotheses, theories and conclusions. It's what I do here on message boards, it's what tons of bronies do. I wouldn't mind having a couple critics in the fandom who are hard-asses like all these people, a little salt can help tip the scale when all the non-analysis bronies get too praise-focused. But my god, every analyst in this fandom is just a critic with an 'analyst' label.

  • Brohoof 3


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Also, I was referring to the part where she complained about the shark gag. Does she not realize that's one of the oldest cartoon tricks in the book?



A lot of them literally look for things to find wrong with the show, whether it's consciously or subconsciously. I don't know if they just think being an analyst equals being a critic, or maybe think if they're not controversial enough that their Youtube accounts won't get popular or what, but an analyst is simply someone who takes what's given, and uses headcanon, analysis and observation to form hypotheses, theories and conclusions. It's what I do here on message boards, it's what tons of bronies do. I wouldn't mind having a couple critics in the fandom who are hard-asses like all these people, a little salt can help tip the scale when all the non-analysis bronies get too praise-focused. But my god, every analyst in this fandom is just a critic with an 'analyst' label.




Are you guys talking about mlp critics? Well i watch my fair share of them and i can say there's only a small group of them that actually do that nitpicking business. Of course i usually watch the more lower tier analyzers from the reddit page or random searches. I also do watch some of the more well known ones like Tommy Oliver, VoiceofReason, Dr.Wolf, and the aftermentioned Silver Quill etc. they actually view the show from a balanced if not very intellectual viewpoint.


Nothing wrong about nitpicking the show though  as it's just something that someone found slightly off from the rest of episode. It's all personal despite it being a cartoon.

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Are you guys talking about mlp critics? Well i watch my fair share of them and i can say there's only a small group of them that actually do that nitpicking business. Of course i usually watch the more lower tier analyzers from the reddit page or random searches. I also do watch some of the more well known ones like Tommy Oliver, VoiceofReason, Dr.Wolf, and the aftermentioned Silver Quill etc. they actually view the show from a balanced if not very intellectual viewpoint.


Nothing wrong about nitpicking the show though  as it's just something that someone found slightly off from the rest of episode. It's all personal despite it being a cartoon.


I don't find three out of four of those names to be balanced at all, so I'm afraid we're likely simply of a difference of opinion on what constitutes 'balance' from criticism, not something any of us can change. :P Best to call moot at this point, we're already going off-topic for a fair too many posts at this point.

  • Brohoof 1


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Not that I hated this episode, but I thought the best part about this episode was getting to see Sweetie Belle use magic! Apple Bloom was right; those lessons with Twilight are really starting to pay off. I couldn't be more proud of her. :) 

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Yay, Braeburn's back! My second favorite background pony. Anyway, a decent CMC episode but I thought the portrayal of AJ wasn't quite right.

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Scootaloo: Sometimes Apple Bloom, your sister can be the worst.

Sweetie Belle: I think so too.

Apple Bloom: I know.

Sweetie Belle: If it was Fluttershy, we would only have to apologize and that's it.

Scootaloo: Rainbow Dash wouldn't really care. She does all sorts of questionable stuff and gets away with it.

Sweetie Belle: My sister Rarity would make a scene. If you say that you're starting to see wrinkles on her face, she'll stop and drop it.

Scootaloo: Pinkie Pie would give us treats regardless.

Apple Bloom: Twilight Sparkle...

Scootaloo: Kinda about the same as your sister.

Sweetie Belle: Yeah.

Applejack: What are you three talking about?

Apple Bloom: Just about how much you're similar to Twilight Sparkle.

Applejack: Ah...that's mighty nice of y'all.

Edited by Singe
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This episode had some really great moments in it, as well as a few lackluster things in it.


I kinda feel like the CMC took a step backwards in this one, since in Bloom and Gloom it almost seemed like they'd decided not to worry so much about their Cutie Marks and just let them happen.  Yet here they are at the Rodeo thinking about all the different ways they can earn a CM.


Trouble Shoes was a great character, and I hope we get to see him again in the future, along with the rest of the Appleloosans(?), especially Braeburn.  I wish he'd been in the episode more, I do love him so :D


I'd say, of the season so far, its probably the weakest episode, but thats just comparing it to this season.  It's hard to top Tanks for the Memories, or Bloom and Gloom.

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Other than the appearance of an actual horse, I didn't really like this episode. It just seemed kind of uninteresting and, while I was concerned for Trouble Shoes, the character wasn't given enough screen time and personality to matter to me all that much. Other than him being pessimistic and unlucky, there wasn't much to him. I don't mean to sound like a hater. This is just what I thought.

  • Brohoof 1

- "Um... I was just wondering if it's okay if I hold you down against your will for a little bit?"


:fluttershy:Fluttershy is Best Pony! :kindness: 



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The episode was alright, though I was kind of expecting a showdown with the big bad guy at the end like most westerns.


The two things I didn't expect..

-The way the episode ended

-Troubleshoes is a big friggen pony. Heck I'd go so far as to actually call him a horse.

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